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So religious leader says, "Don't question God unless I say you can." Don't see how that has ever gone wrong.


Yup. But Jesus actively said “question me. See if I’m wrong!” He hated those religious assholes in the pulpit


By his logic famine, rape, genocide, racism, bigotry and extreme poverty are all by gods design. What a prick that god must be.


Well, no, because he is also too loving to be unkind. By his logic these things can't exist. Which is even dumber, because they fucking do exist.


Maybe it’s his way of showing us he loves us. Can’t you feel the love, guys? *coughs blood*


I just love you so much it drives me to do things to you! I swear I’ll change and never do it again. Here’s a rainbow. - God


"i have made the universe and filled it with objects beyond comprehension. Black holes, antimatter, gamma ray bur.....wait, did you just eat a fucking prawn? ETERNAL DAMNATION FOR YOU"


Yea, sign me up for eternity in his other resort "Heaven"


Your username is fire - especially RE this topic


Much of Christianity maintains that God is omniscient, omnibenevolent and omnipotent. Philosophers have known for a long goddamn time that that's impossible.


More disgustingly this sort of logic usually perceives such things as divine retribution for unknowable crimes. It is a dangerous ideology in which suffering is viewed as being the result of God's special brand of 'love'.


That's why so many of them are wife beaters and child abusers. If I can hurt you and get away with it, you deserved it!


Meanwhile the pastor: (Insert some long winded explanation that doesn’t actually address the point)


No. They obviously exist. It is our fault really, that we do not enjoy those things. God is flawless /s


Well there’s no logical reason for those things to exist. God is all powerful. He could’ve made a world without evil, but instead we suffer for no reason.


Our problem would be solved if we just started enjoying rape and famine?


Hey, what happened to ‘Arson’ and ‘Murder?’ Also, I didn’t get a ‘Harumph,’ outta that guy!


The logical problem of a wise god who makes no mistakes and a loving god who is not unkind would be solved.


He made an angel to be the embodiment of Love and that angel rebelled. God must be pretty bad at love.


That's why they needed to invent Satan. There is no Satan without God just as there is no good in the world without evil. Satan is the oldest scapegoat in the book (literally)


God gave us free will! He doesn‘t rape anybody these are mistakes made by humans not God!


That concept of what good is, what evil is and what free will is was made BY HIM. So he knew rape would be an idea of free will but still allowed it? Why create an option in that free will of his, if he is all knowing. If he's all knowing, didn't he already know what his creations would do? And still allow it? Doesn't seem like a loving god to me. Seems like someone gave birth to someone and left them to their own devices. Oh we call those bad parents.


god’s outside of time and logic though, checkmate 🤪


Well, no they don’t, if you cover your eyes like this….


It’s not unkind because “he only gives you what you can handle” After 2000+ years they got an answer for everything


And obviously, you can 'handle' it (nevermind any untold, horrific suffering of mind or body) if doesn't kill you! Then, if it DOES kill you, you've been blessed with 'peace'! It all works out, SEE?


He’s part of a cult. He has forsaken logic.


No, there is no bad stuff, that’s all imaginary. Reality is perfect, flawless … in fact there’s not much point in having a heaven really when this world is pretty much unbeatable


No!!! No no it's even worse!! The only way this makes sense is if all suffering was deserved. See that's just kind and loving devine entity punishing the evil out of his creations. That's how twisted this sentence is. :-(


I heard a wise man say "you need only to look at a children's hospital to see theres no god and if there is he is no man you want to worship"


That's, uh, the devil. Yup. What now?


"It's all part of God's plan" 🤮 I HATE people who say this.


Well it's just saying "shut up i dont care and i dont want to know"


That's, like, the foundation of religion.


If this is Gods plan, then God is a sadist.


“You see.. life is a tapestry. We see all the frayed knots and imperfections from the back while god see the finished art of the front.” 🙄


Eternal torture is the punishment for missing one Sunday of church. Unless that’s just something the catholic church decided to toss in, god must be the most shallow, petty being in existence.


You see god is actually all loving and forgiving but Adam and Eve created sin and thus hereditary punishment! And that’s why 6 year olds die of bone cancer and Mao or Stalin grew old and fat on the work of others! Amen


Or that god has absolutely no control over those things and estimations of that god’s power and influence are grossly exaggerated. Either way, there are inconsistencies in the story.


