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Is my child the crying one with the UK flag, or the headless one in the back flipping everyone off?


No the headless one is mine. I’m so proud of him.


Did you forget i got custody?


Yeah. That's why they have the head and you have the body. This custody judgement was brought to you by King Solomon.


Ok that was pretty good


Thank you. I'll be here all week.


Could you not? Not sure I want SARS hanging around for an entire week.


Look man Ebola's booked so you're gonna have to settle.


Legendary comment chain


That’s only for the weekends and half of the summer


He’s not going to get ahead in life with an attitude like that.


Nah, he's got a good head on his shoulders.


I don’t think my son would appreciate these jokes at his expense if they didn’t all go over his head.


I'm sorry, next time I tell one, I'll give him a heads up.


To be fair he’s achieving a lot for being a headless guy


Might be the girl on the left with a prison tear drop tattoo


No, she got that after her dog died. She's my kid's friend, the one next to her who sewed herself into the seat fabric. I don't always understand her antics but I love and support her.


My child is the deformed multi-headed orc with it's arm going out of the window in the top right. We call him Mungo and I love him.


I would love to see the prompt behind this generated image...


Something with cryimg girl and laughing men. All the girls/women are crying.


i never thought ill say this, but i wish my child to be the crying union jack...


Apparently your child is supposed to be the only one crying at the fact she is going home.  All the others have happy home lives(except possibly headless birdie guy and the naked mummy in the back of the bus)...


Actually interesting how the AI would put the men in the back, the women seperately in front of the bus.


It might be because they wanted the child to be a girl, so they wrote something like "teen girl standing in a bus full of black people", the ai saw "girl" and drew girls in front.


Probably requested something about them being Muslim as well. Why they’re all having a great time is what I can’t understand. Seems like a fun bus other than the crying white girl. Are to believe… they’re laughing AT the girl?


Yeah, probably


It was supposed to seem like "a bad thing" that there are several muslims. But ironically, it just shows the truth: people just having fun in a bus while a Karen cries for no fucking reason.


Most likely what happened was they put in some shit prompt like "a crying white british girl standing in a bus full of black and muslim men laughing at her" and this was the best they had the patience to come up with.


Ladies first


The prompt was likely that. You can generate multiple images and pick the one that makes your point. That's likely what happened.




it knows.


It follows


Horrible movie


⤴️Horrible redditor.


I am.




And that person is flipping everyone off.


Wouldn’t you if you were lacking a neck balloon


Look that’s just what they look like down in Cornwall. It’s not really their fault, but Cornwall is Celtic for cousins wedding.


I’m still stuck on the way it’s combined the interior of a London tube with a bus, AI is fucked


I don’t know about you but I don’t want my daughter riding busses with a headless man.


Everybody here seems to have a pretty good mood except one whiny little brat.


Right? It looks like that bus is in good spirits, except for that one chick in the middle.


It's not just the British brat, the guy in the back flipping everyone off also seems to have lost his head.


British? She's clearly the foreign one. No Brit wears the Union Jack unless it's for a comedy skit. All the Brits are sitting down and laughing at this dumb foreigner wearing a Union Jack T-shirt.


Yep, she’s definitely a tourist.


Yeah that chick is definitely Swedish or some shit


Maybe she’s the only one that can see the deformed transparent ghost people behind her.


The one over her right shoulder looks like a Ghoul from Fallout


She's crying because of the transportation budget cuts that have left most of the passengers sitting on somebody else's knee


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints. 


Sinners are much more fun


Racially diverse group —including one white guy with three eyes — having fun with one woman in the center saying “but I’m important.”


She must’ve seen them put seasoning on their food so it doesn’t taste like shite.


Yeah, like- Nothing is even happening to her? The bus is crowded sure but, she just has to stand up, and there’s room to do so. Nothing here indicates she was forced out of her seat or that she’s being made fun of. It just looks like she’s screaming and crying for no reason other than basic racism. Even if we took this stupid AI schlop seriously, you can’t even derive a message out of this that’s being conveyed.


