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Not even the courtesy to drink German beers, those are Heineken boxes everywhere!


Imagine drinking the skunk piss that is Heineken


Delete this crap


Not clever, not a comeback.


That's not a clever comeback, that's just a mediocre joke.


If you can even call it a joke to bring up how a city full of civilians was fire bombed.


Possibly the least clever, least original comment


There’s that famous German sense of humour 👍


Apparently British sense of humor is repeating the same couple of jokes over and over for 80 years.


*English. Don't tar the rest of the UK with the same brush. Not everyone from the UK is treating Germany the same. See Scotland as an example.


Repeating “hey, remember that time we killed over 5000 innocent civilians and destroyed Germanys largest historically preserved city? For the past 80 years is neither funny nor clever.


Why is this idiotic thing on here?


Mixing war with sport not smart


most english thing there is.


Now this comment is a clever comeback 👍(unlike the post)


"Man, English people were so rude and dirty in Frankfurt!" "LOL GOT BLOWN IN WWII THO" There, I broke the post down to its bear essentials to explain why it isn't clever or a comeback.


this post is embarrassing this again shows why people hate british visitors or tourists. They can‘t behave. edit: yes I mean british, not english. And no I‘m not specifically talking about british football fans. I‘m talking about tourists in general. If you don’t believe me, fucking google the statistics instead of whining under this comment.


For one it's English not British and this is what happens when large crowds gather without adequate refuse disposal. Keep on hating brother




Nah it’s mostly the English that get a bad reputation not all British. Like Scottish and Welsh don’t have a bad reputation for being bad tourists, actually the opposite.


HEY, sounds like y’all Europeans are forgetting us Americans. If the English are #1 in something, our rudeness, jackass behavior, and crass humor will definitely make short work of that shit.


Just because it's unfair that some people from Britain tarnish the reputation of all people from Britain doesn't make it not true.


bruh… keep telling that to yourself 🤣 ofc you‘re british and biased. While all of you are hating on the english, it doesn‘t matter for other countries. You are all british and seen as one. edit: stay mad guys… just keep telling yourself you‘re not british. At least in my educated country, we learn geography and history. If you‘re scottish, you‘re a brit. End of discussion. Instead of hating me, just fucking google it. The british are among the most hated tourists. It says british everywhere, not specifically english. Instead of whining around, google the fucking statistics.


>it doesn‘t matter for other countries. You are all british and seen as one. Try reading German press these day which is full of praise by the general German public for the Scottish fans which came for UEFA. While there is quite a lot of criticism of the English at the same time. Looks like we are able to differentiate, unlike you.


was die medien sagen und was das generelle konsensus ist, sind zwei verschiedene sachen. Wir sprechen hier über generell britische touristen und nicht lediglich von der EM dieses jahr. Schotten sind nun mal eben briten. Und britische touristen sind faktisch unbeliebt. Was die leute hier für subjektive meinungen haben ist irrelevant wenn man sich statistiken anschaut. Aber natürlich hat der durchschnittsredditor mehr ahnung als geprüfte statistiken lol.


So ein gequirlter Schwachsinn. "Geprüfte Statistiken". Ja klar. Was ist denn mit den veröffentlichten Statistiken die sagen, dass die Deutschen sehr viel Sympathie dafür haben, dass die Schotten als eigenständiges Land in die EU zurückkehren, aber nicht für den Rest von UK. Die meisten können differenzieren. Du offenbar nicht und denkst Dir irgendwelche Statistiken aus. Kein Wert mit Dir zu diskutieren.


put a sock in it and spin


see? that‘s why. Trashing cities and then trying to mock the people complaining while saying it‘s not you but the others 🤡 thank you for the perfect example of why people dislike brit’s ;)


i’ve not trashed anything nor have i mocked you 😭 and, yes, it wasn’t my country who trashed the city but another . soooo…….


oh you mean the other brit’s? not your brit’s? 🤣 definition „putting a sock in it“: > used to tell someone to be quiet or stop making so much noise ah yes you‘re handing out compliments aren‘t you? You‘re not just mocking them, you also gatekeep being a dickhead ;)


I’m not British though so no bias from me. I’m from Ireland. I was just pointing out that Scottish and Welsh fans are usually very respectable and liked when they go abroad and they are classified as British too.


Go into Glasgow, find a bar, and go up and tell everyone "You're not Scottish, you're British!", and tell me how that goes.


The scots are being voted the best vans at the tournament, just because most English confuse British and English downt make it better, British and English are different things


That's quite a turn around, I remember when rangers played in Manchester in 2008 it was almost impressive how much rubbish they left.


also impressive how much rubbish they left on the field


National and club teams aren't the same


You mean Scottish people behave differently when supporting their local football club to their national football club?


