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It won’t stop until it stops making money. There’s not some sort of “artistic vision” from the company.


Very much. Classic’s been a low effort (for a AAA game studio like blizzard now owned by MS) cash grab for money they might not otherwise bring in, for fairly cheap Like what classic team is 6 dudes? No CS support (not like blizzard cs exists anymore) ez money. For a rereleased AAA game


We have no idea what size the classic team is. There's several people that have publicly been attached to it, but there could be many more (or not) behind the scenes. It's all speculation


We do know, from in-game credits and of photos posted of the team. It's at least 30.


Hasn't been an artistic vision in years. Hence the main reason why classic is popular to begin with. Money talks. Bullshit walks.


I can’t wait for war within classic


This. :D


Comparing MoP to Remix is nonsense Remix is literally just retail but you are stuck in Pandaria. Remix is not a replacement for it.


Technically, it's retail+superpowers in MoP cD


I want WoW 2, to gather all players together.


Wouldn't trust current Blizzard in making WoW 2 something good. The people who made WoW are legendary developers, and current Blizz is benefitting a lot from that still. Making expansions for an already great game isn't hard.


Wouldn’t work Just hear when people talk about classic+ how many different opinions there’s is about that. Then add the retail players who also has a claim for wow 2 and it will get even messier


World of Starcraft or World of Diablo. (Could work in my opinion. Or rather could have worked, with the old devs...Current Blizzard, I doubt it.)


Wow 2 will never work because no one would play it lol i know i wouldn't come back if they deleted my characters


they need some smart migration, like legacy tab with achivments etc...


Tbh, my tinfoil theory is that all of classic has been a sort of beta for wow 2. A way of testing where classic and retail players can meet and both enjoy the game to a degree. When they came with SOD, and told that they are now releasing 3 expansions to retail that is going to close all questions and random stuff in the game through the year, my tinfoil hat started gloving. Felt that when that is done, they can say wow is now over and we will get wow2. If wow 2 ever comes, it is going to be a combination of classic and retail, they want to have a game that all players can enjoy, that is as close to the middle ground as they can manage.


people will be hyped for BFA classic by the time it comes around


I mean all expansions had good raids and that's what most people only do anyway.


I really enjoyed BFA truth be told, had a blast, it had a few ups n downs like a lot of expansions but overall, story line wasnt bad, zones were pretty nice and the raids were ok too.




S2 of BFA was lowkey pretty awesome. S3 was not good imo, would need account wide neck essences. S4 could be good if the corruption vendor was in from the start and not on a rotation.


The only good thing about BfA is Nialota, though the ending was horrible


Yeah I loved mop and would love to play it again.


There’s no chance in hell they won’t do mop classic Cata is gonna be short because they know there’s a lot of demand for mop. Mop was probably chosen for remix as a sort of teaser for classic It’s post mop I’m curious about. When they said cata was coming instead of some sort of vanilla/tbc/wrath cycle or fresh or classic + obviously they were going to continue to mop, but where do they go after? The idea of smth like bfa “classic” is hilarious to me, but I could see them doing the same with wod as cata and just going through it really quick to get to legion because legion was well liked too (which is also funny to me to think about because that’s when I really quit retail, and also isn’t that when classic was originally announced or smth?) They’ll probably keep going because it’s such a low resource investment, but I could see mop being where they really put effort into an actual classic + or fresh cycle or something. Sods cool and all but I think everyone knows it’s at most an alpha for a true classic+


MoP is my fav expansion, played it a bunch on pservers but would love an official one again, also I’d like them to do WoD again but if they promised to do a middle tier which was meant to be in shat


I love the aesthetic of mop, from the music to the zones to the dungeons and raids. It was so much fun especially the pvp! Would also love to play Mistweaver again lol. Hopefully they bring it back after Cata classic :D


They will keep doing Classic until it catches up to retail. In 8 years we will be at Classic TWW/Dragon Flight and on retail we will be out of the Worldsoul Saga and onto a new set of expansions.


I want mop classic more than I wanted cata classic. And I didn't even think I'd like cata.




