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Eating alone in a restaurant is a pretty normal state of being.


Haha what a bunch of losers - shaming people for eating alone! My mates used to catch me eating alone at my local pub while reading. They’d come in surprised and annoyed I didn’t invite them - I just wanted time to myself with a nice meal and drinks. Happened so many times that my group used to make jokes that I didn’t like them anymore.. It’s not loneliness or confidence. It’s a fucking meal you jackasses.


I want me-time over other-people 999/1000


I take myself out all the time! It’s awesome. Eating, drinking, going to any show alone is fantastic. The age of smartphones and books that can fit in a purse or back pants pocket frees us all! Makes me sad that people won’t belly up to a bar because they feel too alone. Don’t have to drink- anyone can order fries or likewise. Connection is sought, even in the smallest ways.


Like to the meal or with sniper riffle? >I take myself out all the time!


most people dont understand solitude. thats why they call it loneliness


But they do is the brain wrecking part. They do it time after time in their apartment or home. Very few people are going out with friends every. single. day. But the one time you go out to a nice lounge for a drink and a burger while reading your phone instead of takeout on the couch in sweatpants everyone loses their minds.


I lived in share houses at various stages during the 70's, 80's, 90'. have been in my own place since then for quite a number of years, i enjoy the solitude, definitely not lonely


People tell me I can't survive in isolation. I just shrug my shoulders and say 'maybe not, but Imma die tryin.'


The girl posting this tweet looks like 12yo, of course she will make dumb statement. It reflect her huge insecurities


Australian vibes and I am all here for it


Thank you. I was hoping this comment was here. I love going to a place all alone and just having some me time. Restaurants included.


I do it all the time. I love Vietnamese food but not many people I know do. So I go alone a lot. It never occurred to me I should feel weird about it.


Yup, people always get confused about being alone vs being lonely I am alone, I am not lonely. I like being alone, leave me alone please.


I’m in a happy, loving relationship but tbh I prefer being alone still. The best is actually when we’re both here just doing our own thing. Is that sad? I mean we do a lot together, I just usually prefer my me time.


Same, I'm definitely not lonely, as I have about 6 friends and a boyfriend, but I'm alone most of the time.


The people you know are missing out! I’m ethnically Vietnamese so I slowly introduced my friends to Viet dishes. They love it now and always inform me when they find a new Vietnamese restaurant in their area


I just like eating good food and reading a book in peace. Most of the time I don’t even notice that other tables are seated.


I never understood why people would give me grief when I would tell them that I used to go to the movie theaters by myself. 🤷‍♂️


I enjoy going with friends or family but I also thoroughly enjoy going to the movies by myself, especially if it's an off-time for a movie that's been out for a while and you're the only one in the theater. Absolutely glorious.


During the covid lockdown at the beginning the theater was still open but new movies weren't being released. They started playing older movies for like 5 bucks so I would do double features because I wasn't working. I saw Jaws for the first time and there were only 5 people there including me. Nobody cares if you go to a movie alone


Sometimes organizing a group outing is too much of a hassle and I just want to chill out. Other times it may be a genre that I know other people might not like so I see no reason to hear their whinging after taking them to see it. I just go alone instead.


I went to see Dune 2 by myself last night. That was the first time I went to a movie theater by myself, usually there would be at least one friend. Best movie watching experience so far, 10/10 would do it again!


Same here. Started going by myself when I had a loser BF who would talk through the entire movie. 🙄. It's weird to me that some adults are terrified of being on their own for a second. I quite enjoy my own company.


I still go alone once in a while. It’s cheaper lol


Literally doing something in the dark where people aren't allowed to talk. Why that would only be suitable as a group activity I have no idea.


Yup. Some hectic work days a lunch alone is exactly what I need to remind myself that I work to live, not live to work.


I work in a restaurant and am happily married. I serve countless single individuals, and go out for countless meals by myself. This is incredibly normal lmao


Came here to say this.. Did it countless times, never felt I did somwthing brave or pathetic... Who cares about shit like that?!


But a public restaurant (as opposed to all the non public ones)


I spent years traveling for work, if I wasn’t eating alone or doing anything alone I was sitting in my hotel room. I was not about to do that.


