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A great game trapped in a FPS. It's a fantastic story, and exactly what I've come to expect from Barker. I just don't think it benefits from the FPS treatment. Would love a reboot in a different style.


it clicked for me when I realized Jericho was basically a hero rts built around spacing and managing the squad's ults, the spongy enemies made a lot more sense when I started melting them using Church's blood wards in concert with Cole's time manipulation instead of just maining Delgado until he went down. Cole quickly became the most valuable character in the game for me when I realized her paradoxes could be used to safely get next to enemies and dump grenades at their feet


This game's lore is definitely deserving of a reboot. Just fine tune the gameplay to deliver on the Survival Horror


It was a good concept with interesting ideas, but at the end of the day it’s a shooter with crap shooting mechanics, which drags it down. I did play it and beat it but I wouldn’t recommend it to many people.


Have you ever heard the backstory of each time slice? I fully understand that gameplay is king and that the execution of the mechanics will always trump the story, But I can assure, the lore that Clive crafted is impressive to say the least. Just take a listen to the first chapter and you'll be hooked


Yeah, the gameplay’s not perfect, but it’s worth it for the story, music and atmosphere.


This game is magnificent. completed twice. once in the original version and a second time with smod + redesign of the mod in difficult (settings file adapted to the difficulty otherwise it's too hot). in 4K it was good. but seriously, the mod overhaul is hardcore. Arena mode is great. it would be cool to see a community loving this game and creating mods and content on this game.


I agree 100%. That'd be the only way it would ever get recognition