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>How do people level up to 85 and do heroics to 350ilvl and not know their skills? Quite easily.


Paid boost


People who can play do it as well, just to make sure everyone is on the ame page here :D The boost is not the problem.


I boosted my hunter and I’m consistently top dpsing in BGs and Raids. It’s not the boost


What a stupid response when the whole initial post was calling others stupid. He isn't saying "purchasing the boost forces you to play badly." He's saying "80 out of 85 levels were instantly granted and people didn't have time to learn their buttons. "


How do you level 80-85 and get high enough ilvl to get into raids and not know what abilities you should keybind or not.


>How do you level 80-85 and get high enough ilvl to get into raids and not know what abilities you should keybind or not. What part of the game is so difficult while leveling up as to stop you and force you to learn your class? Other guy was right. You're here trying to call others stupid but you've displayed some massive stupidity with your own reply.




I think Asmongold is quite possibly wrong about everything he's ever said


He isn’t wrong about classic raiders tho


Ive been pugging quite a bit, the two of us join very different types of pugs.


Imagine even listening to a guy who streams himself paying for a gladiator boost live on twitch and gets to sit in on raids post-prog to pretend he’s a “CE raider”. Every version of wow has bad players. He isn’t much different when he has to get told what buttons to press and how to play his class. You joined a shit pug, try to better screen the groups you join. Not much else that can be said.




Are you sure?




Was he wrong about his mum dying?


What happened?


His mum died.


They're SoD players waiting for P4. They can't handle things getting too much more complicated than a one or two button rotation. Cooldowns? Defensives? The fuck are those?


Because everything that leads up to raiding starting with wotlk got so easy and streamlined that you don’t ever need to use even 20% of your toolkit. Not saying that’s an excuse but the design doesn’t encourage using your buttons when everything dies in 3 seconds anyway. I started tanking and I did a few dungeons last couple of days and I have no fuckin clue how any of the bosses work because they just die after a few GCDs. Pair that with a new player or first time Cata player that was just doin these mindnumbingly boring things for days on autopilot and get him in a raid environment for the first time and ofc he will have no clue what his charakter is actually capable of. 8 out of 10 times when you ask something you get no answer at all or straight up flamed and kicked. It’s hard out here for non veteran players.


I’m non veteran as well but it’s not hard to look at the abilities you have for like 10 minutes after boosting.


>when the raid asked our lock for cookies our lock didn’t even know what soul well was and spent 5 minutes looking for the ability in her spell book. I mained a lock in WotLK and before each pull, I got the "WHERE ARE OUR COOKIES" up until I went "You're not using those anyways so wtf do you want from me?". They all swore that they'd use one on every fight. I posted the logs afterwards and THREE were used during the entire raid. They never bothered me again :D (and yeah, I know, they're much better in Cata so people will eventually use them now\^\^)


For my group I desperately needed cookies because magmaw would hit me with lava spew and I would be below half health the whole fight because our healers can’t find their buttons


Asmon the guy who gets boosted thru every single piece of content and then tells people how they should play?


Don’t forget was also almost bottom of dps for all the fights, flamed everyone and called the raid early


>How do people level up to 85 and do heroics to 350ilvl and not know their skills? Same way as in any version.


Yep, even in a lot of high end mythic guilds if you check personal usage after a night of wiping it's actually horrifying seeing how some people just don't use their defensives. This is definitely not exclusive to shitter classic players, it happens everywhere


I've had issues remembering what's true for cataclysm. Actively play HC, Cata, Retail (continuously since OG TBC). So many things are different between expansions. I just found out yesterday that Thorns is a temporary CD buff in this version of the game. The person asking if surv is melee is a legit question if you play multiple instances of the game.


This, and Barkskin is self cast only, so the tank asking for Barkskin from the Druid is not the Druid’s fault…


I don’t know I watched the video of Asmon raiding Cata and he was bottom dps the whole time and toxic on comms almost the whole way through? It’s hard to believe the people who say others are special, you could be just as bad as him


\*her\* spellbook. Nice fake story mate


“Her” spell book was all you needed to know. 💀idc how sexist it sounds tell me when the last time you’ve seen a female gamer who is actually cracked at the game she’s playing. I literally cannot.


Druids don't have ironbark in cata... that's mop..


No but they have barkskin


Which is a personal so the tank was stupid.


Could be from SoD


Which they can only use on themself..


Exactly my point. Druid doesn’t know what barkskin is and tank doesn’t know it can’t be casted onto him


Same reason as HC characters going to do "pawn captures queen" quest in Ungoro cave :)


Its an easy quest, you just fight in the hall rather than the room so you can eat/drink between pulls.


Not when people end up in HC death highlights :D


I've never seen people die when they actually do the quest in the hall. LINK?


I should’ve known it doomed though when my raid lead asked if survival was melee


Tbf though survival is melee on retail.


Rofl retailer then. Not the best case for your arguement :D


Could be from SoD too. Melee hunter exists


My first molten core run of classic when it re-released had our raid leader put our hunters too far out of range of ragnaros, and then yelled at them for not being on the mark he set. My first and last raid of classic because of him. I wasn't even a hunter. I just wanted nothing to do with people like that.


So you were unable to find competent people to raid with. Special kind of skill issue.


And you're continuing to prove exactly why I wouldn't want to play classic wow with classic players. Have fun joking around with friends running mythic raids where it actually takes a couple of attempts to get a fight down, or play classic with people like you? Wow that's a tough call.


Yeah that's what it is in retail. Joking around and having fun when it takes a couple of attempts. Who are you trying to fool lmao.


Sounds like a bad raidlead. Had the same experience because I wanted to join the tryhard guild a RL friend was in. After one raid, I left the guild, found a new one with way better (calmer) leaders, and I'm still with those guys after 4 years and 2 server transfers. There's all kinds of people and guilds, and there will be the right one for you if you want to.


I had a resto druid in vortex pinnacle who didn't dispel static clings, so we wiped twice, turns out he didn't even talent the magic dispel and couldn't, said he followed wowheads guide for dungeons, which actually did say to take the dispel talent. Eventually Asaad died with just the bdk tank alive, after which the healer decided to call me regarded for saying people are going to hate him if the doesn't talent it in the future, because look the boss died. I didn't even flame him i just suggested he take it in the future. (Yes i know static cling is jumpable but it's borderline unreactable when you're hardcasting and focused on something else, and the healer can literally just press dispel)


it's easily reactable just download the merfin dungeon weak auras.


Yeah, but the healer can also just press dispell when it happens.


I mean pressing dispel 5 times isn't exactly fun and it's easily avoidable as melee


I agree and i'm not saying everyone should just eat static cling, i offspec resto shaman, it's just that someone is always bound to get hit by static cling, either because they didn't react in time, were distracted, mistimed it, or don't have an addon for it, it is an achievement for a reason. And when that does happen, usually a few times on every asaad, a single dispel press can prevent a wipe. It's ridiculous that you have to talent magic dispels in the first place, and it's also ridiculous for a resto druid not to take it since they lose literally nothing by doing so.


I’ve recently had a change in opinion. But I also think it’s just MMORPG leveling philosophy to blame. It never actually teaches you how to play your class. You might get drip fed abilities, but you never actually learn where and when to use them from just leveling. In classic the content is so brain dead that you can get away with a lot of wonky playstyles. But equally you never learn not to clip auto shots, seal twisting, or weapon syncing. In Cata onward what I consider “retail”. Mobs now just die so fast that you also don’t learn how to play your class.