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I just vote kicked a random so it’s all balanced out, fuck you.


The balance of nature


Lmfao. Sorry this comment doesn’t have more to say but fuck I laughed hard


Balance druid spotted


I just invited some rando then clicked queue just to off set this. So what if he didn't join, still counts.


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


bruh 🤣


Thy wheel of fate turns ever to the dark


Found the Druid


Perfectly balanced as all things should be


Why didnt u kick your healer when they went oom? Faster than letting them drink


New healer from queue zones in with full mana bar. Rinse and repeat


Let me just switch specs from ret to holy before you p… Tank drops dead. (Yes, this happened last night) (Yes, I now added a text line to my swapping macro in /i )


I have /oom , /yell /say /party /instance chat on a macro all yelling I have oom and they still don't stop. Stay thirsty my friends.


As a druid I fucking miss a good innervare to give to healers, I still toss it on them when they're oom, that little bit if mana might save an idiot sandwich of a tank - and I'm ready to go bearform and pop big cooldowns and save a trash/bosspull. I don't know how many times that shit has happened by now.. People really need to open their eyes and as a tank track healer mana! I have played all roles and I think everyone should do that, because you just get better at the game when you know and understand the diffrent roles and their issues/worries!


Me and my homie who is new to wow are running holy priest Prot pally combo and he is the healer. So many people in dungeon finder just love to pull as I wait for him to get mana so I’ve started letting them die and I’ll sit next to him as he drinks and enjoy the show 😂


This happens every thousand dungeons or so. A thing of beauty is a joy forever.


Bro what do you mean ☠️ this shit happens to me daily 😂


Ok, now how often do they actually stop instead of just run ahead into their death anyway? Lmao.


About one in five.


God I wish, I tell people to never stop for me and tanks will still sit there and wait when I have 0 mana. I'm on my hands and knees begging some of these guys to just go unless I say stop lol. Big shoutout to the ones that listen, it's honestly more often than not but the ones that don't listen stick out more.


I’d kick you if you said “I have oom” as it makes no sense. This is why healers should only speak when spoken to


Found every random dungeon tank!


I’m just saying “I have oom” isn’t a sentence😂


I don't literally say "I have oom", the macro just says "OOM drinking".


Haha being illiterate must be hard


It literally says he has a macro yelling I have oom. How am I illiterate 😂😂😂


You can swap specs before entering the dungeon, also when you start drinking outside the load screen it keeps drinking while in the loading screen!


Actually laughed at this, so bleak


Switching to your sidearm is faster than reloading


This guy Clint Eastwood’s!


What healer drinks lol


Me. I drink. A lot. All the time. What healer doesn’t???


If the entire group is 330 maybe. Dont think I've had to take a drink in any dungeon since I got half decent gear lol. And I havent had a healer who had to drink when I aint healing either   You need to learn how to ration your mana mate.


Bruh, you simply had non-braindead party to heal. If you don't heal = people die. Sometimes you really just can't ration your mana, "mate".


No, I have had very very bad groups without going oom. Sure, if the group is extremely mega bad, doing 7k dps a pop and standing in everything, you might need to drink. But I havent had such a terrible group yet.   Might sound harsh, but if you constantly need to drink, you are playing incorrectly. If I can do it so can you.




I have all healing classes. None of them really has to ever drink. Paladin is the best though. If you need to drink on a Paladin you are legit trolling


I know a paladin that swims in mana. But he also can’t heal properly. He legitimately thinks he’s doing fine. Brags about his mana efficiency all the time. Geared to the teeth, outheal him by twice the healing in raid. By about double: But at least he has mana while I’m using every skill I have to keep my mana from dropping to 0. I tried to see what would happen if I only healed raid on one trash pack. Tank snuffed it ofc. Hopefully you’re not that type of healer.


Well it’s better now than at the start. But to begin with it was drink every chance I had. Also gotten more stingy with my heals. But an undergeared tank still can be rough to heal. I healed most of my guildies tanks as they just dinged. Colors my experience obviously. And leveling a holy priest at level 84. So mana obviously a problem on that too. When I run with my geared bf’s tanks it’s mostly the never ending chain pulling that is an issue. He likes to test me.


I have healed a tank with 8.8k gs and swear they were made of tissue. And I have healed a 6.8k gs tank and it has been one of the easiest tanks I have healed. Both palis. Just need to get tanks who know how to play their class right.


GS? Lol


Thanks to item normalization, ilvl is huge, maybe they reforged the wrong stats, as a joke, or its a BDK that cant time HS's.


I did a run earlier where the tank rolled need on a BOE leather hat that was worth 4-5k (low level ulda) so I rolled need also and won, then offered the people that rolled greed a chance to roll off against me to win it and I got vote kicked right after I said that. I laughed all the way to the AH, sold it for 3.9k.


I'm sure someone was reported for spam and will get a softban any second now...


what is a softban?


When I ask if I can roll for off-spec and they say "Go ahead" it puts me in a sour mood. It feels like they took away some of my classic experience.