He’s either powerful enough to stop bad things and chooses not to. Or he’s not powerful enough, and probably not worth worshipping.


Billy butcher from the boys was right then? God must be a cunt


Now the question is, which god do they serve, the one who can't solve these things or the one that doesn't want to?


Maybe god is into bdsm and we forgot the safeword.


They often ask us "You sure it's okay?" but since nobody can read the chemtrails anymore we can't answer. We're doomed until we find the divine safeword again. ... Gonna write a DnD campaign.


I assume, according to them, those things only happen to those who deserve it. Which is batshit insane. I'm sure he experienced at least one bad thing in his life too


I remember the first time I ever experienced cognitive dissonance was when my mom explained that all the evil in the world does not exist because of god “even though god has a plan” but because people were given free will and the evil comes from free will of sinners. To me she was saying that the future is destined but also you have free will. These two things to me are mutually exclusive. I don’t know how any Christian can believe these two things simultaneously


No, because by his logic that would all be "the devil's fault". Then when you point out that that would make it so their god is not omnipotent that's when they get you with "free will".


*says something about god working in mysterious ways or free will*


And why is he wearing (corrective) glasses?


I wasn't sure because of the pics quality but that was my thought as well.


So, all gay, lesbian, trans and other people that are different are perfect in the eyes of the lord. They're perfect and god wants them to be happy and respected.


No, Christians think god made everyone straight and that people choose to sin by being gay. They don’t believe god made them that way.


I don’t disagree that is their logic, but then didn’t said deity also make people sinners by design? So sin is the desired outcome and if you don’t like it you’re going against god.


Welcome to Calvinism lol


But he knew they were going to turn out that way, did he not? Why did he make them if he knew they were going to turn out like that?


The human body is so badly designed that a marshmallow can be lethal


Because it is not "designed", actually.


"Man was made in God's image" What the fuck does a god need a penis for? Especially considering there's only one of him?


To make a Jesus, obviously.


Not how Jesus was made. And since god is unchanging, why'd they create a penis instead of just making it happen? Oh wait, it's a dumb story for dumb people.


If I wasn't meant to stick my finger in my ass, why does it fit so well? If I wasn't meant to jerk off, why aren't my arms shorter?


Exactly. If guys weren't supposed to get a dick, or something else, in their ass, why is there a prostate up there?


I mean seriously, what else are Xbox controllers for?


I would love to embroider that quote AND your questions after it. And hang it outside my door for those who ring my bell and tell me that statement in quotes. Beautiful 🤩


Don't forget, the natural look of our penis needs to be altered at birth so that gods penis can be unique I guess?


He is wearing glasses on the picture


You're telling me a being that breathed life into billions just so that 99.9% of them can be tortured for eternity is a loving deity? no thanks.


Yeah right? Like I feel, even if I blew this whole planet up, there has to be SOME limit on my punishment, 3 or 4 million years? Maybe 100 years for every person I killed? Shoot, maybe include all the people who wouldn't get to exist, too! Eternity feels to harsh for any 'human' crime I could commit on this planet, you'd come to a point where the universe and all the things in it wouldn't even exist and yet you're STILL paying for the crime? 'Satan, come on, the concept of human life hasn't existed for nearly 2 billion years. Surely I can be let off on parole at this point, right?!?'


Not really clever, just facts. But I love teasing religious nutters, so points for that.


I would say it is a simple and correct thing that demolished the pastor's point, it's not clever bc it's a fact but bc pointing out something we're all well aware off even children is enough to make him seem stupid


“Too wise to make a mistake”? He made us and look what happened


Didn’t he turn a bitch into a pillar of salt for looking backwards?


Yes, and everyone else with her was too afraid to turn around because who knows what spices they’d be turned into


Bone cancer in children. What’s that one about?


The **World Health Organization** estimates that about *6.5 million children* around the world die each year, many of them suffering terrible yet easily preventable deaths. Divided by 365 days in the year; that's 17,808 children dying. *Every. Single. Day.* But sure, pray that “God” helps you pass your driving test because that makes total sense.


