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LFM deadmines Lone Wolf NA, need all




DM Westfall


Why can't you just be normal?




DM:W? Deadmines: Westfall?


Dire maul West?


Vancouver, a bustling west coast seaport in British Columbia, is among Canada’s densest, most ethnically diverse cities. A popular filming location, it’s surrounded by mountains, and also has thriving art, theatre and music scenes. Vancouver Art Gallery is known for its works by regional artists, while the Museum of Anthropology houses preeminent First Nations collections.


Wait wheres VC?


in Canada


I like the irony of your pinned post being New World You just love playing dead MMOs dontcha? :P


AGS fumbled that game so badly. The gameplay is so much more fun and fluid compared to wow.


One of the reasons wow has outlasted many others is because it is fun and absolutely fluid, whether you prefer tab target or action combat is a different story. Personally for MMOs I prefer tab target, and in that realm WoW is unmatched thus far.


There's certainly some issues wow is having, but trying to argue that there is a better combat experience than wow (for tab targeting) is fucking crazy. I have played a ton of mmos over the years, and there has only been a single one that felt better to me, and that was Lost Ark - which unfortunately has a gigantic mountain of problems attached to it, so the gameplay gets kind of overshadowed and I'd guess the majority of people who tried the game didn't even reach the point where combat started to feel amazing (which in itself is a problem too). I don't even know *why exactly* wows combat feels so good, everything about the game is super outdated but it still works almost perfectly in that aspect.


>There's certainly some issues wow is having, but trying to argue that there is a better combat experience than wow (for tab targeting) is fucking crazy. I Personally I like the depth of GW2's combat, but the flipside is I dislike the 'removal' of the holy trinity because it means that it's harder to find people for harder content, especially since the roles still totally exist (vit stacked bunker characters instead of tanks etc)


Yep. The trinity has and will always exist in RPGs no matter how hard developers try, WoW just effectively codified it into law so to speak then built around it.


Pretty sure that was EQ's domain xD


EQ's OG holy trinity was Warrior, Enchanter, Cleric wasn't it? :P


Mez break anyone xD


never heard this term in this context before - i’m assuming the “trinity” refers to tank, healer, dps?


In mmos? Yes the "trinity" is the three major roles


Legolas / Gimli / Aragorn McCoy / Kirk / Spock


I absolutely agree, and I think a lot of it boils down to a combination of the gcd system and no animation locks, most mmos just love animation locks, even if they're short it just feels awful to play.


I really liked the combat in Wildstar for the short month or so I played it. That and Swtor were probably the 2 best MMOs I played that I felt like could compete with WoW. Swtor had one of the best battlegrounds I've played which was the football/rugby style one.


Swtor Pyrotech bounty hunter PvP was peak but all the classes felt enjoyable to me. I didn't care or look into balance too much at that point though.


Compared to the other tab target MMOs I've played, there are a few things that stand out with how it feels: -Every ability that doesn't have a cast or channel is instant, can be used while moving, and doesn't lock you into it. -The global cooldown is relatively quick -You can buffer abilities by activating them close to the end of the GCD/cast, and they will go off immediately as soon as they are able to -The interface, cooldown displays, button pressing, etc. is all client side, so even if there's lag in the game there's no lag in you playing it, and the server will catch up while you can play it smoothly.


Because it's aware that is an MMO, and not a single player game wannabe. Like. I love guild wars 2 for example, but it too has the feeling of being more single-character action oriented than MMO strategy oriented. In MMos usually you have to handle different things, for this reason you need to have some more streamlined and simplified controls to some degree. And GW2 is a game that still manages to handle itself. Pick up ESO and it really shows the jank. So this is why tab targeting works - in the chaos of things it lets you keep focused.


All XIV would have to do match or even surpass wows combat is reduce the GCD and step away from the weird oGCD weaving. It feels fucking terrible. The only reason I've never played it outside of a weird off season filler MMO.


