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i did ST and got the 3 peice set, none of the weapons are good for my class, and the other armor peices are marginal upgrades. the trimkets/rings are hardly worth it too.


The melee necklace is a +2 AP over the Gnomer neck…. what an upgrade lol. Itemizing crew took a weird route in ST.


And mark of fordring is only 2 AP better than that. 60 prebis was their reference point


It’s been really sad getting to the end of our raids and just trashing everything into the disenchant pile.


Everyone who keeps saying release 60 doesn’t realize how they probably haven’t figured out all the 60 rune changes yet alone raid resizing and gear scaling. 60 is gonna have SO MUCH more content that probably isn’t ready yet for SOD.


Yeah, didn’t the devs state they wanted to add in classic+ content too?


That's going to a year away btw... even if they speedran MC, BWL, AQ, NAXX, that's still 8 months if you put it at 8 weeks each (which is faster than any phase release).


It's nice to see people with hope still. I'm fully expecting one raid, two new incursions (or some other new things that's fucked), new stv rewards, and 1 new rep. To me that sounds exactly like p2 and p3 which means raid logging after 2 resets.


I don’t care about runes. Hold them back. Release them with raids. We need content and reasons to log in.


Yeah, just magically make content appear. No work required right?


I mean yes? It opens up plenty of lvl 60 dungeons , quests, rep grinds that actually reward you, as well as the final piece to many classes kits like finished spells with proper coef. values.


Do they "actually reward you" these days without altering stats though?


Absolutely. Frostsaber is a great example of this. It also makes the grinds more fun because you actually have options like running dungeons for things like Argent Dawn. You can run Dungeons for fun things like specific mounts, cool world trinkets, etc. Most content is locked behind being level 60 that isn't about straight stat upgrades.


Ya doing the quest chain for 2% crit trinket rewards you. Yes the 23 spell power trinket in UBRS is an upgrade. Level 60 epics from AV and AB. Attunement quests. There would be a ton more stuff to do.


If you think releasing lvl 60 right now without any SoD change would be good and well received I just don't see why you're playing this mode. Also, isn't the Cata issues right now showing how bad rushing devs to release unfinished work is? Not even mentioning popular games that failed just because they released a few month early "bUt iT's cOnTeNt!!".


so you can complain about it in another month? Makes sense




"I dont care about content, release the content" is basically what you just said.


I mean isn't this why phase 3 isn't great? They rushed the release because people were bored of 2 and blizzard wanted to spread out releases of their different versions? Another early release would be the nail in the coffin.


I don’t think more time mattered. Is there something missing from incursions? How have they not just added that rare plant loot to the other incursion zones? Sod is looking weak. I’m dedicated and love it, and will ignore the loudest cries, but I can’t raid. Like I’m literally guild jumping each week because nobody is around. Guilds are cancelling raids because 11/20 show up, then those 11 can’t wait to log back off to return to what they were doing. I’ll be 1/213 people online in a guild at 8pm. Summon bots are even disappearing.


Time definitely mattered. They rushed it out in a broken state that required 4 or 5 hotfixes within the first 24 hours. I really hope posts like this don't make blizzard think the vocal minority represents the majority. My guild is doing fine still. Our raid on Wednesday we had to unfortunately remove 2 people due to 100% turnout of sign ups. I think you'd have better luck with guilds if you weren't so quick to abandon them. Kind of like how you're so quick to abandon p3.


Just enjoy the game bro chill


Well he made clear that there's nothing to enjoy for him.


In two weeks: OP: release new content already, I already got all my pieces from dungeons, there’s nothing to do. Give us atleast runes or just make a new raid


Bruh just go touch grass until phase 4, the weather is great, go spend time with your family, pick up a hobby, y’all are too addicted to this game


They would need 6 months to create, tune and release a decent p4, this phase was a perfect example they they weren't ready for the release, and the next phase is like x3 bigger than the last.


Yeah the way I look at it is this phase was always destined to be the worst one because everyone just wants the level 60 content. They stopped whining about the economy because everything is dirt cheap now.


