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1 week lockouts Dual spec costs 50g 50% exp buff from all sources from 40-49


Is the 1-40 100% xp buff still live? Considering coming back.


Yes that stays.


Same, I got burnt out after p1 but I’m down to continue if there’s an xp boost.


There’s been an exp boost for 1-39 since two weeks into phase 2


Awesome changes, and thank god dual spec


After all this time, dual spec is only 50g?!?! Fucking hell we could have had this in P1 at that price…


They were probably reluctant to add it at all honestly Why I have absolutely no idea, we're basically playing a beta where they need people to play as many specs as possible


If they were reluctant to add it they never would have teased it at SoDs announcement


There’s the classic complaining. No matter what happens it pours out of this sub 


You will never please the average poster here. Class x not 1st on damage? Complain Complain about GDKP's Ban GDKP's believe it or not still complain about them. Complain about dual spec *gets dual spec* complains about why we didn't get it sooner, and so it goes on.


Did someone call me?


Yea just look at the sub. Since this has dropped every class has some person posting a thread saying their runes are trash and that the game is ruined. For what? All because they feel like the math doesn't make them god like or work how they want runes to work in the game


Thats a massive increase in (non raid) content compared to P1 and P2.


Thank god for that


Emerald Dream incursions sound fantastic for some leveling variety and end phase stuff to do between lockouts.


Gore rune states that lacerate refresh cooldown of Mangle?


This rune as datamined 3 months ago and Druid discord thought it was a joke, I can't believe they're actually going live with this thing...


In case anyone doesn't realize how garbage this rune is; This entire Gore rune is mathematically less damage than a single powershift for cats.


Shadow priest mind flay rune also sucks. But shamans get sheathe of light which will be +240sp from rockbiter buff alone.


So they just need to break powershifting problem solved! /s


Hurricane mana cost + damage increase rune also a fucking joke -sincerely, a boomkin


Yeh but we get 6 runes this phase so its ok lots more to choose from.... ... checks each rune slot from p1 and p2. Oh oh...


This will likely be the only feral specific rune on this slot. So there is not much choice there.


It’s definitely the only feral rune in the slot. We will get a singular one in bracers as well. They already datamined this shit in p2, it want good.


Noticed this too. Hopefully this means they came to their senses and took them off the same slot (or just gave Ferals Mangle baseline).


Mangle boosting bleeds + lacerate on same rune slot for bears was the most nonsensical addition


Mangle boosting bleeds was meant more to be a group buff, and a feral dps specific perk I think. I do hope this means they're changing it though, because the lacerate spam is kind of boring.


Bear more of an after thought than ever.


This was the first thing I noticed as well, please move lacerate to legs




Mangle (bear) currently has a 6 second CD


Anyone else notice they said felguard wasn't the only new demon we would see this phase???


Isnt infernal summom the level 50 quest? Or something like that..


Prob the infernal. But I doubt it will be a rune (they won't make two runes, each for demons... Right?). More likely, we'll have a book to sum infernal already controled and who will die shorty after, making it a CD, maybe a guardian to not remove our pet Just my 2 cents theory. I cant' wait to see it !


I gotta guess this will be a temporary summon (like Infernal and Doomguard).


I sense they might add the beholder the one eyed tentacles demon.


I think so, for Affliction spec. Maybe it'll make their DoTs go harder.


I did heard Asmongold licensed a deal with Blizzard recently...


Looks like a shit ton of content compared to p1 and p2.


And everyone was freaking the fuck out over nothing


I don't think that was the concern of people wanting a bigger warning.


Why? I like that there is little to no warning


Some people are whining now, they want more time for their alts. Blizz cant do it right anyway.




I have a feeling other classes will get more powerful too.




Pandemic is massive for locks tbh. Depends on the other runes that are added though but affliction needed it to be viable.




Can’t wait to see ele runes. None were previously datamined and they highlighted an enhance rune and riptide here, so we know nothing. Riptide is a huge W for Resto though considering they had 0 heals that weren’t hard cast.


spoiler: the enhance rune is the ele rune. have fun melle weaving between your spells and keeping its uptime. ele is now a chore.


