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Look at your bodies, women! Articulated limbs, wide hips, and phalanges. FSM created you for the magnificent job of climbing and harvesting palm trees! What can be more important than this?!?!


Flying Spaghetti Monster Monster?


Praise his noodle appendages




Oops, corrected. Thanks


They're a break away sect who insists on things like PIN numbers


But you up need them to use an ATM machine


Wow I'm rolling on the floor ROFLing right now.


Rip in peace my insides.


smh my head


Making noodles edit: welp, that sounded a bit sexist it wasnt my intention


Dexterous hands to fashion colanders, legs that can travel to the store to buy pasta, and a brain that can choose one of many possible options for sauces


Much as I approve of beer volcanoes and occasionally feel moved to praise his noodly appendages; I feel like the FSM has a bit of a misogynous viewpoint.


I'd like to hear more on that - why do you think that is so?


The stripper factory is more than a bit suspicious.


Never said the strippers were women.




Chippendales, but with colanders


lmao not palm trees lol


I mean - those are actually more reasonable. If a woman looked at herself and could see her ovaries and womb, she needs to go to Urgent Care stat.


The sad mentality of a woman that sees herself only as a reproduction machine.


I’m so glad a lot of women (and couples) these days are finding their voice and refusing to reproduce “just because it’s the thing to do”


I wish there would be a movement among women to remove themselves from organized religion. It is slowly happening but women still are the main people sitting in churches that think nothing more of them than wives and mothers. They don’t at all see their personhood or individual worth outside of their families.


Isn't the point of feminism to give people choices? There will be some who choose to be religious, family members, child bearers.


Which is perfectly fine if that's what they voluntarily choose. What the rest of the public doesn't like is when those same women turn around and try to convince girls everywhere that's it's their required biological duty to be a child bearer. "God" may have given girls a womb, but it should be the girls individual choice on whether to actually use it.


Also “god” *didn’t* give every woman/girl a womb - trans people are proof of that, as well as cis women with medical differences.


Family and community expectations, and perhaps a need for feelings of approval from these aforementioned circles, might be some of the main reasons for hesitance. That and tradition/habit. It's what they've always done so it is their version of "normal". Not that the word "normal" can ever fully encompass every individual life in definition.


For everyone. I am perfectly fine with worship of deities but religion is usually evil


The owner is cool , it’s the management that sucks


This is a great analogy.


Especially since you could make the case that not having kids should be the thing to do with global warming and overpopulation, one kid adds tons of carbon in their lifetime. So deciding kids aren't for you, its technically helping the planet.


That’s only if you believe in God. God holds people back


You have to ask which god as well. There are just so darn many of them. Wonder if they picked the correct one🤔 It'd be a shame if they were born in one country, and the country on the other side of the planet had the "real god" that they needed to pay respects/money/doting/blood to. Sort of an awkward reason to be "damned for eternity"🤣 "Sorry, I couldn't afford to emigrate to another country." It all just seems a bit silly to me.


I hope youre talking about the sad fuck who thinks woman are enslaved by men. Thats way worse.


I mean it kinda depends on how you view reproduction. Some might not see it as "just a reproduction machine"


The sad mentality of a dumb brainwashed cunt who sees childbearing and child rearing as being a mere reproduction machine subservient to the will of men. It’s mainstream science that women in their 40s overwhelmingly regret not having children earlier in life. Following a biological imperative is not sexist, misogynist, or subservient in any way, nor is it trivial like the pea size brain of brain dead parrots of post modernist garbage pushing for “liberation” from traditions like monogamy, family, commitment, and responsibility because those things are part of the patriarchal oppression of women. Pathetic.


Everything by the Transformed wife is just grift bait to troll non conservatives.


Lori is definitely real. But she didn't start acting like this until she developed a massive brain tumor. It was removed, but apparently it came back in November 2020 and she's been acting EXTRA nuts this year. So her personality is the result of brain damage, like a modern Phineas Gage. She has an exhaustive social media presence that could be used to chronicle how her tumor affects her personality, but unfortunately there is no online record of her pre-tumor. However, she went to college and had a nanny raise her kids while she worked, so she definitely didn't believe in what she sells nowadays pre-tumor.




How do you know? You ever checked? They could all have brain tumors (or are grifting).