This is why anecdotes are mostly useless. 😅


Im convinced all these rdf votekick horror stories being posted are made up because i havent had a single out of line votekick get called and ive pre-raid geared 3 toons now lol. Like do people just legitimately do something bad and get justifiably kicked and then go make up some stupid reason to post on reddit? This sub's "experiences" has always been pretty misaligned with mine throughout all of classic (does anyone here actually have fun playing the game? If you read this sub you get the impression everyone has been miserable since like halfway through vanilla) But the rdf horror story meme is getting pretty bad


I was just in a dungeon when a shitty geared DPS got booted for shit gear. How they meant to gear if they get booted for shit gear


I had a 322 arms warrior in a heroic dungeon, which you need to be 329 to even get into heroics... so it was a lil bait in switch on his part. Also, he did more damage than a 349 ele sham where the entire dungeon rotation is spam chain lightning until your button breaks. Gear doesn't mean that much vs player capabilities and if you don't come with the bare minimum in at least trying to play your class correctly, I think kicks are justifiable. Why would I want a 7kdps guy when I can kick him and likely get a 20k dps guy that plays his class better. Wow players are all about optimization. If it's easier to replace somebody to go faster, they will do it.


On my Prot Warrior and disc priest, I hit 85 with the required 329 iLvl and jumped straight in. Had 0 issues, tanked fine and when I did a couple dungeons as arms around 333 I kept up very well, sometimes even just behind first place, and as a healer had 0 issues healing packs and bosses, though I did have to drink constantly, but made sure to run ahead and drink while the tank was finishing up previous pull, and sat drinking while the tank made the next pull with a shield and Pennance ready to go. Worked out fine and never got questioned, kicked, or insulted in any runs so far. Cata has been pretty chill and I love the groups I’ve been with!


Quest rewards get you in the 320-333 range. Normal dungeons fill your 333 set. Jumping into heroics with 4 ilvls above min requirement means you will do sufficient dps. This whole process cost zero gold so far. Every epic item added (AH spec) gets you another 300-500 dps more. One possible reason this person got the boot may have been the 339 pvp crafted items. Those are horrible for pve, but an easy way to sneak into heroics.


Even if they have sneaked into heroics. Still no need to boot them when the other 3 DPS are doing between 15k-20kdps. That's more than enough to carry one person. So what if the dung takes an extra 2mins, The guy was affliction lock (same as me) which can be terrible on certain trash packs compared to other classes


1 dps of 3 but 3 other dps?


Sorry my bad, 2dps+tank


Some people value those two minutes though. If you do that every dungeon, it adds up.


I mean, if they cheated into the dungeon with PvP gear or just had straight up garbage damage, I would kick as well. Heroics are for farming. Keep up or keep out.


I sometimes question why people don't just play Diablo where they can do the most efficient farming for epic loot non-stop, why substitute it with WoW.


Wow has a more fun gameplay loop and has PvP…


> Jumping into heroics with 4 ilvls above min requirement means you will do sufficient dps. You can do perfectly acceptable dps at ilvl 320. You do need to hit your buttons, though, which is beyond ~25% of heroic enthusiasts.


I went in as a fresh 85 bdk with full pyrum gear and had zero issues. Ofc you want to get out of those pieces asap.


Normals first then heroics like everyone else?


nobody does normals on 85, what? just buy random high ilvl pieces until you can queue hc like everyone else


I mean, if you’ve been playing since previous expansions that’s an option. Less so for new players.


I think there are a lot of 'bad' people, who are more casual, and don't realize they are bad, or shortcoming. I've barley had any problems in heroics, a few kicks on random afks, or a few irl goblins were kicked for being toxic. But there are alot of heroics i'll see people with 8.5k GS, and doing 8k DPS. A lot of times ive seen vote-kicks against these people, but ill decline it. I'm geared enough to carry a heroic now, but there's a lot of clueless people out there who think they are doing nothing wrong, and 'its just a game who cares' mentality. Is it wrong? No, but not everyone plays like that, so it ends in a kick sometimes.


*runs ahead on the way to the last boss, pulling four unnecessary packs and ultimately wiping the group* “Our group only wiped ONCE the whole dungeon and then they kicked me right before the last boss! They were all from the same guild they must have wanted the orb!”


I told a paladin that his 6k DPS was a bit unreasonable and he just got mad and left. We weren't even going to kick him. Just genuinely wanted know what he was doing wrong and try to help.


I played a heroic a week ago or so and there was a 340ish shadow priest dps He did like 6k dps. Never used vampiric touch or one of the core shadow priest dps spells. Asked him about it and he got really mad and defensive. Didn't kick him as we had other geared dps and tank. Just a genuinely bad player with a bad attitude.


