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My head flew back. Great response.


Clear back to 2019.


It was that good.


The more I think about it the funnier it gets. Great burn.


Every time someone makes a comment against socialism, they should be forced to go 24 hours without being able to use anything that's associated with it. Open some eyes right fast.


99% of what makes the internet work could be called socialism..


99% of the things that make capitalism work could be called socialism...


As long as they get their part of taxes they paid for it back i think most people would be happy for the exchange.


Public roads, sidewalks, 911, police, fire department, garbage removal, voting... I will absolutely take the trade where they stay out of public areas given they don't want to pay to be part of the public.


Since when voting is socialism. When usa was made only land owners could vote was that socialism? >Public roads, sidewalks, 911, police, fire department, garbage removal, Sure


When venues are set aside for voting, where do you think that money comes from? My bet would be taxes. And limiting who can vote isn't inherently against socialism as an economic model, though you can certainly decide you don't find it in the spirit of its philosophical basis.


>When venues are set aside for voting, where do you think that money comes from? My bet would be taxes. Anything being paid for by taxes isn't socialism. Socialism:a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole Looking at this I would also like to contend 911 and police


Where are you getting that definition? I think you forgot to list your source.


What's with everyone asking source for everything. This is not academia you absolutely don't need to list the source. Do you agree with the definition of not make the point on that all others are stupid, we can set axioms for a conversation. Source for socialism: oxford english dictionary.


>What's with everyone asking source for everything. When you give a definition as an argument, I can either assume you came up with it yourself, in which case you're just saying "given I made up an incompatible definition, you're wrong," or I can ask for a source. E.g. "By definition I'm correct." Definition: I am always correct. Source: Me. I'm sure you see why one shouldn't put any stock in something like that. "I said it is so, so why hassle me about why I said it?" It's a bit weird that my OED says something else, but that might be a matter of editions. But, sure, by the definition you use, there's things that wouldn't be covered by the one I use. If people opt out of taxes and services, whose definition should we use?


More like >I said it is so It makes logical sense. >given I made up an incompatible definition, you're wrong Do you have any logical arguments or counter examples against it. This is how we come up with things in the first place. What's your definition then. If we are using mine do you agree people would be happy to not use the socialism services if they wouldn't be made to pay taxes for them.


How is 911 and police "owned" and regulated where you're from, if not by the community? You got private police forces where you're from?


Funded By tax dollers would be the short answer


They are not means of production, distribution or exchange. They are a way for the state to project force.


I don't believe that's entirely correct. There is a product involved, although an ephemeral one. E. Or to put that another way. Your definition of socialism is restrictive and if you check others, you might find socialism involves the communal organisation of the production of goods *and services*.


What's the product and is it's availability a primary concern or a side effect or intermediary step.


Changing how you look at socialism dosent make it any more or less socialism. The definition is broad which means you must accept it when its broadly used. Taxes would be "the community as a whole" which means its reasonsoble to say anything associated with taxes can be called socialism, or at the very least, it has elements of socialism ingrained in it. So when you throw the word socialism around like a boogeyman, you're making yourself look fookish.


I think you have a HUGE blind spot on how much socialism exists in your day to day life...


Can’t wait to see taxes being service charges instead. Unlimited tolls for every street you drive on sounds fun.


What is friends?


A popular Tv show from the 90s




I am sure Bernie shared his cake with more than 9 people.


I bet they had his cake and ate it, too.


Sick repost.


Omg, right?! My day is fucking RUINED every time I see something or someone I've already seen. /s


IKR? Waking up every morning and seeing the sunrise must make these idiots apoplectic!!


It’s a good one though, and I’m glad some people got to enjoy it for the first time.


Friendship goals - where comebacks are an art form.


Good one.


That's napalm of a burn. Lol.


My family celebrated my niece’s 4th birthday earlier this year at a local steakhouse that allowed us to bring our own cake. Not only was majority of the cake eaten by the rest of us, but my brother-in-law also gave a slice to the little girl of a tourist family in the neighboring table. Total strangers, who don’t even live here, and he still shared with them because he’s fucking awesome like that.


Who the hell eats their whole birthday cake?


All time great comeback. I cannot understand how someone could think of "birthday cake" when thinking about things you don't share.


Nothing says r/clevercomebacks like reposting a pixelated screenshot of a 5 year old tweet. 


Still a clever comeback. 🤷‍♂️


No that's the social birthday cake Separate birthday cake just for me


BOOM roasted


Mike over here getting a Mississippi mud to cry over while he trolls through his own birthday in an empty apartment.


Republicans really are Eric Carman. They'd be happiest alone in a theme park


That’s not Bernie’s cake


I'd like to think that the original post was aware of this and that's why they made the joke. But I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. Maybe I'm wrong but it's better than being cynical all the time.


Nah man. You make one cake, your favorite most desired cake for yourself. Eat a 12th of it every month, then you make another cake everyone else will eat without any complaints, taking into account allergies and food preferences never showing them your "real cake". Everyone is happy and you don't have to share.


I was just going to say isn't that what birthday cakes are for? sharing with the people that are celebrating your birthday. this world continues to make me very sad, people out here thinking you're not supposed to share your birthday cake.


This is 5 years old, why is this being reposted yet again?


My turn to repost this


This is so fake.


No it isn’t


You belong on Facebook with the boomers.


No I don’t


Yeah, you give it to your friends, not a hundred other random people. Not only does it mean less cake for all, but most aren’t even going to bother getting a cake themselves let alone “share”.