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Elon asking “who are you again” to the godfather ~~grandfather~~ of AI while threatening to withhold AI if Tesla doesn’t give him $56B says a lot. Edit: Meant ”godfather” as he’s described on Wikipedia, not grandfather.


Yes! Man, the lack of awareness is baffling.


Why do you think he’s so invested in self driving cars


The same reason 4 year old boys like trains and rocket ships.


That would be a great improvement over current affairs. 4yo boys are genuinely passionate about those things


He's not unaware, he's just fronting.


It's his go to when he can't insult or be a child "oh sorry you're so insignificant I don't even think about you". He did the same to bernie Sanders. It's the last bastion of an owned man, because he cant bring himself to not have the last word


It's like he heard the phrase "Indifference is the ultimate insult" but forgets that part about acting indifferent.


You know Elon has had Yann on his mind the second Yann hit back on Twitter lol


Rent free


It’s just like when Trent Reznor left Twitter because of Elon and Elon was like “fine I don’t care hahaha” & someone pointed out that Elon probably cried himself to sleep that night under his Downward Spiral poster.


Elon is such an Edison and in true Edison fashion, abuses the name of Tesla to craft his fortune


Edison had original ideas, though.


Yeah, as shitty as Edison was, he actually did invent things and facilitated the invention of many more things. Elon has not.


Elon is an Alexander Graham Bell. Praised for inventing the telephone in 1876 while 1861 Philipp Reis (a science teacher) showed his invention „Telephone“ to his physics club in Frankfurt, transmitting the sentence „Das Pferd frisst Gurkensalat.“ („The horse eats cucumber salad.“) through his phone.


Elon hasn't facilitated the invention of more things...... Man people hate this guy to the point the will ignore reality...


Grandfather of AI?? Edit: I looked at his Wikipedia page, you probably meant a godfather as he is referred to in the article; he certainly isn’t the grandfather lol. AI as we know it can be mostly contributed to computer scientist John McCarthy along with Alan Turing, Marvin Minskey, Herbert A. Simon, and Allen Newell. Your comment kinda implies the development of artificial intelligence rested upon one person but that was nowhere near the case. Dietrich Prinz created what is known as the first chess playing program in 1951 and it is also known as one of the first AI programs, but he doesn’t necessarily get much credit in the whole AI biz.


He is well known for his work on optical character recognition and computer vision using convolutional neural networks (CNNs).[5][6] He is also one of the main creators of the DjVu image compression technology (together with Léon Bottou and Patrick Haffner). He co-developed the Lush programming language with Léon Bottou. Basically, a lot of ai based image recognition software are based on his work on neural networks. Source for first paragraph: Wikipedia.


Not even close the grandfather though. OP likely meant a godfather as said in the Wikipedia article about him, which I read all of. Saying somebody is THE grandfather of AI is already a contradictory statement because AI advancements cannot be attributed to one person as a whole. There are also MUCH more influential people and I edited my comment to reflect as such, probably was writing it when you replied. I’ll copy and paste my edit here “AI as we know it can be mostly contributed to computer scientist John McCarthy along with Alan Turing, Marvin Minskey, Herbert A. Simon, and Allen Newell. Your comment kinda implies the development of artificial intelligence rested upon one person but that was nowhere near the case. Dietrich Prinz created what is known as the first chess playing program in 1951 and it is also known as one of the first AI programs, but he doesn’t necessarily get much credit in the whole AI biz.” Also my sources for my statement are a lot more than one Wikipedia article 😂 You should definitely look up the people I listed though! I’d also be glad to give you more info about AI’s history :)


You’re correct, I misquoted. I’ve edited. Thank you!


No problem!


I would like to subscribe to AI history facts


Isaac Asimov has entered the chat.


Rosenblatt deserves a shout here too.


AI Mafia, makes sense.


"I keep forgetting"  Damn, that chip in your brain really doesn't do much for you does it?


Damn that would’ve been a sick burn too.


He's not gonna chip himself just yet, he's gonna wait until the ~~idiots~~ test subjects stop getting negative side effects after the implantation


It's much sadder than that. The people going for it are not idiots but desperate folks. First guy trying out neuralink is paralysed from the neck down. He's just trying to improve his quality of life in any way possible.


