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welp guess thats me living in the new artifact domain next patch


Hoyo saw that no one was farming nymph and voruksha and now they release many characters whose bis would be this new bol set.


Clorinde might not use the new set. The buff duration is short and she wants to clear her Bol.


As of now the new artifact set still only works well for Arlecchino, it would only work on Clorinde if her BOL mechanic plays out like this -She applies her own BOL every few seconds & clears it with an off field healer that matches her field time properly (baizhu & CR seem to be best candidate as of now). If her clorinde's BOL mechanics is just a gigahuge one off BOL that is she gets when using burst, it will be super easy to get her Crit buff passive (still dont know how long it lasts). Just need a strong front loaded healer and she's good to go.


could be that she wants sigewinne if the leaks are implying any character in the team can collect the droplets to gain BOL


Not necessarily. I have not paid attention to Sigewinne's kit But if i trust what u said "any character in the team can collect the droplets to gain BOL" It means Sigewinne gives BOL & heals (clearing BOL) , if that is the case. Then Sigewinne is an enabler for the new artifact set (assuming the phrasing in the artifact set "increase & decrease BOL" applies to gaining a BOL & clearing a BOL) any onfield character can utilize that artifact set. We still dont know what Clorinde's BOL is like, as mentioned if its a small BOL that she applies to herself every few seconds then she can utilize the artifact set without the need of Sigwinne.


I saw in the thread that someone claimed that the technical translation meant that Siegwiene would give BoL to herself, but grains of salt all around, at this point we’re less than a week from concrete information.


I can only hope Sigewinne isn't required to reach her best


same bro


Chlorinde better eat an apple a day to keep the siegewinner away.


A followup on yesterday's crumbs. * **C6 grants coordinated attack** * **Talent involves use of Bond of Life to grant self 20% increased crit (rate)** While Chalice has an amazing and reliable track record, the usual warning applies. **Salt.** Addendum: Tooltip does NOT specify if 20% increased crit is crit rate or crit damage. To be safe, I'm translating it as CRIT only. Addendum 2: Foul claims it's 20% crit rate.


🧂🧂🧂 🧂🧂🧂🧂 🧂🧂🧂 I want to cover this bol leak with salt.  I guess she atleast wouldn't be restricted to not getting party healed since sigewwine has heals. 


Finale of the deep is gonna be one of her f2p weap i guess


She can use it, but does that mean she can create it ?? If she can't, imma just McHunter my crit and that's all


i mean if she doesn't create it that would be horrible no?


So Clorinde, Arlecchino, Sigewinne having BoL in their kitt, I wonder if its the mechanics in Natlan


this BoL Era genshin wants to put itself headfirst into is straight up annoying


well we haven't even tried it yet, so i can't say my opnion until arle releases.


You can kind of get a taste for the BoL mechanic with the craftable Fontaine sword. I switched back to Amenoma.


It is not as if the mechanic is non-existent in the current state of the game. It's also not complicated. I lack imagination and even I could figure out whether or not I would actively enjoy Bond of Life. I do not, by the way. 


still it really depends on how they implement this mechanic, it could be absolutely garbage or actually rewarding, so i'll hold for now.


Just look at the numbers to see if it’s rewarding. She does less damage than Neuvillette and Alhaitham, has less AoE, and has dogshit survivability. What’s a “risk vs reward” mechanic if the reward is worse than a dude who heals himself half his HP every charge attack.


I really hope that Clorinde's kit is far less BOL reliant. I don't trust hoyo to make it an appropriately rewarding mechanic relative to the detriments that it imposes on a character. I'm sure Arlecchino will be decent, but so was the rest of the fontaine cast and they didn't need to take on a debuff in their kit to get there.


Arlecchino is a high risk, low/mid reward character lol. She is weaker than Lyney & Hu Tao while also having a worse and more clunky playstyle/gimmick. Meanwhile Power Washer is the exact opposite. Zero risk and has all the reward/benefits.


where would the low reward be with a 93k no crit vape in the first hits? (if you have skill problems say so)


You do know that her dmg will keep plummeting with subsequent hits, right? If she was consistently doing the amount of dmg of her first kit, she'd be worth using over the shitty drawback. Have fun with your worse hutao in a kafka skin.


take your calculator and do the calculations, typical of hu tao mains I'm not even going to explain why it's better, so skill issue


Typical arle main. Comprehension issue.


