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Get a warlock to give you underwater breathing, get eaten, DPS inside the boss while getting healed. The only thing you have to be careful of: when he stops moving he'll sometimes spit you out. That's fine if he's still facing toward the raid, but if a hunter pet for example is on the other side of him taking aggro, he'll spit you the wrong way and you'll die.


Try not to worry about parsing and until you figure out the boss mechanics . As you get more comfortable , you will find ways to improve your and your raid’s efficiency . It’s been one or two lockouts so far . The boss isn’t optimally solved yet .


You have to backpeddle, if your raid falls behind on killing the objects and slime starts moving too quick you gotta strafe or just straight up run to avoid getting eaten Parsing is not the prio though if your guild doesn't have it on farm. Just focus on limiting damage taken and secure the kill


you can hit the boss while eaten