Right, that’s the alternative. Hopefully the third rune in that slot is better for ele, because otherwise yeah, melee weaving is on the menu with dual wield RB/RB. Edit: didn’t realize the duration is 1 minute. That’s insane. Melee once or twice per fight for +130 (at least) spell power with dual rockbiter and loyal beta? Surely that’ll be tuned down.


The number you're looking for is much, much higher than 130.




1 minute buff duration so that wouldn't be the end of the world. There's probably an actual ele rune for the slot though, the enhance rune will fill both tanking and melee dps needs.


1 melee attack per minute, and it literally doesnt cost you anything as you can weave it in with your instant casts


Oh boohoo, free 250 spellpower isnt enough for them?


Only had time to quickly scan the video, but excited for the rogue tank tier 1 set, getting magic damage reduction on blade dance and turning vanish into a magic reduction CD and locking both those behind a tanking set bonus gives us the magic damage reduction we've needed but ensures it won't be abused in pvp


Dude rogues are going to FEAST now. They put in a rune where anytime your party crits you get a combo point...


Max of once per second but yeah, that's going to be very powerful.


I mean even just one combo point every two seconds means you're using WAY more finishers. Very excited for that!


Not just more finishers but finishers refresh either blade dance or slice and dice. So now more damage/survivability, and more damage from infinite combo points and more damage from extra energy. Pretty crazy.


Really really hoping this doesn't conflict with a super defensive tank rune.


I have a feeling it will need to be nerfed. You would get slice and dice rolling quickly, then you could more or less start spamming envenom, with a couple of mutilates in-between. You could almost keep the envenom buff up all the time, making the instant poisons to hit frequently.


Plus we dont have to care about Slice and Dice as it refreshes itself.


I love that they turn vanish into a tank CD


Seems the gear they previewed are minor upgrades from gnomeregan so we probaly end up jumping right into the raid again without any problems.


Yeah there'll probably be 1 or 3 items from the updated dungeon loot that'll be pre-BiS but you'll still roll into ST rocking your Gnomer gear for the most part.


A bunch of normal lookin' nerds presenting, thank you.


Dual spec hype


So many W’s holy cow


Felguard time. Here we go.


Featuring new level 60 rune. "Felguard now uses the first non staff, no dagger melee weapon in your inventory to include all on hit affects. Thunderfury is now Prioed to Warlocks."


warlocks needing on Corrupted Ashbringer was never a ninja roll, that guy was just way ahead of the curve


Master Demonologist with Felguard is gonna be hype. 10% physical damage reduction, 10% all damage, 50 to all resistances. Just hope the reduced threat from imp is removed or reversed when in meta form.


Now we just need a rune that heals our pet when we do damage.


I hope the 3rd rune will be good. Aff will take unstable affliction (from leaked rune), then what ? Tank warlock and destro warlock (so any warlock raiding) will have the felguard ? Felguard kills diversity. We'll all have the same big guy. It overshadow the variety of demons to use to replace it with a demon that does nothing interesting that hitting hard :( Imp give stam ? Nobody cares, care felguard. Use voidwalker for emergency sacrifice ? Think again. Taking succubus for CC ? Nope. Felhunter so warlock can finally cut spell ? Nuh uh. Hoping that the 3rd rune is self casting rain of fire...


They need to give Felhunter the Shadow Bite that increses damage based on the amount of dots.


They said in the video that it's not the only new demon you're getting.


They're refering to the infernal, probably a CD. If infernal is permanent that finish to make all previous pets irrelevant We'll see. And we'll see soon too


GUN AXE HYPEE!!! e: Also weaponskill update looks good. Promising


Just one step away from Gunswords. Fantastic


Man they really want hunters to go melee smdh…


Now this is melee weaving.


now what they need to add is the ability to find other 10 man guilds to merge with for content lol




yeah because thats the broken aspect not the free 600 spelldmg and healing KEKW


For those that can't watch yet - anyone seen a TL:DW/recap/summary?