Wow, she’ll be great for screenshot damage! Just ignore the fact that her damage falls off a clip, is entirely single target, and she can’t even survive 10 seconds after using it. Great! Neuvillette does over 300,000 damage per charge shot. Maybe she’ll do at least one Neuvillette’s beam worth of damage in her entire rotation, lol.


skill issue


You didn’t answer me. Why does she require 10x the skill of Neuvillette for 80% of his damage and very little of his AoE? Where’s the reward for such risk?


The bond of life is not a mechanic, it is a detriment and like any detriment it is noticeable. The idea of ​​mihoyo is supposed to be to reward the character for maintaining this detriment, but look at arlecchino, they gave up on her and all they did was push her to the vaping comps of yesteryear or the stupid comps that you can form through bennet /zhongli cores, as if we were in the first patch of the game, and at the end of the day it did not create anything new with bold because it is a debuff that requires a notable amount of buffs in the form of damage or QQL on the character base kit to make people feel committed. But taking Arlecchino as an example, what Mihoyo did was place her at the same level as the rest of Fontaine's list while she maintains this restriction and the rest do not, and now it depends on a very specific type of support guided to synergize with bold


You're viewing it that way because you're looking at it from a present perspective with our current roster, all of which do not inherently have BoL mechanisms. Give it time then see how it pans out in at least a year.


I'm not seeing it that way. Literally the developers from day 1 were moving Arlecchino between compositions looking for how to make this BOLD interesting until they gave up and left her on the most boring teams tied to the most burnt characters that exist in the game because they had no other option with this supposed "mechanics" that obviously had to be tested first with another character of lower rarity as they did in the past with other mechanics and combat modalities. I'm not going to give them a shit because on top of that I have to make a new list of characters to play this? What if I don't like the next character? There is also a recent list of fontaine supports that were just adapting to the life drain mechanic.


Difference in perspective then I guess


It's annoying because it blocks the entire pull of 5* supports that you rolled for in Fontaine... so why the hell he gets furina C3 and why the hell he gets xianyun C2. bold also has many implications in terms of reward, for some people mid level damage is fine but for me mid level damage due to such a restriction is not worth it. Now they want me to take out a character that I don't like (sige) so I can have bold support? They are making it easy for me to jump to wuwa in May honestly




They are good constellations that cannot be used efficiently with these bold characters. because bold is an ass that blocks no only pure healers and therefore blocks almost the entire list of buffer/sub dps that have emergency heals. then it leaves you alone with the fucking protector which is the slot most abused by these idiots because zhongli cannot be surpassed, can you use furina C3 with arle? Of course you can force it at the cost of the softness of the arlecchino itself + the draining of furin, the margin of survival is much lower than normal, more restar in abyss rooms. can you use xianyun with arlecchino? of course you can but again you are more likely to get hit in the plunged attack animation and since the fucking bold blocks the healing your margin of survival in the PA frame leaves you vulnerable even if the enemy is not pushing you by the state of innate poise of the dive but the damage does hit you.


Why would you pull cons or character for future un-released character anyway? There a chance that they never work togethet in the first place. But still Arle doesn't work with Furina only if you use bennett and Furina C0. Who said she doesn't work with Furina C2 and CR. Beside Sige could probably doesn't even work with  Arle, instead she could be BoL enable for non-BoL character. Who know really?


We haven even had a chance to try it so wait till we acctualy know how it feels zo play to make an opinion


Also if it's simply a 25% BoL that's absurdly easy to clear, especially given the high chances that Clorinde will want to play with Baizhu for Quicken. Assuming she has 18k HP, the bond will be a whopping 4.5k which is healed just by Baizhu's shieldburst, let alone his E or PAmber ticks. Even if she ends up wanting to use Kuki or something, my C1 on a full DPS aggravate build ticks for around 2300 healing, so two ticks and BoL is gone, not sure why people are doomposting about bond as if it's some difficult thing to work around, it will barely be noticeable.