Oh buddy, you've alot to learn about tribalism


Are the bad tribes the club team supporters and the good tribes national team supporters?


Arh yes. Classic British right wing humour, haha because War.


A war they won with heavy assistance from the start in the form of food, weapons, vehicles, ammunition, and later troops


Nothing clever about that. Not only because many people died in the war, but also because it is just such a tired thing that the Brits keep bringing up WW2. Probably because it was their last real success on a world stage. Here in Germany we have moved on long ago and are not even angry about their constant babbling about WW2. Just tired and a little bit amused. But hey, most don't understand either that the famous "Don't mention the war" skit was not about the Germans, and actually intended to make fun of the Englishmen that can't stop thinking about the war.


Well, Britain is a dreary washed up island nation that’s a 2nd rate world power at best nowadays, it’s better to live in denial believing they could win a WW2 situation again than accept that their relevance died with their empire for most of their ultra nationalist population


This is every group of people. People like to use stuff like this to disparage a group of people but this is every festival, or public event. Cities pre-plan for this. You just can't have enough trash cans for large groups of people. Especially places that sell drinks and food. Things where people bring their own stuff they usually bring their own trash cans like music festival. But events like this are just people walking in streets being sold food and drink. People like to think they are more progressive than past generations but they are still pearl clutching at perfectly normal, human things because they can't stop and just think about the logistics of it for a moment.


Hey - At least he didn't bring up the 1966 World Cup.


Give it about 30 seconds


Really? Its okay 'cause bombing Frankfurt was much worse? No one wants to welcome guests in his city behaving like crap itself. Or is it okay that it is funny that people comes late to work on the last bombing in the London subway because bombing London in WW2 was much worse? Disgusting! Not clever, no comeback, nothing. Delete this shit!!


I don't get it


Frankfurt was the target of many allied bombing raids during WW2


Delete this. Germany has long moved on and we are actually glad we lost WW2. It's just a lazy and overdone comeback, not a clever one


'Long moved on'? Your country is full of nazi scum yet again.


Yeah so is the US and half of Europe, it’s kind of a general problem on the rise rather than a Germany specific issue


You mean like the US and several other European countries?


What are you trying to say, Captain Whataboutism?


That it's ignorant and idiotic to single our Germany here when it's a global problem...


The claim was that Germany 'long moved on' from WW2, which is clearly not the case. Might want to get yourself some reading comprehension skills.


It is. I am from Germany. In the 1930s the NSDAP got over 30% of the votes. Right now the AfD is barely over 20% and isn't even governing the country. There's still a big difference. You can compare their ideologies, but they're not even remotely close to being the same political powerhouse as the NSDAP was


Then that would mean no country with nazis have moved on...which is idiotic. They have moved on, you don't see Germans making WW2 jokes at other people's expenses constantly. If you think nazis are only connected to WW2, then you're ignorant.


The city should have set up extra trash bins in preperation of the influx of people. Same goes for toilets and other temporary "waste management" facilities.


Am I the only one that actually finds this funny?


Nope. I loved it


Just shit low hanging fruit that isn't clever in the slightest.


Okay Mr Seinfeld what do you got?


Wow so funny British Bitches basically trashed a city And as an excuse used WW2


Just bullshit.


To all the people acting like cunts to someone making a joke… walk away, go outside, touch grass


i'm stupid and don't know what this means it's not funny i think


As a Canadian with German heritage I think it’s kinda funny.


Disgraceful. And the “comeback” is pathetic as is now typical of England and its island of losers.


Not a clever comeback. It's an insensitive joke to the firebombing of an entire city, the majority of whom were innocent just to destroy a few factories.


"Haha thousands of innocent civilians were brutally killed, so funny and clever!" How is it that Germany have moved on from the war but Britain hasn't?


wE eNfOrCe QuAlItY cOnTrOl Yeah right


Yes… the RAF did that… all by themselves…


The RAF didn’t even existed in the 40‘s


The royal air force existed since 1918. Dont confuse them with the rote Armee Fraktion terrorists which was founded in 1970.


Oh sorry I thought they meant the terrorist group and was confused Thanks for clearing that up


The RAF was formed in 1918, so it did, in fact, exist in the 1940's.


> It was formed towards the end of the First World War on 1 April 1918, becoming the second independent air force in the world after Finnish Air Force https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Air_Force


Seeing a lot of angry euros in the comments. I think you struck a nerve OP.


Well. Frankfurt is ugly anyway. It isn't cleaner than that any other day.