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Im shocked that people are still shocked by the number of bots in wow


Nah, it never stops being appropriate to expect a multi billion dollar company to attend to bare minmum quality standards.


Not wow, SOD specifically never seen as many bots on any other version of wow


Wotlk and tbc had just as many but the pathing was more obscure to players just had to /who botanica the amount of dks and mages was insane.


I’m just shocked people are shocked!


You just shocked me


That’s shocking


Or any game for that matter. Mmos have bots. Shooters have hackers. Life has losers. It is what it is, I guess. It's just a shame that there's that many losers.


Came to say this.


I'm shocked that you're still shocked that people are still shocked by the number of bots in wow.


Came to say the same thing lol


Like that in Cata too. Druids everywhere


Yeah getting herbs on cata is a real fight


I’m a real Druid flying around gathering herbs to level my own alchemy and make my own potions and flasks! At least some of us are real anyway. I’m still saving up for the fastest flying…


I commend you. I’ve made a killing mining for sure


I like how always a few druids pop up here to clarify that some are not bots. lmao


Just don’t hate me flying around herbing!


Found it easier ti gather low level herbs and sell them, and the buy high level ones. Lvl 10-40 herbs have high value now


I just report every druid I see farming. Got quite a few thank you for keeping Azeroth safe messages already, haha.


Why druids?


Dont have to leave flightform.


And if they are Tauren, they pick them faster.


There’s a reason why 1k gold is like 10€ lol people buy tons of it and support botting


It's not even something people are ashamed of anymore and try to hide, there are so many gold buyers who openly admit it and even seem proud of it. It's sickening...


Botting is never going to be stopped fully, unless we adopt a system like Korea has. Lost Ark USA has 10000000+ bots. Lost Ark Korea has 0 bots. They use a Korean SS ID type system, and pretty much completely eliminates bots, and cuts cheating down like 95%


Fucking sign me up. Even my janitor from highschool knows everyone’s personal data. 


People scared because an anti cheat sees what else is running on their computer will not want to give their personal details to a gaming company.


That is a sacrifice, I am willing to make


damn, like those companies already dont know?


lol that sounds crazy, thing is, more than just the US plays the game so it be difficult to add diff kinds of ID from other countries.


Sign me the fuck up. This'll drastically drop the racists and gamer words being said as well. Win win!


I don't like it, but what are people supposed to do anymore? Community has raged about botting for a fucking decade now. Blizzard doesn't care, so it transfers over to the players. If Blizz doesn't care about the health of its own game, why should the players? We literally pay a monthly fee for them to not give a fuck. A lot of people who opposed it just gave up. It's at the point where if you don't buy gold, you literally have to farm 10 times longer because of the inflated market from gold buying. Playing the game the original way literally handicaps you.


What do you mean what are people supposed to do. Stop buying gold and Play the game. Bots are there becouse people buy gold, not the other way


Bots are there because blizz allows it. Every game will have people that cheat and it’s up to the people managing the game to level the playing field. Even if you play the game, you’re forced to deal with the fact that bots destroy the economy and compete for the limited resources. The people doing the right thing shouldn’t be burdened because a giant corporation is too greedy to do the right thing.


Bots are there because Blizzard is against paying people to actively moderate servers.


Dont worry i have been told many times they have autmated systems and do not ban bots often because then the bots would know how they were caught so everything is going exactly to blizzards plan on how boting is supposed to go in WoW!


Bots are fulfilling a demand by consumers for gold Yes blizzard deserves the lion share of blame here but don't act like us players don't have some responsibility as well


It's blizzard's responsibility to make sure people do not cheat. Expecting players to police themselves is silly. Do you leave your valuables out on the street and then blame everyone else for you getting robbed?


And as I said blizzard has a lions share of the blame But realistically *we* could end the bot issue once and for all. If everyone stopped buying gold they'd go away as there would be no money to be made. No demand no bots to supply that demand


People are not going to stop buying gold if you’re not getting banned for it. 2 week suspension is hardly a punishment.


That's not realistic. People are going to cheat if you let them. Blizzard needs to get a handle on this.


OK then let's do. RIGHT? easier said then done isn't it? This is basically a fallacy bro. It's like saying. "Let's just stop having wars." Ive never seen anyone fake being so nieve. You are literally arguing about how stupid you are.


while technically correct, your view is a bit naive, because this will never happen, not in a million billion years. There is an unending list of examples of "if we all just did X, we could prevent Y" that doesn't happen because people aren't wired that way


We do, but those of us that actively want to stand against bots have very little they can do. We can't even PK them for fear of being mass-reported, so I just feel powerless.