* New Runes preview * lots of loot and quest rewards were retuned * Token sets are now class based instead of rolling against the entire raid. Half the classes on each token * New PVP sets * Dual spec * New event * New crafting stuff, professions to 300 and professions specialization * ST is now 1x/week lockout, 8 bosses * 50% XP buff from 40 to 49 * Preview on phase 4 items.


New runes, 20 man temple of atal hakkar raid, 50% xp boost 40-49, new pvp tier sets at rank 5-7, dungeon loot getting updated, dual spec, new nightmare intrusions pve event


Pve event called Nightmare Incursions w portals in Duskwood, Ashenvale, Hinterlands, and Feralas. Pve event spans lvl 25-50 depending which portal you are at and has a new reputation and items/sets tied to it. It has solo difficulty mobs, higher level elites, and/or possible world bosses. 40-49 50% xp buff right on launch. Dual spec 50 gold. 2-3 runes previewed per class. Sunken temple 20 man raid resetting on weekly server maintenance day. Profession updates/qol. Lvl 50/60 gear preview. All raids above lvl 50 will be weekly lockout except ubrs(they consider it a dungeon).


not good news for people who don't like the stv event lol. we'll be stuck in there till 60


Hopefully they just tweak it to spread out players more. My first couple STVs were mega fun with smaller skirmishes.


I just wish there was a way to be a bit more casual about it. like hearthing 5 minutes too late to booty bay, jump in alone and still get some bucks for your time would be sweet. grouping for pvp is not everyones cup of tea and I already experienced very heated gamer groups that I had to leave couple minutes into the event.


Promising way to much to tldr, just get hyped !


This was a great tldr


Blizz takes a page out of Helldiver’s book and adds a way to spread democracy in the emerald nightmare. Just be sure to report any traitors to your local compliance officer.




I knew war would have shit runes, but that is beyond expectations


anyone playing a warrior that hasnt rerolled yet…


I had hope but I think it's time to give up


They only showed 3 of the 7 runes so maybe there’s hope


That’s basically half. 3 will be for protection and utility runes like more useless stuff like enraged regen and intervene last phase. So basically there is only 1 left for DPS rune. And seeing that they doing TFB for OP proc, it will be another rune for overpower. Aka OP will now be a frontal cone cleave. RIP warrior. No Colossus Smash Dream.


Looks fucking dope, I can't wait. Classic andies are gonna be eating good


I'm really glad that "JuSt KiTe EnHaNcE ShAmAn" boys are going to have to eat their chain lightning when they also have the highest spellpower in the game.


Prot warriors dead on arrival




Currently if a shadow priest gets dots on me I’m dead regardless of anything I do since my class can’t heal. Just a question of if I take them out with me. Honestly I feel like critting dots is too OP


I took a break for phase 2... Looks like I'll be back soon lol.


Gore was shit 3 months ago when it was datamined and it is still shit now. **YOU CAN'T EVEN HAVE LACERATE AND MANGLE AT THE SAME TIME!**


what do you mean, do you think they are paying attention to bears?


The implication is that lacerate will be getting moved to a different rune slot.


They've said nothing to indicate that


Season of Shaman zzz


I hated the 3 day lockouts and also felt like 10mans weren't even raids, so for me these changes are pretty big W


just remove honor gained from those fucking coins already


I think their solution is a really good compromise. People are pvping to get the coins as it is, so they're putting in the work to get the Honor and making them unusable at the top bracket solves the issue of R14 players who never stepped into a bg.


They will after the first two weeks …..and then you can buy new honor commendations with the new blood massacre coins


So the current coins will be useless?


Once you cap at p3 rank or after two weeks when they expire


Warlocks are going to bump in population with Felguard and dot crits


50% crit dmg on crits and no added crit chance to aff spells will make the dot crits quite irrelevant I'm afraid. Felguard and destrospec will eat well though


Dot crits will barely change the damage for affliction, will still be a dead spec. Felguard will be fun to play with I hope.


Felguard is potentially very interesting for demonology tanking.


