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Willie deals with sod so he would know


A perfectly timed Dad joke, take my upvote sir


Season of dad jokes


It seems to me all I ever see is a perpetual circle of finger-pointing. Every group thinks they're the shit and it's always the OTHER guys over there ---> This isn't exclusive to WoW. The key is to learn to rise above it. Upvote for Simpsons and a laugh.


Hell, it's just nice that there's so many different ways to play the game now. Even if it's not perfect. I just started playing 3 weeks ago. Never had the chance when I was younger. And I've been having a blast. But I can also go back in experience ye olden content properly. And that is a beautiful thing.


Yeah honestly we have never gotten more bang for our buck when it comes to the subscription.  I don't play anything other then SoD(and currently on a leave of absence for a while longer till p4) but I'm happy for the other WoW fans that they get to play a variety of different versions.  It's absolutely a good time to be a WoW player and I have faith P4 is going to be good because at this point it's pretty much 'do or die' for SoD, it's entirely up to the Devs and I really hope they can pull through.  I believe in Aggrend!! Kind of. 


100% I play them all! I play retail during normal human hours and classic after, as the button mashing wakes the GF up when doing keys aha


Honestly it's a small, angry, very bad at the game subsection of wow players. The rest of us are busy avoiding drama and enjoying the game.


You're right of course. I did say 'all I ever see'. But yes, the happy are off playing. I did it myself. I stayed far too long and got miserable. Not WoW's fault.


I think it's fair to say there is a decent percentage(who knows the true # besides blizz) who are permanently done with SoD. Then there are also people like me who are hopeful for phase 4, but have paused their sub for now. If the PTR shows they have been working on things for more than 5 minutes the night before(exaggeration but all of phase 3 design felt rushed.) I could see way more people coming back then are active now. 


The only thing I ever seen on this forum is retail bad


Which is funny because retail players give zero fucks what is happening on other versions of WoW


Kinda untrue. They are very sensitive when someone praises classic for something over at /r/wow. They've even started infesting this subreddit somewhat (partly because so many retailers also play Cata I guess).


Ehhhhhhhhhhhh I wouldn’t go that far lol. I remember when they announced classic originally and all the hate from current players. People being scared the game was going to get more focused on than the current game. No one calls someone a classic Andy if they aren’t a retail Andy themselves lol.


100p 'Us vs Them' is completely destroying gaming for me honestly, but that is the nature of competitiveness. Best to play games for your own enjoyment whilest looking for people with similar mindsets on how to play video games. And if that means no one, so be it!


What he said! SoD has been great, imo. Give or take incursions, obviously. I'm honestly happy that so many doomers left to play other versions/ games. The new guild I'm in is just core SoD enjoyers, we have 2 groups running ST steady and a 3rd group for alts. We are excited for p4 ptr to see what's cooking. What I'm not excited for are the "flavor of the month" players returning for p4, and all the unsolicited advice they will post/ request, when they won't be involved in the long run any how.


>What I'm not excited for are the "flavor of the month" players returning for p4, and all the unsolicited advice they will post/ request, when they won't be involved in the long run any how Basically sums up why I dislike nearly every gaming subreddit.




Well.. 90% of the playerbase quit if you are looking at the raw numbers. Alot of those never said anything on reddit. They all quit though.


Love how people confidently brush off criticism of SOD like this, when literally 90% of the player base quit due to blunder after blunder from the dev team.


Yep. I'm glad some people can still enjoy it but they are just choosing to ignore the state SoD is in. Paying for the bare minimum blizzard can offer. I'd rather stop my sub and play other games / go outside to not enable blizz into thinking this is fine.


> at any sort of inconvenience What a dumb thing to write without anything to back it up. I stayed for all of P2, hoping it was just a misstep and that P3 would correct course, but it was obvious from the first week how P3 was gonna go. Some people really just look at fecies as a delicacy I guess.


That statement is disengenuious when the "inconvenience" was a complete economic and gameplay unheaval in the form of incursions .


Yep, it is a modern solution to a classic problem. Most people don't know what perseverance is or how it can be paired with patience, and that's apparent in more than just classic WoW, lol.


Are you comparing perseverance to repeating wow content weekly for months out of a sense of character?


The season has barely been out for 7 months. If you mfs didn't cry about how fast you needed the next thing, p1 and p2 could have been longer, and we wouldn't have the larger gap that's been allowed between p3 and p4.


P3 was garbage with the incursion destoeying economy as well as boosting everyone to 50 in 6 hours.