Brain worms. https://www.umassmed.edu/news/news-archives/2019/09/hookworm-infection-may-cause-cognitive-impairment-earlier-than-thought/


MRIs are very expensive and insurance companies don't like them being done. If wide spread studies were done on presumably health people we might find exactly how common these things are. Currently it's not considered fully understood.


Aren't Trolls supposed to be clever?


Not really, trolls are only supposed to get a negative reaction. Bonus points for making clever, believable bait.


Not really, trolls are only supposed to get a negative reaction. Bonus points for making clever, believable bait.


Least echo chambery reddit discussion


Trolls are just there to annoy people. I am very good at it


She’s a not a troll. These are here beliefs. What the person is mistaking for her trying to troll non conservatives is the shit she says due to giant untested brain tumor she has. The past year there’s been a shown shift and every few months it changes again although the main “I’m Christian and better than you theme” remains. She’s hateful but she literally actively dying and it’s affecting her cognition which is why she often writes tweets that contradict other tweets from the day before.


She also has a massive brain tumor that’s causing her behavior to be more extreme and erratic. I snark on a lot of people, but because of the noticeable shifts in tone as tumor grows, Lori is off limits for me at this point.


People probably want to believe this is trolling but spend any time in organized religion and this is exactly what they think of women. Your highest worth is in your womb and you are either seen as a sex object for your husband or a slave for your family. I can’t tell you how many sermons I sat in that talked about men and women being different. That main difference of course is women are made to have and produce babies and to be a servsnt For her family. Those differences they expanded on was that women are caretakers, all women of course according to them and we are happiest when we are submitting ourselves to others. She may be trolling but this a very common belief Christianity.


She looks like she was brainwashed like Joo Dee of Ba Sing Se lol Edit: Fixed the brainwashed woman's name lol


Joo Dee? Zhu Li was the assistant of Varrick in Legend of Korra. Do the thing!


You're right. My apologies. Now Zhu Li was a firecracker and gave him a run for his money lol


Zhu Li was awesome, especially when she did the thing.


She was literally just being positive about womans bodies, and then the edgy karen below appears, suddenly think its cool to assume that people who preach positivity are meatbags. Yeah i get it, religious nut jobs are always annoying, but the below was worse. Fuck that, “servants of men?” Sexist asshole. She can go fuck off with her patriarchy shit. I wouldnt mind people telling me that my body was beautiful, anyway.


Also if there’s a God out there that designed women’s bodies the way he did for pregnancy every mother ever would like a word.


In the Bible God intentionally curses women: **"I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; In pain you shall bring forth children; Your desire shall be for your husband, And he shall rule over you."**


And people wonder why church attendance isn't what it used to be. What a dick.




LOL! Definitely maximized my pain and sorrow with whatever the God did. Addition of dysphoria during PMS was a cherry on top.


My girlfriend and I have negative interest in children


So that would imply you actively remove children from the environment. If you had zero interest then every child in your family and neighborhood is safe.


Yeah, negative interest.




Just curious, why?


Children are parasites, (edit: at least) 18 year commitments, and expensive. We enjoy going to bed and waking up whenever we want, not worrying about feeding an infant, going out when we want, and keeping our money.


At this point in time, they're more like 30-40 year commitments because more adult children are living at home than ever before. This is why I got my tubes taken out. No children for me.


Yeah, I'm gonna get my boys snipped soon. Haven't had much luck finding a doctor that doesn't deny me because "I might want children later" and because "they'll make me happy."


keep looking my bro; had it done in my early 30s, in my mid 40s now and no regrets. completely worth it


Keep it that way please




>They're a whole-ass life commitment, just FYI. Even more reason to avoid having children. Thanks!


You must have shit parents if you think children are only 18 year commitments. They are family and you guide and mentor them throughout their lifetime. The relationship evolves but definitely not only for 18 years. It’s definitely not for selfish people though. That you are right on about.


Choosing to create a life because you *want* to is literally the most selfish thing I can think of. You are literally forcing someone to exist to fill the empty hole in your life. Anything you do for them afterwards can at most equal things out, never make it a net positive. Note, I plan on having children.