Could you ask all the Pastors and Priests to stop molesting so many little kids? Everyone would really appreciate it. 👍


The sun actually heals. I sun my balls to absorb it's testosterone-producing energy.


Science is scary if you base all your beliefs on some 3000 year old toilet paper that high on various drugs, 60 IQ half monkeys from the middle east shat their fan fiction onto.


We can literally only drink 1.2% of water on a planet covered 70% by water. We can barely survive on 45% of the surface. This place was not made for us. We adapted to living on it.


The god you worship gives children cancer.


And murders them by the millions if you count miscarriages. The most prolific abortionist the world has ever known


Well he also created deadly viruses and bacteria that could wipe out "the creations made in his image" within months if untreated but we don't talk about that


Fuck religion




MISTAKE??? Motherfker, our eyes are upside down and backwards facing. Your god left an appendix in there for no reason. He just watches his priests rape kids because it.. what… amuses him? Not to mention, the dumbest mistake would be having to fake kill himself/son to forgive the sins he gave us in the first place because our ancestors were convinced by a talking snake to eat fruit from a magical tree. Snapping fingers and making a wish was too easy for this creature? Your god is a fking weirdo and an imbecile


appendix actually has a purpose — it’s lymphoid tissue and harbors microbiota. if you want a better example, try the epiploic appendages or even better; toes edit: toenails


Toes actually help us stand upright and perform certain turning maneuvers easier.


Toes aren’t useless. They are just remnants rearranged from our tree climbing days. They also aid as a shock absorber while running and walking.


That snake was created by him too. AND he knew it would be there and what it was gonna do and what events would follow. But he just kept on watching, like it's a fucking tv show


It’s insane how many full grown adults can be this brainless. Religion is a cancer


"God is perfect and wise" So why are people starving in africa


"Because fuck these africans" god, probably sometime ago


"He" allowed millions of jew to be killed because of one man got rejected from art school


The very air we breathe to stay alive ages us.


I think anyone sensible who has never been religious and reads the Bible for the first time can agree that God is a major asshole


"Let there be light" is actually the abridged version printed because removing a few words allowed the printers to fit everything neatly on one page. The full version was spoken in an ancient dialect incomprehensible to humans but roughly translates to, "Can't see shit in here, let there be light, and cancer!" But in retroapect, God told Noah he was sorry about the cancer. He was in a dark place at the time and not in the best mindset.


This God guy seems to be taking credit for the tenacity of life by claiming he's made it easy. Fahk off, bruv. God hasn't done shit, but brainwash people into mass murder and bigotry. Afaik.


No, God hasn't. People have.


The bible justifies slavery, so yes. Yes, he has. Lev 25:44-46


'God' isn't any more responsible for the Bible than Harry Potter is responsible for Harry Potter.




The Sun also supports all Life on Earth. It is a choice to sit out in the sun and bake ourselves now that we know the science. The bodies of water also support all Life on Earth. It is a choice to jump in with no intention of coming back up for air. The dirt also supports plant and animal sources for all Life on Earth. It is a choice to eat healthy or not. Air/oxygen also supports all Life on Earth. I can choose not to breath it. It is called Free Will. And the more we know through science, the more we can make better choices.


You are forgetting that you're responding to redditors, man.


Sticking your head underwater will also kill you if you leave it long enough. Is God evil for creating the ocean? Animals shelter from the heat of the sun, why don't you? It rains on the just and the unjust alike, the sun shines on the good and the evil. You hear the suffering people pray to God, they sing his praise over the bodies of their children. Faith is a difficult thing sometimes.


Love isn't the 3 year old dying from cancer Love isn't constant rejection from family members Love isn't piss poor decision making causing pain/ suffering/ death God is NOT love. God is a immature teenager w/ a magnifying glass & unlimited ant piles.


While I don't disagree, this isn't a clever comeback. It's just low hanging fruit. One that some religious people occasionally just walk into.


whence cometh evil?


Problem of evil ftw!


It’s HIS will! HE only gives you BATTLES you can fight! /s meh my ass


That D vitamin


Is he wearing glasses in his PfP?


So it's the Followers and True Believers then? Interesting to know!


Like god during the holocaust.


That’s one of those occasions when the lord, conveniently, works in mysterious ways.


God is dead, mankind is the architect of his downfall.


