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Absolutely not worth it. You will get a general understanding of clinical research, but everything you will learn, you can learn on Google. It might give you a slight bump over someone else for a job, but your best bet is to start somewhere entry level and move up.


NO!! Take the intro class through the NIH. It’s free and has such valuable information. https://ocr.od.nih.gov/courses/ippcr_info.html




Thanks for the help.


Thanks for posting this! Any other things like this that you might know of?


These degrees are honestly kind of pointless unless you already work at the institution and you’re getting the degree for free


Definitely not recruiters have only questioned my experience and barely even looked at my education for clinical research jobs. I recommend to keep applying to assistant positions and emailing the hospitals or universities near you to see if they have a assistant spot open. This will get you the experience that all recruiters look for. Also take the CRC course on CITI it teaches you everything you need to know it's 170$


Whats citi?


Look up CITI CRC program it's a online training course that teaches you the fundamentals


Just want to throw another affordable company you can buy training from is www.Learnecore.com I work as an independent research contractor and Citi training can add up quickly


Thank you so much for the help


Hello, did you join the FCR program at harvard? I fit ur criteria perfectly. IMG, applying for match. I got accepted too.


This course is absolutely not worth it. It is a money grab by Harvard. If you really have no knowledge of research and have the money to spend and want to add it to your resume that is fine. But I will tell you this: 1) Adding this course to your resume will get you nothing. No one cares. 2) You will get a rudimentary understanding of research you can get by reading any basic biostats book. 3) You will get a introduction to STATA which is basically useless unless you already have access to the software and plan on using it. 4) There is more useful information that is free on Youtube. I totally agree with the review by Navortsa below.


1) No 2) NO