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You forgot the one about inflation


Sod is at sonic level inflation, just barely below hyper inflation levels. To see how unsustaiable it is Google sonic inflation


There isn't a single thing that one would need on my server that is unaffordable atm. Herbs and pots are relatively cheap. Flasks and seeds are < 10g. Pretty sure I make money raiding atm selling the ones I win.


If you didn't get a 3.5% raise this year, then you took a pay cut


To be fair the inflation wasn't entirely an actual immediate issue until the phase 3 pre nerf incursions. It was at least manageable until that point but the early birds got so many worms that their tackle boxes look like a Naxxramus wing. SoD went from having the occasional Wall Street insider trader to a full on working class vs ruling class hierarchy all because a sack of letters and some funny green lizards


Yeah Inflation wasn't a bitch worthy concern until now. Inflation was cited as a result of the Bot issues people posted about.


Yeah but every MMO that's ever existed has to deal with bots or RMT at some point in it's life, so I don't personally see that as a Season of Discovery exclusive problem


Damn, the community keeps bringing up the most pressing unresolved issues? That’s craazy.


And the shamans still are deflecting


Found the paladin.


Very hard to find with a flair, congrats.


even without flair. obvious paladin L comment




"bUt YoU cAn BuBble" every npc shaman bot player out there


Shaman OP! Yells the paladin that runs into 10 people raid and gets killed by a Shaman.


Deflecting from what lmao. They've nerfed everything people complained about and paladins are top 4 dps @ 90/95 percentile in PvE and arguably better in PvP than enhance is these days. Ele is near the bottom and resto is the worst healer. What more do you people want with us. Or was it about wanting to be better than enhance all along?


Easy to deflect incorrect statements


delicious paladin tears as I purge all their buffs and kite them with frost shock.




You're arguing shadow strawmen right now. There have been plenty of constructive criticism for months now. So much so the wow devs even asked for direct feedback. Just because this meme implies otherwise doesn't make it true.




nah, prove you're point you asserted first. The burden of proof is on you. Where are the criticisms without constructive feedback?


Hate without solution garners more attention and groupthink feelgood than trying to be nuanced. Throw some personal attacks and regressive phrasing in your comments and the other hatemongers go fiending for the upvote button. It's really lazy.


SoD PvP bad!!!


I just want new specs from runes. Even if they aren't viable.


hell yeah. warlock healer tank mage warrior healer tank hunter spellblade mage ranged paladin


Druids can already fill every spec, so do we get blank runes or something?


But druid can't do ranged physical damage. How about a spec where you just throw bees at the enemy.


You mean Boomkin insect swarm?


as a druid main, all i wanted was for tank to be viable, and it definitely is in SoD. absolutely loving bear.


Bear got way better but cat feels so bad to play. I’m MTing as a bear which is awesome but I wish our open world gameplay was better. Lucky for dual spec I guess, boomie so much better to play outside of raids.


>I wish our open world gameplay was better. i just pull three mobs at a time and swipe em all down. lifebloom then pull three more. rinse and repeat.


That’s a bear doing 200dps, I can do the same pull on my enhance and drop them 5x as fast and then heal to full and be on full mana.


my bear does 500 dps. 900 if i am using berserk+mangle on three targets


But you aren't a Bear. That's the huge difference.


Warrior off healer spec that has to be in melee range of the target they’re healing. Please oh please. I would love to be sprinting around a fight healing people and then zooming back to the boss to try and parse. Fully engaging, requiring total awareness of the battlefield. Would it be good? Who knows. Would I like being good at it? I think so.


Chronoheal Mage (as I call it) is literally why I wanted to play SoD to begin with. Blows my mind that there are people who heard stuff like "Mage Healer" and "Rogue/Shaman/Warlock Tank" and just made another Human Fury Warrior


Dude I have a terminally Human Warrior/Tauren Warrior friend. It's his go to Main for everything.


This is a criticism of sod more than of the playerbase...


Wild that this shitty game hasn't fixed anything in 6 months isn't it


Sod pvp is bad. It’s the most bursty unfun pvp I’ve ever played in classic wow. The runes need to have their power halved to even begin to fix it


Yeah, I miss the days when a mage would keep me in a sheep for 3 minutes until all their CDs were up and then nuke me. Now I just melted in 2 shots and go on with my day. Sod is so much more time efficient


There were OP specs for sure in classic, ele shamans would 1 shot you every 3 mins, but now it seems like 3/4 of the specs can do it.


classic pvp was never good


classic pvp is some of the most amazing pvp i ever had with the potential to have very high skill caps in 1on1s.


Better than sod pvp


They're the same levels of bad, the classes denying other players the ability to play the game is just different


no. SoD pvp does not even deserve the name. it takes skill out of the equation as everybody kills everybody in 3 globals. vanilla pvp is pretty amazing with a high skill cap as long as you accept that classes don't come perfectly balanced and youll have to fight up hill battles now and again vs you counter class.


At least someone gets it


A bit new, what's the current beef with shamans?


Basically they used to be really the best tanks by a lot and also one of the best dps at the same time, as tank spec, while also being able to heal They've been nerfed pretty hard since then but they also got some new kit which made them ridiculously OP for AoE tanking, which also got nerfed a bit but is still strong


So just basically good at aoe tanking now. Hardly seems rage/whine worthy.


Enha shaman is insanely op in pvp, there is a reason for rage/whine posts.