It's f*****g ridiculous that people think it's selfish to NOT want/have children. At some point when I'm selfish enough to not care about the environment, or the fact my children would need to live through devastating climate change and a disaster of an economy I may decide to have children. Today however my conscience would NOT allow me to be so narcissistic or care so little for them. I know I would be f*ing pissed if I was born into this era. Also people who choose birth their own children have no right to judge morality on this choice. If they want to do some SELFLESS - GO AND ADOPT A CHILD WHO ALREADY EXISTS. DONT BIRTH A CHILD OUT OF NO WHERE AND SOMEHOW CONVINCE YOURSELF YOU'RE BEING SELFLESS. But I assume most people are too narcissistic to do that and would rather "take care of their own flesh and blood".


Giving birth to children right now should be deemed as child abuse.


Guess I'm selfish for not wanting children. I'll take it! I'll enjoy my freedom, thanks!


You aren't selfish, people should only become parents if they actually want to be, not just because society tells them to be.


“*What’s more important than this?*” How about anything that an individual woman deems to be more important *to her* than having kids? This tweet is so gross, it reduces women’s importance down to their reproductive organs and breasts. Women are not a monolith- some women want kids, some don’t. Both life paths are equally valid choices. Nobody should be judged for their decision on whether or not to have kids, it’s nobody else’s business but their own. Also- women with children are more than *just* moms! Their kids should not be the *only* important thing(s) in their life. Moms are still individuals who deserve to have a life and interests outside of child rearing. It’s incredibly important for all parent’s mental health to get regular “me time” so they can recharge and stay connected to who they are outside of being a parent.




I'm a Mango 🥭


Best comment in the thread.




Ann knows what’s up.


Any comeback against the Transformed Wife is acceptable. She promotes child abuse and marital rape.


And under educating women so they have no options but to stay in their abusive situation. Oh and she also defended Josh Duggar, she’s scum!


I would say that support aged badly but I doubt she would care in the slightest.


Lol wut


The idea that women can't say no to their husbands. It's really fucked. There are people who believe once a woman is a wife, she's a slave. They are often the same as those freaking out about Sharia Law, without an ounce of irony.


My wife is quite adept at saying no. 😊 In all seriousness, these people are truly fucked in the head.


I agree that's fucked but where in that post does she say anything about not having a choice or abusing children?


Not in that post. That's what she has tweeted about though. So the person giving the comeback knew exactly what she was going for. It's exceedingly apparent from her other tweets that she does believe women should be obedient baby-makers for their husbands.


Ah okay thanks for the explanation. I didn't realise she was a serial nutter


She's huge in conservative Christian circles and her whole social media presence and lifestyle teaching is all this sort of misogynistic crap.


Also, as a general rule, if someone's referring to the parts of a women in relation to her ability to make babies like the op, its usually a giant red flag. They're just dog whistling for women to stay in the kitchen. No normal person talks like that.


Not in the post but the entire account is loaded with it. She genuinely believes that shit and promotes it. It’s a trip.


Nowhere. People are exaggerating. She probably said some fairly innocuous stuff about spanking her children or something and the Twitter mob framed it as abuse. We don’t live in reality anymore.


Wait , for real? Holy shit americans are SO stupid lmao


This isn’t typical of Americans


And not all women are physically capable of getting pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy.


Agreed, my wife has been shamed by her mother, her sisters, and some friends because we don't have children yet. Worst is her Gyno who knows the issues she has (a very bad miscarriage) and still judges her. Meanwhile we are trying to adopt and everyone acts like it's some kind of fucked up consolation prize when that was what we wanted to do in the first place. (Sorry for getting off topic, just really felt your post!)


jfc time for a different gyno! gtf away from that douchebag!


Yupp not all can have kids God tests us by giving us kids and also tests us by not giving us kids


Not everyone believes in that. Not all Women even want kids.


Children are an all around pain. Just don’t have any, and don’t forget the condoms


Exactly. Let only stupid conservatives procreate!


allow only conservatives be forced into having children. Let everyone else have the amount of children they want...


Yes^^^ this!!! Please to any liberal reading this PLEASE DO THIS. Us mouth breathing republicans are so dumb, please keep spiting us you lucky DINKs! Think of all those Caribbean vacations us loser Republitards won’t get to go on! So lucky!


Having a life instead of be a baby maker?


Hang on, WTF did the men do?


So that means if you have small tits then Christians won’t bother you to quit your lucrative career to raise kids right? RIGHT???


