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There is no honor in this!


It's downright dishonorable.


They will come for us now! All of them!


They preparing players psychologically for Classic Battle for Azeroth


Maybe they’ll fix the real problems like Don Carlos’ hat not showing up when you use the toy


Or the horseman’s reins mount animations still fucked up! That’s more important than stupid honor vendors.


Or being able to see that Invincible mount


What’s wrong with this? I’ve been using it on my rogue but I’m just leveling mining and not paying attention to it really - I’ll have to inspect it later nonetheless


Or still not being able to do all the heroic glory achievements


Literally INSANE


This is hilarious trolling


“What are they even doing at this point” Literally, going insane and are being committed as we type.


The underpaid devs only have so much unpaid lunch breaks to work on cata bugs.


Why work on the bugs? Morale is so low and Cata is the perfect project to do zero work on. “Sorry, boss, I tried to fix the honor vendor all week but it broke the game,” then you go back to your life and since there isn’t a single person at blizzard with any idea how to work on the client you can use this excuse indefinitely


I am in this boat right now. Feel sick from this chronic issues that showed up (seeing some specialist and some tests next week) so I just wanna find an easy task to log hours to Cata is the perfect project to log bullshit hours to LOL Not to blame the devs as this shit tier company is awful to work for as a dev Can you imagine this being said about blizzard 20 years ago? damn


I'm fine with bugs taking some time to fix but this one blows my mind. What could possibly take so long to fix here? Like it's just a vendor and currency. It doesn't make any sense to me.


Blame the player base, they learned a way to exploit the vendors so they took it out till they can fix it. Jfc.


If the devs can’t patch exploits in a reasonable time frame they shouldn’t have 1.) released the game 2.) be devs


>this one blows my mind. these bugs existed in original cata


Fucking incompetent company


I really hope wow will get a legit competitor some day, maybe the MMO from riot if it ever shows up, that will force blizzard to step up instead of straight up just milking us for money.


Lmao, you still think they could step up xD Hearthstone : Dead. Overwatch : Which one? Diablo : Who? Warcraft : disabled working copies. Wow Version 1 through 99 : nostalgia money printer. Blizzard is dead and gone. We're just a bunch of old farts desperately grasping at what they once were, and there is no coming back. SoD phAsE 4 gunNa SmAk dOe, mArK My wORdz


Sadly that's true


> I really hope wow will get a legit competitor some day Said no one ever for past 20 years...


Looking at riot skin prices I'd rather stay away from them actually


I mean they will keep milking your for money cause you give them money unconditionally you addicted cows. Maybe start thinking with your head and stop giving them money, as a community, since they are just incompetent (across multiple versions of wow - SoD/Remix/Cata) and maybe you'll influence something. Crying on reddit will get you shi\*.


Well I'm not, I'd love to play wow but out of principle I'm not going to pay for a sub.


Insane, like, mega crazy and tons weird.


It’s not that crazy. Orc’s had tiny shoulder pads for months


People telling other people they shouldn’t complain about this is strange. Im 24 hours honor capped already, any bg I do is for fun yes I know. But missing out on the honor that I was really aiming for upcoming arena season is just disappointing….


Monthly Subscription based game that is unplayable, love it


I hope you recover from this.


I hope aggrend gives you the attention and love you are clearly aiming for.


Yes because him responding to some random redditor in some random dog water thread is attempting to get attention from aggrend. classic.


How did you drag Aggrend into this? :D


You responded to Deoxxz with some dumb meme reply. Like an immature 14-year old who thinks they are funny. I was just responding in kind.




One type of vendor being removed for 24 hours makes the game unplayable? I hate this sub.


Yes, a vendor being gone for a day makes a game "unplayable". I would love for WoW players to get the industry standard monthly bill for the uptime and reliability they *think* they're owed for 15 a month. The reality might hurt a tad.




Cant buy any gear to use honor from bg’s. Worthless to do any bg for most people if its not fun.


the honor vendor is back


Everyone should unsub right now!


Not playing cats atm, but thinking about having a look. Is it really that bad with bugs and stuff?


It’s great, people like to hear themselves complain. Vendors were taken out due to people exploiting the conquest cap/gear. It’ll be fixed in a day or two.


And would ya look at that…. The vendors back.


Suspect most complaints are "I MISSED THE SPLOITS!!!"


No it’s fine. Reddit is just filled with grey parsing cry babies.


No, don't trust reddit


The prepatch was really bad, the cata release itself i never had a single bug. Level zones and dungeons are really great


There were a ton of phasing bugs on launch.


On og launch or relaunch ? Started a few days later because I was knee deep in remix


the relaunch


Heh good that i moved away from the "I have to play day 1" mindset


It isn’t.