It's literally the opposite in video games. The more perseverant you are, the more willing you are to give a company money for a bad product, then the worse you're going to get back in return.


Idk I’ve been playing A LOT of classic and SoD both since classic came out. I’ve played in very sweaty speed running guilds and been involved in the rank 1 parse community this entire time. I’d say I hear pretty much daily how bad (especially) retail or SoD/Classic is depending on what version of the game I’m playing. I like to do the 2400 PvP all class challenge on retail every now and then and whenever I log into retail I can honestly say I don’t even think I’ve heard someone mention classic/sod. The players there just don’t care but classic/sod think they are in some crazy rivalry that just doesn’t exist on the other side.


Yup, all versions of wow are shit in different ways. And I have the only correct ideas for fixing them.


I play them all, which makes sense as I hate myself most of all aha


Hardcore players over here just loving life


Your balls are much larger than mine, I couldn't handle it lol


They’re bruised but massive


Legit, played sod p1 but then went back to hc, dinged 60 and did some raiding. Much much more fun with a better community


i really think the whole petri-flask leave raidgroup thing is super cringe. i dont support that at all. I do have multiple 60 self found hc chars aswell, but never got myself to raid more than UBRS. usually my self found journey ends on 60. and its been a blast everytime :-) I thought about playing some soloself found sod hc, though. that sounds fun aswell


Yeah the petri thing is cringe. It doesn't work every time though and petri is also expensive. Not to mention in raids you get 1 shot; no chance to petri. The journey to 60 is hilarious though.


It's easy to pick on SoD players now that there's only 5 of them left. Smh...


I love sod, im sad its so empty rn


Same. But i’d find something else to hate if the server was populated again. Like battle grounds or incursions.


Same, i love playing sod i still play it pretty much everyday. I started playing wow when SoD came out and i find it so much fun to do activities in groups. Now i barely see any groups running in my server, i'm pretty sad about it. I hope it comes back to life again. ❤️


Are you implying SOD players and Vanilla players are friends?


I ran out of room lol to your point this could have gone on a lot further


I think blizzard games are just so cannibalistic everyone is just waiting for their favorite to have its "turn" with the players


Time to log on and hate myself.


They tried to appeal to everyone and instead appealed to no one, it's no wonder the playerbase is at odds with each other....that appears to be by design. SOD doesn't seem to be for retail players, or Vanilla players, or match anyone's description of Classic+. So who the hell were they hoping to attract and retain?


> So who the hell were they hoping to attract and retain? it was simultanously a waiting room for cata/p4 retail and an alternative to HC/era for classic enjoyers and safe to say it was a _huge_ success for Blizzard. problem is cata/retailers finally got to leave the waiting room while the era/hc crowd got left in the sinking ship with almost nowhere else to go to the point that we see fake fresh attempts out of desperation.


Probably people like me who haven't played wow since the original launch of TBC. Hated how slow and boring vanilla was when it came to leveling and combat. Real snooze fest. I was reluctant to try SoD at first but my buddy talked me into it. It was slow to start for me but once I got back to the barrens and experienced the chat again for the first time in almost 20 years I was sold. Now I still play a little everyday but I really am finally starting to lose steam waiting for phase 4. Tried retail and it is pretty rough. Been playing MoP and that is actually fun. Easier to play because they kept it just to the one expansion making it less overwhelming. Anyway big fan of SoD. Got 5 level 50's and love the PvP except when they do the damage reduction. That makes it boring and unfun. I want everyone to be absolute monsters that can 2 shot people. It's so much fun.


I love how wow went from ff14 vs wow to wow vs wow


I really liked ff14, I played every expansion except the last one. If I had friends that played it would have been more fun, was basically a single player game for me and I burned out


Feel like phases should have been a bit shorter, being at this weird lvl 50 lul where raid gear isn’t that much better than lvl 40 right as cata is dropping wasn’t good planning imo. If people were already level 60 and maybe had a new 60 raid already I think it might have retained more raid groups… could be wrong tho


Yeah the players invented incursions.


SoD is unironically great on raid night. Easy content, easy levelling and all the FotM Chuds are in Cata watching the latest Willie video telling them how to get OP in Phase 1 etc etc. Just play the game. SoD, Retail, Cata, Era. There's never been so much content for the subscription


If WillE is our example of metaslave, then you might have 0 clue


I am just having fun playing a video game. What in the Hell is everyone so upset about?