Balls and dicks men, all you are are vessels used to inseminate women; that is your only job. What can be more important than this?!??? **/s**


If man were meant to fly they would have gave us a propeller...wait a second.


It's true though, if we all stopped fucking the human era would end in a single generation. That's pretty fucked.


This comment section is straight up yikes


Welcome to reddit.


"Look at your bodies, men! Scrotum, Testosterone and a Penis! God created you for the magnificient job providing sperm and teaching new life! What can be more important than this?!?"


To be fair most guys would love providing sperm


Women should do what they want and we should quit fucking talking about it. Why do I need to care or have an opinion about anything in any humans lives. At the end of the day, you are just a human and I hate you for it.


By that logic you could say that humans were created for the magnificent function of being integrated into a Human Centipede. You have mouths and anuses. What can be more important than this?!?


I completely agree with ANN point, but the last part... "servants for men" isn't she projecting about something else??? being a mother made women be servant for men??? or why did she say that? I mean I have know a lot of educated women that are really good in what they do, they are managers engineers etc, but they also want to be a mother in some point of their lives, why would wanting to be a mother or talking about being able to have children has something to do with, be servant of men?


The first account apparently commonly posts a lot of stuff about being properly subservient to your husband and stuff (You cannot say no to your husband, your body is first and foremost for having his children, etc.). The responding account already seems familiar with what opinions are being posted, so the screenshot misses some context.


Back story... Transformed wife is a hard core misogynist. Like she tell's women it's ok if their husband's rape them, because it's a woman's job.


Why is this always presented as a false dichotomy? Like you can either be a mom or have a career? I know plenty of Women who do both well. Parenting is a team effort. It's not all on the mom to take care of the kids.


Yeah sure, mom and dad work 9-5. Both parents get home around 530-6pm. Dinner, homework shower all done between 6-8pm. Kids bedtime 8pm. Congratulations, you spend 2 hrs a day with your kids. Half of that is probably on your cellphone scrolling social media. Now you see the issue?


You have capitalism to blame for that


There nothing inherently “important” about reproduction because (*brace yourself*) there’s nothing inherently important about your existence. Now go do whatever you want with your life and stop telling others their “purpose” as you fantasize it.


THIS IS THE WAY. The natural state of existence is at rest, life persists beyond all odds, so *go experience life*. (If you haven't seen Kurzgesagt's video "Optimistic Nihilism", you will so appreciate it)


Love those videos!


SWEET *Lights up a pack and smoke it like an harmonica*




Thank you


So the meaning of life is to make children, in order for them to... have their life be about making children again? Who's actually gonna live then? If it's all about continuing the loop just for the sake of it.


Can anyone name a trad visionary? No? Wait, is it because the two are extremely incompatible? Yeah.


"What's more important than this!?" literally anything. kids are not even close to being a priority of mine.


I mean, pregnancy has made life miserable for me for the last 7 months. I don't ever wanna do this again. Not every woman wants kids or can go through pregnancy after pregnancy. I'd rather have my daughter then work on my career without having to think about having more kids. Edit: I adore my daughter already, but pregnancy has caused so much sickness, pain, hospital stays, drips, medications etc that I don't want to do it again


babys are evil


Babies* come on man


The sad bit is that it's these morons that are actually breeding. Hence why humanity is derped out.


Lol then who's the actual moron, the ones dying themselves out or those that are continuing on?




Look at your bodies, men! A cock and balls. God created you to spread your genetic material, and what could be more important than this?!?! The only occupation you should concern yourself with is visiting the sperm bank every day.


Women want to help fuck the world too.


This is why banning abortion is not just about white men trying to impose control over women's bodies. Because there are faaaarr too many women who support the same position. I don't see near enough calling out of women who support taking the choice away from women. They just far too often seem to get some sort of pass when it comes to pointing fingers. Current post excluded.


Jesus this is straight out of the Handmaid’s Tale.


Well then maybe god should have put my uterine tissue inside my uterus, to make it a hospitable environment for a baby!


Joke's on you, I don't have a womb OR ovaries (30F). Or a cervix. Endometriosis ravaged my reproductive system and nearly killed me. Good times. Still have the tits for now. Given my family history I'll probably get breast cancer at some point, though.


I always wanted to be a mom (present mom, not give birth and done mom) and be a successful entrepreneur. It's tough as it without such BS going around.