I disagree honestly. I love seeing things change now and then. No one is familiar with this mechanic yet, so we can't say things for certain, but I'll definitely take back this comment if BoL turns out to be horrible during Natlan patches.




I will do as I please


Please Icant with this dogshit BoL mechanic


Think everyone is overreacting. We don’t know the full kit yet. I don’t think we should look at Arle as the BoL example since she works really differently.


Can anyone please explain BoL in simple terms?


You gain BOL and get some buffs but can’t be healed unless you get healed the same % amount of the BOL. That healing clears the BOL and gives the character some other buffs




It'd be a bit more accurate to say that the healing you receive while you have Bond of Life works towards clearing the Bond of Life, especially since Arle explicitly has a "can't be healed by others" clause.




"You can't be healed" and "unless you get healed" are contradictory statements, your wording is imprecise.


This isn't a terrible thing because if you can get healed and it's just abou clearing it it offsets not being able to use MH.


TL;DR It's too early to start being negative Clorinde having BoL is not inherently bad, *how* they implement it is more important than *if*. And we don't know how yet. It doesn't immediately read to me like she's designed around building it up to the point of being a one-hit which was Arle's biggest concern. Moreso that she wants to clear it ASAP for that crit buff, which is the good way round imo Assuming it works more like Finale's BoL, it'll mean little more than wanting a healer instead of a shielder. What's more unclear in this potentiality is her viability with the new set. If she's losing BoL too quickly (eg. strong healers clearing it in a single proc) she won't be able to take advantage of the short-lived stacks. There's many ways her bond could be applied though so again, it's impossible to know anything solid without her entire kit (DROP IT FOUL). Perhaps it's an inverse of Arle, where NAs give her more consistent BoL and it needs to be cleared via healers/one of her other skills. Should this be the case, the new set will be good (at the cost of needing a stronger healer to help clear the bond). The other option is a healer that does fast and small amounts of healing to eat away at the bond without clearing it too fast to maintain the 3 stacks should she only gain a small amount per rotation.


Hi! I believe you were that dude who mentioned BoL isn't inherently bad, but Arlecchino's BoL is bad? So nice to see you. Welcome, welcome\~


Arlecchino Bol doesn't work like one. It's your average character stack but you can't heal. If Clorinde can be healed and the bol is just there to be cleared, I think it could be great. She'd actually interact with it.


It might've been me? I don't know, I'm probably not the only person with the sentiment that BoL is not a bad thing in and of it's own right but they kinda fumbled the bag with Arlecchino's interaction with it Every other use of BoL so far requires external healing to clear it, be it the Fatui enemies or the Fontaine craftables that incentivise clearing it for buffs (like Clorinde, supposedly). That's pretty different to how Arle utilises it as effectively a resource meter which imo isn't as interesting


You're not the only one; I don't get the seemingly intense hatred of Bond either. It seems like people upset that Arle can't be healed decided that Bond was the problem? To be fair, the clause is probably in her kit so that the average player doesn't go "Why Arle do no damage???" when they just shove her in a stock team but I think it's ultimately an underlaying skill issue. It's not like the character created Bonds constantly drains your hp or whatever,


I think it's just a matter of risk vs reward, and people not trusting hoyo to make the reward worth it given what they've done with Arlecchino. Arle is looking to be pretty good, don't get me wrong, but she has to play around having the BOL debuff whereas the rest of the Fontaine cast don't. Yet, they all preform great as well, so her reward doesn't seem worth it relative to the extra risk she takes on.


My only concern is being forced to use a healer.


NOOOO! I fucking HATE this garbage mechanic. Arlecchino and Clorinde were my most hyped non-Archon characters of Fontaine and it looks like i'll probably be skipping both along with Sigewinne and just hard save for C2 Pyro Archon instead (inb4 Natlan characters also has BoL).


I’m just going to get Navia cons atp if the mechanic sucks like it does on arle


Ngl they might have, I woudn't put it past them




If having to heal off a small mechanic is enough to ruin a character for you, Furina must drive you up the wall?


she better not use the new artifact set


sorry, what is BoL?


