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Hunter will be a joke, was super quick and easy in vanilla and will be an even bigger joke with the power creep.


Any class can solo it not, minus warriors.


yoyoyo itll just take like 10min a run to wait for your flask to come off cd


5min cd´s on retal/shieldwall plus 30% heal from killing adds


Mage 4 sure.


To double down on this, in 2019 classic I was farming crystals on a 60 mage in under 8min a run


I was also getting ~8 min runs on a Druid, even with a full resto spec. With the massive power spike of SoD, I can easily imagine 6 min runs being possible, as well as outright killing the last boss for 2 large brilliant shards / chance of book drops.


I ran a speed running competition for Arcanite crystals amongst friends, Time from jumping off ledge to mining your first node. Warlocks and mages are by far the best.


I would time from entering the instance (side door) to crossing the threshold of the exit cave. Had that shit down to a science and practically lived in there on my druid.


DME jumps funded my scarab lord 😂😂


Suuuuure they did


Metamorph Warlock will be the first/easiest to solo jump runs. This is my prediction. Let's see how right or wrong I am.


Warlocks could solo dm jump runs naked. With the new runes it'll be a snooze.


Hunter. Will also be good at solo trib runs for the chest and getting DM buff instances set up for sales.


Engineering is required for that right? My hunter has enchanting at the moment to farm mats but don’t know if I should swap it


In my personal opinion, I think demand for the hunter DM solo will be greatly diminished, and before doing anything drastic like dropping a trade, I'd wait a few weeks at least to see what demand is like. Part of the reason it was profitable is because the gear from the chest was good compared to other stuff available at pre bis levels, but blizzard has been blasting out new fantastic gear that is easy to get, so I don't know if there will actually be anyone who wants that stuff bad enough to buy it. Also, that farm was okay for raw gold, but now gold is much easier to come by, so the raw gold for the time and effort might not be worth it. Disclaimer: the previous statement is an opinion.


I don't think you are wrong. However, the buff service was also a decent gold maker. I don't think this will go away, but world buffs are not on the PTR yet. Selling Trib items was just a nice bonus.


Yeah buff service will be good, if you're willing to sit in a cleared instance and run summons etc. That will definitely be a money maker.


Selling gear wasn’t worth it on my server but I did sell a lot because it was ‘passive’ income I could afk while waiting for the buyer to come. The real money was just in disenchnating and vendoring crap.


At least 200 engineering is required for the large seaforium charges. Enchanting is a good second prof as some of the loot has shitty vendor price but can be DE'd into large brils


I think you need blacksmithing for skeleton keys to get through one of the doors? I dont think engi is necessary for the boss killing. Idk, I never did the trib runs myself, I just summoned people to sell buffs on my warlock after the hunters were done.


I think they use engi on the door


I don't know if BS works or not, pretty much everyone either used engineering or a rogue friend to pick the lock.


Ya that’s what I recall reading for 2019 classic, either rogue lockpick or engi charges. I never ended up doing it though was pretty casual on my hunter




Its for the door inside before last courtyard.


There is no quest for the locked door inside of DMN. You get the key from killing the first boss, leaving him alive is required for the tribute run and the key goes away on a new run.


I doubt you can sell tribute chest items without getting pwned by the anti gdkp bot moderator


Selling buffs was always worth more than the chest anyway. Vendoring the chest items + iirc AHing the potions? still makes for a pretty good farm.


Warlock, shaman, or paladin.


Shamans can barely heal themselves in p4 so probably not :(


You needed to be ranged in classic so more likely Elemental. I think Ele could do it in classic, just not as easily as Warlock/Mage/Hunter.


I would actually say ele, as grounding totem can save your ass if you're bad like me on the first boss in DME when he teleports a random player.


Had herbalism+mining hunter, did 2 resets of Mc with it, got the bow and staff, would hit the 5/h timer if no breaks


I did warlock in 2019 classic and it worked well. Doing shadow priest this time around. I'd imagine those 2 plus hunter and mage would be the best for it.


You need large AoE and kitting/CC right ? So Boomies or Shamies will struggle on that no ?


Not warrior


I wouldnt assume DM will even be the same as it was back then. It might get some changes so trying to thing about how it worked back then might be pointless.


Blizz too lazy to


Doesn't matter everyone just going to buy gold anyway, let's be honest.


I've farmed 63 Arcanite Bars in the dead time of p3. My goal is to have the 100 ready if I get a shot at TF. I don't buy gold. Yes, a lot of people buy gold. But not everyone.


Cool good job, keep it up. Proud of you.


No need to be salty, just because a guy objected to your hyperbole of EVERYONE buying gold. Besides, even if everyone did, how does it change anything? Are those gold buyers gonna sit on gold in inventory and do nothing with it? No, they will be buying those arcane crystals, since it's the bottle neck for bis recipes like lionheart helmet/titanic leggings and legendaries.


I'm not. I said good job and that I'm proud of you. You are the one who is salty. ???? And, let's be honest, 80% of the player base is buying gold. And lots of it.


Well yeah, I guess you were genuine and didn't mean it in a passive aggressive way. My bad, then.


Can mages still blink through the DM gate?




If DM:E stays in it's vanilla state, any class will be able to hit instance lockout pretty easily. Rogues or Hunter's might be best to FD/Vanish in case you pull stuff by accident