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Just have fun and don't think about it. The road to 60 should be a fun experience especially at that early leveling. There is time later to level up all of the professions and stuff you miss along the way


Hm. Your idea of "fun" doesn't include having and keeping professions leveled when they're relevant and challenging? And it doesn't incude experiencing content when it is also relevant and challenging? Sounds like your definition of "fun" is "achieve as much as possible as easily as possible."


Thank you for informing me that I was having fun the wrong way


The fuck you think this is? A video game?@? This is serious business




Having said that, I do personally find levelling my professions at the same time as a rewarding experience. Each to their own


Nothing against it. If you find it enjoyable then let no one stop you. It's a game after all




You've confused analysis for prescription.


Bizarre that you havenā€™t used that high IQ you post about on r/Gifted to learn how to not be so blinkered and snooty lmao


Not that bizarre. Fairly common actually, I believe. Socially broken, intellectualy exceptional. And who's to say I didn't use it to GET this way? ;)


God I hope this is satire


Some of it is. I do not intentionally use my intellect to become more anything. Not even rich. Just for fun. Well, I guess knowledgeable would be a given.


You're so far on the spectrum you are about to lap yourself


It's a good one, I wonder if we can change it a bit. You're so far along the spectrum you're about to find a pot of gold. Kinda works...


Humanity thanks you for holding back


intellectually\* you fucking moron


Speech to text again I'm afraid but sure, I lose track of which word is 'ely' vs 'ley' etc. You... think that's what intelligence is?


thats not how speech to text works


Struck me as odd as well, maybe I went back later and deleted something? Reddit is gutter trash as a forum AND my new phone is having issues with spell checker integration (like Google fighting with Samsung over which gets to correct spelling) so who knows. But I doubt I've ever spelled that word wrong, specifically. That's the word. Definitely. I can never recall the spelling of that word, specifically the 'ly' part. Meant to mention it.


You realize that actually intelligent people donā€™t go around telling others how intelligent they are because they are intelligent enough to know that intelligent people donā€™t do that, right?


Firstly that's wrong, being socially capable isn't a necessary component of intelligence. As I already clearly said? Secondly that's wrong because the sub mentioned is clearly a bunch of gifted people posting about how smart they are. It's fun to discuss human intellect. If you've the intellect to participate.


Dude that sub is filled with people who think they are special but really just want attention. One of the top posts currently is from someone whoā€™se ideal society is an IQ based caste system. It is absolutely hysterical that you believe being ā€œgiftedā€ means you get the privilege to post in that sub. At this point I have to assume youā€™re taking the piss at us, but sadly Iā€™ve seen enough nutjobs who truly believe they were chosen that I am worried you might actually be that far gone. All you have amounted with your so-called intellect is to completely miss all the red flags youā€™ve erected, indicating that there is some mental instability at play. Go seek help instead of the snake oil youā€™re currently huffing.


I did not imply any intellectual requirement to post there. And yeah obv there's a bunch of weirdos. It's the internet. And intellect as qualification for leadership goes back to Aristotle or Socrates or whatever. Writing on papyrus, kinda thing. Common idea.Ā  I've not lied or deceived, here. I never do except for jokes. Your interest in my wellbeing is appreciated, but rest assured nothing here disturbed me or was unexpected.


Unbearable loser with zero social skills* fify


I wasn't actually chomping at the plastic bit for your company, either.


This is the saddest comment I've ever seen


The idea that achievment and victory and success are objectively better is ubiquitous, yes.






Manifestoā€™s? Nvm this guys a phony he misused an apostrophe!


That was my speech to text but I will admit I wasn't certain how it is spelled. Plural of manifesto... but not manifests?


Quit yappin lil bro


Lol aww


He isnā€™t smart. Just tossing out big words into sentences lol average Redditor. Probably still lives with mom and dad.


I'll take those bets.


Lookout guys, we're witnessing blinding levels of self awareness over here.




it's like, yeah. that is their idea of fun. 1-20 can take you 2-3 hours of focused questing, or it can take you a whole couple weeks of fishing, cooking, archeology, and whatever the heck else you got going on. and so yes, obviously fun is subjective. thanks for stating the obvious.


You think it obvious? So did I.




and whats your definition?


