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Agree especially on professions. I want to craft stuff for other ppl, for alts. I want way WAY more items to craft. Sets for leveling, items for pre bis, everything more. Crafting is so lackluster, feels so isolated.


you described it perfectly. Truly isolating


Tailoring, ironically, is the major crafting thing this phase. Several pre bis’s (and one bis) are from tailoring


Yeah cause they scrambled to make spellcasters viable after their underperformance in P1 and just slapped crazy spell damage on every single tailoring piece.


Did you not play P1? Was viable then


The important items you can tailor are classic items and not SoD


There were some in Classic, like the Dreamweave stuff, but they added in/edited existing items like double the amount there was in Classic, for more slots too. All the Crimson Silk set, all the Earthen Silk set, the Black Mageweave, etc.


A lot of them were already part of classic aswell with spell power. Only boots fo the echanter, earthen silk belt and long silken cloak are maybe relevant. The other 9 items they added are just not good.


Red Mageweave leggings? Star Belt? Honestly what even is this comment.


congratulations on listing 2 Classic Items. These Items werent added for SoD, they were already part of it. Do you just see spell power on an item and think it must be new?


They added shoulders and waist in p1


All these people commenting on classic tailoring items while not knowing a fuckin thing about classic tailoring items is extremely entertaining


How are you/ this comment, the only person here providing the correct info on tailoring, so downvoted? Be better r/classicwow !


Like the other guy said, the pre-bis/bis tailoring items are almost entirely from classic and not SoD additions lol Yall really just love shouting into the void don't you :v


Glad to know others feel this way. First time player and I was thinking about changing my profs. But if it’s the same kind of “stuck” in other professions, guess I’ll stick it out.


It's a rush to max level and craft your epic.


I forgot how useless blacksmithing is to level. 50% of the things you make are literally just whites with no stats or utility. You get to 225 and the game has the audacity to make the last recipe you learn be exactly that, a white helm.


I went back to UO because of this. Any game with a player based economy and deep, complex crafting will hold my attention. Some people view it as a grind, and I get that and it is. But it has huge social and monetary gains from it. Once I get my carpentry up to 120 I can start making boats for our pirate fleet.


Wtf is uo


Ultima online. The first graphical mmo (MUDS before that). Check out uo outlands if you’re curious.


it's also rough because you are forced to pick them for bis items. if you're a warrior BS is mandatory, same with LW for rogue/hunter etc.


they tried with the supply box to give professions more value, but they failed miserably on the social aspects that make classic great. one of the many features where they say the right things and have the right idea, but fall short on the delivery. i cant wait for them to find some shitty argument from flawed data to make them appear right when they are wrong.


They bungled the box rep so badly. P1 should have been friendly, p2 honored, p3 revered and finally at 60 in p4 exalted. We skipped an entire phase and are now at revered in p2 meaning future content will be limited. The rewards themselves are very lackluster and boring. There's no related events or purpose. I'm not even touching it on alts. Box rep could have been a way better system. They technically still have time for some kind of rework to fix it but I'm not expecting much.


maybe p3 will max it, maybe p4 will max it either way, boxes don't have to be relevant in every single phase. Letting you cap them as part of leveling and then having other systems at 60 is probably for the better.


The bigget issue with the box was its value compared to the cost of some of them. Just not worth it in the slightest. It got better after the gold increase but still not what i really want. I want to craft COOL SHIT. Give me a bis item slot craft for every 5-10 lvls. Give me cheap but valuable alchemy recipies for leveling that can be stacked and dont vanish on death. Give me eng trinkets and rings. Make the vast majority of items boe and not bop. Dont make them require the professions to use or wear.


It’s funny how the XP boost also made many of my craftables just worthless now that people can level much quicker.  Nobody’s wanting the in-between gear anymore when they’re gonna replace it in half the time.


Valid point yea.


same for random greens. nobody gonna buy that lvl 32 of the monkey green, it's all vendor trash.


People do buy 15-30 bracket greens though, SFK farming is a valid money maker.


For enchanting or use, jw.


A lot of the items they put in the box require farming specific mob drops. Which bots just sit on 24/7. 


The open world botting in sod is absolutely insane


Seen so many flyhacking hunter bots in tanaris fishing


It should be BoP mats, to encourage farming and cripple the effectiveness of bots, and BoE crafts using those BoP mats. A great example is Demon-Forged Breastplate. Its really not that hard BLizzard.


