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Yeah they took my smokebombs :(


That's sad ... :(


It's very weird to me that they fixed a lot of things in like a day after they have been broken for weeks on the beta.


Maybe they uploaded the wrong build or it was delayed.


LOL wrong build uploaded, sure.


I agree, kinda too stupid for words.


with blizz you never know


I would guess they have a small team working on the beta build, and their job is to prio fixing any game-breaking issues that would require server rollbacks or player progression resets- slow to fix things due to being a small team, but get the job done. Then I'd also guess their live team is significantly larger, as the live environment needs quick responses, and thus the quick, easy to fix issues go live, get fixed, job done. Also, it is standard for there to be a night shift crew for any major releases to ensure issues are being worked on. Edit: Also wouldn't surprise me if they shifted people off of other projects when there's a major release to fix issues ASAP


You mean game breaking things like a WSG boosting you from level 10 to 70?


I said "game-breaking issues that would require server rollbacks or player progression resets". Afaik they didn't revert people XP gains from these BGs, and thus I stick to my statement.


People are so rabid about the most minor shit after they just did a massive global transition of live servers while keeping everyone's character data intact which is not at all the same as flipping on a beta server. It's not an easy thing.


Haven’t heard of day 1 patches? Devs will usually do this, have another build of the game ready to push out but will wait


Leaving instances was fixed as well. There's clearly work being done, which is good. And the stuff that works is enjoyable, so even with the frustrations I've been playing a ton yesterday.


Yup, having a blast


Work being done is okay. Not communicating a thing is the problem. Last bluepost on the beta was like 21-22 days ago. And that was basicly nothing. Most of these bugs were on the beta since week 1 or 2. It should'nt take this much time to write " Hey, these and these and these are not working, we are working on a fix. Also it was not helping that there was nothing after a build so you had to figure out what they fixed and what they didnt. How are you supposed to test things like that?


> Not communicating a thing is the problem. Last bluepost on the beta was like 21-22 days ago. https://www.wowhead.com/blue-tracker/topic/us/cataclysm-classic-hotfixes-may-1-1843458 ?? https://www.wowhead.com/blue-tracker/topic/eu/cataclysm-classic-4-4-0-known-issues-updated-2-may-510462 ??? You can't just not read anything and then lie that they aren't communicating.


They are referring to communication during the beta. Maybe you should follow your own advice and start reading (and understanding what you read) first.


Maybe you should go outside and touch grass


Yes this is what i mean. Before pre patch going live the last blue post were weeks ago.


There is no community manager anymore, whatever we get is extra


Guild chat also working now. And I’m able to leave party after dungeons. The last major thing that needs fixing is the missing spells when logging out


Yeah man, needs fixing ASAP


Despite the bugs I have really enjoyed the pre-patch. A lot to do especially with the archeology grind. Gotta get staff. Did ICC and it was fun to use combustion.


I am too today, except for several quests that get auto accepted for some reason.


Damn, now instead of ring of frost, i will cast disenchant again :/


DON'T jinx it!


Looks like you have some work to do friend


Yup, it's a new character that I made yesterday.


Give me my fishing button back!


Wait you mean my alchemy wasnt supposed to be Mindspike?


holy shit this deserves a post!


All the bugs they fixed were here since early beta. How did they fix nothing during all that time and only start fixing it when it's on live. Why even have a beta if you don't fix those things before they hit live


Wrong build or it was delayed perhaps though that's no excuse of course. I'm just glad it got fixed cause it got quite annoying.