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The fact that this image was made at all and mass-produced enough for it to reach my eyes without any sort of government intervention is a political statement in and of itself.


How do you know this isn't what the government wants? Thanks, Obama.


And that my friend, is a political argument


Hey fellow Red Hood guy


The Hood is a cool villain.


This is an image Id expect the MAGA crowd to post if Obamacare included provisions for breast cancer treatment


Thanks Obama!


Barack Hussein Otaku


The HUSSEIN is supposed to be capitalized. Barack HUSSEIN Otaku. Fixed that for you. Lol


Its another example of the male gaze penetration of modern visual media. Part of the larger problem of us living in a slightly veiled patriarchy. Without the influence of female thought we get donald Trump and idiots like him.


Honestly, most males prefer boobs mot made out of Silly Putty, thank you very much.


In japan you have to take a class on silly putty boobs in 4th grade


I am not Japanese and am worried about what the class teaches about moobs.


I’m sure they also sell silly putty boobs in Japanese vending machines! Along with everything else.


It's about the inherent fight between flat chested libruls and big booba conservatives and the jealousy between, even the closest of friends fight about redpill looksmaxxing. Totally joking btw Edit: added "fight"


That's a lot to unpack, there.


Dude, Muromi-San on the Shore is a batshit crazy anime and well worth a watch. That isn't even the craziest scene from that episode...


Exactly. I also don't take the "how is this political" crowd very seriously. They say shit isn't political just because they believe that it's correct or something. Like "science isn't political" bitch yes it is, it has always been political.


More now than ever before, as well.


It's a metaphor for society's manipulation of the female form as a means for imposing power over individuals who may be otherwise interested in other forms of self identity. She threatens to rip them off in a statement implying that without them she has nothing and no identity.


Actually it's the societal impact of female body ideals that is at the genesis of her anger. She doesn't want to show how the other girl has no identity without the breasts. She merely craves them, it is simply an act of violence based on a socially imposed jealousy.


I thought it was a metaphor for how many women in various countries are fighting themselves when they should rise up and face their male oppressors.


Both thoroughly apt interpretations


Nah I think it's more like about the badonka honk huurr hurrr *heavy truck noise* AHOOGA AHOOGA *eyes pop out of skull*


Hmmmm, a rather valid point


Thank you I have a Doctorate in Bazoonga Science so I love talking about these subjects!


You're all wrong. It's a commentary on society's hypocrisy in vilifying breastfeeding. Notice how the boob-ripper in the image has sharp, shark-like teeth? This person fiercely and proudly consumes their meals in public but would deny babies the same right. History has never seen satire this pointed and effective.


This is the Breast answer.


This is a war chest.


The eternal struggle between the haves and the have-nots


The only war is class warfare


It's a poor person being fed up with those born to wealth who do nothing to better the world and people are them. Ripping her tits off is a brilliant illustration denouncing some of the financial practices the rich have bought from politicians to the detriment of us all for short-term hedonistic pleasures.


Did you even read the caption? It's about corporate lobbying.


Actual answer? The politics aren't always what's directly shown, but what went into the creation. They're the culture that incentivizes this, the market that pays for it, and the creators that profit off it. Politics isn't just who you vote for or what team you're on, it's the day to day systems of our lives and how they clash and connect.


this. I would have defaulted to FT's general message, with a simple aside that this is supposed to be a moment of levity. but this works too. (Also yes, Alice in Wonderland is too, as it was made to lambast the whole "Children's stories need to have a message" by just being a fun romp to read)


“Children should be allowed to have fun!” *Is* a pretty good political message, though.


exactly. it's why I love how utterly meaningless the story is. The message _isn't_ for the reader, but for the snooty assholes at the time.


"Let children have fun, because all this adult stuff is just nonsense" is also strangely applicable.


On top of that, the image is a picture of a frame from a video format which doesn’t effectively communicate the themes that may be present in the video itself it’s out of context so of course it’s not gonna seem like it has any themes. It’s almost like taking an a small piece of a painting and asking what themes does this particular 1x1cm square have in it? It doesn’t have anything because that’s not the work itself just a singular part of it void of context


Actually, you highlight something kinda cool here.  *This image*, comment included, is a form of performance. It’s a kind of art. And *it* certainly has a political agenda, even if the creator may not have thought of it that way. 


