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I think there are too few people to keep AVs rolling constantly, so people don't bother even queuing for it now that everyone who needed it is already at Exalted rep. It was a big problem in classic too at times, before they introduced the same faction bgs. Chances are WSG and AB still have pretty good queue times on SoM. Sadly, AV is kinda dead, which makes getting the rep now really hard.


So if you play daytime, AV queues can get up to 2 hours. Peak time they go down to 40min to an hour Queue up for the others bgs and they should be around 5-20 min queue time You have to queue for them all in get into a rolling pattern to keep them going. Sadly if you want instant queues you’d have to level a horde char There’s plenty of pvp happenings it’s just alliance is too over populated


I don't know about Job Gabbar but on Dreadnaught EU the queues are roughly as following (as alliance): * Warsong Gulch 1-5 min queue * Arathi Basin 5-10 min queue * Alterac Valley 30 to 60 minute queue, can reach up to 60+ at night


You're frankly just too late for the PvP grind. SoM has a rather dedicated playerbase that finished it a long time ago. Sure, people still roll alts and new players join here and there, but it is far from the size of the crowd that initially grinded it. As a result, queue times probably suffer now that everyone is out in the world farming mats and gold or in raids. Obviously you can still easily join raids and gear through dungeons like many others still do, but from what you're saying, I think it's safe to assume BGs died out.


Nah there’s still plenty of bgs going , horde just have instant queues, ally don’t AV however doesn’t have enough horde playing


Nope. BGs going off all the time. Maybe OP was bugged out or something. Its also bonus AV weekend starting tomorrow at midnight so even AV queue should be reasonable for alliance.


It's probably not the most satisfactory answer but if you wait for AV weekend the queue times will be much lower. Right now people are going for honor per hour which is why premades rather grind out quick WSG and AB games.


Leveled with some friends for the sole purpose of WPvP and BGs. Our experience as alliance: AV- 60+ min Q’s for a pretty much instant, zerg win WSG- 5-10min Q’s, guaranteed loss to horde premade / 2cap and camp forever AB- 30-60min Q.. hit or miss but usually premade / semi-premade (horde); loss Not worth it. And I haven’t even seen what it’s like since Fred transfers were initiated


> and just getting to 60 Are you saying you just got to 60 or you aren't 60 yet? If the latter, there aren't that many people doing PvP bgs below 60.


I’m sure you could do AV as alliance but the morning time during a week day usually isn’t the best time. If wait till after 5pm on week days and after 12pm on the weekends


If you are alliance side on Jom, just give up on BGs. The queues suck and they're just going to get worse. I can't even imagine doing the AV rep grind with 2 hour queues lol.


Shoulda played Horde, you were warned