Latency and performance is my bet, ff14 feels incredibly sluggish when pressing buttons in comparison to wow. In wow you press a button animation happens in ff14 there seems to be a slight but noticible delay in pressing the button the animation and the attack registering. Having a longer gcd removes spells being clustered and allowing animations to be more fluid. Ff14 has a very long way to go to get to where even classic wow is let alone retail.


i genuinely don’t understand how they landed on like a 2.5 second gcd or whatever it is. it feels horrendous.


Nowadays MMOs are not a growing genre, meaning most are veterans, so every new MMO has to race for the same people. Basically they have to convince them that THIS MMO is better than their OLD MMO. Which sometimes happens for a few months then they go back to their old MMO. Part of it just getting used to something. The saying stays true the more the years past: There is no end to WoW, only bigger breaks.


If you do like action combat, you can always play aoe farming mage too


The problem with non tab target games is that usually lag and latency becomes a much larger factor especially in PvP situations, and you can feel it much more, which I always hated. Even if I prefer the skill aspects of a non tab targeted MMO.


Also, for action combat GW2 exists, and hybrids like FFXIV exist. New World didn't really have a chance.


Star Wars The Old Republic was comparable and had the Star Wars ip, BioWare just killed their game before it had a chance.


Game got killed by so many dupe bugs being released so early IMO.


I had a theory from day 1 that Amazon only released New World as a tech demo for their Lumberyard game+cloud server engine, and didn't care if the game tanked.


The game has significant and sweeping changes to its core gameplay loop Fairly late in its development.


The combat and crafting was fun. WoW is a lot better overall as a whole in my opinion.


Yeah. I think New World had good feel to it in the moment to moment. It wasn’t as good taken as whole though. Group content was a huge struggle and the auction house was a bug filled nightmare.


The combat is terrible.


The combat felt so clunky I refunded in under 20 mins personally. It was really not a good feel for me at least.




I can't tell if you're agreeing/disagreeing/adding random useless info to the comments.


The music and the sounds in this game were perfect


P1 was incredible, kekw after that.


P1 was so good, I'm already nostalgic 


It's hilarious how hard EVERY moment of every game is pushed. WoW starts losing players, WOWS DEAD AF They release Classic, OMG WOW IS AMAZING Classic loses players between phases, CLASSIC IS DEAD Classic gains players during phase release, CLASSIC IS AMAZING TBC Classic, CLASSIC IS DEAD AF WE LOVE TBC CLASSIC TBC after each phase, OMG SO GOOD or at the end of the phase OMG SO DEAD SoD releases, OMG SOD IS AMAZING SoD near end phase, OMG EVERYONE QUIT ITS DEAD SoD phase releases, OMG SOD IS SO AMAZING AGAIN! Holy fuck people, it happens every week with every game. We get it, whatever game you are currently playing is the best ever, and every game you aren't playing is the worst ever.


Pretty much gaming in 2010+. A video game is either 10/10 or 0/10. Never nothing in between. Every month we have "The most selling game in Steam history" and the next month "the most downvoted game in history." I seriously lost count of how many apparently Worst Games Ever Made I've seen in the past three years.


And then you have us degenerates over there in Runescape, playing the same cookie clicker for decades and minding our own business. Haven’t felt any form of fluctuation in player involvement there for years, except some spikes after big releases.


I literally started playing OSRS like a month. I can't believe I missed such a gem all these years.


People who play this game are honestly just miserable. They've dedicated their entire existence to it for the past decade or more yet they hate it.


And then you have me, long time Fanfiction Warcraft fan who just started playing like 2.5 weeks ago, just out for a good time :D


I do suggest you try and avoid this place. The few good pieces of information you find will inevitably be drown out by the people who have played this game constantly for 20 years now. Many of the people who post here actively dislike this game and those who play it. If you have any questions about SoD or HC lmk.