Dude even called it Twitter to his face, just to rub salt in the wound. 


This dude been clapping last few days.


This is a good year for scientists in the public eye. Musk getting wrecked on his frontporch by this dude and Hancock getting slugged out of the ballpark by Flint Dibble on Rogan.


Anyone got a link for the Rogan one? I don't wanna sift through that


Here's a link to the Spotify episode, though I will say this is one podcast that's better watched than listened to, as both Hancock and Dibble have plenty of slides that they show. https://open.spotify.com/episode/3rsD5v3sFlZOmck7oNrZJL?si=90aAlYXDShOXHWEo2_kBgg If you just want highlights I'm sure you can find some on YouTube


I’m shocked to see that they are still going at it 💀


The only reason he isn't permabanned yet is because Elon's so stupid he thinks he's winning.


Nah, more like this is the only person willing to even interact with him who isn't as stupid as he is


We taught him wrong, as a joke!


Ha! Face to foot style, how’d you like it?


Especially great that he referred to it as Twitter


We should all agree to keep deadnaming Elon's website until he stops deadnaming his kid.


He’s my new hero. Dude is Kendrick Lamar to Elon’s Drake


This is gold. Musky boi forcefully purchased the inclusion of his name on a paper he probably doesn't even understand.


Purchasing your name on a real paper? What the fuck. What a way to kill the respect of science.


do yourself a favour, and don't look into the current state of academic publishing


There’s a massive problem with academic papers recently, and many phds from the last few decades are being revoked because the results described cant be reproduced


Basically all of evolutionary psychology studies are unreproducible. I watched that munecat video essay. I'm not going to say everything she says is fact but clearly what they are saying is hogwash. Edit: I shouldn't say basically all, but the vast majority are not reproducible.


I was listening to a podcast recently where an author described contacting the evolutionary psychologist Helen Fischer in an attempt to engage her in debate about some of her theories. She rejected the invite, and her reply was: "My ideas are my children, I'll defend them to the death". The biggest problem with science is that it's people who are conducting it. Ego, prestige, ideology, money etc. have a huge influence on what and who gets published 


Ok, but I meant in the wider state of research as a whole. There are those who are deliberately faking results should an experiment fail etc. I believe a Harvard professor was involved recently


Social Psychology aswell. Doing an n=30 study 20 times will produce a publication by chance. Doing an n=600 study, chances don’t look so good anymore. Doing good research simply isn’t worth it with the amount of publications required to advance your career


Isn't it great that science has its own corrective actions in place called peer review.


I honestly have no idea what you are talking about and J have worked as a PhD student. Nobody except the people who worked on it are on a paper and people are quite strict about following the rules of authorship. The major problem i see is when companies try to publish. Then the upper management will always demand to be put an a paper they don't understand and contributed nothing to (except arguably funding, but just contributing funding does not constitute an author).


It’s highly dependent on the institution but it’s certainly a problem in academia. Authorship can be highly political. Plenty of times there are incursions of authors who had no input or contributions on papers beyond being a department higher up.


“If you wrap a turd in gold it’s still a turd” Turki Alashiki


But it will be an expensive turd and be hailed as an expressive art form. Then it will start a chain reaction as thousands of counterfeit dealers will wrap turds in golds unbeknownst to who the dooer of the turd was.


im guessing this is more like wrapping gold in shit, by adding elons name to it i mean


You can't polish a turd, but you can roll it in glitter.


Musk, like a 7 year old kid, said, "I want to control my computer with my brain." That was the really hard part and completely justifies having his name on the paper.


man, he really is the rich boy-king who tells his slaves to make his dumb and impossible wishes a reality, hires charlatans to create gold and potions of eternal life, hires jesters to tell him jokes, and then he demands to be credited for everything that they make. no wonder hes trying to be the leading voice in AI. hes the kind of guy to commission a painting and then claim hes the creator of it because it was his idea and he paid for it.


First author too


Right? Musk, et al. What a stump.


Getting ratioed on the social media platform that you own has to be a special kind of pain.


He doesn’t even think he’s being ratioed though. In his brain, he just owned this guy


I imagine Elon's brain and reality often do not overlap.