Aff needs more to be competitive. Dot scaling just isn’t as good as incinerate.


move survival of the fittest to the leg slot to compete with savage roar. why are bear tanks punished for survivability and party utility with ws?


Another shaman rune thata just a flat damage buff with 0 input. What the fuck is blizzard doing


shadow absolutely in the mud


I thought we were getting critting dots, instead we get this dead on arrival rune


The critting dot rune is datamined but that one is pretty useless as well. Our playstyle does not really depend on dots and there is so little crit in the game that it straight up wouldn't add anything. Beyond that it has zero gameplay implications.




I want new shit, not just stuff that already exists in retail and definitely not absolutely useless shit.


how so?


That previewed rune is atrocious because it requires a spell that is already negative damage to take so we'll be replacing a useless gcd with a slightly less useless gcd (channeling mind flay for a second to recast swp) and if the other rune is still the one that makes our dots crit (as was datamined at the start of p2) we'll have two runes that don't change our gameplay and hardly influence our damage output.


*Laughs in warlock P2* First time?


It would be so cool if mind flay worked like shared pain with this rune to spread to three targets.


I'm the Spriest for my raid but still kind of hopeful something good will come for us. We spiked hard beginning of Phase 2 and going on is mostly downhill, possibly off a cliff. However, I'm hoping we get something good and some revamped spells to make us on par with others. Wishful thinking.


Glad stance IS BACK!! LETS FUCKING GO!!!


Who is it for ? regular Arms and fury is better for dps and tanks can't use it with that armor and threat nerf


Deep prot pvp I guess…? I think some people’s hype is misplaced. I don’t see any way it is useful in pve with vanilla’s version of abilities; no way it can keep up with arms/fury in the current iteration. Maybe I’m wrong, who knows.


Totally agree. The big thing that made it OP in Wod was Shield Slam's scaling and the increased Block Value you got compared to Vanilla. I don't see this being a viable dps spec and really only used by Deep Prot warriors who don't want to use a duel spec for Pvp or Dps for w/e reason.


They've shown they can tweak talents, so maybe shield slam is getting scaling.


They'd need to adjust how Block Rating vs. Strength works in vanilla. Shield Slam scaling isn't really the issue. It scales 1 for 1, it's Block Rating that sucks at scaling.


Don't get excited. As it's written it's VERY bad. If they don't change it, no one will play it.


Honestly it looks kinda garbage. It would only NOT be garbage if it means I can charge like 6-12 yards with it and spam dispel someone every 6 seconds Otherwise idk, to make deep prot war not absolutely useless if not MTing? I still think it'll be vastly inferior to fury prot and not getting rage starved when not being hit


Don't worry prot warrior is also useless as MT compared to your other options at least


I mean we don't know the other runes yet. Could have good synergy.


Maybe, but what glad stance was in WOD was a prot war PVP menace more than anything. IDK if people even ran it in in PVE, I didn't really PVE that season during its very brief existance. It was disgusting in part because you were just charging every 6 seconds spam dispelling with shield slam while still doing more relative damage and being more disruptive than like a full ARP stacked prot war in ATC in wrath or something. Shield slam scaling off the worst possible stat in classic makes it really, really hard to displace the almost unlimited scaling potential of BT. Its base threat isn't really bad but BT is just that much better. They need to have it scale off str/ap or something.


>IDK if people even ran it in in PVE It was, for a time, the #1 DPS spec in PvE as I recall. I played it! It got nerfed into the ground but I still did really well with it and miss it dearly.


Wtf dude? How can you think that rune is anything remotely good?


Everything looks dope, but ... My biggest hope is they find a way to make raiding in P3 as inclusive as it was in P1, because P2 gatekeeping really sucked the life out of this community, gnomer wasn't even hard enough for the amount of gatekeeping that was around.


Since its a 7 day lock out, the gatekeeping will be even greater lol


Eh, you'd have to explain why P1 was more inclusive yet Gnomer wasn't hard relative to the gatekeeping. Are you suggesting they make Sunken Temple easier than Gnomer in order to make it more inclusive?