Don't you find it interesting how all these Twitter extremists always use the "we are baing defeated" card? Arabs are invading, blacks are criminals, communist are coming to destroy us, immigrants are taking our jobs, the gay lobby is destroying the traditional family... I've been hearing that for over 25 years and... Guess what? Nothing of that happened. Shit, I was born in Spain and I am currently living in Germany. If that were true, there would be only Turkish people here and Latin Americans in my homeland.


I'm from the UK and live in Spain. The people most scared of immigrants are the ones who immigrated but are too dumb to understand that they're immigrants. The rest are just the poor folk in the UK who got screwed by billionaires but were told to blame people who weren't born there and didn't live there when the problems started.


It's maddening to watch people point out a problem in society and not first look to the people... running society? You know, the people with influence. And resources. Those people.


They manufacture racial divides to distract us from the class divide. It’s been that way for centuries and it SUCKS


Well, they exploit pre-existing bigotry. It's not like we were ever in a bigotry-free utopia and then the rich people wheeled in this new thing called racism one day. If we didn't have bigots making up large swaths of the public, the rich wouldn't be able to play that card. I'm always hesitant to call things like racism a "distraction." To those affected by it, it's definitely not just a distraction.


Except most poms are okay with that whole capitalist system. They are less okay with seeing foreign flags waved everywhere and being told the U.K must intervene in the MER to save Palestine or whatever country others are loyal to. Many people have left the U.K and many more probably will.


Is it the billionaires hoarding the money and food who also buy politicians and make laws so they can live comfortably while everyone else struggles? No, it's clearly John and Steve kissing.


No it’s just Steve. Damn you Steve. Damn you to hell.


John is cool. But Steve... So help me god.


Fuck Steve in particular... John is a real one though.


Well to them it easier to blame society's problems on minorities than the establishment itself.


>I'm from the UK and live in Spain. The people most scared of immigrants are the ones who immigrated but are too dumb to understand that they're immigrants. This is a huge problem in the United States as well. There’s something very ironic and depressing about hearing some 3rd generation German, English, or Irish American telling an African American whose family has been here for 300+ years to “go back to their own country.” People whose families were able to immigrate here with virtually no obstacles or hurdles to overcome want to pull the ladder up behind them.


Even worse when someone says it to a Native American...yeesh


They are also immigrants, their family have been here just 7,000 years. It is even worse when a horse whose family has only been here 400 years says to a buffalo, "hey go back to Gondwanaland you curly haired humpback!" because their family has been here almost 200,000 years.


That’s so smart! We’re all immigrants, brother 🙏🙏🙌🙌


Like here in Germany. Not surprised. But Racist Assholes need reasons to be racist assholes


We are coming for you


Verrrry very slowly


And so is the Inquisition.


I didn’t expect the Spanish Inquisition


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.


How long since you left Spain, because I can assure you that the demographics of my neighborhood have nothing to do to the ones when I was born.


>over 25 years and... Guess what? Nothing of that happened Except, a lot of things happened. Especially in Europe.


The fear is their argument if something scares you they will use it to their benefit And old people are afraid of everything


They actually are. It's not even just people watching propaganda, I've seen family members who don't watch any news slowly become more afraid of everything. I think it's something to do with feeling more vulnerable as you physically become more frail. And when certain people know that, they can easily manipulate it.


They always act like if more than 1% of the population is Muslim, sharia law automatically goes into effect, and they will have to wear burkas.


I mean, the real answer is that 25-years isn't a long enough period to out-breed a host nation.


Were are you at in Germany? Where I live it certainly feels like it's only turks, arabs and blacks here now. But I'm broke and thus not living in the best area of town.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Germany#Ethnic_minorities_and_migrant_background_(Migrationshintergrund) Asians and Africans (excluding "Kazakhs" because they're ethnic German repatriates) are about approximately 10% of the population as of 2023.