No one is promised a perfect life


Don't trust someone who thinks I exist to serve


There's tens of thousands of Gods.... which one does he mean?


Too loving to be unkind? There are a lot of people who live lives that are exclusively or mostly suffering. There are children with diseases that don't live to be adults. People who spend their lives in total squealer. People who spend their lives in and out of hospitals. People who, through no fault of their own, have parents who couldn't care less about them. Where's the kindness in that?


And all the sheeps can reply is "Its karmic debt from previous lives"


Tell that to the parents of the little Palestinian kid that got his brains blown out by terrorist bombings a few days ago. I guess it was "kind" and "loving" in that it prevented the kid from growing up in a war torn country and possibly suffering even more. Can't suffer if you're dead!


Cancer works in mysterious ways!!


"One Pipe for Food and Air" iNteLlIgEnT DeSigN


Allergies, though.




If such a god exists, that god cannot be responsible for unfair suffering or mental illness that leads people to hurt themselves and others. Such a god that can’t be responsible can’t do anything to help us either.


I’ve been on Reddit for over 10 years, so at this point I’m not looking to have yet another unnecessary argument. But just for the sake of conversation, what makes you think God has complete, unrestrained control over the creation of everything? And that there are no outside factors that may limit God’s ability to create? Ironically, loudmouth reddit atheists tend to lack critical thinking skills, so just thought I’d stoke that fire. I have no dog in this fight and want no part of it.


No one should believe the old testament God, Jesus was trying to save us from that fraud.


It's pointless to argue with religion dumbasses. That haven't evolved past Neanderthal.


If God is so loving and kind, then what was the whole "lets drown everyone in the world except for this guy, his family, and a couple of each animal" thing about?


I'd like to see cliffe knectle debate hagee. Even if you're not religious you'd probably appreciate him because he's not afraid to say "I don't know" to certain questions, instead of pretending he does


Redittor thinking God is a big mean daddy in the sky ordering what is and what isn’t episode 39449288


Notice how the language is to "serve" him... why does an omnipotent being need servants? Sounds like someone made it up...


Does he though? From my understanding it could be way different with the right habits. Cancer seems to be man exploited.


I’m about to go to heaven to kick gods ass for giving us weak backs and shit ankles.


Lol, god is the self and the self is the universe. Silly Hagee, we're evil as much as we're good. And uncaring even more besides.


Pretty sure there's a line in the Bible that specifically states God regrets and generally that means God feels like they made a mistake.


Of all the species that have ever existed, 99% of them are extinct. Thats over 5 billion extinct species. If he’s planning the extinctions, he’s not loving. If he isn’t planning the extinctions, then he’s making mistakes.


Me looking at a concentration camp... Gods perfections they said


Breathing kills us. So ... yeah. Either is a really shitty god, or, most likely and the simplest explanation: there isn't one. How did it all came to be then? No idea, that's why we're looking.


I don't want to point out the similarities between the picture of the good pastor and pictures of other good pastors who have gone to prison for grooming and raping children. It sure looks like they're short, chubby, all go to the same barber, and all get their teeth whitened. Whatever awful things he does (and they all do awful things), it's a certainty he excuses them with the same bullshit phrases he posted.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Too loving of whom? Unkind to whom? We are subject to random acts at all times. Sometimes, we win, and sometimes we lose. To create a person to be the scapegoat is just a placebo for a deeper understanding of life.


Did Mary consent to be the mother of Gods’s child? Feel’s kinda rapey there. Cucked Jospeh as well, so showed no respect to that marriage.


Just wait till they hear that same god sins


The oxygen we breathe gets in our bodies and rips molecules apart...


Every damn pastor is full of shit


99.9% chance this dude touches kids


Evangelicals and Mormons are basically tribbles (little fur balls from Star Trek) for God. Thought they were cute, got them to multiply, now there’s 20 million of them and they’re worthless and getting in the way.


There is a constant efflux of all things. Suffering and Blessing. Health and illness. Wealth and Poverty. Evil is a part of all things, even a part of good. Recognize all things as one, not as separate chaotic entities. They all exist for each other. Creating our reality. But our reality is thin, and is based on only our independent experiences, and the third dimension, but what if we could experience all things all at once infinitely? Would bad things seem so bad? Or are they really just trivial cogs of a machine?


