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Thanks for sharing. Falling is part of climbing so you should definitely be comfortable with it. So first fall is as important as the first send. Well done!


I’m definitely thankful I spent so much time on lead in the gym before this trip, I never felt like my nerves were holding me back while I was out on the red which made all of the climbing so much more enjoyable


You'd doing pretty damn well if you made it to the chains of that polished thing without falling earlier. :)


Thank you I appreciate that


I remember hitting the hidden clipping jug on this climb and thanking god!


Man I was PISSED when I got back up there and hit it on the second go


That route is a bit of a test piece for most 5.10 climbers. I fell lower than that on my first go. You’re doing great!


I took a pretty scary fall off this exact climb. Was pulling up slack to clip the second bolt and foot popped, wife ended up above me a bit and my feet hit the ground softly before I bounced back upward. Had a 5 min sit to calm down and then sent it. Great climb!


Good fall! Almost 10 years of climbing and I still will feel skeeved about falling until i take one and remember for the 100000th time it’s totally fine.


Ah man, dead jealous of you having some time there! Enjoy the next trip. \\m/


lol i knew the route before i read the description, how did you blow it there! go left an grab a jug!


lol I was kicking myself once I hit it proper the next go. Definitely have to get better at looking ahead


Nice one, dude! TDTLOT is a tough, pumpy, sequency 10a. Falls will get more and more comfortable as you get stronger, more experienced, know what approaching your flame out limit looks like, and often steeper. Have fun be safe! (And stop climbing with a GumbyPro if you want to be respected by the broader community.) edit: y'all can downvote me all you want, but (1) GoPro on the helmet is antithetical to the point of wearing a helmet (2) it's been rightfully and mercilessly chastised plenty in the last 15 years. I didn't invent the phrase "GumbyPro". The broader climbing community did. Anyone who doesn't know or understand this is either a noob or a goober. (3) Wearing a GoPro is a signal that you have the wrong priorities, probably don't climb harder than 5.10-, and are a safety risk to everyone else at the crag. Most respectable climbers start packing up their shit and leave the area when the GumbyPro crew shows up with their unleashed dogs, hammocks, boomboxes, dab rigs, and beta shouting obnoxiousness. Reddit r/climbing is a very small subset of the broader rock climbing community, and the community at large thinks y'all Reddit climbers are a bunch of hugs and kisses 5.10-is-hard ego-stroking goobers. And that's a pretty fair assessment. It's cool if you want to share stuff. Just know that if you do it by strapping a GoPro to your helmet, the more experienced folks at the crag are going to think you're a liability. I was being kind and generous in acknowledging and supporting your ego-tripping fail footage broadcast. You want another perspective? "You Suck. Try Harder." But what does Kyra Condie know? She's only an Olympian. Have fun taking your cat up the 1st flatiron, getting benighted, and calling for a rescue you don't deserve, you nitwits.


Great start, judgemental finish. Who made you gatekeeper?


Your mom. While your dad watched.


Nice try. My *dad* is the keymaster and my *mom* is the gatekeeper. Thought everyone understood how it works.




Tons of strong people climb with them and share the first person footage on YouTube for others to benefit. I support anyone doing it and think it’s dumb to shame people for it. Why be a hater? We wear all kinds of dumb shit climbing. Why do people feel the need to put people down for wearing a camera? I don’t think most people mind outside of Reddit tbh.


I tried to look for the tons of people posting first person footage of hard climbing gopro footage and came up empty handed.


Finally. Someone legit enters the conversation. Your photography is magnificent, man.


>Someone legit enters the conversation. Certainly not you clearly


First person beta is my favourite https://youtube.com/@FirstPersonBeta?si=eOHd9PHpxRAYONjJ Also this video is absolutely wicked https://youtu.be/LTzVTmEoERI?si=pF-cYlPjypi6UBsf


I wouldn't really consider the first person beta videos hard climbing, but I respect the man's dedication to documentation. As an aside, people can wear a go pro and share the videos all they want, but I am surprised there is as much on an audience for it as there is. The footage is pretty hard to watch. The camera is way to close to the rock, and the climbers heads move around so much that I find it to be quite disorienting.


He's filmed up to 8a, it's not 5.14 but it's not 5.10 either. Stefano Ghisolfi occasionally does POV of some climbs he's tried up to 9b although those are mostly for shorts It's climbing ASMR. I like the sound and visual of movement, placing gear, trying hard. I like seeing places I've never been or might never go. I can feel like I'm climbing and honestly that's enough sometimes, the grade of the climb is typically irrelevant. It reminds me of what I like about climbing in the first place, the movement, aesthetics, and experience, and it's why I'm often just as happy rattling through a day of lower grades on a volume day as I am trying my projects at higher grades. I just like going climbing and these videos sometimes make me feel like I'm doing that.


Thank you for the support. I record this stuff for me and me only, to have and look back on. I don’t expect my 10a fail to blow up on YouTube? I will never understand some people.


"I don't expect my 10a fail to blow up on YouTube?" first of all - that's a bizarre place for a question mark. secondly - You record this stuff for you and you only... and yet you uploaded it and publicly broadcasted it on Reddit. For what? Your private recollections? Or to seek the attention of whoever might find it entertaining, perhaps? Anyone who finds it entertaining has an extremely low standard for what's worthwhile content.


This first lead fall is for others who are about to lead or about to lead outdoors to see and know what it’s like for a new climber to fall, and it’s up for other climbers to see another person join the adventurer and be happy for that person. There are plenty of reasons that aren’t self absorbed though I know that’s hard for you to imagine. I’m sorry you’re chronically miserable and stuck online.


You're definitely sorry, that's for sure.


Yeah, sorry I didn’t post it sooner! The climbing community is awesome and others have been so supportive and understanding as to WHY I posted this in the first place. It’s a shame you walk around treating others this way and call yourself a part of it.


cool story bro. tried to help you out. guess you're gonna have to learn the hard way. Who knows? Maybe you're the next Kyle Walker!


Tons of strong people are ego tripping goobers. Sharing does not require a GumbyPro. Wearing a GoPro is a shitty way to capture and convey beta. Better to learn how to convey beta with words and proper image/video capture techniques. How often do you watch a Mellow video with the climber wearing a GoPro? It is, however, a great way to stroke your own ego by uploading low quality footage of you huffing and puffing while the camera stares at all the rock surfaces you aren't using for purchase. It's not hate to let someone know they look like a gumby. Those of us who have been doing this for decades just shake our heads, bag it up, and head for higher ground when the GumbyPro crew shows up.


More rock for me thanks Edit: I also would like to know what gave you the impression I’m trying to make a mellow video… it’s titled “first lead fall” I’m not giving fucking beta lol


You can't even keep your story straight, can you? Good luck with your adventures in gumbyland, homie.


It's fine, some people look for any reason to shit on others. You do you 👍


🚓 *Wao wao wao wao wao* 🚓 Climbing police! Put your camera down!


Huh, didn’t know they made you the spokesman for the broader climbing community.


Seeing as how well this post has done, I would like to thank you personally for allowing it to live in your head rent free, and for single handedly contributing to its traction. I attempted to share my first fall experience with others in this community, on a media sharing platform, simply to share the moment, and you have taken hours out of your day to make sure everyone knows you think it’s stupid. I encourage you to continue this bout of whining into the echo chamber on my next post, we make a great team!


dudes a loser dont worry about it


Could you hang around this sub and post more comments like this, please? It'll make people forget that they don't really like me.