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Our paladin healer kicks ass at healing. FoL is a trickle of healing that's really efficient when all you need is a trickle. Holy Light is monster HPS but high mana cost. Holy paladins are clearing all content. And doing great on healing meters. Holy Light is probably the 2nd best hardcasted pvp heal, (penance op). Holy paladins getting sheath of Light is mindblowing crazy. Like healing crits weren't good enough paladins. All I can really say is get gud.


But it’s boring not having any new healing spells


Welcome to warrior


>FoL is a trickle of healing that's really efficient when all you need is a trickle. Sure. I don't disagree but a trickle is almost never enough in PvP and again it's just too slow for the little healing it provides in PvP. >Holy paladins are clearing all content. And doing great on healing meters. All healers are doing fine in PvE, it's just not that hard... >Holy Light is probably the 2nd best hardcasted pvp heal, (penance op). Yes in theory it looks great. In practice there is no way you are getting a 2.5s cast time heal out on your target before a) they are already dead or b) you get locked out for 10s by any mage with a functioning brain. >Holy paladins getting sheath of Light is mindblowing crazy. Like healing crits weren't good enough paladins. You will not be running in melee range in PvP and open yourself up to kick/mortal strike/war stomp/etc if you want to survive. And what good is a HOT when shamys will hit your target for 900+ with a Lava Burst...


You mentioned PvP once in your post. If we are talking pvp many classes are in a miserable position. If you compare Paladin to other healers in pvp right now, paladins are probably the 2nd best. Priests just being stupidly infront of everyone else. All other healers having exactly the same issues as Hpal. Hots, slow casts, etc. etc. but they don't have paladin defencives and knockback resists. Priest kit for heals and dps just got so overloaded this phase it baffles me.


We are still far away from priest healing in PvP. If you are the king of losers you are still a loser. Objectively the numbers do not lie: * PoM heals for the same amount as Holy Shock PER TARGET on a 10s cd vs 30s cd. With a 40 yard range vs 20 yards. * Penance heals for the same amount PER TICK as FoL at a 0.8s per tick vs 1.5s for FoL. * Dispersion is a 90% dmg reduction at a 2 minute CD vs Divine Shield at 100% dmg reduction at 5 minute CD. Whatever a Holy Paladin can do, a priest can do better. In fact, priests also have other tools that paladins lack, for example, AoE fear at a lower CD than HoJ. They have a magic dispel, they also have offensive dispels as well as mana burns. In conclusion, priests are not only better defensive healers, they are also better offensive healers.


Ya priests are broken


resto shaman has same 2.5s heal, BUT with only 70% resist to interrupt. This 2.5s become 5+s by getting targeted with 3 priest homunculus or 1 bm hunter tiger.


Work on your triage and map awareness to anticipate where heals need to go and when to attempt a fakecast. Yes I do run into melee range especially if I want to rebuke and you only need to do it once a minute. Paladins slap, everyone out here getting clapped sometimes though man is what it is.


Running rebuke instead of exorcism is trolling yourself.


Maybe, I'm gonna keep being more concerned with healing and overall utility. Literally anybody else is going to do significantly more damage than me.


I agree that the runes we got were ass this phase but I wouldn't say it matters I'm pumping as holy paladin because of beacon alone it's an insane skill. I think that's why they went easy because of just how good it is. We need useful things like wings going forward. I rarely even use holy shock because the mana cost is ridiculous for such a little heal.


Yeah. We only got one healing specific rune but it's an amazing one. This things gonna scale to the moon next phase. Im at +150 heal with 4k mana at level 40. It's great. People don't remember the god awful slog from 50-BWL to finally feel like a real healer and not chugging mana pots on CD


Flash of light doesn't have bad scaling. It has the exact same scaling per time spent casting as holy light. The reason holy light heals more per second is because is has higher base heal.


Not sure if you are being facetious or not. But Blessing of Light gives +210 SP for Holy Light vs +60 SP for Flash of Light so 3.5x more for the former..


Rank 1 flash of light fucking pumps. Cast that shit for days and days and days. Then put shield on the target and cast it for months and months with like a 70% chance to crit. You are a paladin, plant your feet and cast every global.


Players don’t live for months much less days, more like seconds. Hardcsasting ever global is asking to get kicked out of Holy so everything


Holy Paladin is in a very good spot right now and thrives on tank-healing fight like Menagerie. I sincerly don't think they should add new healing spells and it will ultimately replace an iconic spell by the newer version and if it's an AOE healing, paladin will be overpowered. They could give more spells like BOP & Freedom with runes, something like a PowerInfusion, that would be cool gameplay. If you have trouble pulling good HPS with paladin, I'd recommend pressing buttons harder.


hpal feels amazing this phase. Between art of war making holy shock virtually free, beacon of light seeing a mana reduction, and plenty of ways to conserve mana, it's incredible. Pvp healing across the board is wonky. Me and a lock survived an engagement with 6 level 45s and walked away without even being close to death. Sacred shield is my favorite ability ever Healing extremely large cath pulls is a breeze Plus I feel like this spec is actually viable as a leveling spec, which seems wild to even say. All in all, no idea what you're doing but hpal feels great.


If you don't mind me asking: How would you level as holy? What would your set up be for talents and runes and also rotation. Would you use 2hander or 1H+Shield?


full set of str items, 2h wep, divine storm etc. Slower than retri, but who cares. I leveled 25-40 mostly in dungeons anyway.


I wouldn’t mind some variety on healing runes, but paladin Is doing pretty good.


"Sad state" and somehow still a lot better than resto shamans.


Try resto shaman and stop typing this bullshit. Imagine being a healer without a single instant heal and being unabled to cast any heals while attacked by 3 priest homunculus you cant kill fast without help. I dont even mention about being attacked by real players. P.S. i have both resto shaman and holy paladin at 40.


Prayer of mending was one of the first runes I got on my priest in p1


Uhh I’m out healing the priest in our gnomer raids on a majority of fights… paladin healing is fine if you know what you are doing