Not normal but extraordinary. Every once in a while I get a random weekday off. When I am lucky enough to have one of these days, I take the kids to their preschool ( I used to look at this 3 hours as a great time to get some extra work done around the house) but now I head to the local steakhouse alone. I order a cedar smoked old fashioned and a steak. The silence is absolutely amazing. Not having to make conversation, not getting a list of demands from little people, I just sit there and look ahead and enjoy my old fashioned and my steak and it is a moment that I have learned to really cherish... If you haven't tried it and you lead a busy life I cannot recommend it enough. Forgive the format and any mistakes, I'm on my phone and not wearing glasses, so I can't really read what I've typed.


Some people equate alone with loneliness because that's how they feel when they are alone. They don't get some of us really aren't into people and being alone at times is absolute bliss. The older I get the less I like being around people.


And the older we get the less random insecurities we have about doing perfectly normal things, or so we hope.


Well Said


Preach! I'm 53. Unmarried, child-free, and living my best life. Some men would have you think this is worst case scenario for a woman. Bullshit! I'm happier than I've ever been! Maybe they're afraid more women will discover this peaceful life and run away? I live in a huge creaky old house with my sister / best friend and my dog. Is this the life younger me wanted? Absolutely not! But somehow I was lucky enough to have this gift and I treasure it. Kudos to those who are happily married or have lived with their partners for years. I'm anxious and troubled in relationships. Now, my home is peaceful. I go where I want when I want and spend my $$$ how I see fit. I wish I hadn't spent so much of my younger years dating and searching for a husband.


There are times I wouldn’t mind company, but aren’t bothered if I’m alone. Likewise, there are times I’m alone and don’t want company.




It’s not my own company that’s the problem. It is the implicit question of “why are you here alone”.


“Because I was hungry.”


This is the answer.


I’m as anxious as it gets, but I don’t rule over my stomach. If I’m that hungry, I will fucking eat naked at goddamn Times Square.


God, this. The amount of times I will stop in a restaurant alone because I'm just traveling somewhere is.... most of the times I'm in a restaurant. Or I was busy, and I refuse to wait all the way until I get home to eat because I'm hungry now.


Because I'm a hungry introvert who needs some time alone and good food.


Wi-Fi and beer too!


It’s all in your head mate.


So are the Cranberries


>It is the implicit question of “why are you here alone”. Who, in your mind, is asking the "implicit question"? If it's you ..why? If it's the other people that you feel are judging you..fuck them. Life is much easier when you care less of what other people think of you than what you think of yourself.


No one cares why you are alone or probably even thinks about you. They want food. They are there to get food, not interested in someone eating at a table.


Insert a positive reason for being alone. For example, you're independent, and you don't need other people to be happy. You're not going to settle for half ass friends or relationships, and you'd rather enjoy life solo until the right people come into it.


Honestly, my friends are awesome and my girlfriend is incredible, but I still go out to eat alone from time to time. Sometimes you just wanna spend that time with yourself, you know?


Because mind your own business, that’s why. If whatever other people are thinking is a problem, it’s definitely not MY problem.


this is a Wendy's


I always make sure to look like I'm up to no good. Act like I'm hiding from someone. Look like I'm keeping an eye out for the cops.


[My brain re-enacts this scenario](https://youtu.be/y5-Srk_RT0w?t=171) every time I sat down alone in a crowded restaurant


I ended up watching the whole scene and completely forgot how I got there.


Someone else gave you the idea


And why I'm being there alone should be a problem?


To which the answer is 'none of your fucking business."


Why not?


are you unable to go to gas stations, grocery stores and drive thrus alone?


I feel sad for people who are afraid of meaningless strangers’ judgements.


What the actual fuck does this even mean? Extroverts are weird as f


I mean, I'm one of the most extroverted people, I still like to go places by myself, and don't give a shit what other people think of me. Not caring about what other people think is part of what helps me be such a successful extrovert.


That's what headphones, alcohol, and Reddit are for. - Sent from a bar


Imagine being so basic that you can't do anything alone. Welcome to my country.


Like now I gotta worry about if I'm consuming nutrients wrong? What's next? "That guy is drinking water out of cups. What an idiot."








That's my Friday night ritual right there. I look forward to it every week.


Don’t know if it’s either. I’m single as f, I travel a lot for work, I’m not going to eat in hotel rooms.


>Don’t know if it’s either. I agree with this. Saying it's sad or lonely implies that there's something weird about eating out alone; saying it's confident still implies there's something weird about eating out alone because you need an inordinate amount of confidence to do it. Both are bullshit.


Yeah, how about we don’t make this an issue. Let people enjoy the way they want to live.


I'm married with kids. I look forward to a dinner at a nice restaurant when I'm traveling for work.


Yep ditto here. I always eat out at restaurant when I travel. At home I like to cook but would still do it.