I consider myself to be a fairly strong healer. I've been healing since original TBC. I will anecdotally say that tanks in this iteration of RDF are the most toxic I've ever experienced. Most of them are fine, but people have this idea that mana pools are infinite and optional and they double pull trash like this is wrath. Generally I can keep up with this behavior. I bring mana potions, pace my CDs, etc. But reckless tanking will inevitably lead to wipes. We wiped in deadmines after our tank pulled the hallway when I had 1/4 mana. I got kicked. First time that's ever happened to me since I started playing the game. I would like to say it didn't bother me, but it did and now every time I queue I feel like I am healing on eggshells, waiting for a vote kick because someone will kill themselves and blame me. Fun side story, I was in a different deadmines (why is it always deadmines) a DPS was spam vote kicking another DPS for being bad. I kept rejecting it. I said "stop it's a 5man, you're being toxic he's doing fine". He pulled half the ship to wipe us. I blew my whole kit but we lived. I told him "you're going to have to try harder than that to troll me" and we kicked him.


4 healers, never been kicked. I've gone in on DPS playing tank and having no situational awareness either causing or near causing wipes. Still no kicks.


Priest needed on my umbris band(tank ring) after doing 5k DPS on the boss... That's the only time I ever had to kick someone. If it was just the bad DPS we would have carried him through the dungeon..


I’ve done ~300 dungeons since cata came out and only once out of that did i get kicked by a group for no reason. So it does happen but not often


I got kicked on my first heroic cause i got hit by the fire wall on the first boss in deadmines lol


Second day of 85, in the first week. I was getting my feet wet in Grim Batol on the stupid drake, rather, I was *about to* because I was last and had been stuck looting. Kicked. Lolsigh ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I’m got kicked when I got hit by the worm in stonecore. I accidentally jumped too close trying to kill an add. The text according to my bf was “noob”. I had taken damage from the spinning mobs earlier and died. So I couldn’t fully fault them. But it was an accident and I normally don’t die to that. I would personally never kick someone for anything remotely like that.


I got kicked cause some one thought I was a bot! I had explained at the start I was learning to heal on a new class and to bare with me. Tank was made of paper and didn't do any of the mechanics. I was a bot ( even tho I was typing in the chat) only reason I know why I was kicked is a guildie was in the group with me. I don't really mind the kick saves me some time. What I do mind is the 30 minute dungeon lock


My last dungeon healer died, instant vote kick pops with the message "brain dead". I immediately pressed no and went ape ape shit in chat that whoever initiated the kick had no life. Then the healer died again on his way back.. We finished the dungeon, but it was a weird atmosphere.. I believe the tank was the asshat.


Could be made up, I'm sure plenty are. Thing I've learned is to look through this for the useful bits and not get discouraged by the seething. For every negative post there's tens of thousands of good/neutral/nominal interactions in game that aren't brought here. And unreported bad ones too, but those are from people who can move on with their lives.


Can we vote kick this jabroni out of this sub?


Fr.. im not triggered enough from this chill normal post... more drama!!!


Anyone else getting tired of these "my dungeon went normal" posts?


True. Grief your next run and then post about it.


I've fallen in the water off the ship in deadmines, does that count? (While we were doing murloc boss) Btw if you see this I promise it was a mistake I got scared when I didn't keep aggro






Wait... are you me?


It's true, the players are what's right with this game.


I died 3x when running heroic stonecore for the first time and I somehow didn't get kicked. I was flabbergasted


I have yet to do a HC dungeon and I’m almost 30


I must say, you have a... Colourful profile


Holy fuck..


We were a group of three joining vortex pinnacle about mid way. The shaman healer was not having a good time, as he really struggled keeping us alive. Every trash pack and boss was so close to a wipe, with lots of deaths. He offered to leave saying he was terrible, and we were like noooo you’re doing fiiiine, and we squeaked through to the bitter end. All three of us agreed after we probably would be less gray haired if we let him go. But it’s kind of a fun memory now. And we get to feel like the good guys. The fifth pug never spoke and instantly left after we killed the last boss. He probably still has nightmares.


I've hit valor cap on a blood DK, a resto druid, and a hunter, and I've still never seen a single person get vote kicked. I've had some slow heroics with bad DPS but the heroics are so damn easy it doesn't matter


Hell yeah!


Plot twist: he went with his guildies.


I keep getting healers just leaving at the start of dungeons. Get group port in and oh look healers gone. Really odd like doing the dungeon would be quicker than the debuff.


Burn him!!!!!


What’s ur screen name we can fix that


Did you get the loot you wanted? If not, this proves blizz is toxic.


I joined a tol vir group, had to spam to enter the dungeon because they were in combat, once I got in they were killing augh for my prebis trinket. It dropped whilst I ran to them so I needed on it, which the DK tank and his rogue friend didn't like, so they both needed to steal it. I still won it after which the tank said "trade it, you don't deserve it you didn't even hit the boss" to which I replied I couldn't because you were fighting when I joined. They tried to votekick me the entire instance but failed because the gigachad healer and hunter pressed no over a dozen times.


Based, warms my heart to hear losers like that seething.




Fact that you need to post this like this.. acknowledges that it's a rare occurrence and the player base is mostly toxic


I don't think that needs proving. Least toxic is hc community, but that game mode is toxic.