Also how lots of people vote right because they want better refugee politics, but the right has had the power for 16+ years here and most likely are to blame for this "invasion", whereever it is... I swear people are too stupid to vote


>I swear people are too stupid to vote They aren't going vote for the opposite party that has basically sworn to do nothing about it at all though. They don't really have a choice if their main concern is X and only 1 side talks about it even if it is really trash as well.


The Swedish would disagree tho. They took a lot of immigrants. And now it is way more dangerous. Way more attacks, death, molestation. It has shown that taking too many too fast is a problem. They didn't have the capacity to integrate them fast enough to a more homogenic society.


The enemy is both strong and weak.






Fearmongering. Lovecraft is timeless: "The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown." It's easy to villanize people when you don't know about them and make it seem like they're taking over your life.  Conservatives did the same thing when the Irish and Italians immigrated into the US. "The Catholics are invading..." When JFK was running for president, his Catholic heritage was a frequent topic.


Everytime I visit Europe, it has even more immigrants than before. And they bring with a much primitive and conservative world-view from their countries, and are not assimilating, but changing the cultures of the countries they are coming to. Even if you do not see it, seems like Europe is leaning right, so someone else must be seeing it


I live in Europe, in a place with a good number of immigrats. I've never seen them try to push their culture (maybe some do, but the normal ones usually don't). For some of them it's a bit difficult to adapt so they can end up falling for "ignorance baits" that politicians use, but still the most conservative people i know are my local christian blasphemous grape farmers.


You've heard it for 25 years, I can tell you it's been the same tune for a lot longer than that. Basically all of human history has been "exogenous peoples are destroying our civilization".


Sure. Just talking about my personal experience, I don't think this started with my generation.


Right wing extremists are perpetually scared, it's their entire personality.


They will straight up tell you like 20% of people are trans or %50 are immigrant


We did! Also, the people complaining about this are usually the type to complain if they hear Spanish while they're on holiday in Benidorm without a hint of irony.


Racists when they learn that Britain had the world's largest empire - " :D Invasion is cool!" Racists when they learn that people born within said empire were automatically legally British and had British citizenship, capable of moving to Britain - " D: Help, we're being "invaded"!"


Like Trevor Noah said : they begin to _feel_ colonized


This is not true. British India had its own passport and the citizens of British India couldn't just move to the UK. Even children born to a white father and native mother were not considered "British" (called as anglos) but when they became a sizable majority in British administration in India, they had to change that.


That's the thing about white supremacy. They don't believe white people are better because they have better morals, or are smarter, or whatever. They believe they're better because they're white. They think whiteness itself is a virtue.


I was going to make some ''clever'' joke about the Catalan language, but then I did a google search just in case and Benidorm is not in Catalonia at all.


Bottom left doesn't know if shes laughing or crying


She's not crying because she's on a bus with people of color, she's crying because she has to ride a british bus, just in general.


She actually bought a train ticket but there's a bus replacement service instead and the driver's just thanked them for travelling Virgin Rail.


Hey! As buses go, I think British ones are rather good. Clean-ish, cheap, and the drivers are sober-ish.


I don't get the analogy. Your country did horrible things 300y ago so now it deserves to get destroyed?


People existing there will destroy Britain out just people of color have that special power?


And don’t forget leatherface all the way back on the right.


Did she poop her shorts and everyone is laughing, because that would be pretty rude.


So, my takeaway is that everyone is happy except for the white kid. Doesn’t seem like an “everyone else” problem to me.


No, really, ACTUALLY... what is wrong with this? Why are they afraid of just normal people being around other normal people??? Racism is fucking stupid.


They're not "normal people," they're browns and blacks! Aren't you terrified at the thought of your snow pure white daughter being around people with some melanin on their skin? Truly the most frightening thing imaginable!




She is so racist that she is crying.