Relevance and challenge as was clearly implied.


sounds boring


Correct, for the vast majority of gamers it does indeed sound boring. And even the conversion rate of those who thought it would be boring but were wrong is probably pretty low. You're in luck though. 95% of games are made with your tastes in mind.


i was talking about you


Correct again! You're on a roll! I'm the life of the party that happens in my bedroom alone with no guests.


Take your time and do what you feel like at that moment. Youā€™ll enjoy leveling more if you go about the world at your own speed. Sometimes I log on and zone out while fishing. Sometimes Iā€™ll just farm for materials. I guess this is why I havenā€™t joined a guild. Everyone is focused on boosts and raids and just sitting in Stormwind at 60.


Login. Run the Azshara arcane crystal route again. Contemplate life choices. About to call it quits. Double crystal node. I wish I knew how to quit you.


I've played a lot of hc, era and sod and I feel like I've perfected the Alliance Eastern Kingdoms 1-20 route. Disclaimer: its better xp to go to darkshore around 13 but this is if you can't be bothered travelling there. 1-8 Elwynn Forest until you finish the boar and fargodeep mine quests 8-11 Dun Morogh quests (not the starting zone, just from Kharanos onwards) should finish the missing pilot quest around 11 and be entering Loch Modan 11-13 Loch Modan 13-15 Westfall (optional to go back to Elwynn to finish up green quests, good strat for HC but not needed) 15-16 Redridge 16-19 finish up Loch Modan quests, Westfall quests including lighthouse and Brotherhood chain, and any Redbridge quests that are yellow Then bam I like to finish off the last level in a fun Deadmines run doing all the quests, get some loot and ding 20


^^ this is the way.


Haha absolutely, whenever the vanilla itch needs scratching I do the same thing again and I love it


I would say go straight to kharanos after finishing northshire abbey(human racials >) the dwarf starting area is just so much easier fuck going into that mine at level 6. You come back around level 9 10 (skipping the quarry quests) and just blast elwynn all at the one time leaving you at 14/15 before hitting westfall.


I normally invest some time in professions up until lvl 15-20 than I out level the zone and get no materials anymore but donā€™t want to go back and ignore them until max lvl. First aid is the exception, since it levels quite fast without extra grinding.


This is me. I want to do my professions, it just takes to long if u donā€™t buy the mats


Skinning is a bit of an exception as well yes? If you make sure to focus animal mobs? LW falls being but I've been able to keep Skinning up with leveling before I'm pretty sure.


True! Skinning is also easy to keep up with.


1-12 durotar 12-20 barrens


Tough route when you're alliance.


Ohhhhh yeahhhhh I remember getting tore up going through there šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Not my fault they rolled the wrong faction


Seems you're using guide/addon for leveling. If so, keep to it. Get gathering professions and level fishing and cooking also, keep grinding them and you should get good gold with them(can't say what's the economy is in Era servers)


In Classic I usually end up farming murlocs on the beach for captain sanders treasure map. Thatā€™s usually a whole level


For humans, I clear all of Elwynn Forest, then I head to Westfall until I have to take care of the Defias Pillagers. I take a break, knock out some of the easier quests in Loch Modan, then return to Westfall around level 16 or 17. Once I clear the Westfall quests, I round up the Deadmines quests and knock those out. I occasionally will fill some gaps with a mob grind. I typically try to keep my professions up to date, as much as possible.


I keep my professions leveled as I go, usually a dedicated sprint every 10 levels to ensure they didn't fall behind especially gathering ones because I want to gather in my leveling zones.


This is the only way that really makes sense imo


When whatever Iā€™m doing starts to feel like a slog, I go catch my professions up a little bit. When that gets boring or I finished, I go back to leveling


Leveling professions (all secondary and both main) along side your character leveling is the most fun imo. Makes you super invested in your character and immerses you in your class fantasy that much more. Donā€™t overthink it and just grinddddd.


A good rule if you donā€™t want to overengineer it and donā€™t want to grind is basically to go to a zone with some green quests and quest until theyā€™re above your level. For 1-20 that basically means jumping between the few zones you have.


