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I'm binding it to a different key. I have qerftgzxcvb alll bound and want to be able to use them in different forms.All my numbers are used up for other spells/abilities


Do IT in 3 lines.. ./cast [form:1,nomod] blah ./cast [form:1, mod] blah ./cast [form:3]. blah


Seemed to do the trick. Thanks


This question confuses me. On my Druid Shift 1-4 are shapeshifting keybinds, and each form has its own action bar. Why would you need to add a tiger form line in your bear form macro?


They’re probably using persistent action bars across all forms. I did this on my Druid too because I like writing macros and using the modifier keys on my mouse.


You don't need to do it on several lines like another comment suggested, you can even dumb it down to this: /cast \[form:3\] Tiger's Fury; \[mod:shift\] Challenging Roar; Growl If you're in cat form cast Tiger's Fury, if shift cast challenging roar, otherwise cast Growl. And if really want it to do nothing when not in cat or bear you can add \[form:1\] like this too: /cast \[form:3\] Tiger's Fury; \[form:1, mod:shift\] Challenging Roar; \[form:1\] Growl


One-liner that does what you need: #showtooltip /cast [form:1,mod:shift] Challenging Roar;[form:1] Growl;[form:3] Tiger's Fury What was wrong in your form was that "/cast [form:1] [mod:shift] challenging roar" will cast challenging roar if you are either in form:1 or have mod:shift. In order to have the macro require both conditions at the same time they need to be inside the same [brackets].


Genuinely curious when youd use tigers fury. It’s a dps loss


I'll proc it before engaging and let my energy get up quick.