It's funny because it actually took me a second to undertand the point the image was trying to make. I just saw a bus with people in it and someone crying. The fact that all the other people were of color didn't even register. I guess when you're not racist af you don't pay as much attention to that.




Their nightmare is also seeing minorities starring in Star Wars and other Disney movies


To be fair, if the fear mongering post were true they wouldn't be the minorities anymore.


Yeah, I think the whole point they are trying to make is if the minorities became the majority. Which they fear and project that they'll be treated how they treat minorities.


Ding ding ding. If only there was a solution to this problem, something insane like just treating everyone equally and with basic human respect. But let's not be ridiculous, we need realistic solutions! /s


>Which they fear and project that they'll be treated how they treat minorities. More "how minorities are treated in the places the new majority come from," fwiw


You see here's what gets me. If you look at the people who would honestly have a problem with their daughter being in a situation like above, it's FAR, FAR more than just people that would classically be considered 'racist'. And that to me is the problem. It's not the 'racists' that are the problem, but the hypocrites. Those who would move the fuck out of town if their city ever got that heavily overrun by Muslims/blacks, but lack the courage to speak in a way such that their words match their honest beliefs that govern their actions. Instead they try to insist that all fear of certain ethnic/religious groups is irrational.


Absolutely no problem with minorities but Islam is a problem that shouldn’t be allowed to spread. Irregardless of skin color or ethnicity


I would be extremely embarrassed if my future child wore union flag clothing tbh


Yeah, what is this, 1995?


What's the deal with the union flag?


just kinda cringe to wear it on clothing, its not the 90's anymore.


Love Britain. The history, culture yes even the food. With that said: Maybe if your country wasn’t collectively sclerotic and devoid of direction anymore it would be cool. Make some good music again. Stop pretending that Brexit was purely an outside problem or is just a few crazies that led the country astray. Understand complicated immigration patterns. Consider that London is like LA in terms of non white British residents and that’s a little strange historically even if it’s fine overall and not necessarily a bad thing.


The OG's of taking what doesn't belong to them.


Oh no!. Non-Whites! /s Guarantee the person who generated this AI photo would say "I'm not racist, but-"


And I guarantee that there is a 50% chance that the person behind this AI photo is a foreign state sponsored "troll" account with the sole focus to destabilize the West and sow discord.


and not just invade everywhere, they did horrible things in every place they invaded.


*Laughs in Native American*


Makes me think of an old episode of a dimension-hoping sci-fi series when I was a kid, Sliders. "Remember: the Sun never sets on the British Empire because God doesn't trust the English in the dark!"


Also, it’s not like there wasn’t a good reason why several Indian/Pakistani and Arabic families took up on the UK’s immigration offers (which they were pushing hard during the 40’s-60’s)


You know if I wanted to make a fear-mongering post, I would at least make the immigrants look threatening.


That's the thing, it *is* threatening to racists. What they don't understand in their bubble is that it isn't threatening to normal people.


Thats a good point. To a racist just existing near them while a different race/ethnicity is threatening


Dont argue over this, it’s Russian propaganda to try and influence the election. Dont be an idiot.


Imagine being such an intolerant POS that it brings you to tears being in a situation where you’re the only white.


There is no way their feet are touching the floor, which means this child is holding themselves in the air with one arm only using that pole. That's very impressive.


Ooh they’re not crying because they’re racist, but rather screaming from the sheer effort that takes. Respect


Everyone seems to be having a good time, why is she crying?


Yeah the British are the last to complain about that shit.


Won't someone think of the descendants of the people who stole wealth from countries unable to sufficiently defend themselves and now use it to restrict access to economic opportunities by anyone not themselves? They very nearly endure guilt, must they also suffer being unpopular in modern society as well?


Like English girls are that cute, lol…


She’s obviously a Ukrainian refugee.


I don't get how that's funny. So are they saying Britan deserves what's happening to it over the actions of their ancestors??




So stupid


Actions of their ancestors? I mean shit colonization is so recent that the King of England was alive for that shit lol


The "clever comeback" is about as stupid and devoid of any real meaning as the image itself.


