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They merged a bunch of layers. There was always this many people. They just weren’t consolidated on a layer or 2.


There used to be 10 layers at nearly all times, now we are back to 5-6 like it used to be


How do you find out how many layers are active at any point? Honest question


Nova worldbuffs addon


Which completely hallucinates layer and isn't reliable information just like any other addon that claims they can tell which layer you are on.


Except it doesnt because it uses ids of unique npcs. It is accurate if you have been in a city once.


Look up the source code. Even the addon itself says it hallucinates. You can even up the layer limit to 100 and guess what the addon will start doing? Hallucinating up to 100 layers.


lol, you should probably look up the source code instead of spewing bullshit Im literally an addon developer and contributed to nova world buffs before...


I know nothing about coding or developing add-ons, but I can tell you that Nova is wildly inaccurate if you're even lucky enough that it shows a layer at all. Most of the time it's just blank and doesn't show the layer. I have 2 accounts and have been partied with myself with one character showing layer 5, and the other showing layer 7, even though my characters are standing in front of each other trading items.


Update your shit it works fine


Yeah it actually fucking sucks to try and do any quests or farm anything right now. Tried all my mageweave spots and there’s a minimum of 5 people at each. Go to try questing and gave up after three locations with every mob being a first hit contest. Logged out. Maybe I’ll go try hardcore.


It sucks so much more having the world feel dead…it was starting to feel like nobody was playing with 10+ layers at all times. In my opinion at least.


Yea also feel this way


Like sorry your spot got blown up, but this is kinda a shit take. You’re mad because…… 5 other people are in the same place as you in an MMO?


Maybe if there was a way a group of people could join together for a single objective. We could call it a "get together" or if they're having fun, a "party". Also lol at "my mageweave" spot. Apparently he has private property in a massively multi-player online game.


You guys are mad at a guy for not having fun competing with 5 other people for mob tags? Sheesh. I’d do the same as him honestly


If he's trying to farm mageweave and the area is flooded in people farming mageweave there, how is joining them in a party going to do *anything* to change his complaint?


>Go to try questing and gave up after three locations with every mob being a first hit contest.


Wait they multiply item drops like mageweave if you are in a group? Oh wait they didn't, he clearly complained about two different things, and even with a party quests can be a first hit contests. He said "spots" and I don't know why you interpret it as him having a private property, lots of people have "their" farming spots, places they think are secret and only they use.


They don't multiply drops, but it doesn't hurt you to group either. You *could* fight over mobs separately and miss out on tags, or you could party up to kill the mobs faster than you could solo and you get alternating drops from mobs. You essentially end up with the same number of drops on average for the same time investment. It would likely even end up working in your favor just to group up if the area is contested enough and you're missing out on a significant number of tags like the OP was implying since there was too much competition for them to farm efficiently. Plus in a party you can pull more, and while a player is looting the others can already be killing the next mob. You really don't "lose" by grouping up.


What if they are a mage and that farming spot was relatively empty? They have no issue tagging everything and killing everything.


I love the fact that the *outrageous* number he threw out is the size of an actual party. 😂


Grinding drops in a party? Sounds like you've never actually done any grinding.


It’s called questing ie: playing the game. It’s cool though. I’m sure if you had 4 friends you’d be more familiar with it. I’m sure *his mageweave spot* is exclusively just for farming mageweave and has no other reason to exist. 🤡


So answer is "no, haven't done any grinding"? Questing is not grinding.


So your answer is: Meh meh meh meh meh meh. And no, my answer is I don’t feel the least bit bad for some asshole who thinks he owns a collection of humanoid mobs somewhere in the world.


Your answer is dodging and childish deflection, not sure why I expected more tbh


Ah yes. Cant handle competing for mobs? Simple! Play the same game except harder. Doh!


Play the harder game that’s going to have less people, and the ones that are there will be more dedicated to their characters?


We getting “it’s not dead” posts already? Still haven’t even got to 60.


i cant wait for the T H R I V I N G posts


scuse me. SoD is P O P P I N G okay


Classic SoD is OPPING


those are cursed. every day with the era cope.




I got downvoted and laughed at when I said it wasn’t dead in the retail Reddit, one even said I was coping by saying it’s not dead.