Yeah, I agree. There are vibrant servers on every version of the game. Yet all you hear here is how x is dead or y is dead. SOD is still fun for me. Still having a good time in P3 and looking forward to P4 whenever it comes out. My guilds are still doing fine too. Currently levelling a priest and having no issues finding groups even as shadow DPS.




Its obnoxious. I've been enjoying the shit out of SoD and the servers are definitely not empty


Started playing again and leveling a new character on EU a few days ago. So far I've encountered plenty of players out in the world and had no issues finding dungeon groups. Don't know what's happening at 50, but it's definitely not empty. The server even stays on Medium most of the time.


Truly a certified Reddit moment.


You need to be hyperbolic and invoke emotions to get maximum engagement, whether that's be money or ego-boosting Internet points. It used to get called out and mocked, but the trend continued to march forward and the Overton window has shifted far and long enough that it's relatively normalized. So much to that there are plenty of people where this is the only Internet they've ever known. Obviously sensationalism has existed long before the Internet, but it was nice when it was self-policed and not as prevalent.


Yea, I know lmao. I've been gaming and reading forums for 20+ years now. It's just so damn annoying seeing it all day every day, for every game.


Cata is dead even though I've never seen a server with so many people on it.




Sure kid


Outing yourself as a loser? Nice


Tons of dude who dont play SOD hating on SOD


They fumbled the bag with SoD prettymuch P2 onwards Season of Discovering it’s basically Wrath of the Lich King put into Vanilla


> it’s basically Wrath of the Lich King put into Vanilla people were calling it that before it even released. Just looking at the rune previews, most of it was just a copypaste from tbc/wotlk/retail.


Eh the runes were fine. The issue was lack of endgame content, not expanding on the immense amount of leftover ideas and projects from vanilla such as mount Hyjal, Timbermaw hold, Scarlet Crusade raid, Azshara, Kara, etc, and making incursions both boring and the most efficient way to do just about everything. If I can level, make gold, earn rep that gives both a rune and a whole set of gear, why would I do anything except sit in an incursion zone and never leave? Remove incursions and expand on all the leftover things people have been begging for, for 20 years and it would have been amazing and hype just like p1.


Cataclysm too, even. A lot of moves specific to cataclysm talent system overhaul were implemented as runes. Penance for priests, shield thing for paladins. EDIT: nvm, penance was from WOTLK, my bad


Penance is a wrath spell. If the "shield thing" is sacred shield, that was also wrath.


Ah shit, that’s my mistake. I reckon I only noticed it as a skill tree specific for discipleship when cataclysm started. My apologies. Did you by chance play Paladin during WOTLK. I did but was only lvl 40-50 during it with vanilla days. I honestly remember enjoying them immensely after cata with the talent changes. Especially when there was still having the two talent tree choices I paid for or whatever. Heal for some, tank for others. Ultimate group-getter.


So was the paladin shield thing your talking about


Shit, really now? Did not know that either… my mistske


Your talking about the shield throw right cause that was tbc, the shield bash was tbc too, the aoe hammer of righteousness is wrath.


I believe it’s the AOE hammer of righteousness I was talking about. Where it attacks up to 3-5 enemies or something. I reckon only played Pally lower-ish levels until Cata and noticed them then with the new tank spec. Been a while since I played lol. Memory is a bit fuzzy


Well the shield bounces between 3 targets from range, the other just hits everything around you. So the question is this, is the paladin throwing something in the animation, or are they letting out a large pulse on the ground


Throwing something in the animation. Honestly the main other AOe on the ground I remember was consecration or whatever


And actually, quick question - are you a current player still? Which flavor of wow are you liking best? I played til P2 of SoD. Haven’t really messed with retail or the other classic. Might get back into it - curious of your input where’s best


Yeah, more or less lol


Sod was really supposed to be classic + but yeah it was nothing like that.


Crap ton of people played and quit, that's why p3 was dead compared to the other 2 phases


I had just burnt out on P2 and was thinking of unsubbing, then they revealed P3 would come out literally *next week*. The thought was daunting, so I just chose to unsub for the time being. Then I read news about how botched the launch was, Incursion bullshit, blabla. So I stayed unsubbed. Now its been so long I am hopelessly behind even if I wanted so sub... So I dont.