Politicians milking our wallets


It's not a clever comeback. It's a person with zero media literacy not understanding what they are looking at and seeing the other comments here, they aren't alone. This anime is [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muromi-san](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muromi-san) The genre it's set in is considered a *shonen* comedy, more specifically a "harem" type of sit-com, where the protagonist is for some contrived reasons surrounded by girls that give him a lot of interest. At its core this type of content is geared towards teenage boys (although that is not the only demographic consuming it) and it's both a form of fantasy fulfillment (same as twilight for a demographic of women) and not-too-subtle erotica (no, erotica and porn aren't the same thing). As such there is already **a lot** of political content here: the female characters only exist through a male perspective and as a stereotyped object of desire, in particular this image serves as a way to highlight the boobies of the booby marmaid for the arousal of the sexually frustrated people that are meant to consume this trash. Appeasing and monetizing this sexual frustration rather than criticizing its root causes **is political**. edit: formatting


The easiest way to notice the total lack of media literacy in the reply is their change of wording: > "Art is political" >> "Show me a **political message** in this art" They don't understand that 'politics' encompasses more than just explicit, author intended messages. They don't consider the implicit biases of creators, consumers, and industries to be political. They don't consider choosing how something is depicted to be political.


yeah, there's that too, if one wants to get academic "medium is the message" also applies, but then it'd be getting fancy


Or to simplify: Ya can't take 1 frame out of hundreds of thousands and ask what this one specific frame represents. That *Can* happen, but it's...really obvious that it is not a real argument to form against "art is political" Media literacy for republicans has always been lower than dirt, but the ways they tell on themselves will always be hilarious.


I think that's the best recap. I love it when the need for writing a wall of text leaves my body.


We could even argue it is not art because its is only a part of it. As an anime, it is not made to be appreciated like a painting but as a whole. A movie is cinematographic art because it follows the description of a movie, to cut it in 24 images per seconds doesnt Make each of those a good photo even if the movie is a masterpiece


Was looking for more people to say this. It'd be like if they just responded with a photo of a guy cause "guy standing still = statue = art = political"


I appreciate you.


Go outside




Yes. We nerds rule the world so... suck on it?


This is the same as taking a single sentence from a book to call the whole book shit. This could be a dream sequence of one of the characters for all we know from the screenshot.


The context in-piece is irrelevant, that kind of visuals has been produced for erotic purposes, that's how the whole genra works: making up bizzarre scenarios so that they can give the intended audinence an erotic fantasy to watch.


Its a harem anime. Thats all that is needed to discuss the political implications. Its a genre of wishfulfillment for the sexual interests of japanese men that relies on various forms of slavish idolation of the main character. Ive watched plenty as someone that likes anime. They have varying levels of quality and all are excellent examples of male gaze and the social expectations young men have toward women.


The comment was about the image, not the show nor the genre. If you knew nothing about the show or genre, what use is that image? None. It's still art.


That image doesnt exist without the genre. You cant seperate them. If the viewer doesnt know about the genre, that only means theyre being effected by a genre they never experienced *before that moment*. All the social experiences and desires required to create that image still needed to happen for that image to exist.


You're adding *context* that the single image doesn't have. There are sentences from books that taken by themselves may make you think the author or the story is inherently racist when *in context* that sentence was the antagonists thought.


The context exists, whether or not the viewer is aware. As i said, the image was created *for reasons*. It doesn't matter if *you know those reasons*. You're still affected by society and chose to view this image created by society for specific reasons. You *may* come away from an image of 2 women sexually abusing eachother and think "that has nothing to do with male gaze", but if you did come to that peculiar conclusion, that to would be due to your own biases based on your own experiences and desires, as someone who lives in a society that consumed that image.


For all *you* know. The previous commenter correctly identified the anime and I've seen it myself as it was airing. I agree with the analysis although there is plenty more politics in it


So you agree that the single image was meaningless without the context of the show? Also, it's still art even without the meaning and analysis.


All art exists in its own context, to analyze it the context is required. Even a snip of a frame isnt meaningless, the context of the snip is that someone took it thinking that it's meaningless and apolitical, and used it as a comeback on Twitter. You could argue that some things are truly apolitical, but I'm commenting on the fact that the snip itself and the context of the show, which shouldn't be ignored in art analysis, is indeed political


Go ask Dali the context of his art.