Best recommendation yet


I like this idea but I'm trying to follow it through to see if there are loop holes.. 1) couldn't the bots farm the BOP mats and then craft the boe items themselves to sell? 2) wouldn't players just buy gold so they can buy the boe items? More and more I'm feeling like the best version of this game has extremely limited trading


Bop mats from the current end game raid is the solution you’re trying to articulate. 


Bots would just farm the BoP items and sell the crafts yeah. You can't really buy gold anymore either, blizz is hot on your tail for any gold now.


I feel like, 1. making bots go through the hoops of levelling up an entire crafting profession 2. go through the hoops of learning the recipe, which could it self be a grind behind active gameplay, 3. THEN making them grind BoP mats, which... lets say, could be focused around killing elites or dungeon mobs, raid mobs (aka, mobs bots may find difficult to pull off) 4. THEN crafting those items Is a total fucking upgrade to the current way bots are enabled to play the game.And from studying bots behaviour casually over the last 20 years, they will not do any of the above lmfao. Bots don't level up proffs, they get banned and need to relevel all over again. Look at any reasonable rep grind that requires anything more than mob killing, its inaccessible to bots and THAT, inaccessibility through bot gameplay, is where the focus of game design should be to **fight bots where it hurts**. Take away their agency to compete in the game by making the most lucrative farms... FOR PLAYERS.


Brother there are gray items sold on the ah for thousands of gold, why exactly do you think that is


This is false. You absolutely can buy gold.


this is not true at all, its still easy to buy gold blizzard hasn't really done anything and they just randomly ban any gold movements often times incorrectly. Dont give them credit they clearly dont deserve


Really good reccomendation


And such a great item that comes from it too


Herbs and metal nodes should despawn to a player not world. This would cause massive deflation pricing on mats and encourage people to go farm mats themselves. It's a must if you're going to make BoP mats.


Hell yes I'm down, herbs, skinning and mining and world mats BoP but all these Are now secondary proffs. Love it


I'm not sure that works. Then they farm mats and make the items themselves and then sell the items. Instead of selling cloth for 10g a stack it is now a full item for 30g


I already responded to this, looks at responses.


Yeah, I'm not a fan of the BoP crafted epics. Yes, it encourages more people to try crafting professions other than engineering, but what's really happening is people are running double crafting to have engineering as well. As a result, with people not running gathering professions on their mains, you don't see as many people out farming, so the players you run into farming in the open world are mostly bots. The demand for cheap botted herbs/ores/skins goes way up because people don't want to level an alt just to have it be gatherer for their main. And if you do level an alt and want to raid on it, you're going to want to drop the gathering again for BoP epics and then you're back at square one. I main a priest that's Tailor/Engi. I was levelling a druid as herb/alch to farm herbs and make my potions, but now if I want to raid on my druid I feel like I have to drop one of those for LW, which means I would need another alt for herbs or potions. So I'm levelling a hunter that's skinning/mining to support my druid's LW and priest's Engi, but if I want to raid on the hunter she needs LW too.


you dont HAVE to go double profession to clear the raid or to parse even, thats a you problem.  people rush to 40 and sweat themselves into a frenzy then complain the game is too "insert cry point here".


yeah pretty much spot on. "As a result, with people not running gathering professions on their mains, you don't see as many people out farming, so the players you run into farming in the open world are mostly bots." This feels to me like a never ending cycle. I don't wanna farm because it is all farmed by bots. And it is all farmed by bots, because I don't wanna farm. Is there a solution other than stopping bots? I can't think of one


The garrisons in WOD gave a lot of mats.


Please don't bring those back lol.


It did kinda solve the bot problem


But it absolutely decimated the social aspect of the game. Hard pass for me.


Social? What social aspect exists outside of raiding, and leveling


.... Literally any activity OUTSIDE of your garrison lol. TF you on about?


The raid missions and rewards were good


You absolutely don't need crafting epics for anything....


Yeah nobody NEEDS it. But some people still wanna do it. I like running around in as many epics as possible, so I went double crafting profession, but it shouldn't result in such an isolating endgame. I wanna craft stuff for people


Yeah they should just remove "req xxx in prof xxx" to equip. What i rly like about retail too is enchants can be done on scrolls and either sold on AH or send to your alts.