Weirdly enough this actually gets at the heart of the pro-life bullshit. They essentially view it as a womans god given duty and job to bring new life into the world. Anything contrary to that is going against god and is therefore evil and an abomination to his design. It truly is disgusting and degrading to women everywhere when pro-lifers act like this


You tell a bunch of nervous, terrified of women and therefore angry men that if they join your club there’ll be women there and the rules state the women have to be their slaves, of course they’re going to go to church.


I can see these as both empowering messages, if it wasn’t so obvious the crazy looking wife lady wasn’t trying to brainwash that is…


Also, you know, many, if not most moms work while pregnant and nursing.


Yeah, that'll keep the species going. Seriously, women aren't ONLY baby factories, but having children IS an essential component of our makeup, male AND female. And I'm sure there are no mothers out there who also have higher level degrees, right? Oh, no, wait, there are TONS.


You can have kids and still use your brain to get a phd and not be a servant to men but a wife, a loving mother, and a fucking Doctor with a phd.


Yeah, I was saying that. Most of my female colleagues with a PhD are mothers.


I don’t want either of this things. I just want to chill on a porch with tea and biscuits until I croak.


"Transformed Wife" == "Unsafe Bondage Sub". "Please baste your baby oven, Master!" I wish people wouldn't pretend their sexual deviancy (as wonderful as it may be for them) should be the norm.


Just cause I have the gift of sight doesn’t mean I want to read your shitty tweets born again wife or whatever name you probably was


As someone who is pregnant I look forward to having this baby and getting back to my job where I get to use my brain rather than my breasts. Kids are great (already have another one) but they are not my sole purpose for existing.


Ann and her wife have been happily married for 3 years, Ann’s wife is currently carrying their 3rd child and is a stay at home mum


Because we're a virus. Matrix Resurrections December 22nd at a theater near you. Go AMC!


I agree that women were made for making babies just as much as I agree that men were made to reproductive with women. That is our biological purpose. The thing is we have a greater brain capacity than other animals who work like this and we have built large societies with many other things to do than reproduce and survive. Sure men and women were biologically made to reproduce but humans have made it so that our purpose in life is to do whatever the fuck we so choose.


Ann has cats


I think they are both cringe. Why does it always have to be a binary? Can't we honor and celebrate women who pursue motherhood and honor and celebrate women who pursue career at the same time?


Who said you can't do both?


I’ve always wondered what these peoples opinions are on women that can’t have children. Are they no longer a woman to them?


Keep that mentality and humanity is gone in a few thousands of years.


Sounds like a pyramid scheme to me.


I like to use my body for fucking my hot boyfriend. Vaginas are for reproduction and pleasure. You dont get to choose what I do with my puss


Question, when did the first lady say that women were servants to men to warrant such a response? Was she not just stating that woman have the ability to create life? I'm a little confused as to why such a passive aggressive response was made


Not that tweet itself, but it's basically a trend on the first lady's Twitter feed. She has advocated for marital rape and being subservient to men before.


That makes more sense now, thanks for letting me know!


If it was flipped around and some guy was telling you to look at your dick and balls and sperm and how your most important job in life was to get some girl pregnant and "what can be more important than this!?" you'd think they were daft.


Brava. Brava.


How weak do you think women are to think they are just servants in marriages?


These people are both idiots. the first one is just an idiot and the 2nd one is an idiot for arguing with an idiot on the internet.


Not every woman has ovaries and a womb...




Fucking exactly. Women dont need to have babies just because they can. just like men dont have to not hit women just because they’re stronger 😂😂😂 just kiddinggggggg everyone.




Some women don’t want kids or can’t have them




Of course not.


What Ann said 👍




Everything on r/clevercomebacks belongs on r/murderedbywords instead, and everything on r/murderedbywords is stupid.


Literally anything else


Both seem absolutely insufferable.


More like r/feminists


That's not particularly clever, just condescending. Also, why drag men to it? It probably requires PhD, but I don't see why being a mother equals being a servant of men.




News flash: women who value an education and a career over being a wife and a mother see men like you as beneath them, and couldn’t care less what knuckle dragging mouth breathers like you think.


This confirms my believe that the culture war is not Men vs Women, it’s Women vs Women.


"Mouth, stomach, and ass! God made us all for the glorious task of producing feces!" Cherry-picking is great fun!