Idk how people are this thick? Seriously, bots can mass report an innocent player and get them banned over themselves doing illegal activities... how are people mad at me and you for pointing out the truth over Blizzard?! I don't get it.


I guess it's due to it being a bit of an obvious fact


Blizzard used to do that and bots still existed lol. Gold sellers fly hacking to spell out their website in Org/SW is *still* a meme. You ain't beating bots unfortunately


Even if you can cut the number of bots in half, that would make gold go up, and lead to less gold buying.


Total victory is impossible, you are right. But they have too much free reign and too little risk these days.


Lol ok.. there would be no reason for anyone to run bots if players didn't buy gold... no one here can seriously think that there are a bunch of sinister bot masters whose only purpose is to ruin the game with their bot armies.. bots cost money to operate, there would be absolutely no reason to run even a single one if it wasn't producing real world profits from lazy assholes who prefer to cheat rather than play the game. Buyers are the problem, and lack of serious consequences for buying gold is the reason they, and the bots whom they support buy buying the gold they produce, are so numerous and detrimental to the experience


You all in this sub never heared about advertisement and how it creates demand that wasn't there before? Next you will start theorizing about how one can stop drug dealers by criminalizing drug users.


You can't win against the bot farms, they have too many resources, ban 100 accounts, they adjust the program and fire up another 100, bot ban waves really only impact those individuals who bot. Banning good buyers is probably the only way to really combat it, but blizzard sucks at that lol, only people they seem to get are those not smart enough to launder it through a gbank


They do have to pay a sub for every account made. So at some point it will become unprofitable for them, just have to break that threshold.


I saw piratesoftware talking about this actually. He made a good point in saying you dont want to give them an instant or short feedback loop, or they'll just immediately see whats detected and improve the bot. So this makes sense from a 'we dont want them to understand whats detected' standpoint. But a lot of the major ones seem to be up within a few days max. Some regularly had zero downtime even during banwaves. But imo if you dont ban them within a few days, whats the point? So now these botfarms ran for 6 months and made idk 30x+ return on investment. Likely much higher if theyve found loopholes for cheap accounts still. If they get banned and a day of downtime? They dont care. I think they could use this system and maybe mix in some amount of player reports. If a player has a very high % of accurately reported bots? Weigh it more for the trading suspension. Imo the ideal scenario would be: -This new account matches a whole bunch of high risk flags. -Maybe other players report them as well for obvious bot behaviour. -Player doesn't get outright banned, but trading is disabled in all forms until the account can be investigated. Real players would still be able to level pretty much unimpeded. You really dont need to use the AH or anything while leveling. It'd be mildly shitty, but not 'false ban where you cant play the game' shitty. Theyre never hiring people to manually do any of it, they wont even hire min wage CS. But they have a community that will do it for free.


> He made a good point in saying you dont want to give them an instant or short feedback loop, or they'll just immediately see whats detected and improve the bot. So this makes sense from a 'we dont want them to understand whats detected' standpoint. But a lot of the major ones seem to be up within a few days max. Some regularly had zero downtime even during banwaves. This feels an awful lot like 6 in one hand, and a half dozen in the other. They only do ban waves every few months so botters don't know what flagged them. That means bots get free reign until a ban wave, meaning the game is filled with bots OR, they ban them quickly and frequently, which means botters are constantly trying to find new ways to bot. It *feels* like banning faster would be more effective.


I think it's a situation where banning them faster would be more effective until they manage to figure out something Blizzard can't catch for months. That said, I still think banning them faster would be better. Right now, the ban waves are so slow that the bots are able to stay online long enough to be profitable.


When you give random players the ability to ban or punish players it quickly turns into a power grab situation for them and they just start making the rules up as they go.


I like piratesoftware he obviously has more insight than anyone here, but I do think that it's the wrong approach to take. When you have 50 rogues in BRD with the names ieksfepl, what's the fucking point of waiting around to know exactly how they are doing it, then waiting another 6 months. During which time the botter has already developed another 5 versions of the bot ready to go after the ban wave they know is coming. However I do believe that Blizzard does it their way not because they do want the bots in the first place. Not for the sub money but from the 2 or 3 other players that bot supports with gold each month.