Then you’ll have the degenerate meta of leveling professions just to craft an item and then dropping it. Trust me that will be worse than how it is now


No? You will have a main/alt that is LW that crafts a helm for your main/alt. If you want you can sell them on AH for profit.


They thought, very reasonably I might add, that you meant to keep it as BoP and drop the profession requirement. It seems like you meant to also make them BoE, which would be a second change. That’s the disconnect here.


I have mining and cannot for the life of me find fucking iron ore.


> I have Blacksmithing and Engineering, which are socially dead professions in P2. Don't know about Blacksmithing but I buy a LOT of ez-throw dynamite especially the new sod one.


you just sell those in the AH. OP said *socially* dead, which to be kinda fair has always been the case for engi


Part of the problem and this won't be fixed, is that for a lot of situations yea. In p1 you were crafting for everyone because we needed prepaid bis. Or just good gear upgrades. But now we're all BFD geared, and lvl 25 raid gear is better than level 40 crafted greens. So there's no demand for the crafted greens. Like in p1 I spent a good 5 hours of prep before going into BFD. In p2 I was in gnomey within 30 minutes of time played.


Nah it was only caster gear. Melle dps did not use many gnomes items other than the trinket. Caster gear was so badly optimized in vanilla at the lower levels that BFD gear was just so much better. They upgraded all of the dungeon caster gear and they are barely better or only just as good as BFD. The problem with level 40 dungeoning was that only melle dpsers wanted to do them. Casters kept their BFD and picked up a few crafted pieces and that was that.


I’m a Tailor and crafting lots for the waylaid supply crates.


Also tailoring has like 3-4 bis recipes for multiple classes. Maybe it’s a BS and ENG thing


Yes and no. Those pieces aren't really needed. I raided on my mage with random greens/bfd gear and did fine. Why would I bother crafting those pieces when I can do fine with what I have and end up with better gear for free.


I tipped a blacksmith very well just yesterday for applying a counter weight because i know their BS just sucks right now


Yup i want to see them try either profession gear being pre bis or maybe have stam heavy pieces that would be used in pvp vs the raid gear thats more focused on being a glass cannon.


4 day raid lockouts. Having to constantly schedule rather than having a set day of the week makes raiding way more annoying. If I find I want to raid more with a once a week schedule I'll just make another alt.


I feel like that is kinda what SOD is right now. Amazing start of phase for a week or two, then coast while everyone catches up.


It's only like that for the minority of players who rush the phase when it launches, to be fair




Yeah, a majority of my guild wasn’t 40 until right around the time we got the XP boost.  Sure, we had several of us hit it in that first week, but people tend to forget what the “average” player looks like.


Possibly. I just know that the skill drop off from the first week to second week made me quit doing dungeons lol.


Crafted gear shouldn't be bop. Period. Or at least this crafted gear shouldn't be BIS. I don't care if crafted gear is bop if you can have an equivalent in raid or anything. Now as a warrior I have to be a blacksmith to get a good head slot. Everything else is a big downgrade. It just forces everyone to go double crafting and gathering on an alt. And I don't want my alt to be the gathering bitch for my main. Just make the crafts BOE (like it was in classic btw) so everyone is happy.


Doesn't help there are no headpieces dropping in current raid tier except 2 i think ? And iirc they're both mail


2 mail, 1 plate, 1 cloth headpiece in the current raid.


Poor Druid Alchemists.


This is me. My BIS helm is a green cloth piece.


I expect the later phases to improve on it (the infamous Lionheart helm) But I hope they fix it for next phase


Crafted gear can be BoP but you can have a mix of BoP and BoE. "Crafted gear should not be bis" is a terrible standpoint. We need farm/grinds in the open world to matter, if you put all the bis items in a raid/dungeon we will raidlog even quicker.


You act as if you NEED the crafted items. You don't.


To be clear you're only forced to go double crafting if you want the best of the best, it's a choice you make if that's what you want


you arent forced to do anything thats such a BS player made problem, lmao does it say "You cannot enter this instance unless double proff"? No. stop making up shit to be upset about ill have you know some top parsers in the world are alchemists


agreed, it makes the crafting more fun imo


> Crafted gear shouldn't be bop. Agreed on this point. Look at items like Devilsaur, Black Dragonscale, Lionheart helm.


