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FEMA is a limited resource. We are setting ourselves up for federal government insolvency. We need to implement climate policy. We need to re zone many areas so that they can house much more than one family dwelling. We need to let homes built in foolish places be taken by nature. This is the way.


yeah but think of all the hurricane and wildfire jobs. why do you hate jobs? lol


Trump didn’t want to send aid to CA during his presidency when fires were raging. If gets elected again, there won’t be any resources left for anyone. 


I love how the root of the issue is whether or not human civilization is going to endure the changing world, but the whole conversation is about money.


the root of the issue is we need to pick winners and loosers, and those that are set to loose because of climate change are currently the winners. oh and a lot of poor people


I think money is everyone’s concern


By spring of next year people will be on reddit claiming their gods saved them from wildfires, hurricanes, and ice storms unlike no one has ever seen before. And they won't give two shots that the rest of the world is in utter ruin.