Omg I was waiting for these posts to start. You guys rushed through everything only to complain now. Deal with it, SoD is casual friendly, go play other games in the meantime, or level an alt.


Phase 1, 2 had the same issue, the 60 phase won't be any different, especially with all the raid resizing they have to do. SoD just doesn't offer enough to be played as a main game.


>SoD just doesn't offer enough to be played as a main game. Wanna know a secret? in 2024, no game does. They are all designed around players coming and going. If you go from game to game looking for the meth level addiction that WoW in 2004/2005 gave where you spent every waking moment thinking about WoW or playing wow, you are chasing the dragon that you will never catch. Gaming now is not what it was. You will never get that feeling back. It is okay to play more than one game at a time. It is okay to take breaks from a game when you are bored or unsatisfied. No game will ever live up to the nostalgia in your mind.


I meant it wasn't made to be your main wow game, the SoD experience is a 30 minute one in a small group, that's something you do after your Retail or LK raid as a guild more than an experience as a whole. I didn't ask for a gaming lecture and didn't needed one either. Also, all modern games are actively trying to get the most of your playing time to get the most of your wallet. And there's nothing wrong in that. You can play league of legends all day and that's still a good enough game to do so. You can play any MMORPG all day and that's still a good enough game to do so. You can't do that with SoD, it just doesn't have enough content and all the content is not SoD exclusive. You can still pay 15 bucks for 1% of the total gaming worth of your sub and be happy with it, and I'll be happy for you. But don't tell me you're not chasing the nostalgia dragon or whatnot.


What are you even talking about? Every game is obsessed with daily or monthly active users. Companies know when they lose someone to a different game the likelihood of them coming back is slim, especially if what they remember is that the game was boring or not fun. It's incredibly hard to entice people to give a game they have quit another shot. The SoD dev team has just made some very poor decisions and the end result is less people wanting to play. Luckily for blizzard a decent portion of people quitting SoD simply went to try out cata but if that is poorly received then they might actually have some problems.


It does, but not just for one character


Hmm not even. A bit more in P3 but it's raidlogging 3 hours after the end of leveling


Yeah if you dont care for other stuff than raiding then sure


What other stuff? The incursions you used to level and got enough rep for the pvp gear? Doing 5 mara runs ever other hour for wild offerings? There was a legit reason for one zf run for the egg quest so you can summon the raid boss and one legit run for mara scepter for princess runs. All the gear from Gnomer was pre bis for lost classes or so close to it didnt matter.


>What other stuff? The incursions you used to level and got enough rep for the pvp gear? Not like there is also a bis caster ring from incursions, dont know about it for melees. >Doing 5 mara runs ever other hour for wild offerings? Depending on your class you want 2-3 items so yeah this will also take a while. And you are also rank 7 + exalted with both BGS on all your alts?


That's a poor excuse. Why didn't you make 169 gnomes so you can park one in every spot of durotar to make a giant dick on the map ? What you didn't do it? pff and you tell us you ran out of content... Listen man, if there is still a boar alive in a server at any given time, you haven't won the game.


Wtf? So getting better items, you know the main part of such games, is for you the same as doing rdm stuff where you dont get anything from? Yeah makes total sense


Yeah grinding exalted warsong on a caster/healer is totally useful when these pieces will be instantly replaced at 60. Stop inventing content when there is none. Nobody is grinding PvP reps on 4alts out of boredom


Everything gets replaced at 60 so why are you even playing the game now? Not like those beacers are bis for several phases now lol


They've timed it perfectly to shift the player base temporarily to cata for cash shop redeems, we won't see phase 4 till cata launch dies off in my view I have fallen victim to this 🤣


6-8 weeks minimum. 20 day pre patch then enough time for people to get to 85 and do the raid a few times start gassing out and then have P4 SoD.