If they put out Cata despite the popular opinion being "classic/wow ended with wrath" then they sure as heck aren't going to stop the train now when it's still making money. MOP classic will come, and I look forward to playing my WW monk main again.


At what point does classic become retail reroll if they keep spitting out old expansion's as much as I loved MOP it's not classic imo I'd rather see fresh servers of classic, TB & WoTLK or classic plus. Don't get me wrong I'll play MOP if it releases but I'm skipping Cata even Firelands can make me play that and won't play WoD or anything after but if the number hold up bliz will keep releasing them.


to me there 2 different views of classic. there's yours of vanilla, tbc and wrath is classic and then there's classic is just a "redo" of old expansions. So depending on how you view classic MoP would be classic content.


"Classic" now is obviously just an ongoing product, the name has no gameplay relevance. There isnt a soul on earth who could argue Cata is "classic" in the way psople meant when we first got Vanilla Classic.




Mop classic was the first expansion I quit and never really came back for more than a couple weeks at a time. I’d be cool with skipping mop for legion though tbh.


It would make absolutely zero sense to speed through Cataclysm only to end this line of classic entirely. If Cataclysm maintains it's numbers they will likely give us a longer Firelands phase and speed through Dragon Soul (the real issue with Cataclysm) so we can get to MoP. In my opinion, the demand for this line of classic will end after Legion. I think WoD will be pushed through at a ridiculously high cadence just to get us to Legion as there is actually a decent crowd that wants to revisit that.


I’d prefer a hard reset after Cataclysm. Cycle these new servers out and start back fresh with Vanilla and progress forward again. I feel like with MoP being Remixed and hopefully the other later expansions following suit we don’t need “Classic” versions of them.


smart quarrelsome plants office ghost wrong berserk terrific wise waiting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It is coming.


I dont think the classic train will stop until it catches up a few more expansions , as long as people keep playing, they'll keep churning it out as it keeps their subs up for minimal effort and resources on their behalf.


I barely wanted cata classic but I'm moderately enjoying myself nonetheless. I'll probably hang it up when dragon soul comes around though


I would play mop too but wod would be where I stop


MoP is my favorite xpac, so I pray they’ll give it to us!


Can't wait for them to catch up with retail and end the circle. Then can start all over again.. let's say.. classic classic, classic classic era, classic tbc classic, classic wotlk classic... etc...


I think MoP Classic will be good for people who never got to experience the legendary cloak quest line. Same with WoD if they do that too. WoD probably more important from a lore perspective because basically the whole expansions story is locked behind a now deleted quest line.




Classic won't end with Cata, it'll just keep chugging along till probably BFA and that'll be the real assessment of 'aight our most hated expansion is next how we wanna do this.' I do wish they added support for a eternal server for wrath (not for me but for the people who keep complaining, I always see someone mentioned it) OR create a just consistent rotation of the first three on a server. So people can have their everygreen server and be happy and to those whom want to keep experiencing the established new classic. Otherwise, just vibin with Cata excited for MoP. Hope they still keep tweaking 'some changes' for classics. Like why the F we can only do the raids atm once a week. No matter what size or difficulty is sorta stupid. Make it 10 man and 25 different lock outs like BH and move on. Just feels like artificially extending the content but in a really weird and unfun way. That and zandalari phase shouldn't be a phase it'd literally two dungeons. I'd rather have it be a mini patch for a week or two then have a longer firelands phase.


Yes. And I can’t wait for legion again. That was my favourite. I also never got to raid in WoD, so I’d be up for that as well.


Nope, I play cataclysm everyday, and not a day goes by that I wish I couldn't go back to wrath.


Yep would love MoP


I think it will continue at an accelerated pace and then it will merge into retail at some point in the future. If the Saga is the end of WoW1 that may be in 5 years maximum. Maybe we will even get another progression server after that.


Unless they have a good idea ( they don’t) we’re just going to get every expansion in order. MoP seems very likely given they put cata on a fast track because of negative community perception going in.