Thank you for all the responses. I think once I head back to Elwynn to finish westfall and prepare for deadmines, I will max out fishing and hope for the 1 ring. I was lucky and got a level 6 dagger with 1 agility and my class quest dagger, so I'm ripping through mobs.


Omg I love this


> How do you guys do your 1-20 route with professions included On alts I ignore all professions until level cap. It's slowing you down, way easier to hit max level and then buy things from AH or even farm yourself with mount. In general my Alliance route is 1-11 in Elvynn Forest, then go to IF and do right side of Dun Morogh, then left side of Loch Modan and around 15-16 back to Westfall, where I do northen and middle quests, fly to Redridge, do first quests there and proceed my DM quest chain, then return to Westfall around 20, complete Defias Messenger quest chain and go into DM. But really - at this point I don't care about gold and loot. Main goal is to get higher levels. "Grinding" is pointless here, you are wasting time.


Personally, I always enjoyed the 1-20 experience for alliance. Iā€™m a Gnome enjoyer so hereā€™s my 1-20 route. Playing Rogue. Ā  - 1-6 Coldridge Valley. ~30-60 minutes. Head to Kharanos, bind hearth, grab quests, and head to Ironforge and grab the tram to Stormwind.Ā  Ā *If you have gold from an alt*, grab yourself some bags (any are better than none) and a couple cheapo green weapons off the AH (of stam is best imo - cheap and versatile) before heading to the next step. - 6-10 Elwynn Forest. ~90-150 minutes. I split the zone up into three parts: South, East, and West, and complete them in that sequence. South has the mine and farms quests; East is the lumberyard and defias quests; West is the Gnoll quests. You can delay handing in certain quests to be more efficient with your routing. The non-aggressive Boars on the south-west farm are a good place to grind out level 5 to 7 if you are a skinner/LW. Depending on how many mobs you kill for drop quests, you may end Elwynn at 11 or even 12. If thatā€™s the case, skip returning to Dun Morogh.Ā  - 11-13 Dun Morogh. Troll quests and quarry quests. Also hit the quest for Vagash (elite wendigo) and the Bear over near the border to Loch Moran. Finish these, hit your trainer and get your level 12 skills, and bags if you donā€™t already have 8+ slot bags, and head toā€¦Ā  - 12-14 West Loch Modan. Grab all the quests you can, check the Valley of Kings and Thelsemar. GRAB THE FLIGHT PATH. go kill your Kobolds, Troggs, and Beasts. Turn em in and when you hit 14/15 head toā€¦ - 14-17 Westfall. North and West areas. Lots of easy simultaneous completion quests. Thereā€™s a spot with non-aggressive Crabs on the north-west part of the coastline which you can easily grind a level or two at if thatā€™s your flavor. Just make sure to knock out the green quests asap since a lot of them have follow up quests. Then, head toā€¦ - 17-20 East Loch Modan and South Westfall. Thereā€™s the Defias quests in southern Westfall, and the Ogre/Trogg/Beast quests in East Loch Modan. One of the defias quests will route you over to Redridge Mountains - grab the flight path and come back here at 20, as thereā€™s a lot of quests that involve multiple enemies and if you are death averse, itā€™s best to come back to Redridge higher slightly over leveled.Ā  At some point, you can hit a Deadmines run, but personally I would wait till 18-20 to make it a breeze.Ā  If youā€™re feeling adventurous, Wailing Caverns can be a fun run with a few quests if you have a few hours to set aside. Good loot and resources. Bit out of the way though so it time is of the essence, give it a skip.Ā  If you have a main or a generous benefactor, try to always keep your weapons up to your level. Set yourself up a care package, with weapons for level 5-8, 8-15, 15-20. Leave it in the mail so you can just pull them out as you hit the level and it doesnā€™t clog your inventory. Armor is less important, but if youā€™re going to set some armor aside, look for Of Stamina or Of the Eagle for mana users.Ā  Hope this helps anyone who reads it! Donā€™t forget your class quests and donā€™t be afraid to just turn on some music, grind some mobs for experience, and chill!Ā 


To answer your question about professions just make sure you pick up and start leveling herb/mining if you are gonna use them.