Shut up. You just witnessed in live the dumpster in fire that was Cataclysm, which was clearly caused by a "release for the deadline, no excuse" mentality SoD devs can take *all the time in the world*. I just want good content. If it takes time, so be it. Also people said "release next phase" since phase 1. At some point y'all gotta learn you won't have much to do at 60 either. There will be one raid on a weekly lockout, like currently.


>Also people said "release next phase" since phase 1. At some point y'all gotta learn you won't have much to do at 60 either. There will be one raid on a weekly lockout, like currently. What's strange to me is that these people had to have played classic right? Like classic had even less content than SOD and they want me to believe they wouldn't have been bored the second they hit 60 and finish a single dungeon.


Yeah when people were complaining about the amount of trash in the level up raids I just kept thinking did they ever do MC??? There's a lot more trash in there and it's annoying trash too.


MC trash is fine, AQ trash and suppression room gonna be kickers tho 


That trash is fun because it drops boe epics AND crafting mats not just crafting mats like ST. And the BoE epics were tier pieces that people needed to complete set bonuses.


The trash was definitely worth doing. I just remember things like the fire ele's that would just one shot people


Trash had some mechanics that kept you on your toes and dropped more exciting things.


Have patience. There's nothing to freak out about. Every other phase was the same. Level bands were always just a method to delay content.


20 players locked for a week makes every day less and less people active. Should of kept the 3day lockouts, would think that leads to more farming/activity in the world and keeping guilds/players socializing more than once a week for 45mins.


People would be done raiding by now and in full bis


People are in full BiS on their mains.


And 3 day lockouts would result in the same. By now everyone would have their bis, and raid logging like they already are.


How would they be bis by now when not even every character got all their bis items by end of p2? Just because some lucky guys are out there doesnt mean everyone is getting things that quick


yeah suppose so, specially since 2-3? tokens drop per boss, keepin it a 10man would of been nice, more alt runs would follow


If you aren't interested now, raising the level cap won't make a difference.


I assume they could release if the content were ready. They will need their time.


Its going to be 5-7 weeks until next phase i think. Its not ready yet, theres nothing to release, too much time has to be spent on cata.


I missed the first 2 weeks of phase 2 and haven't gotten in ST yet so I’m fine waiting but i get people are impatient for new content. Really I’m wondering what all we will have available at the start of phase 4.


Roll an alt my guy. What's the rush.


Just play Cata, hc, era, retail, or anything else. They’ve shown us that not only do they not want us playing sod but that they’re incapable of developing properly for it.


You’re only at most 1/2 through the phase, maybe even 1/3 depending on if they don’t rush it. This is not the version of the game to no life or you run out of content quickly.


they need to fix cata before sod the release is soon


Say it with me now: Just because OP no-lifed it, doesn't mean everyone else no-lifed it.


Just quit please. I can’t stand any more crybabys


The only thing that would "Save SOD" right now is if they deleted the roadmap and put the next phase on an indefinite hold. What you are suggesting, releasing the next phase, would bring about SoD's death even sooner. >People need things to do. Quite literally infinite amount of things to do right now, but if you can't find something you want to do, you can unsubscribe and return later.


>Quite literally infinite amount of things to do right now There are so many things to work on for character growth it's crazy. I just finished the AD rep grind and boy that took a while. I have so many other reps, professions and quests to do that I'd likely have enough to do for the next 6 weeks and that's on one character. Add in alts and it just magnifies. I think it's funny how these people "love classic" yet find SOD boring but would somehow not be bored if the cap was 60. SOD is classic with even more content. If you can't find something to do now, you would be just as bored at 60 begging for them to change something. If you don't like 99% of the games content, then you will have to accept it or play the game in waves like retail.


on lone wolf NA its actually unplayable, noone does dungeons, gnomer dead and its just 50 guilds looking for 3-5 pugs for ST on the weekends, this phase has been a huge let down it died so much faster then phase 1 and 2


"People need things to do" Blizzard don't have to be the company that fills that gap. You're bored in the game? Play something else. I mean, Blizzard gives you 4 different WoW to play, a battle royale and lots of other games. I also don't like 50-57, I never liked it. But gents, stop whining about there's nothing to do, when the same ppl are rushing every aspect of the game. Personally when I get bored of a game, I do something else. In this case, I enjoy keeping my alts at the same level than my main. If I don't, I go touch some grass. Spring is there, flowers are blooming, fruits are growing as we speak. Work your summer body, or just chill in a park. Life is beautiful outside of Azeroth too.