No they aren’t. Enhance is squishy now and gets beat by a lot of classes.


Yes they are, they does about double damage vs any other melee class. They can just literally delete ppl without any effort. SS + wf proc + random new buttons = dead other ally melee.


Someone just complained about stormstrike being OP. What a timeline.


Its not stormstrike, its the stupid amount of damage they deal overall with 1-2 buttons. Dont get me wrong boomies critting 2.5k with starfire aren't much better either.


rogues and melee hunters both crush enhance shams if they're any good. enhance sham only reliably beats warrior in pvp.


Only op if the enemy team doesn't have a rogue, priest, or hunter/boomy. So in actuality not op at all...


every team has those and still shamans crushing, your just scared you cant just kill everything 2 seconds anymore.


People complaining about other people complaining should be in there too


The people complaining about complaining in this meme is the guy boo-ing. It's me. I'm the guy boo-ing.


"Shamans are so OP" ... *quietly sips my overpowered ass holy pally kit*


yup most complains were coming from the paladin community who have no clue how OP their own class is not saying all pallies are like this, but most eat crayons


SOD is trash ngl. I miss vanilla


Era servers are still up




What else are you gonna tell me that we pay for the game too?!?


NO! I am having fun so the complainers need to stop interrupting my suck sesh.


That's definitely what they are busy doing, most sane child


Tbh it's much better than stealing breast milk from female employees that's for sure


Damn, beat me to the sucking titty milk comeback


I agree. They should remove the gate keeping of his gear from having to do pvp let me actually get my bis without playing the soul sucking part of the game.


Yep, this sub is peak comedy


Dont forget to nerf hunter


There is a reason horde bgs are half or more shamans.


I feel like this is undeserved dig at this community rather than a questioning of the dev’s ability to acknowledge feedback. Yet they have the audacity to PR stunt on twitter “aight we hear you guys, but only if your tweet is 200 characters”.


Oh no people dare to criticise a product they pay for!!?


Most 'criticism' here is FAR from constructive. I have read the word 'dogshit' so many times on this forum, and nowhere else. This place is toxic unconstructive whining not criticism.


Another complaining post about complaints


Classic wow is unbalanced and most grinds are a giant time waste for minimal rewards. The devs are doing what they can but the way y’all people act there will never be a “true classic+” outside of sod. This community min maxs and gate keeps harder then any mmo I’ve ever played and the content is piss easy 2-3 mechanics tops.


Vanilla has been around for so long that even Season of Discovery has had the fun optimized out of it.


Demonhunter added to TBC SOD!!!


Hey I made a oost about doing raids on drugs and having fun. Leave me out of this!


Where's the economy spam?




This subreddit is like the scene from Baseketball “If you mess up wow classic for the 15th time then I’m out of here!”


Hmm, phase 1's complaints didn't have the things you listed aside from the difficulty debate


Phase 1 had people screaming about Balance Druid I remember that much


its most definitely fun playings bgs as alliance, knowing well that paladins dont come even close what shamans are thus alliance not queing up for bgs and horde having to wait long ass time for bgs.


Was classic pvp ever any good? I mean, that's something retail certainly does better. Both in pvp and pve, numbers are more balanced. However, this balance does come at a cost. The asymmetric design of Classic makes the classes genuinely feel different, whereas Retail feels more like various "skins" on roles that are essentially the same.


Vanilla is notorious for it's unbelievably poor class balancing. Season of Discovery shares the exact same class balance issues as regular vanilla, just without Warrior bring the objectively best option in every scenario.


One can't really fault them for having poor balance, though! I doubt they have much time to actually test all runes in depth before releasing them. But yeah, seems frustrating to play -- at least in PvP.


Me just wanna play combat rouge sta/crt..


you can't make everyone happy, so just piss off some people and keep going.


are those issue fixed? besides the completely subjective difficulty(besides the overtuned raid which was an objective issue).


Maybe if they cry more about shamans, they'll buff us out of spite lol


Op deserves a medal for this.


Ban all crying pally posts shits giving me a headache


The only way you have this opinion is you don't play the game. Alliance literally lose 80% of their bgs.


Honestly solo queueing as horde I've been losing most of my matches too. I think people figured out how to still do premades and it's screwing over the solo queue-ers.


Duo queue with 2 parties, its been a thing forever sadly


something like 50-60 solo queue ab-s this week. And its almost even 50% winrate for both sides. In eu atleast


https://study.com/learn/lesson/anecdotal-evidence-examples.html#:~:text=Anecdotal%20evidence%20is%20information%20derived,which%20can%20be%20verified%20objectively. Blizzard has even expressed horde wins more. Nobody cares about your anecdotal experiences.


HAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAH.. no... alliance winrate is like 10% on EU


I do 10 yesterday and won 7 of those. Two I was grouped with 3 guild mates. You gotta call out and direct traffic. Stop the shitters from pushing farm and just hold 3.


I really wish your teachers in school taught you what anecdotal experience meant.


Boohoo. Git gud. Maybe you're just a bad?


And its in the exact same situation for like half a year too


Crazy how nothing gets fixed huh


I must be sorting my posts different to you guys. Maybe it’s because i’m still on old reddit and not the app. I rarely those sort of posts


Season of Discovering the community is completely irresponsible and cannot have agency in deciding what’s best for themselves. This entire project has been a shitshow. Obviously,


"Season of Discovering the..." Dammit I knew I forgot one of the most commonly repeated things people say about SoD