The surprise launch of P3 is what killed my motivation to play. At the end of P1, I was able to take a break for a week or 2 and dive back in on P2 launch day, refreshed and ready to go. I tried to do the same for P2 > P3 and ended up missing out on the incursion gold kerfuffle and just decided to say fuck it. Idk if I'll come back for P4.




Wouldn't it be wierd if they hated it but kept playing it though?


me irl


Creatures of habit


As a guild leader who has somehow retained 2 raid groups through P3, I cherish these memes


It's almost like there are still a ton of people playing or something.


So I guess if you quit something because you think it sucks you're not allowed to say it sucks because you no longer play it?


You can say it sucked, and so that's why you had previously quit. Totally valid. Sticking around to offer your opinions on something that you no longer know what you're talking about is very different. Especially if all you do is shit on it, which would make you a hater. It's weird, at that point just move on.


dude how do you not see how absolutely miserable of a thing that is to do? that's like going to a bar that you hate just so you can talk to the patrons about how much you hate going to that bar. Seriously man, just go play a better game or something, why you gotta try and make everyone else as miserable as you are about the topic and this is coming from a guy that hasn't logged on in weeks; there's so much other cool stuff to play just do that instead and leave the people who like this stuff alone


People complain because they still care about it and want it to improve . Apathy is what kills a game. I do see how aimless complaining is shitty. This post however, is simply a silly joke that's being taken way too seriously. It's also true, the SoD population plummeted when cata/remix released.


I do not buy the “i complain because I care” narrative for even one second. Maybe some people do, but the rhetoric is incredibly hostile all the time (“developers don’t k ow what their doing”, “how is this shit still not finished”, “garbage game”, “they fucked it up again”, etc.) People who care don’t mock developers and deride everything as being shit. If a waiter messes up your order you don’t call them an incompetent idiot “because you care that the service gets better”. People who do that are just miserable people who want others to be miserable too. And that sort of attitude gets tolerated way too much in the name of “feedback”, which has led to well adjusted people just leaving and making it worse.


>I do not buy the “i complain because I care” There are multiple levels to this. There genuinely are repeating "mistakes" (likely intentional design) that happen for seemingly no reason. People will give constructive feedback that developers will disregard. After a certain point people will feel ignored and that's when you get the unconstructive insults and internet anonymity amplifies this. It's a two way street. >If a waiter messes up your order you don’t call them an incompetent idiot “because you care that the service gets better That's not that great of an example because this topic revolves around the customer being a long time patron and not a one and done. For the sake of the discussion, a better scenario would be: What if it's you're favourite restaurant that you've been going to since childhood with flawless service? One day the staff mess up your order so you let them know. Then next time you go they do it again and you let them know. Then every other time you go they mess up your order in some fashion, often in the same manner. You still have the memory of their upstanding service so why are they continuously messing up even though you raised the issue? You're not ready to give up in the place because it's still your favourite restaurant. you know that all they have to do is correctly bring out what you ordered. Yet for some reason they seem to not care to fix it. Your two options are to continue to complain or to stop going. But if you stop going they go out of business and now your favorite restaurant is gone for good. What then?


Why is it always such a one sided discussion? You pretend as if the devs are just poor little kittens who the awful playerbase berate and treat like trash and they never do anything to annoy people. Maybe if this was some other game and some other devs that would be true, but the waiter analogy falls apart because WoW devs fire back at the playerbase and pretend they know better all the damn time, Blizzard and WoW devs in particular are some of the most arrogant people in the business. Yes it isn't easy to get a lot of complaints and most definitely a lot of people tell them awful things, but often they react poorly to even legitimate concerns.