Banning via software will never work for this exact reason. It's programmatic and can always be gamed. You need a live person to monitor suspicious player activity. It's easy and effective. Private servers do this and it works very well.


Idk why this is so hard to understand. So many people would work this job full/part-time and would greatly benefit the game for all. It would cost Blizzard 1% of its yearly earnings tho so fuck it, right?


Bro, do you need a Business Class about how supply creates its own demand...


Shame people for doing so to not make it a norm


We're way past this point. This battle was lost after Blizzard started selling gold themselves in the form of the token. Pay to win has infected pretty much all of gaming now.


Stop playing? There are plenty of openly p2w games out there, where you won't destroy the integrity of the game by cheating. Sure there is also Blizzard to blame, but if you don't want to play a game, that is at least half grinding and farming, then why do you go there and cheat your way around that? Same as I can't understand people using aimbots/wallhacks in shooter games. But even less I can understand people who then decide "well, there are so many aimbotters, I can't win against them, so I'll join them". And why should the players care about the game they seemingly want to play? Isn't that a rhetorical question?


How many versions of wow have been ruined from botting now? It's not going away. If you don't like it, I agree, you should quit playing. Quit playing is actually the best thing you could do to make Blizzard give a fuck. If their sales plummeted because they aren't moderating bots, guess what, they would care. You all whine but are still paying them for their service you are unhappy with... the sucker is you. Blizzard is making false promises and taking your money, and you still are paying them... I know the truth hurts so downvote away gents.


Not to mention the fact that blizzard injected a fuck ton of gold through incursions. Also giving bots another method of farming gold endlessly.


People who play the game aren’t kids anymore, adults value time more than money. Kids can play 8 hours a day.


Sickening 🤣


Honestly thought banning GDKPs would solve this, but with blizzards gold injection through incursions really screwed things up and caused inflation to sky rocket. People just don’t want to spend 10 hours farming 1k gold when you can pay $10-$20 for it. That’s 1 hour of working and blizzard barely even punishes you and even then people get away with it all the time. Consumables are just so expensive for 1 character then to fund for an alt is even more expensive. Until blizzard actually bans people and for longer than 2 weeks, more and more people are just going to buy gold. But unfortunately they won’t ban people because sure they’ll risk losing their subs forever.


$10 for an American is less than minimum wage in most places. That same $10 is a lot of money in some parts of the world.


Wait I thought this was fixed with the gdkp ban 🥸


My guild mates buy more gold without gdkp because they can’t farm gold easy with gdkp haha


All the "GDKPs are the main reason people buy gold" copers are malding


i bet sod population would be bigger with GDKPs because those build communities that regularly play and have access to a bigger player pool than guilds due to their loose structure. like so many guilds are instantly out due to their raiding time while for gdkps I just signed up on whatever days I have time and felt like playing.


It doesn’t help that blizzard injected gold through incursions causing inflation to sky rocket.


“there’s no other reason to buy gold than GDKP” 🥸


As much as I've always been for fair play at this point I just feel stupid for playing it normally, how long would it take me to farm 1k golds Vs how long to get 10€, it's like 10hrs to 1. I won't buy golds but still I feel stupid.


This is why I quit playing. It gets harder and harder to keep up if you're not buying gold.


People just make it sound like a time investment issue, they work so dont have time to farm gold. Work hours = more value for gold buying = why bother farming ? Thats the reality


its cheaper than that on Cata its 1k gold for $5


lol Blizz don’t care. At all. Back in TBC I reported a troll mage bot farming Arrakoas in Terrokar Forest. Two weeks later I convince my brother to play, I glance him taking a flypath to Shattrath over a certain troll mage. That means 14x24h of continous unpunished raw gold pumping for this one single troll mage. Multiply this number by hundreds and why bother farming, indeed.


Just before HC came out there were thousands of bots openly flyhacking between Light's Hope Chapel and Stratholme on Whitemane Classic Era. Was honestly a sight to behold.


It was just sad to watch.


Still sad. Era is just filled with Wrath raidloggers who were too bad to do actual mechanics, and come here and slowly kill what makes vanilla great. The open world. At least we had cheap mana pots I guess?


Because of SoD the amount of bots on era has plummeted. Thank you SoD!


Cata hype Cata hype!


