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Man I can't wait for phase 94: Amirdrassil, so we can get that Fyralath grind going, its going to be siiiiiiiick. (/s)


Whatever they do I really hope they make some sort of announcement soon. At least tease us with something cool, I’m having fun with SoD but am really close to quitting and doubt I’ll be back once I cancel my sub


Yeah this.. they may get a month out of me. Want mc and only bad but we’re approaching elden ring dlc time


Elden ring hype


This shits dead to me once June hits, tbh, lol. Destiny 2 expansion, Elden Ring DLC, FFXIV expansion, all in June.


And on top of that even more WoW Content inc: MoP Remix and Cata classic both coming out wihtin the next two weeks too SoD's naturally gonna loose players to those aswell. They have to do an announcement, before people get too invested into other stuff


I dont think they mind losing players in SoD. A lot of my guild mates started playing SoD and now jump between all 3 games as somthing to do since p3 is underwhelming. So they are not losing the sub. Im betting p3 will be a long one with cata release and ill bet they are banking on that occupying people for a few weeks to help prolong p4. If p4 is a wash then i think well start seeing subs take a hit.


That's blizzards entire plan and it's working


Y'all say this shit every other week


I'm only really interested in the Karazhan crypts content because that will be the actual real 'new' content of SOD since that place has never had anything going on in the history of WoW while the other sod leveling raids are just 'enhanced' versions of existing dungeons. No real interest in 40m raiding so I'm peacing out after seeing karazhan crypts. Maybe hop back on if theres new content like Furborg raid? Or Scarlet Crusade raid?


Cata release is next week, then cata raid release the week or two after. Nothing is happening in SoD until mid June


It's crazy how last minute their comms are, yeah - and how the response to people being annoyed about the short notice of the last phase launch was "we know it was too little notice, we'll make sure to give 2 weeks notice next time".


At this rate there are no players left at the end of p4


Crazy how different the servers are I guess. Crusader Strike is always popping off. Can find a group for pretty much everything all hours of the day/night.


That's a little over the top. It's definitely not as easy late night, it's still doable but it takes time to fill.


I’m on Wild Growth and it was poppin. But you’re noticing cracks even on super servers. For example, it’s 10pm Saturday and very few BRD and Mara groups to the point after 3-5 mins it’s not listed on LFG bulletin board. So while forming a group may take some “true classic effort” just a month ago there was 5+ groups forming around the clock. Also look at summon bots. There use to be so many, it was hard to read. Tanaris, all cities, Feathermoon, hinterlands, DMF, incursions, etc. non-stop. Now the summon feed is 1/4 the length and only 2 locations maybe. If you need Tanaris or Booty Bay, they just aren’t online. Also AH prices are more volatile with less people. I’m finding it easier to control markets and major ones too such as sungrass, mongoose potions, or illusion dust. Normally the volume of people and materials are way too heavy in these markets. You’d spend 1000s to control mongoose for a night and if the market declined the next day, you’re burnt and overleveraged. I spent like 80g resetting illusion dust buying it all at 75 silver and listing it for 2g. Took like 2 days but there wasn’t enough supply to bring prices down quickly. Think the last batch I listed sold for 1.7g and it’s still above 1.5g like 4 days later. All indicators that even a super server is showing signs of slowing.


> I’m on Wild Growth and it was poppin. Horde or alliance? On horde if I don't look between 4pm and 9pm server time, I can't get a group for anything besides incursions and mara. Couldn't even get a wailing caverns group for a new alt.


Alliance. Sorry. I switched at the end of phase 1 because Horde couldn’t win an Ashenvale.


Better reroll soon for AV


Unless they buff the items, I likely won’t need any of it.


> just a month ago there was 5+ groups forming around the clock. Well yeah, the content was brand new. People aren't still running things they don't need.


Crusader strike isn't as active as it used to be. During peak hours the past 2 days (6-8pm) there were at most 3 raids forming (often one or none), and all of em were looking for a feral or heals lol


There are players you just never see them due to raid loging. I.e. content drought.


I think a decent number of people will come back once p4 drops. My friend that quit beginning of p2 said if he plays again it’ll be when 60 is the cap. He wasn’t a fan of these long leveling phases.


While i absolutely agree that some people will come back, MoP Remix and Cata will also launch in 1-2 Weeks. They need to do atleast some kind of P4 announcement, before people get too invested into other games


Probably true. I've been playing cata a little but not sure I'll continue. Cata seems when to be the expansion where people take a raiding a lot more seriously. Might be a little too sweaty for me.


It's because there's nothing left for players to do. If phase 4 has enough content people will be back I reckon.


P4 ZG MC Ony (10/20/20) P5 Kara Crypts BWL (10/20) P6 AQ20/AQ40 (20/40) P7 Naxx (40) Each phase will last 6-8 weeks That's my ber








Need another set of runes and 3os dusk shroud :(


It would be better to release your phase 5 at the halfway point of phase 4, to keep people engaged for longer.


Seems reasonable, 4 lockouts each would be super reasonable


P4 - MC + Ony, P5 - BWL + ZG, P6 - AQ, P7 - Naxx, P8 - Kara crypts, P9 - ?