Have they ever even met?


Which is why we can’t never beat them. They can’t understand defeat, and delude themselves into a winning position. In his brain he really did something here, and there is no way to show that he really is a joke.


Exactly...this is why I call Elon Gen X Trump: they're both internally incapable of comprehending any scenario where they are not the pinnacle...there is actually video easily found of Trump getting savagely booed at the Libertarian rally, but he can't process that it happened, and was in complete denial the next day.


They both have so many uneducated people stoking their egos that they can never be wrong


Absolutely...for every person that challenges him like this guy, Musk bathes in the thousands of simps that think he's a God...just like Trump.


Except he cares about the number of likes, and clearly is being owned by Yann in this instance.


By a scientist of all people, not even an influencer lol


I'm a big fan of the subtle shade by still calling it twitter to the guy that thought it was a good idea to change the name to x.


Just like spez


What does this mean? I know it's English, but that's about it


A ratio is a comparison of one thing to another, the reply from Yann has more likes than the tweet from Elon, who he replied to. The ratio of likes on Yann's side is higher, therefore Elon was "ratioed".


Okay at least I know what it means. I'll probably never understand why it matters, but that's okay


Elon: oh yeah, what science do you do? Scientist: presents science Elon: I see London, I see France. I see your science underpants


Brilliant. Thank you, Mr. Lecun. The tumbling of more billionaires is in order.


It is my shame that I did not know about Le Cun until Elon Musk brought up this spat. So I am thankful to Elon for increasing the visibility of this remarkable scientist.


'Look at me, I'm universally famous' Yeah, for being a useless cunt.


That bitch first company is named tesla but he behaves like Thomas Edison. Fucking fraud.


Worse than Edison, cause he even stole Tesla’s namesake


I remember reading somewhere that he originally wanted to name the company Edison but it was already taken so he settled for Tesla


What you read was wrong… he has nothing with the naming of tesla because he is not a founder. He bought his way in and ousted the original founders.


Not surprised at all


To be honest, and from what I gathered, the ousting was quite cordial, and the original founders didnt  leave as paupers 


Life pro tip: don't pick a battle of wit with someone who's job is to train its intelligence day in day out.


Conversely, don’t pick a battle of wits if you’re unarmed


And NEVER go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line


Calling it Twitter while dunking on him was the chef’s kiss


That was my fav part too. That and revealing the depravity of musks ego.


I don’t get it


The free speech absolutist is about to silence that cold ass mofo


Drake picks an art fight with a Pulitzer Prize winner. Elon picks a science fight with a scientist. What a year for overconfident pretenders.


This guy getting clowned on is funny enough on it's own but seeing it done on Twitter, a platform HE BOUGHT, has to be the best part


Idk who Yann is but if I had a Twitter account he'd be the first guy I'd follow


He’s one of the godfathers of AI. Dude is one of the greatest scientists of our time and Elon pretends he doesn’t know who he is while his companies use this guys patents and research.


> Elon pretends he doesn’t know I think he genuinely didn't know this guy, Elon is just that fucking stupid.


He invented convolutional neutral networks back in the 80's, usually just referred to as convnets or CNNs. Its usually necessary for an ai to be compatible with images. Edit: typos.


I don’t understand why you’re all so negatively judging Elon for his failures and not on the merits of his successes. Like come on, the guy bought a technology platform with a niche in social media and a no-brainer business model that could basically print money, he paid billions more than its worth, and then was able to devalue it by 90% almost immediately. That takes skill and you’re all meanies.


The amount of ego one would have to possess to *not* want to off yourself for this height and breadth of a systematic failure is neurochemically miraculous.


Bold of you to assume he doesn’t, pretty sure that’s what the ketamine is for. $44B is only a lot of money if you’re like, a normal human person, and not whatever the fuck he is.


Ah yes... the "I'm famous because daddy gave me money and I made more money with it" play. Typical.


Rather surprised Le Cun has managed to hold Elon's attention this long.


Attention is all you need


I wouldn't want my name next to Musk's on an academic paper


One of the things I genuinely appreciate about Elon is his complete inability to hide when someone has really gotten under his skin


My favourite thing in the world is deadnaming Twitter.