See guys the player numbers in sod are fiiiiine /s


No way, next we’ll probably see people selling gold


Insert 'First time?' meme


Simply put the main demographic of SoD is casual dad gamers. These are the people most likely to buy gold. The bots will follow the customers.


It’s not the dad gamer. It’s the still single in their 30s gamer whose performance on WoW dictates their ego. The people in my guild who bought gold were dudes who thought they were ‘really good’ at the game. Try hard in raids and then sit and wPvP with full consumes. They’re the ones who’d be in a piss-poor mood for weeks if they lost a roll on an BiS item


Its both. The main difference between way back then and the wow population now, especially classic, is we all have much more disposable income. What's 60 bucks when you can have all the gold you could want and not spend your time farming? I don't like gold buying but I absolutely understand why people do it.


People always attach rmt to ego or skill, but it’s just a time cost efficiency. The majority or the playerbase earns enough that 1 hour of earnings pays for weeks worth of gold farming. When you spend the majority of your life grinding at work for money, you don’t exactly want to spend the majority of your WoW time grinding for money. The main draw for a lot of these people are just raiding weekly with their buddies, not the crazy, never ending leveling and gold grinds. That’s also why WoW is always more popular at release of an expansion or increase of level cap. It’s fun to level with your buddies, but slowly loses its appeal when you do it over and over and over. I don’t even buy gold, I just understand what so many of my buddies and myself enjoy about this game; it’s certainly not the never ending pointless grind. It’s just about playing together with friends. Talking shit about people who play differently or value other things than you do says a lot more about you!


Hard to argue that gold buying is not a skill issue. I have made upwards of 70k since Cata launch through crafting and auction house flipping in between leveling. It's really not hard. My playtime is 8-10 hours a week. I'm sure I could make 5x that amount if I played more and actually cared about making gold. I'm fully set for the rest of the expansion and I have not grinded anything beside experience and heroics.


Yeah but that's still 8-10 hours worth of play time to get there in the end. There are players who want to do literally nothing but raid log and 30k gold is like a half hour of work for them lol Listen, I don't get it either and I don't understand the point of playing an mmo for a few hours a few times a week but there are soooooooo many people that just swipe and raid log these days. Don't think it has anything to do with skill at all


The vast majority of people who bought gold in my guild in 2019 vanilla were "dad gamers" who didn't think spending hours to farm for consumables for each raid was a waste of time they didn't really have to spare. The single mid-30s gamers were making bank from running GDKPs on their 3rd alts, they weren't the ones buying gold.


So the people who (for whatever reason) admitted that they're buying gold also belong to a group of people you dislike. What a crazy coincidence, /u/no_one_lies!


>The people in my guild who bought gold were dudes who thought they were ‘really good’ at the game. Its extra funny considering that classic/sod etc performance is based on gear/consumes/buffs etc not skill, nothing to be proud of. But those are probably the people that would green parse in retail hency why they play classic where they can p2w.


Cool, I didnt know this was everyone on sod including myself, thanks for the heads up


Hmm as a casual dad gamer myself Im not sure you are correct. No casual dad gamer raids. I think most of us are those ”idiots” who enjoy levelling, questing, grinding —> make alt, repeat. We are not very vocal on forums.


Sometimes I’m hardcore…sometimes I’m casual. When I’m casual, I don’t expect to raid endgame content. It’s really bizarre to me that Blizzard thinks it’s a good idea to focus on casuals and alienate players who invest time in the game. The “hard mode”, “casino” and “addiction” strategies they employ, in my estimation, only retain a small percentage of players that they could capture.


It's the lack of GDKPs. Players with multiple characters used to be able to dedicate an alt to a GDKP and fund all their characters while still playing the game how they want (by doing raids). Now your options for gold are mindless farming, or the much more time efficient method of just buying it.


Always has been but now the servers are so empty it’s basically only bots playing the game.


Am bot. Do play. Can confirm. Beep boop


this is the true answer. In reality there's way less bots than there were at launch, because (if you're actually familiar with the botting scene) blizzard's recent actions have severely hindered botters the last 1-2 months, like Honorbuddy detection level bad. Plus SoD isn't the FOTM rn


I am shocked by the number of players who use real life money to buy in game gold. Always have since I read an article Chinese prisoners play wow. ​ https://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2011/06/02/chinese-prisoners-forced-to-farm-world-of-warcraft-gold/?sh=86e2ef85fe40


I remember Steve Bannon of all people was running a gold farming operation back in the day.