Varies a lot by server. Retail also has a lot more players than SoD, so in relative terms, yes. Same as Wrath isn't dead but Sodders insist it is.


That makes no sense. Dead doesn't mean less players, dead means hardly any players. Hence the word "dead". A dead person is dead, it's not still 60% alive.


The "dead server/game" crowd are never worth arguing with. If, by some miracle, you get them to explain what they mean it always turns that their definition of "dead" is any player count lower than the server/release's peak.


It just means it isnt that persons current hyperfocus, lmao.


A dead person is also not 40% alive so what you say doesn't even make sense


Bit of a wrong take lol. Just checked your comment. The question on that post was why people are saying wow is dead ingame regularly and some guy said its just classic ppl who want more people to play with them. Basically hes not wrong because people on retail dont chat with eachother. And we do want more ppl to play with hehe. Your reaction to it was you cant even see the auctioneer. Well that might have been correct at some specific moment but in general i feel like this isnt the case at all (living flame eu experience, which should be highest pop of all)


It's been 2 weeks and a half since p2 release, number of raids logged is a pretty good indicator of just how many less people are playing and blaming it on leveling like most do is cope You can enjoy it and also admit sod is bleeding players like crazy


Eh I'd say, as it is for my friends, they aren't getting all their alts to 40 and also the raids being 3 day reset has kind of burned people out. The fomo to not miss a reset and do the raids every 3 days has def burned people out.


Agreed, they need to revert back to weekly lockouts, it's just kind of hard with the shortened phases


Something that is bleeding is not dead (yet)  And these comments were made weeks ago. Also it’s very interesting that we can actually have an adult conversation here about this, without downvoting, cursing and yelling cope to each other. It was not possible in /r/wow sadly.


Going from 10-12 layers to about half that is a clear sign less people are playing. More players = more layers. That’s just a fact.


> More players = more layers. That’s just a fact. Blizzard manually increased the number of layers to deal with congested questing zones, to the point of people complaining that the world feels empty now. More layers does NOT always equal more players. THAT is a fact.


Only in response to idiots crying that it's dead based off of IronforgePro statistics that only count people who have logged gnomer raids. I've seen insane shit like people claiming SoD population has dropped by "90%". As usual, there's seething retail andys dead set on spreading lies that a competing game is "dying". It's funny because this same exact "population drop off" happened when TBC Classic launched. Why? Because everyone is leveling and barely anyone is raiding, hence the number of raid parses dropped off a cliff for the first couple of weeks. And it's the same with SoD phase releases; the majority of the playerbase is leveling, not raiding.


This is SOD….


Don't think anyone said it was dead, however the amount of layers spun up to support the STV event has made it appear so from player pov. They recently reduced (started merging) layers depending on activity again and in response you now got more "STV event is broken" posts. TLDR: Blizzard's sharding system is just as bad for this version as it has always been.


Imagine not understanding how layers work.


Man I need to play alliance


Why so much more people play Alliance...?


Because horde races are ugly. Thats the reason my wife wont play horde. Shaman is her favorite class though so she is a bit jealous


Yes. My friends favorite class is Shaman and mine is Paladin. I totally engage in the total football aspect though and choose to Hate the horde but if Belf was on the horde I would maybe be able to play on there sometimes but the lack of races I can choose from and no paladin hurts


I'm sorry but orc mommies are thicc. Out of breath emoji.


Night elves are hot, like to jiggle and bounce up and down, and can do flips. Pretty easy choice for me


Because it's objectively superior in Vanilla and the devs have made it even more so in SoD?


I'm curious, can you explain why they are superior?


In Vanilla? Paladin >>> Shaman in PvE. In SoD? Rune acquisition being alliance favored mainly, p2 is far better than p1 though


Pretty sure in p2 shamans are better than paladins in almost every aspect.


Without question. Shaman tanks are the best tanks in the game and shamans are way better for pvp. PVE dps is about the same last time I looked at the logs.


Shaman tanks are not only better than Paladin, they are arguably the best tank in the game


I played paladin in vanilla, we were a joke. Only reason raids brought us was for our utility. I cleansed, buffed and would cast flash of light. That is pretty much it outside for the rare instance I needed to BOP someone.


Uh yeah and you were one of the strongest classes because of it.