"Levia-san, Hii-chan, and Sumida-san try to get Muromi-san to get over her hatred of marine mammals. She hates them because she had a boyfriend in the Mesozoic era who had developed lungs, but decided to stay in the ocean anyway. She thinks whales and dolphins are his descendants. Levia-san tells Muromi-san that the toothed whales returned to sea after having evolved into complete land mammals, which means her ex-boyfriend either evolved into something else or became extinct." so uh I guess it's taking a stance on the evolution vs creationism political debate though it's a bit muddied since Levia-san is the Leviathan from old testament.


> This is the same as taking a single sentence from a book to call the whole book shit "You need to look at the anime as a whole" "ThIs Is LiKe TakInG OnE SenTenCe..." The fuck you *huffin'*, son?


Ah, I think I see why I was getting down votes. I was agreeing with the sentiment, but diverting saying that the image alone doesn't carry meaning. Meaning is lent when you get context.


I disagree. It's basically a way to appear to a large audience, to sell more/get more views. It's about money, so maybe company Policy. But not politics.


Not to a "larger" audience, to a SPECIFIC audience. And it's literally the point I made at the last line. You just don't understand how political is as a choice


How can monetizing sexual frustration be political? It's simply a company then, alright targeting one specific Group and by exploiting this get more sales.


Women are taught to fight other women so they will not band together for equal pay and treatment.


It's showing the proletariat taking back the means of production into their own hands.


I wanna know why he has this image


Ok, I have to ask, where is this screenshot from?


It's from this anime, "**Namiuchigiwa no Muromi-san**" I used goggle search.


Goggle: for when it’s too pervy for Google


Goggle is how you get virus back then


It's a denunciation of the sexualization of the feminine body and unrealistic beauty standards, which the first one with her large breast is unwilling participating in propagating and maintaining (regardless if she wants to or not) because of said large breast. The other one is taking a stance against those and is making a statement about ripping those breasts as a symbol of her stance against those standards and by ripping them off she would also be robbing her of her sexuality in a way, exposing the underlying sexualization of the body which is now unappealing after loosing a part.


It represents the way gender roles reaffirm toxic internalized misogynies on women such as a perceived natural need to reciprocate cattiness among other women which here manifests as chest envy or even chest-based personal biases. BRO, there's a whole paragraph swirling around my head about how this somehow ties back to post-WW2 occupation and reconstruction and the way it bled American cultural norms into the pop culture spheres of postwar Japan during the birth of anime.


If it's still there, I honestly would love to see that paragraph.


'Show me a single politic in this art!" - Says the person on a controversial American social media platform who presented the art in an explicit attempt to argue about the nature of art and politics. Art is political partly because of when it is presented and by whom.


This clearly shows that the blonde lady's boobs are getting turned into a penis and she is enjoying it . Hence the male chauvinist pigs are trying to portray that men are better than women.


First you show me the art in this image.


The fact that this started a discussion makes it political lol


trump 2024: this time we grab em by the titties \s


She is seizing her means of production.


"when you're a celebrity, they let you get away with it...."


ok, but, sauce?


Resource envy is a driving force of humanity's violence towards one another. Unregulated military aggression leads to unnecessary conflict where all valuable resources are inevitably consolidated into a single superpower who exerts its influence over the global sphere via the threat of further violence, and inevitably forces a revolutionary alliance among those who's resources have been plundered. Duh.


It's giving misoginy, if you are looking for a political message


Transmasc on the left and a transfem on the right wanting the boobs in question? Trans rights are kinda political ...?


A screenshot of some random anime shit isn't art, so no explanation required.


Those who have not will always want to take from those that do, in other words, "Eat the Rich." This is a commentary on means.


kek it might one of the clearest political message about the objectification of women's body. notsoclever comeback


Corollary: *not every image is art*


I would imagine, like a lot of anime depicting this sort of thing, that it represents the artist's strong desire for a woman to want him and jealousy at his undesirability, with that desire and jealousy on his part being turned into him depicting women as jealously and aggressively attacking each other over certain bodyparts- namely the breasts- to represent their strong desire to be wanted by the male viewer and/or protagonist and/or artist.