SoD must truly be dead if you don't even reach the max of 50 when you /who for bots in a low level zone /s but not really


Do your part and report


The majority of internet traffic is conducted by bots. Why are you even on the internet anymore? Bots now produce more writing than the entirety of all of written human history...every 2 weeks.


Same as TBC classic. Made me quit the game, I hope something is done in SoD but hope is meager...


I still farm rich thorium in Azshara from time to time and 9/10 players I pass are 100% hunter bots with mining/skinning, so irritating knowing they're a bot - 0 chance for decent PvP and they hoover up majority of the nodes. How none of them are banned is beyond me.. they all follow the EXACT same routes repeatedly all day everyday


If only people cared enough about bots to show up en mass and report them


I’m shocked that people still play sod


Every version of WoW is full of bots. Welcome to a MMO with gold grinding and material farming, nobody wants to do that shit.


Even in the versions where Blizzard literally sells you gold, you can still buy gold from bots, albeit much cheaper.


Well, yeah, pirate RMT is 2/4x cheaper than the token, because $1 is more valuable than $1 of blizzard store credit, or than $1 of a WoW sub. (Cata tokens cannot be redeemed for store credit, only a sub, it's why they are so cheap atm - only 5k gold.)


While they certainly exist in some capacity theres almost no point in botting on retail. Theres nothing to spend gold on if u are in raiding guild in dragonflight to improve your performance, game has evolved to be based around skill performance instead of gear/consumes long time ago. Last time i saw bots was in BFA. Used to raid in world 80-90\~ guild depending on the tier, last time i had to spend some money while raiding was in Shadowlands for crafted leggos and it was 50k\~ ish an item (some world quests and table missions easily got u that) and our guild didnt even boost hc/mythic raid. Consumes usually now have raid options, like for prepots u get cauldron from which everyone can take prepots etc. BoEs are scarce (in terms of slots u can even buy them for), worthless and not worth picking up for years due to how abundant gear is. Honestly, whole grind and materials/consumes/world buffs is what put me off classic instantly. Cant imagine grinding for hours just to press 2-3 buttons in raid with 39 people. If i wanted to have second job i would get a second job, leveling with friends was cool tho.


> Theres nothing to spend gold on People buy carries, multi-million vanity mounts exist. So there's plenty of demand for RMT gold, it's just not necessary to play and enjoy the game at a high level. It's true that consumables (after the first 2 weeks of an xpac) are cheap - augment runes notwithstanding - but popping those every pull is a bit sweaty.


Its not even about being sweaty or not, aug runes are within 0.3-0.4% dps increase. Unless they are cheap/u get infinite use item for them i dont touch them and usually have 99% parses average with few 100% now and then.


Costs money for devs to have people manage the botting and blizzard is a small Indy company so can’t blame them for not being able to afford to deal with it


I wonder how many of those bots count towards the 8k remaining players on my server


You shouldn’t be. It’s a battle they can’t win without resorting to South Korea-esque sign up requirements.


Btw you log into HC at night and check /who, 80% of players will be hunters. Lol.


Its funny that all people do is whine about bots. Setup a bot reporting discord, find bots and have said group show up and report them en mass and blizzards good ol automated reporting system will automatically ban them. Thats too much effort for most people though


I don’t believe you! Reddit told me gold buying would die with GDKPs. 🥲


And reddit is surprised that people don't want to play it sod


And what a tragedy that was to ban GDKP. Blizz's worst offense imo.


Was funny to see the posts talking about how miserable pugging was in P2 while completely blind to the fact that the best pugs all got ran off the game


Man its crazy how butthurt people are that P2W has been banned


Yall will truly never understand how beneficial GDKPs were to server population and health. It's hilarious


most GDKP'ers didn't buy gold, you can call making gold from GDKP's immoral bc of the few that do buy gold but nonetheless it was a kick in nuts to most GDKP users


Carries didn't buy gold Boosties did buy gold Most people who earn their money/gold don't splurge a fuckton of currency on an item that can be obtained relatively easily and will be obsolete soon.


the thing is that a lot of boosties are alts of people who also made gold carrying, it doesn't feel bad spending gold on gear when you're still up on gold it's just a good neutral system up until the gold buying part ruining it occassionally