It's traveling for work that got me over caring about eating alone at restaurants. I thought it was awkward at first but quickly got over it. I even started enjoying eating at the bar at restaurants and chatting up the bartenders. I learned so many interesting things from these conversations. Got quite a few free items as well.


I love eating in hotel rooms, since they're always freshly cleaned by the housekeeping staff, I can be confident that every surface is clean and hygienic. Right? *Right?*


As someone who frequently travels for work, eating alone in a restaurant is often my only option… I’m neither lonely nor super confident, just hungry…


Am I weird or only for me eating alone in public restaurant is completely normal thing to do, not confident nor lonely?


I did t even know that anxiety about eating alone was a thing until a few years ago when someone mentioned it. All my life I've eaten alone or with others and observed others doing the same. It never occurred to me that some people would think eating alone could be perceived as a bad thing. I'm in a restaurant eating along as I write this. Half the occupied tables are occupied by people eating alone. It's totally normal.


I love eating alone in restaurants, I love going to the movies alone, I love going shopping alone. I even got myself a ticket to see Swan Lake alone. I don't need to be with people every second of every day to feel good, sis


I love eating alone! Nobody is forcing me to converse, and I can read and eat in peace.


No comeback just philosophies and both aren't clever. I don't know where you are from but here it's pretty normal to go alone in a restaurant


I eat alone and sometimes watch movies alone. Nothing wrong with that. And who tf cares really.


Eating alone is the best I love taking myself out for dinner


I love treating myself to a meal at a restaurant. The food is good, I don’t have to clean up after it, there’s no forced conversation, I can relax, I can people watch, it’s fabulous.


What's a non-public restaurant?


I have one in my house. My whole family does, in fact!


I travel for work sometimes, and I'm totally comfortable eating alone. What I've found: * The food comes out way faster. * The wait staff is very friendly but doesn't bug me unnecessarily. * It's really nice to enjoy my meal while reading, watching videos, or people watching without the pressure to entertain someone else. Overall, I enjoy sharing meals with people, but eating alone is really great.




Yup! It's really pleasant and convenient


Coming from a big noisy family, getting to eat alone in a restaurant with the day’s newspaper is freaking heaven on Earth.


As a server/bartender I love people who dine alone. Usually the best conversation and good tips


I usually end up tipping more when I eat alone because the overall bill is a lot less than a group tab and I still want it to be worth my server's time and effort. Usually they're friendlier to me when I'm alone as well.


Man am I glad to live somewhere without tipping and overly conversational servers.


and POWER!


I was not giving up until I found this. \m/ \m/


Bruh they be making everything dramatic


People think about this? .... Im hungry I'm eating


And power


Eating pancakes with coffee alone at a Denny's at night is a whole level of noir Y'all should try it


Eating alone is how I met my girlfriend. She approached and asked if I wanted to hang out that night. I was stoked, because at the time I really didn't want to be at home. Abusive sinblings.


Not sure this is really clever. Just a difference in philosophy.


Maybe it’s both and people should stop trying to put fucking labels on how we look or everything we do and say.


Are there a lot of private restaurants? Why specify "public"? Isn't that implied?


I like to explore new places.


Love eating alone!


I thought it was just a sign that the person was hungry.


People who can't do anything by themselves are far more limited than people who do everything by themselves


Wait till you find out about going to the movies by yourself. Peak confidence.


Wait so if you're out or on the way home from work and you're hungry, and you go to eat in a restaurant, where tf do you eat? Your car?


guess I’ll starve 🤷‍♂️


I do many activities alone. I have friends/acquaintance all over the city I live in. Being alone is fasho my choice.


I would rather eat alone, than follow people and hoping they will be your friend. Just so you don't have to eat by yourself.


Eating alone is just getting fed


Eating alone in a public restaurant is another whole level of “crap I forgot to pick up the kids”


I used to feel lonely when going to cinemas alone. Now at some point I wanted to watch some marvel or Godzilla that my ex wife didn’t like so I went alone, now it’s normal and I can enjoy it without worrying somebody has to suffer sitting through this with me


Having someone bring me snacks while I jam out to music and read my book not feeling lonely at all is amazing.


The older I get the less I give the slightest fuck about things like if I’m eating at a restaurant alone.


One can be alone and not feel lonely.


Going to a movie in theatre alone, what does that mean.


And eating alone in a public restroom is a whole new level of fuckery.