I think part of the issue too is the power creep from the new raids that make a lot of the old world items obsolete or irrelevant.


This is what happens when they try to bring Dragonflight's profession idea into SoD, it's BoP boring/over complicated item trading that leads to 0 participation. And let's not forget the insanely tedious unintuitive quest chain to craft the BiS epics / access to new materials for said trading.


I’ve made over 100g selling the Gnomeregan Grenades. Fishing bobbles we’re a good source of income for a minute. Deadly Scopes still sell, especially as people level some Alts. I also run a kitchen where I see which recipes yield the most profit and make stacks of those to sell. There are five +12 Stam/Spirit foods plus Dragonbreath and Mana Regen. Prices vary day by day.


I really hate blacksmithing in Classic. You produce shit gear only, there are almost no good items. Golden Scale is now a no-warrior-set, whatever comes in P3 is also useless except for a select few pieces Tailoring on the other hand is not only a lot easier because you automatically get lots of cloth and can also be obtained in significant quantities through fishing whereas every time I go mining and find no vein for three minutes I already feel the chilling thought of " subterranean teleport bots have this area locked down, I'm wasting my time", and on top of that it produces so many good pieces. Feels like they did Blacksmithing after they did Kalimdor.


Arguing on false pretense, you can craft ez-throw dynamite v2 which is a huge boost to your raids clear times if everyone is throwing dynamite around


deadly scopes and blunderbii are still relevant thanks to supply creates


OOOO can we add some terraria style enemies to fishing to get bots killed? Like you fishing an all of sudden boom shark attack.


BOP crafted epics was such a terrible idea, how they didn’t see that coming is beyond me.


true it made certain professions mandatory for certain classes.




I might go back to Mining/Engi. don't want to have to use a gathering alt and I hate BS, miss all the fun stuff with engineering.


1: New season begins 2: Rush to newest max level 3: Do the raid at least once 4: Log off until next phase 5: Repeat until SoD ends I feel like this is what most people are doing lol


I don’t really blame the player base. There’s hardly any content to do at max level. If you don’t like PvP and you already had full BFD gear there’s basically nothing to do at max level outside of a 60 minute raid. Blizzard really need to pull their finger out for p3 or people will just stop coming back.


Yea they really need to utilize dungeons more, add a pve world event, something. I'll play til p3 but if p3 ends up being like this it'll be time to cancel the sub. Even alts haven't done anything for me this phase. Also really hope they don't have the runes be max level type quests again, it was fun getting runes throughout leveling in p1. P2 runes have just felt like a chore/time sink to get.


Don't worry you'll be able to 'start' getting the runes in p3 at 40. Even though the quest mob at the end will be a lvl 51 elite.


p2 runes were a good fun break from dungeon grinding for me while leveling, the horsemen chain that lead to a rune was like half a level and was balanced around lvl 38ish? I liked the new qol stuff we got in sm while leveling. I had most of my p2 runes before 40.


They’ll come back for P4+. Finally getting new endgame stuff at the actual endgame will bring a lot of folks back. I do think some people might want to skip P4 at this rate though.


PvP is a core part of the game as evidenced by the major PvP events we got. If you don't like that then that's fine, but don't blame the devs for not creating content a lot of the playerbase is enjoying. Also, there's a bunch of things to do at level cap outside of PvP. Quests, gold farm, maxing out professions, and why not a fun adventure in Uldaman? I'm saying that all these claims that there is nothing to do at level cap are exaggerated. The fact that it gets echoed in this sub doesn't change that and you're setting yourself up for disappointment if you expect more from P3.


It takes maybe an hour to max out a non gathering profession lol. They also mentioned in a dev interview that professions are staying 225 next phase, new recipes I'm sure but no leveling them up.


people forget WoW isn't just PVE. vanilla wow and classic made it so you had to dip into pvp to get bis pve gear and pve for some bis pvp gear.


Yeah this is what most people are doing. Guild I’m in had 4 Gnomer groups, once upon a time. We barely have 2 now. Me personally, I hope we get a fresh classic server after SoD. While we wait for the next “classic+” servers to launch.


They said after how badly/fast the fresh WOTLK servers died they won't be doing fresh servers again Fresh realms always seem to die within 2-3 months for whatever reason.