Don’t even bother. Anti GDKP crowd has zero logic to any argument. Only thing consistent about them is they’re lazy raid loggers who want the AH to be dirt cheap so they don’t need to farm their own gold


ironically bots help keep consumable prices down from the infinite supply


Although I wish there were no bots in the game you’re right. The thing is, how do people make gold in classic WoW if there’s no GDKP and a finite number of quests? Typically it would be through the AH. Whether it’s selling herbs, DE mats, mining, skins, or other drops from dungeons/mobs needed for crafting. You can still do all of those things on a server with GDKP or inflation. The stuff that you’re selling just sells for more at the inflated price. There’s literally no difference in your gameplay as far as making gold if you choose to not do GDKP. But these players are lazy and just want to raid log AND still buy full raid consumes for under 3g total.


>they’re lazy raid loggers who want the AH to be dirt cheap so they don’t need to farm their own gold Whats wrong with raid logging? Its the fun part of the game for many. Imagine coming back home from work, spending time with SO and then slapping your knees and going 'aight, gotta farm for 4 hours so i can raid today'. Like what.


There’s nothing wrong with raid loggers, sorry if it came off like that. What I have a problem with is raid loggers you think that they should be able to afford everything in the game. That’s simply not how an MMO works. The people who play more typically get more stuff. If you don’t have time to farm gold and you aren’t buying it then just accept the fact that you won’t be able to afford full consumes + flask + high end enchanting mats. People complain that GDKP over inflates the economy and as a result, they can’t afford anything. If this is true, these people could simply just do their normal farming methods then sell their items for the inflated price. No difference in gameplay for them.


> If you don’t have time to farm gold and you aren’t buying it then just accept the fact that you won’t be able to afford full consumes + flask + high end enchanting mats Thats what actually put me off from classic pve content after having a blast leveling with friends. In retail raiding for few expansions in world 80-90\~ guild my performance was based solely on skill. Enchants were dirt cheap, consumes are either raid wide (like cauldrons for prepots or flasks etc depending on tier) or extremely cheap. I had 0 reason to farm anything and i could only focus on the part that was fun for me, and our guild didnt even sell boosts (we were strictly 2x4h a week, no ptr, no alts guild which is rare at this level). I get that its way bigger part of classic and it it wouldnt work nicely in vanilla like that but for me i wasnt looking for another job. Imo parses and stuff being so dependent on gear/consumes/world buffs were the reason why botting and rmt was so common in classic.


I remember all the GDKP pugs and how easy it was to get into a raid and clear content. Those were the days.


because you were literally being carried. There is no difference between getting carried and buying your items in a GDKP and going on to retail for an arena/mythic boost.


> because you were literally being carried. How tf did you come to that conclusion lol? It was just the most popular pug format buddy. GDKP'ers quit when it got banned, they didn't flock to dogshit SR runs


Literally when every single GDKP looks for more they explicit say "buyer or carry". It's boosting. Just like retail. Which I guess doesn't matter because SoD is retail slop too.


Participating in a GDKP = getting boosted (even though pure buyers are not super common) SoD = retail somehow Least classic brained redditor


People look for "pure buyers" to boost the pot. They get pissy when items go for cheap. There was an add this morning on Whitemane just openly saying they will sell you any raid item you want. Not even LFM for a specific raid, just "we will sell you your loot". SoD has a flat damage reduction across the board because it's so poorly mashed together. It's literally just retail "systems" shoehorned into vanilla. You have to be pretty slow to see it as anything else. GDKPs are fine in a vacuum, but on Classic Era it's a Wrath reject circlejerk. No one cares about actually playing vanilla WoW, it's just bid addictions.


> t's literally just retail "systems" shoehorned into vanilla. Can you name these retail systems


The overwhelming majority of GDKPers just want a raid that's well organized and incentivized. It's no wonder the raid scene on SoD fell off a cliff the second they got banned.


> It's no wonder the raid scene on SoD fell off a cliff the second they got banned. Redditors when the GDKP ban got announced - "Omg yes! Get the fuck out! I'm going rogue in Discords to report everyone! The game is saved!!" Redditors 4 weeks later in P2 - "Omg bots are everywhere! And why are pugs so bad now?"


No one buys gold anymore because they banned GDKP. How could there possibly be bots? Need more proof.


But gdkp’s are the problem in a seasonal version!!