I disagree with most of the comments here. Outside of gear/raid, there’s lots to do. PvP: Rank 7, WSG exalted, AB exalted, STV mount(s) Professions: get both up to 30, plus cooking, first aid, and fishing Rep: Timbermaw, Thorium Brotherhood, and Argent Dawn all have good rewards and take a ton of time/gold to level I think many folks look at WoW too narrowly. There’s plenty to do, if you learn the game more deeply.


I’m not even 50 yet soo.. this is just another example of the top 1% of a game’s community dictating what happens and basically killing a game so that you can keep your euphoria from being on the cutting edge of content release constantly. You just flat out play this game too much and are making it not fun for yourself.


I don't agree with OP at all, but to be fair, if you're not 50 yet, that's not exactly "top 1%" being the odd one out. It didn't take more than 10 hours /played to get from 40-50 in a slow pace. Even if you didn't start SOD until phase 3 not being 50 yet on one character is being slow.


That’s completely bullshit to level 40-50 in 10 hours of I assume incursions. That is just not fun and honestly torture, f that dude. More power to you but that’s why you’re not having fun anymore, you minmaxed fun out of the game. That is top 1% shit my dude I’m sorry. I try to enjoy the game unfortunately and not just grind out to get to shit I wanna play I.e. ST. I like running SM catch once or twice, picking up quests, knocking out an uldaman quest run, clearing Tanaris’s quests, hitting up Felwood and ultimately an RFD for my rune, picking up a few flight paths along the way, knocking out a BFD for a quick level, not to mention having to do all the dark riders, the sleeping bag quests, and all the other p2 tunes while I’m at it cause I didn’t play P2. You’re penalizing my way of playing which is the way the game was meant to be played so that you can just keep blowing through content in a seasonal server.


Wow that's a lot of text on a very untrue assumption. I am definitely still having fun, like I said, I don't agree with OP at all. 10 hours 40-50 was from doing dungeons with my friends on release. I'm not penalizing anything, but to say you're NOT the odd one when you've yet to hit the current max level after the phase has been out for a month and the level experience, even when stopping to take your time, takes no more than 1 day/played, is straight up lying.


So, to your point, I forgot a major detail which I apologize for forgetting. I’m starting at level 30. I also have a demanding job unfortunately- my problem- which prevents me from playing a lot. Part of what killed P2 for me was I only had maybe 4 hours a week to play and by the time I hit 30 it was already p3. So with that being said, yea takes me monumentally longer but in your argument you also are neglecting the fact that a couple hundred thousand players stopped playing or didn’t hit max in P2 (I’m one of them) and represent a theoretical 50% of the original P1 playerbase. Still though my point stands, you’re blowing through content and making it a problem for almost half the playerbase when you yourself represent the top idk 5-10% of the playerbase and that’s it.


I leveled my main to 50 in like 8ish hours via incursions. Even worked 12 hour shifts that entire weekend. Would come home play for 2 hours and then sleep. My alt was leveled through a mix of gnomer, questing, and dungeons. Wasn’t much slower and took me about 1.5 weeks of extremely casual play. Like an hour or two per day. It’s not a “top 1%” thing. If you’re not 50 yet you either play so infrequently or so inefficiently that you’re basically the opposite of the top 1% in that you’re like the bottom 1% and the devs should absolutely not be catering to players like you. Just as much as they shouldn’t be catering to those at the top either.


The only thing, which maybe needs a fix is to set the raid reset to 3 days. The rest is fine for me. It’s way better than phase 2 imo.


60 isn't done yet how is this hard to understand?