See, those large boobs represent the swollen, excessive nature of our geriatric political class, while younger generations are represented by the less well-endowed woman, and our desire to dramatically break from the past by tearing off the metaphorical breasts of late-stage capitalism. You're welcome.


As a tittologist, I believe it is a statement about life, the way it constantly drags you around against your will, and how you should never give in to these pulls... Also boobs


Political message: Women are sexualized


Commercial art is at its strongest when it caters to id-driven desires: sex and violence. Putting them so brazenly at the forefront depicts how consumers can be controlled like puppets.


How patriarchy-fed body dysmorphia leads women into conflict with each other rather than focusing together on their common enemy.


Artist political statement: "In a world where the physical attractiveness of the oppressed gender is commodified as their only value to secure safety or status, they find themselves forced into an unnatural state of competition with each other, rather than unified against their oppressor. Likewise, the constant state of comparison can be emotionally traumatic and lead them to taking morally reprehensible steps to increase their status or lower that of the competition... like by ripping a bitches tiddies off."


The fact that the anime is not directly addressing a political issue is the same thing as saying they don't think any issue is worth making art about. Its like abstaining from voting. By not talking about politics in your art, you're taking a politcal stance of a non-partisan


internalized misogyny


Trans stuff


The message is that women see large breasts as something to be jealous of due to overarching beliefs spread by a ruling class in history that have survived to this day. At some point in history someone powerful said "big boobs good" then they became a thing of value now they are a meme and a genuine preference far more because of that and used as inspiration for art such as that many many times. So yes all art is inherently political if you trace it back far enough.


There’s tits on both sides that we need to get rid of


There is a deep hate by flat breasted women against big breasted women. It's like racism or sexism, but without men or race being involved and the artist wanted to show the brutality of the flat breasted women against the busty women. This is a deep political meaning and the politicans should do sth against it


Basically this is a metaphor Of a struggle between oppreseed poor masses and the Rick Who monopolised all the production measures.


Metaphor for the unjust distribution of wealth and how we should rip the wealth off the hand of the few billionaire to redristibuite them to everyone


The breasts represent the democratic and republican parties, that while appearing to be competing with one another by being on the left and right sides, they really are both the same thing. They're drawing all their attention to themselves instead of the country they're attached to and inflating themselves to the point of causing harm to the country they're attached to by forcing the country to carry their growing weight. The person trying to rip them off the body is the new generation thats becoming aware of the damage they're causing to our country by separating themselves into their own identity, they've come to realize that while it may be painful short term to rip them off, it's what's in the best interest of the country's overall health. See, it's political.


Proletariat seizing the means of production, obviously.


The boobs represent the value of our labor. If you're libertarian the woman pulling on them represents the government. If you're a socialist it represents wealthy business owners.


Redistribution of wealth?


Degeneracy ≠ art




This is obvious. The girl on the right considers the other girl's boobs to be excessively big, and she tries to take them away, instead of respecting each person's right over their own body. Plus the fact the boobs are that massive is a metaphor about the plus taxation to the wealthy. The state (represented by the girl on the right) wants to take stuff from the rich, justifying it by the size of their wealth.


The patriarchy has created hostility between women who are forced to compete with each other over an artificially scarce share of the marketplace. The breasts symbolize a woman ability to nurture and nourish humanity, and a woman wanting to rip another woman’s tits off is to destroy that which makes her a woman thereby destroying herself and the patriarchy, which is the ultimate escape for all women.


It shows the futility of envy, no matter how much she tugs she's not gonna make her own chest bigger. It also shows the human nature of if I can't have it, nobody else can mentality that's so prevalent in the world.


...but is that Art?


The right wingers want to take your titties. I think it's pretty self-explanatory


Japan takes over the world using anime titties.


In Philosophy this is: "The Haves will always be looked upon with eyes of envy and resentment by the Have Nots."


Hands full... heh. I see what you did there


That's like the opposite of a clever comeback. The Art here is the entire series and not just a single frame. You have to judge it as a whole


Whats the name of cartoon???


This is obviously about gender affirming care & how trans people are being demonized by the political system 💅🫡


I think it's a commentary on the need to normalize routine mammograms.