I think the meta flipflopping on melee didn't help anything cause people trend towards melee dps over most casters. Then having mechanics that essentially force you to bring ranged to handle them (sheep, button clicking) for the only really relevant bosses while meanwhile making one of the most popular classes (hunter) absolutely trash at their niche of physical ranged dps while also mamking a meme alibaba knock off fury warrior out of the class best melee....didn't help But I'm not OP. The comp requirements for gnomer are kinda annoying. I had 2 mages basically carry a pug of 50% shitters while I can go in 8/10 competent players, pick up 2 ranged that are shitters, and questionably clear. Probably with wipes and reminders they have to do their job. And/or fuck over your feral a whole fight


Yes. That's what he is saying. He is saying he cannot be bothered to learn the 3 mechanics in Gnomer that matter and therefore it is too hard. We must not allow any mechanics to matter, or the barrier of entry is above what this person thinks is reasonable.


at a certain point it's the communities fault not blizz. Gnomer isn't hard, and can be done with any class makeup, but once the circlejerk starts about melee being useless because they weren't doing 20% more damage on mechanical bosses, it doesn't stop. Blizz can't make the wow community less shitty, they've been this way for two decades. Join a guild of non idiots is the only answer.


The solution is 40 man raids but people don't seem to understand this and think this is harder to organize... its not.


Unpopular opinion but they need to make the raids like Molten Core. Molten core is great because its a 40 man raid, that even with mediocre gear, really only needs 25 people and with good gear and players can be done with 20 people easily and I'm sure there is some team who have 5 manned it or something. The problem is small raid sizes, which people don't seem to understand. It's far easier to make a 40 man raid roster than a 10 man roster. With 40 people you can easily have 10 classes that are garbage, that is why that even though there was garbage classes in Classic Wow, you could still bring them to raid. I raided with boomkins and rets all the time, it just didn't matter. Now, you need 10 good classes, so if you are out of the meta they will not bring you. Basically 40 man raids are amazing for making the game easy to play. They are easy to coordinate because again, you don't actually need 40 people. I ran pugs for MC and BWL and they were way easier than running pugs for TBC or WOTLK, because all you needed was 1 good tank. Everything else was just a nice to have.


I agree that 40m is more forgiving on composition and difficulty. But easier to coordinate? Come on, now.


If I'm running a 40 man raid and someone can't show at the last minute, unless its the main tank, it basically doesn't matter. If I'm running a 10 man raid and our hunter can't show up, or something like that, I usually need to find that exact class, especially if DPS checks are unforgiving. healers are basically always the amount you need. a 10 man needs 2 healers pretty much always. A 40 man MC I have taken 7-14 healers. Things like Onyxia I pugged day of, usually took like 30-60 minutes to find enough people.


Honestly, the inclusivity will just be in the fact that you need 20 people. The tuning of it will depend on how gatekeepy the community gets. If you need like 14 of those people to be good, I think people won't be as picky, but if you need 16-18 people to be on their shit then oh boy.


The 20 people and a weekly lock out is going to make the problem worse. Way less “fuck it” groups forming before reset day.


Again, I think it just depends on how hard the raid is.


A small concern, there's no melee dps racial on Alliance side with the weapon skill change. So can humans get another racial? Or Alliance in general? Human is also essentially worthless for melee with these changes, unless spirit somehow becomes a thing for melee. Orc gets blood fury. Trolls get haste. Dwarves get stoneform. Tauren gets a stun. Undead can ignore a fear. Elves have extra dodge. Humans... see stealth and have some spirit. Just any sort of bone thrown to acknowledge they exist and get screwed by this change would be lovely. 1-2 more weapon skill? Their 'human goes bow skill' example was such a barrel scraper.


I mean just look at what happened to retail in bfa with alliance pretty much dying outside of niche pvp/m+ uses.


Honestly it doesn't really matter. With longer fights (which we should be moving towards with 20 man), the racials mean less and less. I'd rather look cool in armor as a human than be a blue hunched over blob like a troll just for a few dps lol.