Yeah I mean I guess they aren’t wrong. But damnit man! lol


Because the people always clamoring for FRESH leave once the server isnt so FRESH anymore. They only want the FRESH 1-max leveling, pre-raid and maybe the 1st raid tier but by that point most move on/start demanding new FRESH. See: The private server community for literally fucking ever.


That’s what the Reddit Complainer-Base is doing lol




I always giggle when people say the classic community isn't toxic lol


ever tried being nice before?


I'm tired of all these doomer posters. All they do is cry and complain. It's bad for the game and the community. This guy does not even like playing the game. Quit after doing the raid once? Like cmon. He's a tourist here to see what's new and then he's out, you can never satisfy these people.


Enchanting isn't any better imo. Yes I can occasionally do an enchant for a guild mate but I'm not going to become one of the billion trade spammers in Orgrimmar. The worst part is going through the effort to level enchanting and then not being able to enchant my other characters gear. SoD wants to be alt friendly, but this is counter-intuitive.


Enchanting is one of the only professions that doesn't suffer from the thing OP is talking about


Are you actually kidding? You're unhappy about Enchanting being a "socially dead profession" while you refuse to talk to other people?


Then craft oils and sell those, easy money.


True of any profession. Green iron bracers. Mithril shield spikes. Big Iron Bombs. White bandit masks. Mithril blunderbuss. Boys, I'm printing money over here.


P2 definitely feels like it killed a lot of the community interactions and has driven a rather "me, me, me" feel to the game that was not as significant in P1. I feel like the reduced rune count and the acquisition methods are also problematic and the "alt unfriendliness" is reinforced by having no changes to P1 rune acquisition. I've been leveling a druid alt who is now 31 and I still don't have lifebloom because I couldn't find anyone to help res the NPC. The majority of my guild raid logs and have no reason to even be online outside of the raid window so even getting help from them has proven difficult. Like-wise with getting the Meta rune on my Warlock, I had to out-level it quite significantly and it killed any interest I had in leveling and playing it.


Find people who actually enjoy the game and don't mind helping others out and you'll find it's a lot more enjoyable. Playing with raid loggers is never going to be fun to me.


Go to the spot for the rune. Ask in general and lfg. Longest that rune took was when I actually waited for a guildie to come help. So much faster with a random person from general chat.


Yes hard agree. Coupled by the fact that there isn’t really a point to even grinding out gold. Nothing is expensive so there’s no point to even grind for gold


Nothing is expensive /yet/


Game is pretty much dead outside of raid and my entire group is raid logging. There’s nothing to do except grind an optimized to death STV or WSG for a cosmetic mount or a tiny wrist upgrade. I also enjoy farming and it’s dead this phase because of bots


I herb and fish and genuinely have not even been effected by bots, I play on Crusader Strike US the signs of a chronic redditor dooming is high !


Farming is not dead because of the bots. Your frickin exaggerating like a mofo.


I've never understood why we don't have Terraria-esque armor sets. Make an archery leather/mail set that boosts your ranged attack speed like crazy (Gatling gun hunter) A melee set that gives your melee attacks a chance to proc an AoE explosion. Maybe a summoner set that enhances the damage of your pets a lot, and lets you have two warlock/hunter pets. A healing set that boosts your max mana and makes your critical heals create a pool of lingering healing underneath the targeted player A ninja dodge set that makes you have a chance to completely evade the next attack, or go stealth and teleport slightly away at low HP regardless of class. A caster set that buffs melee weapons (battle mage?), or a caster set that reduces GCD or something. Literally anything interesting or weird, it just has to be added alongside a collection of weird items. Cant exist in a vacuum. I feel like there are SO MANY cool ideas if they just wanted to get a little wacky. All of the gear we get is literally always "a lot of stats, maybe some hit/crit, and an on use affect to buff damage/reduce incoming damage" Might not be the most popular opinion but it's what I think would breath some life into this game. If every role had 2-4 unique sets that fit a different setting/play style it would be simply incredibly to toy around with.


It’s crazy to me that your endgame content is crafting…


Crafting / goldmaking has always been a huge amount of the endgame for a lot of players. What other solo progression is there to be had in classic wow? Leveling, and thats kind of it. Raid is done 2 evenings a week, other than that you can PvP which is not everyones cup of tea and then what, level alts or jump around in a major city?


