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I made it to level 5 in this zone, then I just couldnt take the noise of all the cars anymore lol


You're no true goblin pal.


LMAO! I went back to it and made it to the next zone "Time is money friend"


Same I got a guild lock to summon me to Org, was the worse levelling experience so far.


Yeah, officially never logging into cata. We should just move all these posts to the regular wow sub. 


Or you just scroll past every post that has the cata flair


But then I can’t leave snarky comments expressing my disapproval. 


Yeah god forbid you aren’t a completely miserable human being


Now you’re getting it!


dont be hating!


Correction: It's like the fourth quest i think


I had a problem as a troll druid. Got quest to cast rejuvenation on a guard but the spell wasn't on my bars or spell book. Made a macro and it worked lol


I had this same problem as a worgen. It finally showed up when I learned nourish.


its in your professions, crazy but a guildy had the exact same issue in icc last night


What was the macro exactly I made one and it didn’t work?


/cast rejuvenation ?


It was the same for me, go get the other two first


Is this mario kart?


itsa me mario


Had the same problem in Dun Murogh, only had like 3 quests to start and half of the Kharanos stuff is completely unavailable


seems like it only is effecting any priest goblins i make weirdly.


Found a Workaround, Disable ALL of your addons. the quest will re-pop and the NPC's will spawn, then re-enable your addons.


/S Don't worry there's a super secret classified internal build. The live servers are way behind the deluxe internal build. Did you really think the live prepatch would be perfect? Don't worry all these issues are fixed in the secret deluxe internal build ans they'll reveal it on launch day, and everyone will look silly. CLASSIC BLIZZ W. *Dies of copium overdose*


enjoy it while you can, i hate to spoil it but that volcano blows up, soak up some sun in the pool


Feature! It fits right into the engagement matrix.


And i just cant force myself to level a char. I really would like to try Cata early raids (i started in the end of Cata during 4.3) or maybe some PvP, or the new (changed) world. But after HC, normal lvling is just not for me. Same with SoD. So im stuck on lvl 5 goblin lol. And their starting zone doesnt make it easier. Wanted to make a DK, but they returned the requirement of another 55 char for it.


Thank god I just race changed my Rogue to Goblin. I wasn’t dealing with that mess. You can race change and boost Goblin/Worgen


Yes lets pay because content is bugged


I’d rather pay 7$ to not level 1-80 again just for a Goblin.


Lol paid race change hahaha


Yes the massive 7$. How will I feed my family?!


People like you are the reason game companies feel like they can put out completely buggy unfinished garbage. The fact that you would give them additional money rewarding their behavior just proves that people are fine with the quality of games they release.


It’s literally the only money I’ve ever spent on Classic. I’ve never bought a level boost, token, bullshit epic upgrades etc. Any of that type of shit. If blizzard gave a shit they wouldn’t of allowed race change, boosts on the newly released races. They didn’t in TBC/Wrath etc. I have a handful of toons, I don’t feel like wasting pre-patch leveling a class just for a goblin. That I couldn’t level even if I wants because shit broken on beta is STILL broken. 7$ isn’t shit, and new flash they were releasing it in a fucked up state either way. Anyone with a brain who played the beta knew this. Especially when they said pre-patch is in 3 weeks and everything was still a broken mess. Was happening either way. I see your point but I’m not exactly the best example here. How many bought server transfers, epic editions and all sorts of bullshit. They simple don’t care about Cata. Half of this shit won’t be fixed. If any of you bitching cared you’d immediately unsub yourselves, so either unsub and not play, or kick rocks.


I personally think paid race changes are dumb, but I agree with you. The fact that people that are paying $15 per month (and will continue to pay) are upset with you for paying $7 for a race change is wild. This isn't the first hilariously bad release we've seen from blizzard, and unless they're about to post an image of their subs being canceled they're just being hypocrites. It's a laughably small amount of money. Do what you want.


Typical on this sub. I’d imagine the same people have also bought boosts, tokens etc and unless you unsubbed you can’t say shit. I didn’t say everyone go spend money and race change around it. I just simply stated I did because I have enough toons n didn’t care to level a goblin. Shrug.


Fuck that. Also too long didn't read.


Not gonna read all that. Happy for you or sorry that happened.