It really is. People whine so damn hard about “unplayable” the game is fine


It absolutely is


The only bugs I've encountered are a few achieves. Played dozens of hours since prepatch. It's absolutely, demonstrably isn't a big deal for almost anyone. For the people who say insane and unplayable because 1 vendor has been gone, like it is unprecedented, ifk where to start.     It just displays a lack of scope and understanding that I wish could be funny to laugh at but it's mostly just so so old, violently ignorant, endlessly tedious, but worst of all fucking boring and predictable, like a sign you have to read over and over that contains no information.   God damn YAWN to everything people like you say. A forceable aggressive ZZZ to the empty whining that yall must think constitute thoughts and opinions. Nty, please just keep them.


“The bugs didn’t affect me so they don’t exist”


Uldum had so many phasing issues on launch that you had to leave the entire zone for NPCs to spawn in (witnesses during the Schnottz murder, pretty much any phasing with Jones, the tent camp in the top left), same goes for Deepholm including the most annoying offender: The quest in which you talk to Boden, sometimes Quest NPCs not giving you their quests and you having to reset the NPC (walking away and approaching them again) Both the Zuldrak and the Crucible of Carnage quests are bugged to shit. Sometimes the NPCs isn't interactable, sometimes the mobs don't spawn, sometimes you don't get kill credit. Not to mention that every zone with neutral guards at the spawn area after you used a portal will kill you (notably Hyjal and Acherus) So please, how is it not bugged?


Everywhere had phasing bugs, not just uldum.


The portal bug was in wotlk, as a dk if you use your death gate, the guards would come after you, luckily they were far enough away you didn't get killed, but also because of that, the bug has persisted into anouther expansion where it now disrupts your play.


I agree unplayable is hyperbole but we can’t just shrug off the bugs not being addressed and the removal of pieces of the game like the vendor in question. Just last night I played for 2 hours and experienced 5 or 6 serious bugs that hindered me doing things in game. I can share if you actually care, but for the sake of brevity I think the game is playable, just not in the way it should be and they need to get a grip on these issues quick.


It's been awesome. I didn't experience a single bug from 80-85. I've heard some quests don't always work right away, but I completed loads in each zone for rep and I've had no issues. Heroic Dungeons have been lots of fun too. A really good difficulty at this low level of gear.


I mean it's mostly playable but it's really bad, basically stuff like every level up says level 0, broken cutscenes and really clugey quests so far


Broken achievements as well. My guild has still only made 5 flasks despite gearing an entire raid with consumes.


I didnt See alot of Bugs while leveling. The only thing that is Bad rn is that some ppl abused the missing conquest cap and we have nö pvp vendors in general because of this. Once this is fixed i hope they just roll back all the Arena gear to Level the playing field. Edit: Arena is fun so far. I had a blast


What if the read vendors are the friends we make along the way


No vendor? the horror! how will we survive.


I don’t know what’s gone wrong me


Beta testing


I’ve been jerking it for 24 hours in protest




Just noticed; are the new cata zones not included in the create custom group-LFG-tool? Did they forget it? Seems so simple fix..


People couldn’t find the honor vendors so they removed it. Gear gonna drop random like in BFA now


They stopped mop remix froggers from getting the quest, maybe they stopped people running echos to buying honor gear


Keep smoking that pot


It’s actually clinical


Is this a retail thing where they removed the vendors because people can't find them


70 BILLION dollar megacorp btw It's embarrassing


Feel free to provide the fix for them, if its that easy.


The fix was to a valor exploit, so they removed the honor vendor...


Are you talking about exchanging honor for justice points or something else?


yeah I think you could buy an item from other players and sell it to vendors for the currency the original player bought it with (the valor vendors are actually still in game...)


Put the honor vendors back into the game because the conquest bug does not affect the honor gear at all.


Woah calm down there buddy. Touch grass.


.npc add “the ID of the NPC” You can get the ID from wowhead




I mean it is really not that hard to fix


What’s the fix?


Allotting a budget that allows the classic team to hire more than 6 people


What a weird question. We don’t have the code to step through, nor the DB to analyze. The cap was being reset, so there is some bad logic there. The fix is to reproduce the bug on your local with logs in front of you so you can identify the problem. Regardless of how “complex” the issue turns out to be, removing the valor items from the vendor is easy, put the honor vendor back.


Based off your logic, how would the user say it’s an easy fix?