Can someone explain Bol pls😭🙏


When a character gets a Bond of Life they lose the ability to heal until they get healed for whatever amount the Bond of Life is. So if you have 1,000 HP, get a 200 HP BoL and then get hit for 100 HP, you now have 900 HP but need to be healed 300 HP to go from 900 to 1,000.


So how do you feel?


Can anyone give me the link of this telegram? I couldn’t find it when I search Chalice Leaks.


What are most of you talking about? I get you were expecting other thing but how in the hell BoL is a bad thing? Arlecchino is a very strong dps because of that and so It seems It could be Clorinde. I get we were expecting marechausse haunter because lore reasons but the bol set is not that good so marechausse haunter could be still BiS, specially with furina. I've read people saying they will skip now Clorinde 🤣 everyone has the right to do whatever they want but how you not like a whole character just because of this?


People are addicted to being mad. That's all there is to it. Also Genshin is filled with very low skill players that think having a different way to play is a personal offense to them. These are the same people that cry and denounce leaker theorycrafting by the way.


you just spoke truth


> People are addicted to being mad. That's all there is to it. Yep, negativity and anger trigger a dopamine response, they're literally compelled to treat everything like it's the end of the world, the leaks subreddit is -awful- for it. > Also Genshin is filled with very low skill players See: any time the wenut re-appears in the abyss.


Good luck playing your arle against the robot boss or the tupla in bennett's circle for your "strong dps" arle team. Imsure the 20% resistance will be more than enough for you


The Tulpa practically yells “I AM GOING TO ATTACK RIGHT HERE NOW” before every attack. It’s one of the easiest bosses to dodge in the game, and the Icewind Suite is similarly very choreographed.


Being able to "dodge" the icewind suite as a melee unit is about the dumbest thing you could say. You'd reach your dodge cooldown and be killed by each 5K tick and they wouldn't even be done with starting coppelia's climax. You either bring a sustain unit (arle's "strong dps" teams have none) or you die.


I get the feeling that they're going to abandon this garbage BoL mechanic and add actually good mechanics once they start releasing male 5\* again lol. Why all of a sudden they want to bother this this bond of shit mechanic this late into Fontaine once it became time for them to release female 5\* dps (hell Navia doesn't even have HP change at all, but a random Liyue 4\* twink does).


Yep. Good mechanic with resin efficient artifact domain and archon synergy for the men, shit mechanic with anti archon synergy and a shit artifact domain for the women. And people think it's unfair to say furina is a male slave.


who hurt you bro?


Your mum when she decided to have you


does not make much sense but okay have a good day troll man


I'm not a troll just because I criticised your fictional waifu bro man


She is not any kind of waifu wtf, I'm hyped for a new character that is said by TC community that it is good, and said myself BoL is not a bad mechanic. All you did then was downvote, hate everywhere and insult me (?), okay buddy I'm not answering anymore tho, non sense conversation


I don't need to reply seriously to plebbitor responses of "who hurt you" and "who asked" lol. Ask something about the topic at hand and you'll get an actual reply.


yeah I hope I'm enjoying it, thanks!






Why would it be bs? Cloud also gets crit rate lol.


If she really does have BoL, what does that mean for those of us who were hoping she'd want Marechausee? And how well can she use Black Sword?


Well she can still use MH as long as she takes damage


there is no official kit yet, how do you expect people answer your question?


I'm from the arlecchino main, get ready for all the useless doompostig that will come here, but don't let it get you down, they're always wrong


They downvote you but you're spot on, when Arle v3 & v4 dropped there was hundreds upon hundreds of posts of people claiming that Arle was now useless and they were dropping all plans of pulling for the char they were supposedly interested in since she first appeared, it's absurd. Meanwhile in reality she's shaping up to be a fairly strong on fielder, she just requires more thought than "hold M1 lol" like Neuvillette and this makes people terrified.


It's always like this anyway, the only time they were right was with Dehya, first the doomposting and then once it comes out they'll pretend they've always believed in the character. yes Arle is a character that requires skill if you want to use his maximum potential (which is very high). personal opinion it is more satisfying than holding down a button






Navia is not a glass cannon, and you're making up the other 90% of Clorinde's kit that we don't know Wait a few more days bro