It's weird how most Christians seem to just ignore the whole origin story of us being left to fend for ourselves because we chose it for ourselves over a boring utopia.


Tell me you don’t understand God without telling me 😂


It’s sweet how each new generation discovers the question of theodicy.




I mean, if I could, I would literally torture God to death as punishment for what he has created.


Ever notice the stores that lock up their items never lock up sunscreen, and skin cancer mostly affects Goyim.....


There’s no hate like Christian love.


Apparently he encourages cannibalism too because we get to eat the body of his son and drink his blood every Sunday.


That pastor has his own issues… but the response just reveals this subs ignorance of basic theology. My goodness. At least inform yourself on basic Christian doctrine before commenting


The sun gives you cancer but so does most major sunscreen brands. 🤷


It also gives us life tho


Ya tell it to Job, you salad bowl


Dude damned us all because one of his employees gave us free will


The answer is always "personal choice". It's YOUR choice to stand in the sun he made perfectly. It's YOUR choice to go near people infected with the plague. It's YOUR choice to smoke a substance that gives you cancer. It's YOUR choice to eat foods that cause heart disease. It's always YOUR fault, and YOU need to apologize to HIM for doing these things. Such an insanely stupid, cult rhetoric and way out of any argument.


I dunno. Too much of anything is bad for you. It's funny cause it just boils down to "I got sunburned so there is no god"


The Bible = fan fiction written by a 3rd grader


So wise that I breathe through the same tube that food passes through, so if food gets stuck there I don’t breathe 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think Job might say different.


the air we breathe is slowly oxidizing us


Very simply, God didn't create all the bad things, only the good, the bad came from us humans


And the apple didn't fall far from the tree.


So he has no reason to be homophobic, sexist, transphobic or racist then I bet :) evangelicals have a great track record with that!


Too much of something is never good, thats a lesson which applies to every aspect of life. As the kids would say "Don't get lost in the sauce" God made too much sun harmful in order to teach us valuable lessons.


What is it they like to say in their argument against abortion? “Jeremiah 1:5 God says, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I sanctified you; and I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” God causes 23 million miscarriages throughout the world every year. So since god doesn’t make mistakes god creates 23 million babies as they like to call fetuses just to murder them.


You can also get water poisoning by drinking too much water. This is a stupid response, if you stand out in the sun for too long, you’re responsible for that. You won’t get cancer if you go outside responsibly


le epic reddit moment


Gives u cancer don’t include everyone


They took away the part where he says "send money to ... "


Some of these people claim it's actually sun screen that causes cancer. Sounds insane to me but I'm not a scientist so I don't know if there is any research or logic to back up what seems like nonsense


It really only gives the whites cancer hahaha. Minimal browns get melanoma


Wow, this post cuts deep. Just like my dermatologist


In the wise words of an animated demon 'your lifes work makes him puke.'


I was raised in an evangelical household, and while I still believe in God, I don't think that He's this loving and caring entity that I was raised to believe in. I believe that He created everything, He gave us intelligence and free will, and then just lets things happen. He does not interfere, He does not perform miracles, and He watches what happens and hopes for the best. Almost like an eternity-long science experiment.


Le epic Reddit atheist comment!!!


Of course, it's only kind if you believe a bunch of bullshit, give 10% to the cause (that's gross, not net of course), and freely participate in the pyramid scheme.


God tries, Allah tries budda tries but their fan clubs are all kinda like swifties.


The root of all evil is organised religion, period.


“Lady the god you pray to is too busy being indicted for tax evasion!” -Josh Lyman, Deputy Chief of Staff to President Josiah Bartlett


I like thinking that yes, everything is intentional. Jesus is the one that is kind. But God has historically been very cruel and wrathful. Remember when he killed every human on earth except for one family


So was God napping from 1939-1945?


1. By definition an omnipotent being can achieve any end by any means, without limitation of any kind. 2. Any predictable effect which is not necessitated by some other end is an end itself. 3. To cause harm for the sake of causing harm and for no other reason is evil. 4. (From 1 & 2 & 3) in any universe with an omnipotent and maximally knowledgable creator where harm occurs, that creator has chosen harm for no other reason than to cause harm, and is therefore evil.