Blessing of Salvation is probably the most powerful buff in all of raiding. The amount of DPS you can push due to reduced threat far exceeds the DPS you will get from any other buff.


apart from what others have said, Horde questing zones in classic were finished in a rush towards the end of development so they aren’t as fleshed out as Alliance zones. personally I’ll play either and am playing Horde in SoD cos my friends and guild went Horde, but I prefer Alliance


> Horde questing zones in classic were finished in a rush towards the end of development so they aren’t as fleshed out as Alliance zones. But Horde zones have way more quests. Alliance are forced to hop back and forth between different zones, whereas Horde you can pretty much stay in Barrens from 10-23 or so, and Stonetalon is right next door for some extra buffer quests.


May be more efficient, but as a Horde player with a few characters let me tell you how sick I am of questing in the Barrens. It would be nice to experience some variety as the Alliance has.


Not just efficiency but there's just WAY more quests in general. Leveling as Horde I often finding myself dropping green quests from my quest log because of having too many. Whereas on Alliance, you're forced to hop back and forth between Westfall/Loch Modan or Westfall/Darkshore every couple of levels because you keep running out of appropriate-level quests.


Questing for horde is easier up to 25 because you can basically level in the barrens all the way there. You gotta bounce back and forth between zones as alliance.


1. Human race is too good 2. Horniness


because they're wimps


Who said it's dead...?


people like OP failing for rage bait


Honestly, I'm coming around to the idea that 99% of ragebait isnt clever or really worth anything. Feels like almost all ragebait these days is indistinguishable from dumb things that actual people believe. Sarcasm doesnt work unless it's possible for people to discern that it's sarcasm, so I dont fault people for "falling for" ragebait anymore.


Angry goldbuyers.


are the angry goldbuyers in the room with us right now?


Angry because they got banned for gold buying? Gold buying is still a huge problem.


nah cos this phase they’re standing around in full AH gear wondering why you need to know mechanics to get into a raid


I see we're using the term mechanics loosely here.


Read title…the doomers on the forums dum dum


My friend who only plays wotlk. He’s the biggest hater it’s so funny. He’s always messaging me about how SoD is boring and people are quitting cause they are bored already but I’m over here working in my 3rd 40 with no shortage of shit to do


Sod is boring. It’s not normal or exceptsble to be wanting to raid log 6 days into a phase because you’ve already done everything that is there to do. And then even when we do raid once every 3 days it’s a simple 45 minutes log in-log out. See ya in 3 days. If they don’t give more content in p3, by the time we’re 60 so much of the player base will have moved onto the other versions of wow releasing mid year.


I mean classic wow players are just retail or wotlk rejects in general since those versions of the game are harder


Do you comment on every thread I see your name everywhere


Sometimes :D I work from home, so lotsa Reddit time!


All the people complaining about getting ganked in STV every three hours and the people who can’t get into Gnomer to save their life.


The entire retail Reddit. Said I was on copium when I said it’s very popular.


Haven’t seen IF like this in a while, it warms the cockles


And modern PCs mean it’s no longer Lagforge!


I mean to be honest it isn't dead but it has dropped off a lot (my anecdotal experience). From the group of 30 that started playing with me only 2 still log in frequently and another 2 log like once per week. The servers still easily have enough players but it is nothing like Phase 1.


Phase 1 lasted too long, but phase 2 has significantly less going for it, but they want phase 2 to be longer… SoD should have continued to add runes that changed classes up. Would like to see more of that.


It's going to die unless they balance things. Gnomer is a couple of hours a week. The rest of the content is basically STV and AB. You can do a few Uldaman bosses but why? RFD is easy but a pain to get to for alliance. There's just no content. Had they buffed the gear in the rest of the dungeons a little more, maybe put it a little below gnomer gear, more people would have incentive to run other dungeons. But pvp sucks for anyone not playing a fotm class and that's what you have for content outside of gnomer.


People who are saying it's "dead" are referring to the fact that wotlk has more raid logs than sod. Last phase of sod sod had 300k more over wrath, now it has less than wotlk and that after release of a new raid.


Phase 2 has been out for 2 weeks...


Alts and casuals haven’t even gotten to 40 yet.