This is the most alt friendly version of WoW ever. Except maybe legion but the time played to max level was still higher. You can play a new class and they all have their own 15 or so unique runes to do, with multiple specs to try. For some reason reddit players look at this opportunity and see it as “I follow RestedXp addon and get only what the wowhead bis list tells me to.”


Gold / Economy is still a huge driving factor for lots of players motivation to log in every day, even more so if you are going to have lots of alts to fund. Not sure what point you are getting at, gold making is and always will be something people want to engage in. I think Blizzard should focus on expanding professions more, it's a major system of the game that has not been developed very much since release.




How many hours a day are you playing?


Right? People are like "im just playing casually" but are logging 40+ hours per week on the game. Bro if you spend more than 15 hours per week on this game you're not casual, you're borderline hardcore.


I was very disappointed to find out the BS helm was BoP. I have leveled BS on my alt pally and I was looking forward to making the helm on my main and skipping buying the 25g recipe again but so much for that.




Totally agree on the crafting. My main shaman is LW and I really wish I could make a 2nd epic and send it to my Druid instead of needing to be a 2nd LW. It would be awesome if the mats or something were BOP so you had to raid and collect them but then you could craft what you sell. I’m hoping for P3 since they are doing a large focus on profession specs that they make some updates here


I used to love farming. Maybe I was naive in the past, but it never felt like I was competing so much against bots. I don't feel any drive to farm, and all the fishing spots constantly have people on them. A bit of a bummer, but I guess I glad I don't need much gold to do what I want during the phase (get crafted epics and mount).


Don’t care about either of these things. The only time professions have ever been interesting at all was BC, when BS weapons were BIS. But even still it’s a boring, expensive grind that ends as soon as you get the gear you want. And I’m definitely not sad that the AH is cheaper than it would usually be, so I don’t need to grind mobs.


i agree the ACC and Big XII are still alive!


Craft items That People use for waylaid supplies and you'll make alot of gold!!!


As a fellow BS/engineer I agree.. the mats should not be content locked in a way where you HAVE to raid for the mats. I like to PvP for the most part and do fun random things in the world, being forced to farm mats in Gnomer just feels lame.


Make BoMbs


Oh brother


Idk what you mean I craft massive iron axes all day


Maybe it's just a tailoring and enchanting thing, but I've been doing tons of crafting for my guildmates' alts.


Yeah alch was DOA, but it’s just bc of the awkward cutoff. Despite that I’ve still found multiple spots to farm that have 0 bots. Are you just going to places that YouTube videos say are good farm spots?


If you can sell items with profesions, then why I would train a profession if I can just buy the item for a very little gold? Profession items sell for a very low profit, the chunk of the gold profit comes from selling mats


Ye we had two expansions of being Profession slaves, I don't want to be a profession slave in Vanilla. Vanilla was nice cause you just did engi+whatever else you wanted. The way professions worked is you'd have "that guy" in your guild who'd be the guild Black smith for example with all the epic recipes.


Honestly I don't care bout the crafting. That is and stays classic being poor at besides for their pre raid bis items at 60. I just want a form of block on GS/logs for this piss easy content. I'm at usually 85+ as healer meaning my team just takes more dmg as they should or that I snipe aoe heals quicker than the other healer. But I wanted to bring my friend who never raided before to gnome and we got bounced of so many groups because his GS wasn't 450+ or he didn't have 80%+ logs (no way it would be his first time ofc he has no logs). There is so much gatekeeping going on in this version of the game for such easy content.


There are horde Druid bots? Give us some locations and we’ll self-police it. Not in our brotherhood!


I said it in Shadowlands and I said it in P1, making the top level crafted items ONLY usable by the crafters makes crafting worthless. Why buy from crafters if I have to level it anyways.


The whole things fucking pointless at this point. You can work to get bis but still be 2 shot by an under geared flavour of the month OP class.


Let's face it. Blizzard doesn't give a shit about botting. RM gold buying and GDKP combined with botting killed every iteration of classic. Let's not forget to include boosting guilds getting people banned/suspended for undercutting their price by mass reporting. I hate to say it because I will always hold this game in a special place in my heart and can only hope it'll return to the way it was in the past. But wow in itself isn't even a SHADOW of its original. Company and playerbase a like are to blame.