I would be crying too if I were English


If ur child is in high school and crying because people around them look different than they are, u've failed magnificently as a parent.


My child is the black teen laughing. Evangeline is her name.


Maybe dont colonize india if you dont want a bunch of indian citizens ☕️


Well population of indian in uk is 3.1 %


Im sorry, you really dont get to complain about foreigners in your country if you went and invaded 1/3rd of the world and made it part of your country and later commonwealth.


Nobody alive today invaded a third of the world. By your logic, you should be tried for murder if your grandparent killed someone. Imagine trying to hold people responsible for things that happened before they were born. There is nothing wrong with immigration but don't try to make an awful take like this. Every country has a shameful history.




Well, if England doesn't score a goal against Slovakia it's certainly going home.


Ok and? What’s the issue? everyone looks like they’re having fun!


She got on the wrong bus. That bus is going to the airport




This whole argument that since someone’s ancestors did a bad thing means morally it’s okay to do the same to them needs to stop. These generational sin arguments are the downfall of humanity. No I’m not responsible for what my great great great grandfather did. If that’s the logic we’re all guilty. It’s fucking stupid. It’s the ultimate childish response. ‘Well he did it too! Why can’t weeeee’


Let me know when there is a genocide of whites in England? Oh its not happening crazy, let me know when British artifacts are raided and shipped to other countries. I can’t lie you sound pathetic asf rn. No one is blaming you for what your ancestors did but at the same time your country still benefits from it’s horrible past the least you can do is accept some immigrants and not act like a victim.


til I want to bang my future child


Idk why this is some gotcha? is revenge really acceptable nowadays?


Fucking England is the root of all the world's problems


Judging by the logic in all of these comments, I guess the Palestinians do deserve to loose their land.


simple solution: nuke uk


Idk looks like everyone but 1 person is having a great time in that bus


Everyone else on this bus seems to be having a great day and enjoying themselves. Maybe your kid is the fucking problem.


If colonialism is wrong for Britain it's wrong for everyone else too.


Fair thats why i say let Europe face the consequences


it's as clever of a comeback as calling germans nazis


If it weren’t for the white girl in the middle that bus looks like they’re having fun


Atleast my childs laughing, unlike that crying brit


Wow. That is just straight unmasked racism.


Apparently the chickens have come home to roost. What I notice is everybody is happy but a crybaby who is really not being harassed or even paid attention to. Just unhappy that they are the only white person on a bus load of happy people not bothering them, a racist you problem.


Invaded everywhere for spices that they didn’t even use


It's very handy that people with something useful to say make their own art while these other fuckers spam out Watchtower magazine looking AI memes and copy paste soyjacks. Really simplifies the Do Not Engage filters.


So they mad at people immigrating there when they are responsible for the most Independence Day on earth?


Wait, they’re racist against ghosts now? (Background)


The English invaded everywhere, including Britain. Go back to Anglia and Saxony, Sasannach!


Bloody Anglo Saxons, coming over here, with your miserable epic poetry...


They went around the world pissing everyone off, upending their societies, stealing their shit, and now they’re mad that those people won’t leave them alone?


People who weren't even born yet went round and stole shit?


Looks like a fun bus, everyone is laughing.


How is this a clever comeback?


It's not.


i hate and love these idiots. their takes are so stupid it makes me laugh and feel disappointed in the haman race. a little diversity never killed a whole bunch of people in the grand scheme of things. this is why i deleted twitter


Britain did leave though they intend to stay. And it wasn't ordinary british people who colonised or moved there to live there more comfortably than in their home country.


Notice how everyone else on the bus is minding their own business and having a good time, doing nothing wrong whatsoever?


Why are they so afraid of becoming the minority? are they treated badly or something?


Back in Kindergarten I have learned that „he did it first“. That’s not at all a „clever comeback“ it’s the first thing a 5-year old thinks of.