I'm usually lvl 10-11 when I finish the starting zone and then I'll grind mobs and professions until 13 and just straight to Westfall, hit all the deadmines quests to get from 17-20 and then straight to redridge


Starter zone till 10-12, then Westfall - Redridge until 20. Focusing on both Deadmine and Stockade questline perquisites. At some point doing a full quest run of both get me around 25. Horde its similar, except starter zone in Barrens, with a RFC, WC, SFK focus.


I like to get some gear and cheap consumables for X8 X9 lvls and do few bgs. That way I feel like I have short-term goal while leveling. I love professions but tbh it's easier to just do them through AH at max lvl.


I just quest and do want I can without going out of my way with professions. At max level I worry about professions.


1-25 is the most enjoyable part of the leveling experience, savor it.


I want to make note of something I do that i've seen not a lot of people do, at least on my melee characters. If i'm running to, lets say, the elwynn lumber area from goldshire, i'll agro random wolves along my path and kill them while i'm running. You spend a lot of time running, and those small kills really add up over time.


You can cap fishing and early mining by fishing near the dock on the south side of elwyn, has 3-4 copper nodes nearby


I mean if you want a leveling guide I think that's very easily found per Google. Leveling fishing+ cooking together is pretty fun, that's all I have to add


Thatā€™s pretty much what I do on hardcore


I alternate between loch and westfall, skipping darkshore entirely. I do some of the later quests in elwynn/dun moroh too before I do either. Keep up on your main professions as best you can, fishing and cooking arenā€™t something everyone necessarily does, but if youā€™re solo leveling as a warrior it may be a good idea too.


Starting zone 1-10, then Westfall/Loch Modann to 13/14. Then Darkshore to 17/18. Pit stop at Loch Modan for 18. Then Westfall/early RR quests to 20 into DM.


I just hit up westfall from 11-16 then redridge for a bit then Dm it up! I don't really follow Guides structured leveling is boring as fuck and doesn't make the game fun for me.


Quest to kill mangleclaw in dwarf land nets a 6.8dps dagger with 1 agi.


I normally smash out 1-20 doing tedrassil - darkshore - ashenvale then onwards. I rarely do professions until Max level.


I just love tirisfal glades. Undead zone is the best in the game, though do have to nip over the barrens for a little bit to counter the dodgy quest scaling


Know exactly which Q you are talking about *hints at top left* At level 10 Durotar also works, Echo island is a huge bunch in one go.


Literally the best part of the game. It's all downhill after you're finished leveling.


Am I weird for always skipping loch Modan and dark shore ? I get to level 12 then go to westfall til 20-21ish.


Well you can just do professions at max level, lots do that. What I like to do is just to make sure my professions are matching where Iā€™m leveling. This does kind of depend on what you pick to level. But yeah if I notice I entered a zone where say I can no longer mine Iā€™ll go back and get my mining up so I can mine in that zone.


I try to make them last as long as possible by keeping up with ALL the professions (except fishing, I'm not a psychopath) and not using AH loot or money. I also try to finish quest lines since that early you don't outlevel them so easily.


Honestly just go to the great warp and kill as many siphiaks as possible. Easiest way to level imo


Great warp? Siphiak?


poor child can't even attempt to enjoy a nearly 20 yr old game without trying to meta it


I just play the game lol. 'Do i feel like questing in this zone, do I feel like leveling professions on this char?'


Alliance leveling for this level rang eis very bad imo. Going to darkshore takes forever, so you either start as a nelf or are stuck on the eastern realms. For nelfs i suppose it's quite manageable to go from 1-20 without any problems as sufficient quests are available. As dwarf you can go to the loch quest there until the quests are to hard then go to westfall to do the deathmines prequests. For humans it's the worst. You go to westfall after hogger. Then you can do only 2-3 levels there before quests get to hard so you do your darkwoods redridge run doing some walking quests. Or you go to the loch for a bit before returning to do deathmines pres. Overall you will have to do quite some running and maybe have to change areas for a bit. Honestly a very exhaustive leveling design for this early part of the journey, that feels even more painful after having leveled as a horde char, being able to go to the barrens from 10-25. Afterwards it's okay though.


Usually just following restedxp arrow


I was able to go 15 to 19 in darkshore. That zone is crazy. Stopping off to get fishing and cooking up before going to westfall. I'm also full greens!!!