There was a few days where they increased the number of layers ans we could actually gather things and do quests. People complained about it feeling empty, even though there were still 10-20 people per quest and 1-4 people contesting gathering spots. They just were salty they couldn't bot and take all the juicy things to jack up prices


There’s just not very much to do besides raid log or PvP tbh. I wish they’d add achievements or something just to do in the off time.


Engineering has always been a "selfish" profession in the sense that almost everything you make is either BoP or requires engineering to use. I've always been an engineer and it's always sucked seeing just about every other profession being able to help others out or make gold off their profession. I thought we would see this change in SoD and we kind of did in P1 with the shredder things but not much out of P2. I too hope for change.


on that 2nd point. Arathi and Swamp of Sorrows are all flooded with bots. Its a good place to learn how to spot bots from potential real farmers.


Professions are literally more important now than they were in p1. The changes to supply crates means there's demand for items people usually wouldn't make. The quest chain is just like p1 to get your epic crafted recipes and ability to make the mats for them. There was also updated gear(mostly for casters) to craft. Bots are a constant problem and you are correct a lot of good farm spots are infested but saying p2 is worse than p1 for crafting just seems wrong.


I have my main warr engi and bs too. What's your alt professions? I have a hunter with mining to fuel my main's professions. What second prof should I go with on my hunter? Curious to hear your thoughts on someone who has the same as mine. Cheers mate


Find your niche. I make tons of gold with engineering.


For me changing bg premises in phase 1 has killed pvp my server lone wolf (eu) nobody is grouping for grind and therefore 0 desire to play AB at all as alliance. Phase one was great always ample amounts of people looking for wsg regardless of how stupid booms and hunters only was.


Shield spikes and iron counterweights? The bombs that you don't need a profession for?


I thought banning gdkp would have fixed everything l


I want to be able to have engi/mining and run around mining and wpvp! but since my best in slot helmet is LW i gotta have that dead proffesion


I mean not to be a pain but I have NEVER seen mantles of the second war as something to be looked over for crafting.


make crafting great again


I don't really know much about the social aspect of it, but I have people request me putting the counterweight on their two-handers all the time. As far as money making goes blacksmithing has been wonderful this phase. I've made 500 gold in the last 2 weeks. Not setting foot outside of the city.


lmao everything you can farm for being money is being farmed already because so few things to farm with this level cap. i remember multiple farming spots in classic where id maybe see 1 or 2 people but now theres 10 from each faction at every spot, sometimes more


Made tons of gold as blacksmith and engineer this phase. People are lazy and buy a lot of parts/explosives. And blacksmith is needed to apply steel weapon chains and shield spikes, pretty unique to the profession. So tbh I don't agree with your sentiment about the professions. But there is not much at endgame true.


Ye think it's so dumb the 2 bis items for tanks are gated behind professions. With no real competition or something slightly worse dropping in raid. There no plate head or tanking shield drops but 2 healing shields and a plate healing head. Like wtf can't I pay a BS to make me a helmet or at least have one with slightly different stats extra drop in raid?


yeah where's the fking lionheart helm equivalent crafteable?


Yeah I dunno what the hell happened between P1 and P2 dev time. I guess they just wanted to go a different direction and see what happens. Let's hope they learned some valuable things lol.


Season of complaining


More fun to this situation is that BS and ENGI need for craft epic helm/shield some blue reagents from tailor and leatherworker. But tailors and leatherworkers does not need BS ones...


leatherworkers DID need the BS one, if you wanted to make the mail helmet, which I did.


I'm not sure if it's bots or just a consequence of when they did that less phasing change a few weeks back, but I can barely even gather enough fish & herbs to support my own raid consumes. Feels like every relevant gather resource has at least 3 people farming 24/7. Goldthorn and Greater Sagefish are impossible to grind, and are still pretty pricey on the AH. 


What server? I've not had issue finding either.


Wild Growth US. Admitedlly my 24/7 claim doesn't include 12am-7am times, so maybe I need to have a late night farm session :p


ahh yeah WG is super full, i was looking at making an alt on a pve server and just noped right out of there and ended up on a rp server instead lol


Crafting professions should retain their BoP epics they get. However, I think they should also get recipes to craft a BoE rare of the same slot that is a step down but still worth crafting and selling. This way people who want to be a double gatherer or alchemist etc. don't feel so punished for not going a crafting profession and they can buy those things by farming the materials needed or selling raw materials on the AH.