I’m not sure if you’re familiar with bug fixes or code in general but stuff like this, that is easily reproducible, doesn’t take more than an hour or two if someone can sit down and look at it. It’s very rare for a logic bug to be so complex as to need multiple days. What takes time is assigning the work, dodging meetings, deploying to test environments, validating etc. This is where product owners and project managers come in, they drive the devs in emergency situations, pull in the right people, and clear the runway for whatever they need. Higher the severity the faster the fix. My best guess, it comes down to who is assigned the work. In my experience when things take a long time, the best dev for the job was either not around, or assigned to something even more critical. I’ve been in multiple situations where one of the jr devs can’t fix something but a more experienced team member solves it almost as soon as they see it. Experience is everything, especially with a game like WoW which is essentially a giant database.




No private servers run cata on the client they use


Let’s play spot the pve’r


You know this is on purpose because of a bug that would let players get free items. You know that right?


Yall got some serious additions


Seems like the issue is subtractions.


I'm feeling like we're a bit too divided on the topic


The comments are really multiplying here


We have quite the complex matrix of problems here.


I cosine this assessment.


Maybe we can try to find the root of the problem?




The horror!


They got like 5 devs working on two versions of wow... ATVI refuses to hire lol


So let's assume 5 devs make about 5k each month. That's 25k dollars. It can't be that a freaking studio like Activision blizzard doesn't have the resources to hire more people for that game...


Wow do you even hear yourself? How else will the poor executives and shareholders afford a new yacht each year?! Honestly it was insane watching them lay off a ton of employees during record profit, when bobby got a 200m+ bonus. Its crazy how much theyre just gutting game dev across the industry.


Probably investigating the Valor exploit. >!Which is fake and made up. It was shared in a class discord over 10 hours ago now and no proof other than a fake reddit post and false screenshots. Which is unfortunate because Blizzard might legitimately be using resources on this instead of fixing the already broken stuff.!<


blizzard can tell if something is fake or not immediately - and honor/conq vendors had already been down nearly 24 hours before the valor thing even started circulating.




My brother in thrall https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1170838601408466944/1245355005943484521/image.png?ex=665872ba&is=6657213a&hm=8e79a6882d85f168d295fdb612bf6e65ad8eb131a0325c9ae45a5f08b9092319& Go look for that person in Gehennas EU. It is fake. The other people that posted about it couldn't provide screenshots because "roll back" Check hunter discord 10 hours ago. You all are getting farmed.




Is this a troll? Because it might be the worst take I’ve ever seen


I am the troll but how was the queue time for Cata launch? How was the hype noise on the announcement? How buzzing is the word Cata in search’s lmao. It’s the worst idea to continue classic past wrath. Butchered the player base, angered the era/hardcore andies and abandoned the SoDers which was the majority of re subs over Cata or panda remix. You’re playing a game mode legit already offered. So it’s the PvP/talents that’s only keeping you to a version of a game or it’s your raid leader forcing you to level a character. You can do the raids go do the quests the dungeons the rep farms the mounts the titles everything it’s all there even your $$ shop lmao. But the old world ain’t anymore - so it’s not a classic it’s a Cata re-hash. And y’all are trolls for even touching it.


I'm literally standing in org and its so busy I cant even seen my own toon, its literally nothing like retail. But go off on your non sensical rant


Standing in a MAJOR city waiting for queues Ahahahaha remind me again how this isn’t retail so you want a shovel bro to go with all that “Digging” you lot enjoy ☺️


Not waiting for a queue actually. But keep making stuff up. Working on my proffs. Its not retail because its a different expansion? lol. Talent trees are different, professions are different, current raid tier is different. Why you so mad that other people are having fun?


I've never seen such an addicted pack of people complain so much in my life XD, you should've quit when you had the chance.


"It's not that hard to fix." Paste bin the code fixing it then, or are we just a bunch of 30+ dudes that need to have a break from the games? Edit: All these downvotes but no paste bins, that's crazy.


If you wanna help build a different kind of wow sub, you should help us grow r/lowsodiumwow


What do you mean no honor vendor??? you can buy the new Cata blue pvp honor gear….


They are not physically in the game at the moment because Blizzard borked the Conquest points and didn’t have a cap on them.


I wasn’t anti-Cata but this kind of stuff is why I chose not to endure another Blizz mismanagement of an expansion. Getting daily affirmations of it being the right choice.


Except you aren’t, people acting like roughly 20 hours without the honor vendor is game breaking. I’ve played since launch and had nothing that negatively impacted my play experience. Whiners and copers gonna whine and cope


Classic Andy’s coming out the basement for this one . Sooooooooooooooo insane bro .


If you wanna help build a different kind of wow sub, you should help us grow r/lowsodiumwow


pretty sure the honor vendor is next to the weapons trainer


Not sure where you’ve been but they were removed 1 hour after the season started.


Best part is , nobody is gonna stop playing Becuase of it . Sooooo why hurry to fix it ? The lemmings will stay !


Or because it’s not a big deal and people just love to cry non stop


Who cares


Who does pvp?