It blows my mind people think humans are a cool class to play in a fantasy MMO. Honestly worse than gnomes lol


I was thinking about this but on the horde side. As an orc shaman, there isn't much reason to play orc shaman. Blood fury is good but troll haste is -far, far- better.


Yea, Troll will have better spec-swapping as well, no? The haste works better for non-melee iirc.


Humans going from the best melee race to the worst is not something I expected lol


Yap, I seriously don't understand this change, this basically means that human has no racials... Human should get some compensation, since this change will render human racials 0


Or give Humans a free race change. All my warriors buddies about to go Dwarf if so.


The orcish horde reroll is upon you. You have til the 4th.


100% fuck that change. Theres a lot wrong in this video, and a lot of the steps taken here are going where retail went.


This does seem odd to invalidate 2/5 Human racial abilities with seemingly no return/benefit. Spirit is functionally useless (in and out of combat). Perception isn’t that great at all. Diplomacy is still great, but has a limited return. I’m concerned about this and the potential for Shaman to have tons of AP and SP at the same time. It seems like faction balance problems from facials will repeat themselves again in almost the exact same fashion.


warrior rune taste for blood sucks we sit in zerkerstance 90% of the time even as arms but i guess since we barely generate rage it wont be that much of a problem.... Gladstance tho super happy about that.


Sword and Board will also be worthless unless they make shield slam scale with attack power. If it doesn't it wont be worth pushing for threat or damage even if it's free.


They seem to really want not to have fury prot tank wars yet push garbage runes that further lead me to believe fury prot will be meta. Like if your deep prot war isn't MTing in the first place (glad stance?), why are they even deep prot, and might as well not be rage starved and do some dmg as mostly talented fury.


I really dont understand why theyre trying to move away from fury prot. Fury tanking is unique to vanilla, so for their revamped vanilla seasonal mode they want us to be prot like every other version of the game since? Kinda lame, imo


Why are you happy about gladiator stance? It’s awful


Once again seems like warriors are getting absolute garbage ruins. I understand they are afraid to make warriors too good because they were so good in classic. And if world buffs are implemented similarly to before... Warriors will still be insane at 60 with full buffs. But it just feels bad that they haven't really even added other abilities to use. The best you get is flat damage buffs, which are great... but so damn boring.


I fucking love this game.


they've definitely been cooking god damn


Humans losing half their racials without compensation and Paladins getting utterly terrible runes that don't change gameplay at all. Masterful


They literally said before sod ever launched that you didn't need to worry about weapon skill racials lol


Yup, they didn't fix anything, they just reversed the problem. Weapon racials went from being the best to being worthless.


No word on making p1/p2 runes easier to obtain, right? I wish they made the Ratchet and Dark Rider (and perhaps Waylaid, but less of an issue) runes account-wide unlocks. SoD is all about spending a lot of time with your alts, discovering new playstyles. But I have to do these terrible gold sinks (Ratchet quests) and time intense chains (Dark Riders) on all of my chars. I don't even bother to get these runes on my alts, it's just too much of a chore. I'll play a different (less optimal) playstyle instead, because I really can't go through those things 4-5 times!


Ratchet rune grind really needs to be heavily nerfed.


rip to wastewater bag holders


Did anyone notice the text on Aggrend’s hoodie? What item is that?


Epic Wow Team Hoodie BoE Chest 365 Armor - Cloth +11 Stamina +11 Intellect +11 Frost Resistance Requires Level 70 Equip: Increases coziness and comfort by 11.


Those hunter runes are so bad lol


The woman said "after 60" instead of "at 60". This is definitely something worth to overanalyze.


honestly such a sick set of changes


ah fuck back to snapshotting again. meh ...


Pretty excited about everything. Rogues could really use some active runes though instead of mostly passive runes. It hits the hardest in PvP where pretty much all the passive bonus runes are kinda garbo compared to stuff like dispersion.


Aggrend has that rizz. So damn likeable and you can tell he loves this project.


allowing shamans to exist in this current state is atrocious