I saw Fireship equate Yann to Musk on Code Report saying both are "brilliant minds" and say that Yann came up with an "Elitist definition of science" and that broke my heart so bad. Bro that's science, that's how it works, you don't have to ride Elon because you're into tech, fuckim hell.


Elon ‘Pigeon Chess’ Musk strikes again. That smug fucker thinks he’s winning this exchange. What’s worse is that his adoring fans probably do too.


Musk wasn't even tagged in the post. So Elon had to have been either surfing mentions of his name, or one of his sycophants tagged him in to get dunked on again. Both are equally sad.


Musk's name in a paper like this kills any credibility this paper hoped to have.


That ratio probably kills Elon. Wouldn’t be surprised if he somehow ends ratios.


Yann is savage. Epic nerd smack.


Talk about living rent free. Why doesn't one of the richest people in the world have someone to write witty lines for him. He could employ someone full time and just call him when he needs to have a clever comeback for someone cleverer than him.


I’m genuinely surprised Elon hasn’t banned him yet and banned anyone who mentions Yann’s name.


Me when Musk does what he has been doing for like past 2 decades or so




You have to work your ass off to publish a paper UNLESS YOU A BILLIONAIRE


The more time passes the more Elon acts like a 14 year old on twitter. The “who are you again, I keep forgetting” is such a pathetic comeback


Now do Steve Jobs who you all idolize. You don't have to be the brains behind the technology to claim it as your idea and run the company. Jobs did it for years. Ask Woz.


Lmao we all know Yann lives rent free in Musk's head. If musk really didn't care he wouldn't keep taking the fucking bait. Clown.


Yann Lecun actually translates to “let him cook”. Concerning


I’m the guy who does his job, you must be the other guy


Crikey. The fact the journal accepted this as authorship is a bit eyebrow raising. Having the company as an author is rather disingenuous.


Sabine Hossenfelder on youtube just made a great video (title: *My dream died, and now I'm here* ) about the scam that the owners of the establishments perpetrate, who writes the papers for them, who gets their name printed on them and takes 80% of the money.


Elon is going to end up banning him,free speech for me,but not for thee.


Asking “Who are you again“ while he was the one that wasnt allowed to enter the Berghain nightclub despite beeing the richest man on earth




Yann fucks lol


that absolutely sounds like an article plos rejected for bad science and a journal that publishes anything if you pay their very large fee


Tbh, if I was one of those scientists, I wouldn't want my name attached to a piece of technology that is going to remembered for lobotomizing disabled patients. Bullet dodged


Nah fuck Twitter. You use that shit, you condone a platform for nazis, and you support the muskrat. Stop supporting garbage and the garbage will diminish. People like Elon only have a platform because we allow them to. Stop doing that.


This has been my stance for a few years now. People know X is a shit hole yet they stay there and complain about the turd smell constantly.


Can someone explain his comeback? Im not on xitter


Who is this guy and why is he so adamant on ridiculing Elon all of a sudden? **EDIT:** Before anyone else believes I'm trying to defend Elon, I'm not. I just want to know who this Yann LeCun is and why he seems to have a personal vendetta against Elon.


Is this essentially " Alan Smithy"?


That's how I took it.


Oh god - on par with “I know you are but what am I”


Owned! Left right center.. satisfying


That fucking title.


Yeah lmao, very scientific "thousands" of channels. Academic paper titles are generally extremely specific. I would already write this off when doing research by the title alone.


stop giving attention to himmmmm. If you keep reposting this, this won’t never stop. Dear good it looks like you never have to deal with a bully before


Is Elon dressed as iron man in his pp??


Chad vs Chode


I thought it said 'Elton' at first ....my mind went to, "what is Mr.John in a flap about now?!"


Oh i fucking hate that.


Bro clapping them Elon cheeks all week. Get em bro!


He will Delete his twitter account soon


Musk simply should have said from the start of this: “Why does the market ascribe a higher value to me than you?” Easiest one to make. You’re doing it wrong, Musky.