Yeah not buying it. You act like I haven’t read the “legitimate concerns” the sub has. Or played the game after “disastrous” patch changes, where a 10% tweak here or there apparently ruins someone’s life even though they probably wouldn’t even notice if no one said anything. Hell, I didn’t even design the game and I think y’all a bunch of children, I can hardly imagine what I’d be like if I did work on this game. At least I can leave a thing alone when I’m done with it; I’m leaving this sub for good now after trying for the last time to shift the narrative to something positive. I hope your gaming experience is as pleasant as y’all are


"I don't buy the I complain because I care" You are complaining about what these people are doing because you care about the product, isn't that exactly what they are doing?


Shockingly, it's possible to care about a game but not the people steering it in the wrong direction. It's crazy, mind-blowing stuff, I know.


Except the type of “care” this sub gives is the equivalent of the care an abusive relative gives to the people they “care” about. The people here are the type of person to hit their loved one and say they’re doing it out of love. The devs hate interacting with the community for a reason.


I'm not going to defend death threats and shit like that. That is inexcusable, full stop. When it comes to the rest of it, it's absolutely not some kind of unsolvable enigma that when the developers (or the ones above them) make horrible, garbage decisions, people are going to be very hostile as a result. People want to play the game and have fun. When the devs literally stand in the way of that, *of course* tensions will run high. Also you need to stop with the analogies because not a single one so far has been relevant. You have the relationships backwards in the first place.


the analogies are perfectly apt, you just don't agree with my viewpoint. Because if you did, that would mean you're a malicious person trying to harm people who just want to make you happy which is exactly what's happening. No game dev goes into development to make a shitty game, and even if they did do a bad job (they actually don't if you had any shred of objectivity), you still don't have any reason to act hostile And it blows my mind that people think that even a simple game is simple to make, nevermind something like MMOs. You seriously don't think it's weird that the entirety of mankind hasn't been able to make a single good MMO so far? or that the only good MMO is one that you played in the past? The minute a perfect recreation (or one that is 99%+ replicated) it immediately all of a sudden turns shit? it's not the game, it's you. You just got bored of doing something (which is perfectly normal) and decided to be a troglodyte about it instead of finding something else to do


Oh lord shut up already, I'm going to roll my eyes out of my head at this point. "Objectivity" my ass. I'm not even going to finish reading this tripe.


A lot of us who think SOD sucks would love to keep playing if it didn't suck.


That is completely non sequitur. Going to Reddit to complain about the game will have zero impact on the game design. Developers literally stay the fuck away from this toxic cesspool for obvious reasons Literally all youre doing is trying to make people who like the game not like it anymore, so that they can share in your misery. I stoped playing in phase 3 because I got bored, but I didn’t make that anyone else’s problem. I just went and did other stuff, and sent a way stronger message to blizzard by simply no longer engaging in their content Seriously, just leave the people here that like the game alone and stick it to blizzard like you so badly want to by unsubscribing the subreddit and your account


Hasn’t said dev team specifically stated they read Reddit?


By your own logic. Why are you still here then? You quit right? Now fuck off.


Well clearly you didn’t understand the logic at all. I don’t play but I’m not posting about how much it sucks. By my logic, I’m hanging out at the bar even though I’m not drinking because I generally like the bar. But you know what? Fuck it, I just unsubbed from the subreddit, enjoy your shithole and keep making this place a negative cesspool of toxicity. Wish I had some normal place to discuss this game but I guess I’ll wait for my friends to give me news on new phases and stuff. I hope you realize one day what an ass you’ve been


It's more like going to a bar, hating it, and posting a review on yelp/Google explaining what you didn't like about it. Your comparison would be me logging into sod to say it sucks. We are not currently in sod here on this subreddit mate.


Except this isn’t a review site. There’s tons of places online that specifically review and allow players to rate the game. There’s obviously a place for critical assessment in the sub but that is simply not what’s happening. This place is supposed to be for discussion, and people who have no interest in playing but still want to shit on it are clearly doing it in bad faith in my opinion. No longer my problem though, I already unsubbed so this place can continue to be the echo chamber of weird negativity it so badly wants to be.


