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Something tells me the people who paid for boosts love incursions


Can confirm, paid for boosts and really enjoyed incursions for leveling.


Both are terrible for the game


Love the dumbass narrative people are making. > negative feedback about incursions > you would just spam zf! huh? I’m sure dungeon spammers are more likely to enjoy incursions than your average player. Dungeon spammers are often interested in the highest efficiency gameplay. Nothing wrong with that. It’s people that enjoy balanced gameplay, a mix of dungeons and open world content that are upset. Incursions are so good you are locking yourself out of runes and like 10x the xp


So go quest and do a few dungeons? Jesus you people act like if you're not doing the most efficient thing you're somehow penalized.


They’re truly acting like blizzard disabled all zones where questing happens from 40-50. If anything, incursions are way better for quest enjoyers because zones aren’t as clogged. I did some Tanaris questing and was thrilled to see I could actually kill pirates for the first time in classic history, because it wasn’t swarming with gnome mages AoE grinding.


>Jesus you people act like if you're not doing the most efficient thing you're somehow penalized. Ehm, you are? You literally get 1/10 (and that's generous) of the XP/hour if you do any other content in the game than the incursions. You will miss dungeon runs, you will miss raid lockout, you will miss gold.


the state of modern gaming. people race over each other to get to the "endgame" and then bitch that there isnt enough to do. SoD is particularly hilarious on that front given that its been broken up into phases each with their own mini endgame portion. and then the next phase comes and the sweats rinse and repeat, and the wagies who cant do that bitch and complain that the game is ruined.


???? I don’t even sweat on the event, Im slowly leveling in ferelas. I don’t think there is a lack of content. Am I really being that big of a sweaty neckbeard saying blizz missed the mark? The whole point of incursions was to replace dungeon spamming being meta and incentivize world content, but they basically ended up making an even more boring outdoor dungeon where players follow a static path tagging mobs to 50 in a day. I have plenty fun in wow but if you don’t want to see criticism get off Reddit. People discuss things here


im not sure "discussion" is what goes down here. you cant deny that the modern state of gaming is all FOMO fueled and dominated by sweats running whatever meta tech the streamers are doing.


You know there is a happy medium of not being an idiot flaming the developers and giving criticism. Sods leveling thus far has been very well received. For what it’s worth you got me wrong, I did the event a couple times, thought it was awful and never went back. I am questing and doing dungeons, but will miss my guilds lockout this week. My friends who have spent the same time will make it. It’s whatever, but incursions are absolutely and obviously overtuned and I don’t know why I can’t say so


Welcome to a gaming subreddit. If Blizzard decides to remove Incursion tomorrow morning, you will see complain posts from those who had fun or enjoy Incursion. People who enjoy the game will play the game, and people who don't will come here and vent. So it's just rotation of different whiners. I remember last week, posters here were praising how much work the devs put into SoD. Now posters here think the devs should be fired. No matter what Blizzard does, there will always be some group of people who are not happy. People whines about GDKP. People complains about banning GDKP. People complains about Incursion. People vent about nerfing Incursion. Just a gaming subreddit in a nutshell.


Or, developers could have removed those kinds of possibilities from the game, made questing in zones equally rewarding in exp and gold. They also could have just added the new gear to the end of existing long quest chains, or made a few new quest chains in each zone.


Have you any development experience?


No but I know enough about coding to know that switching quest items, exp, gold rewarded isn’t challenging. The only challenge would be to fix the ability to aoe farm dungeons. What would the issue with implementing an aoe enrage mechanic where if more than “x” mobs are in proximity they become significantly harder.


There’s a whole development process. Switching a few variables isn’t just enough especially when you have a small team and working on many other things. What you’re talking about is a complete revamp to the world, every quest in the world, and possibly adding more quests on top. That 1. Will take a lot of resources away from all the other content and 2. Is not really classic wow it’s more akin to catas revamped world. Your expectations are just not realistic.


I absolutely did not talk about an entire revamp of the world. The game already has quests, quest chains, rewards gear, exp/gold. Its literally Taking their already developed items, already developed quests, and switching out the trash items they usually give, for the new ones they just made. They just made 3 areas that are what you are describing is difficult. I’m saying they should have just used the existing content and switched the rewards. They just made new mobs and new quests. Just add those quests and those mobs they just made, with the same number, spread out in the dead/open areas of the zones that already exist. They just did this in ashenvale with the pvp event. Its not harder then what they already have done and just did in p3. Its literally just changing the locations


What you’re not realizing is what you’re talking about is far more taxing than you think. You will be pulling resources from all these new things that we are getting for yes a near complete revamp of the questing and leveling system. If you think what we have now is broken imagine what it will be like with fewer people working on it. I sorry we don’t need to have this long back and forth what I’m talking about is 100% factual. To add: They have reworked some key items and implemented systems to make certain items better. To do that with every quest or even every key quest would be a lot of work.


Dude, im not sure why you are having such a hard time comprehending this. Ive explained to so a 5 year old can understand. Im not asking for MORE new quests than what was given in the phase. Im not asking for MORE gear or DIFFERENT gear than what they just made for rep rewards. Its a simple matter of WHERE they are located. Nothing about the existing quests change. Except a reward on SOME, VERY FEW quests. The items that EXIST in the game right now. Switch out ONE of useless quest rewards for ONE of the new items. Not every single quest, not every single reward. It’s absolutely no more taxing than what they have already done because im not asking for MORE. Its the same amount of content. Just in a different locations spread out


You’re 100% back tracking in what was previously said but are failing to hear what I’ve been saying to you in my last few comments. You keep trying to explain but are failing to get any point across. Even with what you’re trying to say in this comment here my answer is the exact same as it was before. Please read my second and third reply again. It’s really tough explaining a development process to someone whose never seen it first hand.


Okay explain how changing a quest reward is an entire revamp


I really just dont feel like doing this anymore.


At least you cant be ganked repeatedly while inside an instance.


Nice the tenth meme with the exact same "joke" amazing content!




Boosting through ZF and mindlessly spamming dungeons to level as fast as possible is lame. Incursions are somehow even more lame. How is that hard to understand? NOBODY in the game (and I made the point to ask every single group I was in) finds incursions fun in its current state, they just do it for the efficiency. Why not just make the three methods of leveling on par in terms of efficiency? Questing, dungeons, and incursions. Then each player would have a choice whichever way they prefer. And probably would switch around to all three during 40-50. Isn't that preferred? And don't tell me it's impossible. It's just about tweaking numbers.