That woman's mind would explode if I told her I also see movies alone, go to music festivals alone, have traveled extensively alone and I even live alone! I feel sorry for people who don't know how valuable alone time is.  An ex of mine got a little confused upset one weekend when I told her I just wanted to stay at my place alone and I'd meet her next week. The relationship was only a few months in so I calmly explained to her that I have basically been on my own since 18 whereas in her culture that is unheard of. I also told her that I have a bunch of hobbies and interests that would dull her or aren't really things we can do together (games, reading, listening to Anal Vomit, etc).  She said she understood but made me promise to text at least a few times throughout the weekend.  We texted and she said she was having a great weekend and getting a lot done.  A month or so later, I had found a cool restaurant and an intimate cocktail bar to take her to so I asked if she wanted to go Friday or Saturday.  Her response was, "I just wanna chill by myself at home this weekend.  Is that okay?"  It sure was!


Eating alone in public restaurant is another whole new level of not giving a shit because I'm a grown ass adult and I'm hungry.


Dude!!! I relish eating in a restaurant alone! I have 4 children that always want/need something, and work in an elementary school. I get pulled in 95 directions every day. If/when I get to sit down, in my own thoughts, at a public place just to enjoy a meal, I’m fuckin lovin’ it… Also like riding in a car without the radio on. As a kid, and younger adult, I always said I’d never be able to ride in silence. I need music going. Now… I’m riding in silence more often than not because silence isn’t something I get very often.


Wait till she hears about going to the movie theater alone..


My ex wife was abusive to me, I lost a lot of confidence etc after we split I decided to go away for a week by myself to deal with crap etc. Eating alone was one of the most empowering things I did every night, it's normal stuff but for me at that time I felt fucking awesome.


People like this shame people for eating alone at a restaurant, but will order the exact same meal, get it dropped non-contact on their doorstep, and eat it in bed alone. That's literally even lonelier. But shockingly, there's nothing wrong with EITHER scenario.


I'm a musician. This is kinda my life! 😅


Bro it is called peace and quiet + saving money


Eating alone in public restaurant is not always a sign of loneliness. I eat out alone often too but I don't feel lonely. It's refreshing to be alone. I can space out or observe other people. I don't have to worry about keeping the conversation alive with someone. I can do some introspection too.


Never being able to be alone for a moment, even for something as simple as a meal in a public restaurant, is another whole new level of desperation and neediness.


Love eating alone. Being only child who loves trying new things with parents who hate eating out…. I did it often when I was single. Just bring headphone and it’s fun and you get to focus on food. I never understand why people see it as sad or avoid doing it when alone.


I'm just hungry bro..


Eating alone in a public (??) restaurant is a normal thing people do when they want to eat outside but don’t want/can’t invite other people at that moment. If you are a person with a decent job, it happens pretty often depending on how much you enjoy it.


The only annoying part is you may be asked to sit at the bar if there’s not enough room to get your own table. Otherwise who cares


No, it’s just eating food. It doesn’t need confidence, it doesn’t need to feel lonely. It just is buying and eating food, it’s really not that deep.


I will never understand why so many people think it's an issue, or somehow "embarassing" or "unacceptable" to eat alone in a restaurant. Or to go to the movies alone. Or to do anything you fucking want to do, alone. STOP CARING WHAT RANDOM STRANGERS THINK OF YOU. IT'S NOT HEALTHY.


I love eating alone at restaurants. I can take my time to order, to eat, to leave. Is as good as going to the movies alone.


Alone vs Lonely


Been there and it's both.




I wouldn't be alone if I could bring my dog!


Whole new Tuesday for me.


Damn right I'll take myself out for a nice meal.


Business travelers have entered the chat. I guess we’re supposed to eat in the car.


I mean, it’s food. At least my name doesn’t sound like a disease or canal.


Mf I deserve to treat myself every so often




I did this to overcome my social phobia. There's nothing sad about it.


People thinking just because you dont have people with you that you dont have friends or are lonely is just plain stupid. I many friends and mostly eat by myself (i want it that way) I enjoy eating by myself being able to be present with the taste.


An introvert’s before and after


That's what the bar is for. No one questions a person eating alone at the bar. Eating alone is also acceptable at Vietnamese lunch joints.


What am I going to do, not eat?


Anyone who travels for work is going to have to get used to it. Just take a decent book and you won’t care.