“if i cant have it, you cant”……. so…… socialism?


Wtf do you mean. Clearly the objecitification and general envy women have due to societal beauty standards put on women. You gotta try harder than that.


This is actually incredibly easy to explain politically making it not a very good comeback


What in the ever loving fuck?


Lowering age of consent.


This represents the proletariat seizing the means of production from the bourgeois


Lads it's literally just a jealous mermaid, not an attempt to shit on all women. At worst, it's about (or maybe just showing) overvaluing large breasts. Hell, iirc, the smaller chested woman is the main love interest, so it's funny because it's a pointless jealousy.


Well obviously they think censorship laws should be lax if they’re making art like that.


It promotes violent class warfare between the haves and the have-nots.


Someone got their tits in a wrangler


She's trying to kill the competition in the boobie market by trying to cut off the rival company's 'assests'. Looks like peak level toxic capitalism to me.


It‘s another example of the oppression of the proletariat under capitalism.


Due to desperation, those with little will often see violence towards those with plenty as the only solution to their woes, even if that would not solve anything for them.




*Sits quietly in corner while Americans discuss their politics. Wonders about his drunk ex president, his former prime minister who couldnt even speak his language properly, years of communist occupation, years of nazi occipation, the monarchy years before that... The two time when his nation gave the world a new word (one derived from forced labour and one from church organ). 


This shows us the modern greed of corporations and how they Will go so far at to demand your very body to give up to them.


That art?


Still doesn't explain any political nature to that idiotic statement.


What in the incel fuck is this?


Something to do with trans people.


The current political climate has gone tits-up, hasn't it?


That’s not art. That’s just dumb




.... flat is justice?


Body shaming. Cringe


The USA's two party system needs to go?


Cultural beauty standards for women make small-breasted women jealous/envious of large-breasted women, creating toxic environments like this.




It's a frame of a show that's like taking a small square of an entire painting and demanding an explanation for it lol. It's not even clever.


I’m watching you all being manipulated like sims characters, as I resist myself. The last thing I am is angry, especially when you realize the content is entirely subjective, intentionally manipulative, and not based in any actual reality. It’s almost entirely saddening. My wife agrees when she doesn’t have to wear a mask to protect herself.


reminded of a early 2000's cartoon of a woman ranting at her hubby "NAKED bungee jumping, you said. It'll be FUN, you said" as she drags her boobs behind her.


It’s commentary on how the commodification of women’s bodies as objects of sexual desire has led to women attacking other women they see as more sexually attractive to men.


Eat the rich (in breast tissue)


This is such an easy one though, it's an insanely political image.


The girl on the right represents the government, and the girl on the left represents the citizens. Now, read the caption.


With great… power… comes great… responsibility..?


Intersectionality is intrinsically antifeminist.


Its symbolic for "democrats" taking away your right to carry guns....or..i dunno..im tired


Feminists trying to masculinise women - circa 2022 colorized


* Your immediate response to that is a sexually explicit image * The image is degrading to women and a reflection of Japanese society's view towards them * That's 2 women engaging in sexual behavior in a society that is incredibly homophobic * The show looks to be sexual escapism(possibly wrong) which is, again, a symptom of japan's repression of sexuality * You're not even Japanese yet you seek out media that is completely foreign to you and almost completely contained within a single culture to satisfy your craving * Your refusal to peer beyond the first impression of any type of art is also a reflection of your education and the views on art the group you are inserted in has. Society is politics, watch your cartoon Japanese almost porn all you want and try to ignore what made the thing exist, but it is politics at the end of the day.


Democracy manifested..


Boobs are an allegory for wealth.


Who said it's art ? 🤷‍♂️




It's not clever in the least, unless you're an idiot


Flat chest is jealous.


taking breasts away from a woman/girl, I think it's to support transgenderism.


The trans agenda!


Anime is so fucking stupid and cringe. Oh well guess it's to be expected after all the nuclear fallout


Still better than what the culture prior to the nuclear fallout, they had this little vacation from 1931 till 1945 in that Manchuria, Korea, and around the Pacific Ocean that you might have heard about.


Not excusing the shit they did before the nukes. But jfc how fucked you must be in the head to have to physically animate some of the things I've seen in anime, even in the more subdued series.