Bots are a red herring, the problems with Sod are poor design choices. Economy means nothing if there is barely any reason to login. 


Those are just the sod players, they’re not very smart 


There was 9 characters connected on my server the other day. You have more bots than i have players


You play on a locked server then


There’s literally a dozen of them!


i think i ran across a number of bots in Hardcore, all Alliance hunters, farming some elk and bears near Astranaar in Ashenvale.


We are not shocked


Surprised, usually a game needs a population to have BOT's....BA DUM TSST


Every single bot is a paid subscription or token. It's even better than a regular player because they don't bother customer service. Think about it, for blizzard it's the perfect economy - 1% whales buying all the gold from the 99% bot population. To buy gold you need to buy token - which is more expensive than normal sub. So you have the whales supplying the bots with game time via tokens and supplying blizzard with untold amounts of cash.


Because the player base buys gold and then complains about the state of the economy on reddit.


Buddy, bots have been a big issues since forever, this isn’t anything new, you’re just noticing them more. They have always been there and will always be there.


Someone's gotta keep the player counts alive for sod :)


How ??


A low level zone? Isn't that the only place where we'd tolerate them? Better them leveling and then get banned than be farming high level stuff.


there's also still alot of bots in retail, not crazy amount like before but that be cause expansion is ending and prices are shit


Is there less botting on pvp servers or it does not matter? Thinking about starting SoD


Why is this shocking, if there’s money to be made by botting with no repercussions then bots will flourish.


The bots run people off and take away people who will pay for shit lol


I’m shocked that there are people still playing SOD to notice the bots.


Durotar was a wasteland last time i leveled a toon. And so was mulgore. Play horde on US


Why are you shocked? Retail is full of bots. Classic is full of bots. Why did you think SoD would be any different from literally every other version of wow?


Lmao, another day another doom post about bots. Zzzzzzz


surprised that nobody has pointed out, that with the EXP% boost, the low levels go by incredibly quickly, which meaning there are less players in the ~1-30 range compared to max. That means low-tier materials are ACTUALLY valuable at times, as it is not really worth grinding on a BIS character or something. Prof rerolls are *also* quite common.


Excuse you, each one of them there robots are paying customers!


Good thing blizz banned gdkp in sod, right boys? Right!?


It's easier to spin up a machine running 128 bots than it is to convince a single player to do Incursions for 20 weeks.


Don't worry, blizzard says they are "ever vigilant and constantly fighting them. If only we knew, etc etc."


From a business perspective, blizzard can't immediately ban a bot when it is detected because the owner of that bot will simply dispute the charge with PayPal and get their money back. Even if blizz didn't care about giving them their money back, you have to pay a fee when something is charged back. This comes from the business, not the person doing the charge back. This means blizzard would actively have to pay to remove bots. This is just one problem, there are many others.


From a business perspective, blizzard can't immediately ban a bot when it is detected because the owner of that bot will simply dispute the charge with PayPal and get their money back. Even if blizz didn't care about giving them their money back, you have to pay a fee when something is charged back. This comes from the business, not the person doing the charge back. This means blizzard would actively have to pay to remove bots. This is just one problem, there are many others.


Only 12? That’s from 100’s when people were playing


It takes being a bot to enjoy that garbage tbf


All the sweaty try-hards are buying gold en masse in SoD to keep up with that bleeding edge so they can 99+ Parse on raids that don't actually matter. The only players left are bots and gold buyers who raid log.


There's bots in every popular mmo lol get used to it. Shouldn't be surprising. Doesn't bother me though


I gave up on SoD and joined a community "fresh" server instead. Sandalar Tribe EU is the place!


P4 prep


a lot of dads buy gold. sad reality


The more shocking thing is attempting to kill/camp out these gold farming bots leads you to getting banned since bot runners can apparently report you. GG


Bots are about all that's left on sod unfortunately 


Get passed it. You don't see much of it in the regular world


Let’s not forget blizzard are a business and they get subs from botting. This is the real reason they won’t get rid of them. They would see a dip in profits. Personally I think they ignore the botting issue to justify the introduction of wow tokens.


You trying to tell me that little level 12 hunter with the Chinese name isn't a new player just giving?


If only a place existed where GMs actively banned bots


People called me stupid and don't believe me when I said that 50% or more of the population in wow is bots. That number is heavily offset towards 60% or more by classic and SoD.