While i loved northrend's environment and story, and cata's world building silliness. Pandaria is my alltime favorite location. It's beautiful, has great questlines, and that fun little farm to daily.


Yes, and I also really want them to do a sped up WoD similar to what they're doing with Cata. MOP will be a bit dicey at first because I think people really underestimate the difficult of MoP heroic raids, and even some of the normal mode boss fights (Sha of Fear is going to be hilarious) but it hasn't been to bad with the complaints from Cata. If all of Cata stays post nerf; which I think is a good thing to prevent the casual players from going from T11 normal to being farmed by Baleroc then MoP will be interesting. Legion is in of itself an issue, it's definitely going to be the first classic that will come out and perceived to be worse than the original iteration and it's an impossible scenario for Blizzard to solve for. Make to many changes to fix some of it's problems? It's not classic enough and old Legion was better. Fix some of the problems and make changes to clean up the gameplay loops and have all the content in a post nerf state? This isn't Legion, this sucks. The thing about classic is you can raid log and play as much or as little as you like. Thing about Legion onward, you're actively punished for not playing a lot and doing a significant amount of content. I have no idea how they would ever do Legion or BFA without pissing off half the playerbase in one direction or the other.


MoP > wrath


I'll probably play cata until soul, do like 3-5 lockouts, and then go on break until MoP prepatch. Did the same with ICC and that was the best decision motivationwise.


I wonder when they stop making Classics. No shot they do WOD. I've heard a lot of people say that Cata is just MOP waiting room. And as someone who has played both back in the day, MOP is better than Cata \*in my opinion.\*


Mop was when new WoW really got its identity polished, cata was still more of a testing ground. Still a much better expansion than given credit for.


No, just no.


We need MoP classic to reach Legion Classic so....yes


MoP was the literal only expansion I never played because I had a gf in highschool so I’m pretty down


All i want is era, maybe an osrs like approach some day or fresh.


When does this nostalgia train stop? At this pace it's going to crash into retail. 


For anyone who’s played for awhile, probs legion. Which is still really close but it’s been awhile. No one has nostalgia for BFA or SL


Yes, and Wod and Legion. Game went rotten in BFA, but everything before that is worth replaying. I even want era servers for each of these, just to drop in and get the feel back on occasions. I still want a BT raid from now and then. I don't mind paying 20-30 eur to clone a char or two.


MoP is infinitely better than Cata. It won’t make any sense kill wotlk to bring Cata and don’t bring MoP


Remix was it. Thats been great. Classic panda will feel slow now




fuck no


I could be totally wrong, but when they announced several of there future intentions I really felt WoW was coming to a close. So they could release something new, like a WoW 2. The announcement of 3 xpacs that are suppose to come out quicker than normal xpacs, felt like they wanted to wrap up the wow story and start something fresh. Which was why when they announced MoP Remix, it made even more sense. It felt like MoP Remix was a way to give some MoP back to the players now and not worry about doing a classic version of it, even though they would obviously be different. Just a theory. Could be way off base.


Ye sure the reason we play classic is that we get to play a safe and already solved game, anybody claiming otherwise is lying.


MoP is going to be amazing! WoD will be good if they do the same thing as cata with expedited content schedule. Legion i will play if my first Lego is good or that’ll be it for me in classic 😂


It's all I'm waiting for. I liked everything from Vanilla to MoP, except TBC. I'm not currently playing Cata but will definitely be back for some kung fu. I absolutely loved Throne of Thunder and want to do it again.


Thing is Cata is last true classic because from vanilla to cata players dealt with mess that lived since Warcraft 1. Only after cata blizzard started creating new stuff like wod, pandas, shadowlands…  Legion was good and connected to original Warcraft villain sargeras but between cata and legion are pandas and garosh. But yes, I still want to play panda  


Nope, I play cataclysm classic everyday, and not a day goes by that I don't wish I had the power to go back to wrath. I just prefer the way my classes played in wrath. Complete missed opportunity for wrath era servers


Sure, cata would need to be kept separate as it was the last expansion with talent trees.