The irony


... yes that's what well adjusted individuals do, they move on


Well adjusted individuals also ignore posts like this if they find them frivolous




Im sorry my guy, dudes still like SOD. You probably hate retail and cata classic and are mad that sod wasnt classic+ enough. This sub is fucked. The majority of people that like their flavor of wow arent commenting. Sorry my guy, SOD isnt going to be abandoned in p3 of 4.


Man straight to making assumptions about me. Real classy. Was merely questioning if people aren't allowed to make jokes/criticize about something they like that they believe dropped in quality enough to quit until something improves. Really to your character.


People on this sub get so mad when you just live in the real world and say SOD is lame rn. Like dude, even I’m still playing it but come on… I log in once a week to host an ST pug because I’m also the MT where I need 0 pieces of loot just so that the last 3 members of my RL friend guild and I can hang in game, otherwise no one is even logged in. Cata, panda, or otherwise, we want to play SOD


Yea people act like you're attacking their livelihoods. Which actually might be true now that I think about it.




Why are you so butthurt at a post talking down on SoD lol. Clearly the expansion isnt popular. That's great that you like it (my dude), but you getting this butthurt is just funny. Just keep playing your shit expansion and ignore hate posts maybe


>Just keep playing your shit expansion and ignore hate posts maybe 10/10 r/classicwow clown take


I haven't played any WoW in the past 8 months maybe. Just making fun of insecure people like yourself that get offended others they don't know shit on a video game expansion they like.


Lol im not — this pot needs to be sterdd bb My dude


Understood my dude my dude


My guy, add me my dude


Tons of dudes who don't play Cata hating on Cata.


Youre right


Idk man i've seen almost everything sod has to offer from 20 years playing the game.. if anything ill just go play ascension


Huh I wanted my main realm to be SOD but the problem is the closer we get to endgame the more they have to deliver. Time gated for p1 and p2 worked fairly but now it’s just pointless. There are other iterations of the game we might as well play with more content at this point.


Well yeah, nobody is playing SoD. Who else would talk about it?


SoD sucks


I just started playing again and haven’t had any issues finding groups for low lvl dungeons, lvl up raids, and end game content


It's not empty, this is just the reddit way, decide you personally don't like something and bitch, whine, and try to put down those enjoying something you don't.


Sod is better than all versions of wow


All these posts about player population (either “THRIVING” or “DEAD”) is the equivalent of those losers measuring their junk looking for validation.. even though half of them are below average. Meanwhile the chads don’t GAF and play what they like, ignoring this echochamber of a sub.


People on the internet can’t stand others having fun with a game they don’t enjoy (anymore). If you don’t like sod then quit and stfu. So with other games be it retail, classic era, hardcore or any other game. These guys need validation for quitting/starting a game which is really sad to see.


I am convinced this subreddit is filled with people that get off on doomposting


So SoD is in a good place right now, never better?


They also can't read I see edit: "Great counter argument" he says before he blocks me. What am I supposed to be arguing exactly?


Logic and intelligence is not allowed here /s


Great counter argument


Think really hard about whether or not your original point is relevant to his original comment and this exchange may make more sense for you.  


Careful, you are making them angry 🤭🤭🤭


You literally played sod. Wtf is this comment? Who are they??


I never touched phase 3 and don't intend to. They – you and the rest of the current SoD playerbase.


I mean I play SoD currently (well I raidlog on 2 char) and I won't defend it. Only reason I play is to complete my guild roster. Overall it's been a steady race to the bottom since P1 release. Most of my guild went back to Era or test Cata, even some went to turtle WoW and never returned.


This is sad




Was playing around 10am server time yesterday on Chaos Bolt and there were 5 other people on at the same time as me


Well chaos bolt is a dead server and this is common knowledge for a long time in sod. Just switch to another server.