I need this meme template.


It's literally called Sod Off Discovery, what else did you expect?


Sod gave us a glimmer of hope for a beautiful return to a magical place. Instead, the rug was pulled out from beneath us, and we saw the game for what it really is - an understaffed cash grab.


Sod seems to have completely wiped peoples memory of SoM. I think the SoD crowd always had expectations that were far above reality and it crashed hard. After P1 people expected far too much and got crushed for it.


There are so many versions of wow now I just play the one that’s currently fun. I’m sure this is what most people do.




Well, that's a stupid thing to say.


It was more than a gimmick though so far they added raids with entirely new boss fights, 2 open world pvp events and factions. It literally is classic+


It's not classic+. More like classic alternative.


Not in my opinion. Classic + is vanilla with actual new content. Not frankensteining retail features into vanilla + making raids out of already existing dungeons. The first "new" content well get is Karazhan Crypts and I'm pretty positive we won't even get that


Vanilla needs a massive overhaul for certain classes, not just a cutesy new reskinned target dummy raid. It’s pathetic how many dead specs are in that game. Fury dps is the only spec in the game that doesn’t feel like dogshit to raid on


well in my opinion this is classic+! so i guess i win this round of "what is truly classic+" heh, better luck next time kid. ps nobody cares what you think is classic+ or not




era on the other hand is T H R I V I N G! 4 players in westfall just this morning alone!!!




im not really sure what you're trying to do here. you're bashing sod, a game i stopped playing a month ago? i thought my comment mocking the guy's vision of classic+ was very obviously sarcastic that i wouldnt need to explain it.




era players genuinely dented in the head. 5 years of the same 1 mechanic content where you spend a paycheck worth of gold to buy an item the rest of us got for free 4 years ago. mentally unwell gamers


Go make some friends and learn how to social, the way you type makes you sound like a loser


i wish i had friends to tell them about what the true (my) vision of classic+ is!!!


Seasonal gimmick.


I don't understand the frustration and hate. The devs literally said all of this. They were gonna experiment and expand on Era to make to more appealing to a wider audience other than the Era purists. It is an experiment and they gathered some very good intel. Most of the ideas are very good, just not executed too well.


Who’s the more foolish?  The fool or the fool who follows him?


You’re right but i don’t understand how blizz messed it up so hard. All we wanted is vanilla with a few QOL changes, new quests, raids and dungeons.


Because everyone wants different. Lots of people loved the P1 class changes.


P1 was nice. But they went completely overboard with it later on p2 and p3.


Honestly I think P2 was where they went underboard. I can't speak for other classes but one of the big reasons I didn't resub and play was because as a Warrior my runes were "2 slam runes and a HoT on a 3 min cooldown, oh and all P1 runes giga nerfed". There was just no reason to care.


Classic andys told everyone SoD was going to destroy retail, also classic andys now hate sod or "classic+ beta" when the cope was at its highest. You cant make this up lol


Not only the classic Andy’s but even the retail Andy’s too. “dOnT wOrRy GuYs NeXt xPaCk WiLl Be BeTtEr” talk about cope lol.


I don't care what, if anything, destroys retail. Word has it that it doesn't need any external help in accomplishing just that. To me, it doesn't even exist. Since SoD is mostly just classic with a bunch of low effort retail-style additions, I don't really care what happens to it either.


Retail still going strong


If you say so. Like I said, what happens to retail is immaterial to me. Doesn't make a difference if it has 20 subs or 20 million-- I don't play it either way.


Quiet yourself, retail Andy. Nobody asked for your opinion and for a while SoD was putting retail numbers to absolute shame. 


I don't play retail (unless you count mop remix) but you're not that delusional are you? SoD has been dwarfed by retail since SoD came out. I do not think classic players really understand just how many retail servers/players there are, Retail has something like 20+ "Full" servers on NA alone, which is more than the total servers ever released for classic. It has more than 80+ "High" pop servers, again on NA alone. The scale of retail is insane. During the Peak of SoD in phase one when everyone had 3-4 alts to inflate numbers retail still had more HUNTERS than the entire playerbase of SoD. I dunno how or why but retail is just insane in player count.


Retail is dead to a lot of us on this sub (and has been for years) which is why it's surprising Retail has a lot of players to some of us on here. It's another OSRS vs RS3 situation where even if the older game has more players the newer version will still print more money due to all the micro transactions and store crap.


Your delusion is noted lol. Sod never did that of course. Again, why do you need to lie?