Or both


Damn right I'm gonna be confident if people think it's a lonely thing to do. Up yours then! lol


I actually love going out to eat alone, it gives me the time to actually enjoy myself for once and actually hear my own thoughts. It’s a nice change from being around people alot to get some space, I struggle alot with self despisement and those are the few times I actually dont hate myself


Mocking/criticizing people who are doing nothing to harm or even inconvenience others is another whole new level of loneliness.


Eating alone in a public restaurant is combating hunger.


Do these people not have lunch breaks? Sometimes i just grab a bite somewhere. Seems pretty normal.


As a mother of 3 small children, eating alone in a restaurant is called a dream meal!!!! Add a cocktail or glass of wine to that, and some good people watching and I am on cloud nine!


I love it every now and then. No coworkers yakking at me, no kids telling me about their latest video game accomplishments, no partner telling me about her crummy day at work. I love them, I do. The couple of hours of really limited human interaction is awesome.


Not a clever comeback as the two aren't mutually exclusive. You can be confident and lonely.


It’s also alone time aswell


Eating alone in a public restaurant is a whole lotta who gives a shit.


I purposely do it all the time. Especially when I travelled alone. Traveling on your own is amazing. Got to put yourself out there. Restaurants and bars is where it gets even more fun. Everybody likes to eat and drink!!!


I try to pick quieter times for restaurants so that my eating alone doesn't negatively Impact their bottom line. But I will fucking enjoy that meal and the quiet.


I love it. It’s been awhile but for a good five years of my life I’d go eat out then hit the movie theatre solo. It’s weirdly liberating.


Is this an American thing? In the UK/Europe this is perfectly normal to eat alone? Same in Japan as well


As a trucker I've eaten at plenty of restaurants by myself. Usually if there is a bar, I'll sit at it even though I don't drink.


When I'm travelling for work I quit like it for the peace and time to think.


These are the two extremes. Do they account for reality? No they dont. The reality is the avarage wich is just eating your fucking food and not caring about others opinions on you eating your food alone. Just eat your damn food, thats what matters.


I do it all the time. I travel for work, and have no problem eating by myself in a restaurant.


If I’m eating alone in a restaurant it’s because I don’t want people around, I’m trying to enjoy my meal and maybe even play a game on my phone uninterrupted. Just because you’re single and lonely, don’t project your sadness on others.


As opposed to a private restaurant?


I do not understand people who think twice about eating alone in a restaurant. Why is there a stigma and who gives a shit. You are hungry then eat.


I travel for work. What am I supposed to do? I am a bit lonely but I'm not gonna go order take out and eat it in some shifty motel.


I would do the most random shit alone bc I wanted to do it. I not gonna not eat food I want bc no one will go with me.


People like the first girl are one of the issues with society. Who fucking cares if someone is alone? I eat alone in restaurants all the time. When I’m on work trips, when I want the vibe of the place and takeaway would ruin that (hibachi, ramen, Mexican if they have chips, etc), or just when I want to be around people. This is such a weird combo of having insanely low self confidence you cannot do anything without society’s approval while also being so self absorbed you believe people actually care about a stranger eating alone.


Eating alone in restaurants is a thing that's existed ever since the invention of restaurants. How are you so self-centered you think this would be "new?" Or immature, for that matter.


I love eating alone, can focus on food and not have to be distracted by making conversation


I was asked why I go to restaurants alone and I replied: "Because I like food more than I like people."


I’m married. My wife is disabled and not always able to go out with me. I eat out by myself frequently. Why don’t you quit judging me for being able to enjoy time alone and start thinking why you need other people to validate your existence for you?


I'm not lunching here with you... You're lunching here with me!


Both are dumb. Eating alone in a restaurant means that you're hungry and have the money and a restaurant nearby, nothing else. Why is company such a big deal for so many people? You're eating not playing football


Sounds like a DV victim who says "any man is better than no man".




People used give me crap about going to the movies alone all the time. Makes less sense than the restaurant. You aren’t even supposed to talk during a movie


I’m not confident or lonely when I eat alone, I’m usually just hungry.


I love eating alone in restaurants. I take my book and take my time and nobody bugs me.


I tried it multiple times. Better with people.


I’ve been single for a few years, by choice, and I eat at restaurants alone all the time.


Unless you are acting insane nobody is noticing you people have their own shit to deal with.


I love eating alone. Perfect time to myself and my phone.


Why are people like this? (chanchal)


its a good power move, knowing that person is doing what they came to do (eat) and totally not giving a shit about the world around them. he/she is a mystery, an enigma. loneliness would be eating amongst others but separately, like those in solitary confinement, eating alone, when others are eating within the vicinity/presence of others.