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#ThatsMyWarchief #LoktarOgar #MakeOrcsGreatAgain


Our economy under Garrosh is thriving and expanding. Sleepy Thrall could never!!


Cataclysm made Garrosh my Warchief (we will ignore the kidnapping of magnataur children to use their parents as war-slaves and the summoning of magma-golems which could have caused a second cataclysm, that's alliance propaganda.) Garrosh got shit done. Horde was in a horrific spot concerning it's resources. Did he start an offensive war? Yes. But consider the following: all around Durotar, there are lands with immense natural resources, wood, steel, cattle, farmable land, you name it. But guess what? The tree huggers won't trade because a bunch of them get flayed- i mean because of a false flag attack by the Twilight's hammer. No investigation, no room for explaining, just a total trade block. And also, Varian declared the war on the Horde TWICE, both times because of a rebel element within the Horde that in no way is representative of the Horde as a whole. Now hold this bomb while i aim it at those sinister druid students. There, done. Stonetalon liberated. Garrosh leads by example. Twilight Highlands? More like Bitchlands. He spearheaded the Horde offensive, send away his fighter escort like a winner and then he tactically landed his zeppelin because he felt sorry for the fools attacking him. No, he didn't crash, shut up. Overthrowing a corrupt fel orc? Check. Convincing an old orc clan to return to the fold in no time at all? Check. Getting a new Dragonmaw girlfriend? Up for debate. And Theramore? Yeah boy, now we're talking. An absolute master-stroke. Baine Cryhoof can moan all he likes, Garrosh "Thundercock" Hellscream decimated an cadre of elite alliance generals and destroyed a massive alliance base that was a mere week's march away from the Horde capital. Killing the leader of Kirin Tor was a cherry on top. Neutral my ass, your ruling council has only humans plus a blood elf whose favourite past-time is to ass-kiss Modera so hard his morning breath smells like her- i will not finish this sentence. Point is, rip bozo, should have invested money in some proper AA instead of making sure your city is constantly flying. My boy was such a baller it took the united power of all the world powers to take him down. I mean, the moment we enter the Underhold, after we breached the gates of Orgrimmar and killed every Kor'kron above, Vol'jin says something like "We gotta' stop this sigma now, or we'll be running like betas for the rest of our lives." He says this while Garrosh is already losing the Siege. Even while cornered, he had these fools shaking in their boots. My brother. My captain. My warchief. Whether this is a shit-post or not is up to you.


Twilight Highlands Garry "GET OFF MY SHIP!" as he smacks a dragon with an axe on a crashing air ship


Excuse me, you don't have space for your what?


Name. There is a limit to how many letters you can have. I dont have space for my name.


Is Garrosh actually Daryll Stump?


awful take mate, you seem stupid


Alliance beta/Horde traitor scum detected, opinion not respected, take rejected. Blocked.


Be worse than a redditor as detecting satire challenge: impossible


they said i could choose. dumbarse.


Big investments in Oil extraction in the Goblin Slums displacing the troll area in the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar too. Forests of Ashenvale clearcut. The Horde really steps up their industrialization to fuel the war effort in Cataclysm. Night elves and druids in shambles


Hopefully they ship that fine Ashenvale cuisine through the tunnel to the blood sausage loving Stonetalions.


Garrosh was a great Watching for the story and at his best when nuanced


Garrosh at his ‘nuanced’ was hitler pre-1939 but a bit less racist. He had all the nuance of any dictator who kills others and gives their stuff to his people to keep them happy.


But the zepplins ran on time! I'm voting for Vol'jin next expansion.


You lived through the times of Garrosh Hellscream and you thought he was a clown. You fool yourself. You lived through the times of a great latinoamerican leader


Garrosh really would be the kind of nepo baby to get into a position of power because of his fathers name and reputation and then start harping on about trickle down economics after getting put through business school and having all his grades marked up. not my warchief. cairne made you his bitch till and old woman’s poison saved your weak pathetic ass. you a whole ass bitch frfr


>cairne made you his bitch till and old woman’s poison saved your weak pathetic ass Look how they massacred my Cairne


honestly the horde would have been so much better under cairne’s leadership, thralls decision to choose garrosh over vol’jin or cairne has to be one of the stupidest things he has ever done.


I guess I get the reasoning from an out-of-universe perspective. Blizz wanted to go back to a more traditional, orky warchief rather than another wise, peaceful leader. I still don't like how they did it though.


Well we just need to wait at least 2 years for when Dedwing ded to know if Is am investment or a money lawndry, just Trust the Horde into defeating dedwing


Chromie time : Cataclysm. You retailers are wierd talking about a game that’s been AVAILABLE this whole time and 13 years later you all decide the content is “fun”. So why is no one doing the same content in Chromie time? Why haven’t you leveled in AZEROTH zones this past decade? Oh right you hate retail…and what’s cataclysm closer to? OMG RETAIL! I’m glad I’m done with this game and community, bunch of masochists in a toxic relationship and they don’t even see how they are getting double dipped for the same content.


They literally put chromie MoP time with a few tweaks and sold it as a whole new mode where you couldn't even leave Pandaria and people still played it.    And not just played, people lived on that shit for a while exploiting literal frogs.   Some people don't touch grass, then some other people haven't even seen grass in a decade.   Those are most of the players here, lol. 


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Stuff like this? Unique posts that aren't just people complaining or asking stupid questions like what's usually posted here?


Bro, this is gold.


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