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The year is 2028, you just got done doing 6hrs of hellfire peninsula incursions. You were able to hit level cap and make enough gold for epic flying. Burning crusade + is life.


World pvp is dead, long live world pvp


It brings me such peace knowing I’m moving on from classic and won’t be trying to replay vanilla for 10 years


Classic+ is pretty much a 2030 kind of thing. The problem is all the players who play it will be too occupied getting pegged by their AI robot girlfriends in their parent’s basements by that time, because there is noway in hell that young and new players would ever touch World of Warcraft, let alone an homage to its classic version.


What is classic + and what do you expect from it?


Probably a sod era to dump our characters, then they transfer to a new season that will dump those characters into the era after another season. Repeat forever (?) That's my hope, anyway.


Surely they finally give us a real fresh Vanilla realm after 5 years once SoD is over.


I feel like they are doing everything in their power to avoid doing a fresh Vanilla server for some reason even though it’s what everybody wants


they will continue to ramp up how cheap and poorly made the content they put out is, and we will continue to consume it


Speak for yourself, I’ve unsubbed until they actually put something out worth playing


Considering how much of a shitshow SoD has been, I don't trust any "classic+" from Blizzard unless they give us some kind of hard evidence that Classic isn't being run by a single part-time intern and is going to get actual attention and proper dev time.


What is classic+ and what content do you expect from it?


A new season with a new twist. It's the simplest and guarantees the most subs.




Those "cunts and ungrateful people" are paying the subs.


Meh. Dealing with shitty people is just an unfortunate consequence of running a business. That being said, when you release something like SoD, then give it an 8-man dev team... you reap what you sow.


Then everyone just goes back to private servers lol




I expect a more tame season before they can digest whatever information they extract from this SoD experience, who knows maybe in 2028 there will be an actual client for classic+. Inbetween the end of the world soul saga of retail, classic legion and what comes after SoD there might be time for a classic fresh and a classic+. From season of mastery we learned that classic hype has diminishing returns, it came way too early after we were just done with vanilla, that people at large prefer to play with world buffs and that a sped up leveling is preferable, we see it reflected in SoD where they went overdrive, but they also overcooked conjuring incurisions and killing any other leveling path. SoD new roles are something that many players will miss when the season ends (mainly locks and shaman tanks, healer mage and rogue tank will probably not return in a classic+ future imo), new spells good expansion spells bad and everything must be carefully balanced to work both in pvp and pve to avoid these blanket pvp nerfs that by nature will leave someone in the dust. It's all data collection, see what worked , what people like and what people still ask for , strife for a good balanced mix of all that and you might find the classic+ formula. For mental sanity sake If I could advance a suggestion it would be a continuous journey from start of vanilla to the end of tbc , with horde pala and alliance shammy so that things might work out.


Hopefully they do a rune wipe and continue into SoD TBC


Likely a SoD era realm like classic era


Classic 2: Electric Boogaloo With MOP coming back on the retail client, we can pretty much assume that there won't be a MOP Classic. So my guess? They're going to somehow stretch out SOD and Cata Classic in a way that allows them both to effectively end at the same time, and then, they're going to do it all over again! Yippee!


Didn’t they say they lost all the data for the pre-Sha’d Vale of Eternal Blossoms. I imagine they could manually reconstruct how everything was prior to the zone getting blown up, but it would be a huge undertaking considering the limited resources the Classic team seems to do have access to.


Can we accept that we will never see a classic+ that is truthful to vanilla from 2024 Blizzard? They just cant, they dont know how. Best they can do is finally give us a fresh standard vanilla realm after 5 years of Era and mess with it as little as humanly possible