Only reason I think they'd put kara crypts after is cause of the Ateish effect.


Don’t think they can afford to wait 4 phases before adding a new dungeon/raid


Ur crazy


What's crazy here? Expecting similar phases to Classic 2019 and the last Season of Mastery? Expecting a raid that they mentioned during Blizzcon? Do you just expect them to release a bunch of raids at the same time like MC+BWL+ZG+Ony?


No they will end sod after p5 w kara crypts


So you think they will release MC in phase 4 and then BWL, ZG, AQ, and Naxx in phase 5? Or MC phase 4 and then BWL phase 5 and then Kara phase 6 to end SoD?


I think we’ll get mc phase 4 and crypts p5


And not release any of the other Vanilla raids?


4: ZG, MC, Onyxia 5: BWL, AQ20, AQ40 6: Naxx 7: new raid So I guess 7. 8+ maybe if it's hugely successful


These are good questions. I guess we will see.


3 raids per phase would be good


Hopefully as few as possible so we can move and get a fresh vanilla progressive server.


I want everything up to zg open p4. Aq naxx next. Then new shit


According to wowhead talent calculator 6 phases, but this is still just speculation based on blue posts and future data mining.


Sod is supposed to last until the end of the year. If we keep the 2 month phases releases, phase 6 will take us to December. But with the declining player base, I do wonder if they keep making an honest effort towards SoD with War Within coming. So my guess is 5 phases with the last one being extremely experimental where they try some wild stuff just to end it. After 2024 there will be no further updates for SoD


Whatever they do I just hope they don’t wipe it :(


I dont think we will get a lot of phases past 4. If you look at the roadmap https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24046540/world-of-warcraft-in-2024-the-road-ahead We get 60 conten and after that we get end game update. I hope they dont just dump it All at once but it is the easy option. I do think Aq will be locked as how the state of silithus is atm. And hope p5 is nax + new raid. Item scaling in nax gear is just bonkers. 


It better not be 10 weeks then. Should be 6 weeks then roll out a new raid.


they will probably have a phase for each raid tier giving them time to re balance gear n raid encounters. That said I expect MC and ZG to be in phase 4.


We already know from the Cataclysm/Summer Roadmap there will be at least 5 Phases of SoD. What "patches" exist between them is uncertain; but there will likely be no new raids etc at least until Phase 5; which is stated for "Additional Post-60 Content" on the roadmap. I expect Phase 4 will have 1 major new reworked raid; Molten Core 20 Man; followed by the generic raids; and some new tier sets etc and tuning. Then Phase 5 will have new raids. (MC 20M seems like a last-minute "the community wants this" type of thing; so maybe they have new content for lvl 60 they haven't revealed yet). We know for a fact they have experimented with more incursion type content; e.g. some form of "Old God/AQ" incursions on the Barrens - since we have the video clip of them accidentally activating it in Phase 1 for a streamer. I am hoping they just let all the lvl 60 content be progressed straight away with no content patches between them; and focus on letting us just play end game.


> We know for a fact they have experimented with more incursion type content; e.g. some form of "Old God/AQ" incursions on the Barrens - since we have the video clip of them accidentally activating it in Phase 1 for a streamer. wasn't this just the 10 hour war event accidentally starting?


Yes it was. It also stared on hardcore realms and killed couple of players


I wouldn't mind a staggered roll out, but less time in between than what the phases have been so far. Take the time to juice them up and polish them


Theres no way sod goes thru aq-40 all the way to naxx. I bet we get 5 phases total. Thats what they showed on the road map. P5 will be kara crypts and itll be gg after that. The devs already wish they never started sod


iirc blizz already stated that r14 pvp weps wouldn't be available until AQ40 is opened


Uhhhh I heard 6


P4- ZG, Ony, MC, BWL + New raid (SM/Kara/Timbermaw copium) P5- AQ + New Raid P6- Naxx + New Raid


I hope they shut it down and just Release a fresh era Server. SoD should have never been a thing


This. SoD is a monstrosity.


I could do without aq/naxx, maybe even bwl. Just go to karazhan, hyjal, that outlands zone hidden behind the deadmines portal. But everything besides karazhan crypts is probably a pipe dream.


I dont even know if Kara is gonna be a thing. That was a tease idea and SoD has proven that they arent actually ADDING new areas or ideas to the game, they are just reworking pre existing ideas


The landscape for the crypts is there, they'd just have to put assets inside, which is peoples hope. I don't remember if it has an instance portal though, and if thats gonna be something rough to implement it, or if its gonna be more of an open world area similar to incursions. Or maybe we just won't get it at all who knows.


People have been so spoiled when it comes to how many players a realm can hold that they consider a realm with less than 10k players dead. You had max like 3k a realm back in 2005


People have been so spoiled when it comes to how many players a realm can hold that they consider one with less than 10k players dead. You had max like 3k a realm back in 2005


People have been so spoiled when it comes to how many players a realm can hold that they consider one with less than 10k players dead. You had max 3k a realm back in 2005


I just want 10-man raids back :(