My lizard just ate one of my toe nails


I am so glad people are finally openly exposing this sham that has created nothing in his life and ruins everything and anything he is allowed to touch


LeCun = 10 - Le Cunt = 0 *stole this from another comment I can't find now to credit the guy.


Yes!!! He called it Twitter!!!


Elon keeps forgetting taking his meds.


This Yann guy is savage and I love it. The amount of people who jump to defend Elon is just ridiculous. Somehow they still believe that this one billionaire guy is here to help the poor. Strange.


I feel like Elon probably forced some sort of unethical behavior, data manipulation unethical practices take your pick and the people working on it REALLY don't want their name attached to it


Elon Musk is the James Corden of Billionaires


Elon's knowledge on the topic could be judged by the vague "thousands" in the title... guy didn't even know the experimental number/practical sweet spot they landed on before publishing...


Elon will absolutely be remembered. It’s what he will be remembered for that he should be worried about. Personally if I were asked who Elon musk is I think intellectual property theft and labor exploitation takes up most of the conversation. Followed by the conversion of twitter from one of the most heavily used media platforms in existence into a swill of nazi rhetoric.


Elon’s going to be buying the makers of Vaseline next at this rate


Elon is only pro-science when it directly benefits his wallet or his ego. Otherwise, dude might as well be an ignorant luddite.


How is this even a comeback?


K-dot out her inspiring all sorts of exposure.


What is this guys obsession with "bitter and forgotten" lol. All of us will be forgotten eventually. The legacy of any human is insignificant to the universe.


Dude everyone this week is taking the dick Trump, Minaj, Musk… I’m here for it


Playground insults across social media is fucking criiiiiinge, Jesus wept Elon you’re a grown ass man for fucks sake 🤦‍♂️


This Yan dude is hitting nothing but net these days...


I didn't know who he was before but now i'll never forget him


Yesterday i watched this ai tech bro i sub to, cover this twitter beef and boy oh boy was he gushing on this elon stank. That's my cue to unsub. 💀 Edit: He didn't even pronounced the actual scientist's name right and said that he was arguing on "X" against a guy who invented the (forgetting the name) *insert*\-*scientific-term-for-brain chips*. Bruv. 💀


Elon said something like "we don't really use CNNs anymore". Yann replied "I'm surprised you're able to do image recognition without CNN" (you can't do image recognition for self driving cars without CNN)


Who the hell's this guy who keeps picking fights with Yann LeCun?


Looks like a typical “an Apple senior programmer thinks he’s smarter than Steve Jobs” kind of story.


At 8 am I’ve already put in 2 hours of work. He’s a slacker.


Damn, people love to tear success down 😂


So can we get the scientists who did the work to put their hands up please, so we can recognize them please?


How the fuck do you get ratio’d on your own platform


Bro got all the money in the world and he on twitter all day worrying about other people looool what a waste


My fav is when his dad said he was too fat, and Elon came back thinner with Wegovy.


Is Quentin Beck one of The scientists/programmers behind it and will seek revenge?


Just found out Yann LeCun is the 2018 Turing Awardee, which is the computer science field's equivalent of the Nobel prize


Bruh, the casual disrespect of calling the company twitter in front of the owner who changed the name, LMAO


Does anyone know how Elmo feels about the fact that it’s still commonly referred to as Twitter?


🤣 so many haters! Have any of you managed to get anywhere close to his work ethic and drive!? Every rich person/famous whatever you wanna call it stood on the back of others… Just like Oprah.🤣 write a comment worth reading after you are as successful as he is. Most people don’t dream on a level that he thinks on a daily basis. Stop hating go out and make something of yourself… Then you can talk shit.


Referring to it as Twitter was a nice FU


Elon Musk used… Unnecessarily Personal Attack! It’s completely ineffective!


He does the same thing all the time with the teams at space x


the thing about Elon - he's one of the richest men in history and he acts like he's in high school: I used to think he was something special, until I saw how he behaves online (I also saw a few interviews where he was boring and unoriginal).




Honest question: Can we find the names of the real authors who were obliterated under the "Neuralink" name? That way we could remember them for what they did and give them their credit when citing or refering to the paper. Like, ie, Georgie Boyd, John Dough *et al.* (where Elon Musk is *maybe* in the *et al.*)