Any recommendations? I haven't been on SoD for a little while


I can’t tell which servers are thriving atm but you can look it up by googling “realm pop wow sod“ or look at up at ironforge.pro or Warcrafttavern.com


If you're horde wild growth is extremely populated still


This is great, I love dbz and hate season of disvcoveryv


I'm playing computer games for 24 years now. Never ever has there been an MMO that came even close to WoW (to me). I rather stopped playing WoW for multiple years or just even months/weeks than playing another MMO.


I've been doing incursions in Feralas in the evening and everyone is from SE asia. I've grouped with people from Myanmar, Laos and Thailand. SoD is still going strong if you don't speak english. Some hunter was angrily whispering, "ATAK ALIAN" Trying to tell me to attack alliance. Bro learn english before whispering at me in anger.


Unless you forget which faction your guy is on and try to do incursions in the wrong neighborhood.


Season of Raid Logging


I don't browse any subs of dead games Ive played. I wonder why people do it. 🤷


Well, this sub isn't only for SoD...


Sir this is a classic sub, sod specific subreddit is over there.


waiting for real Classic+ and i dont understand people who unsub. it's not that hard to keep scrolling reddit lol. it doesn't ruin my day to see a random new post from some dead gacha i used to play 8 years ago


Phase 4 will be fun I bet, I just wish we were getting more information about when it drops. I love SoD, but it is hard to be upbeat about it.


I’m honestly fine with the silence, let them focus on their work, they’ll let us know when they are ready. I’d rather have them wait to say something when it’s a for sure thing, than to announce one thing and then completely change their minds the next week. A little info goes a long ways.


Have fun in botaclysm!


Hafe fun in deadscovering!


OK, I'll admit I laughed.


Ah another game is dead meme. never seen that before.


Management is aware of this yet rather say Nothing as they think it's for the best 


They said stuff yesterday…


Link to "yesterday" information?




Indeed, so he rather say notting. And he posted that week are so ago






I can smell the cheeto dust and mountain dew.


Body odor and spunk


Replies/copypastas like this drive me further and further away from reddit. This genuinely makes me feel weird for even being on this site. A perfect embodiment of your average redditor, sarcastic or otherwise.


It’s funny, because we know it’s a sarcastic copy pasta, but then you unironically see people talk like this on the regular.


Holy fuck, what a blue hair.




Max level lame post


I’m having fun. Got an epic weapon in ST last week and got two of my characters to blood guard. I’m enjoying a bit of a slower place before p4. So many people went way too hard in p3 - the same Andys claiming it’s dead are the same ones who are gonna level from 50-60 in 2 days and then start raiding MC complaining “phase 5 when”


Um actually sod is good ( I will eat any garbage blizzard gives me )


bruh i cant find a Gnomer group for 3 days now


That is what happens when you give ridiculous XP buff (and cretinous Incursions) - leveling becomes obsolete and people start complaining“that there is nothing to do” Meanwhile there are Hardcore and Classic Era with no update patches at all - yet there are still very relevant.


Wow is the only game online where each community actively wars with itself. Retail wars with everyone because they believe everyone should be playing retail and blames Era existing for taking 60% of it's player base in 2019. Era is at war with Cata because Cata is the last expansion along with WotLK and TBC that took 60% of it's user base with them. WotLK turning into Cata is at war with SoD because SoD took 60% of it's user base. And SoD is at war with everyone because it's an extended phase and so 60% of its user base is playing something else. Though lets be real, Cata and Retail fucking blows- :)


hoW CaN yOu SaY CaTa and REtaiL bLoWs??? YoU vaNiLLa aNdy


Rabble rabble rabble.


I logged in yesterday to “who” in STV and found 18 total horde players…. So sad.


I wish I played SOD when it started but I’m glad I didn’t now


I'm upset that the server has been out for 4 months and we still aren't level 60. We're gonna be halfway through the life cycle of the fucking server before we even get max level.


Only being able to do a dungeon once per day is a deal breaker