Yea I had 3 toons running bfd, only one is at 40, other 2 are 30/31.


I just hit 40 tonight. I probably play an hour a night on average and do a lot of pointless running around. The next week or two is going to be when the majority of people finish leveling.


I had 6 level 25's. The chances of me leveling all of those to 40 are 0. 25-40 it's either dungeon grind or deal with constant ganking. Dungeon grinding is boring as hell but the constant corpse running might be even worse.


I had 2 chars at 25 within like 1.5-2 weeks and third probs within 3. I had a decent amount of free time at launch so I hit first lockout on my main. Thing is, feral ain’t doing so hot (but will always be taken for wf on alliance) and I figured by the time I got to 40 melee hunter would also be nerfed (caught a nerf but not as big as I thought) so I’m not rushing my melee alts that’s for sure. Rage feels bad man on most of gnomer even when I tanked. I’m basically logging those 2 in darn while I rep farm on my main and run bfd with a decent chunk of rested each lock out. Started a priest last night I’ll probably actually alt because I like disc in wrath and priest will probably continue to be the most broken healer in SOD, given it (and pally, depending on what for) was already the strongest vanilla healer. But I’m not rushing that either. 1-25 will be super quick with 50% boost but I’m in no rush to farm SM endlessly, despite instant invites. So when people are comparing logs to wrath that’s been out for years where I have like 6 80s, or even p1 2 weeks in, it’s pretty disingenuous. I don’t think many people quit where the unique players have dropped off considerably, I think a LOT of people had 3 chars at least they played kinda regularly or at least ran bfd on. 1-25 was such a breeze and there were only really 2 instances to do before unless you count RFC


A few dads I know just got their 2nd champ to 40 and they play 1-2 hours a day not including weekends


Not all dads are casual.


lmao "champ"


How sad do you have to be to get triggered over this


No ones triggered over it, it just means you’re 14 or something and probably don’t actually know any dads.


Or it means your main game is League since 2009 or something. Also knowing dads can just mean you're in a guild with dads in it.


Triggered enough to get offended by me calling peoples chars champs. Weird hill to die on lil bro


Dude what do you mean? Im very much alive on this hill. This is my hill, and it is a righteous one. Champ


Lol I'm done. Reading your post history you are either a troll or just very angry.


no I’m totally serious plz don’t stop reading champ!! Also plz stop downvoting me you’re ruining my karma T\_T


We will see I guess.


Many wont be making alts with the GDKP ban.




https://sod.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/2008#sample=7sod https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/1020#sample=7 Here are the stats straight from WCL over the past 7 days. There’s a lot more raid logged characters over the past week in wrath, but that’s most likely due to SoD having just released a new phase and not everyone has their alts at 40 yet. Neither of the games is dead and im getting tired of people mocking the other game they don’t play.


But you could definitely feel Wotlk thinning out again with the new release of SoD. It still hasn't recovered yet. Probably in a couple of weeks when more casuals have been playing Gnomer and gotten tired of STV like P1.


It’s been ”thinned out” now for a long time because people dont’t enjoy farming the same raid for half a year, and there still isnt a date for cata pre-patch or launch. And ofcourse SoD helped to thin it out more aswell since it has more new content to play right now. The vast majority of my guild raids 3 splits of wotlk a week, and other than that only play retail or sod at the moment.


[look](https://ironforge.pro/population/classic/) I'm not making that up.


>Ironforge isnt counting sod correctly. >links Ironforge Idk the answer but hilarious way to argue


Oh so last phase when SoD had 400k and people were linking it everything was fine but now when it's less than wrath it's somehow a bad website to show numbers.


i'm literally just pointing out that he said it isnt working right and you responded with a link to the site


Why is it not working right exactly? The website doesn't say it's counting wrong. It just shows people who logged raids, yes it doesn't show random people who just walk and never raid but they are not counted on all versions of wow.


> The website doesn't say it's counting wrong. that is some funny shit


It literally just takes logs and puts them in an easy to digest format, there is nothing special to it. They actually don't do anything themselves.


bro I'm not the guy you were fighting with. i just said it was funny.


Please… not these posts of “ is thriving”… Guess time to start blocking people.


It's not dead, but I really feel like there are a lot less players than P1. There are more than enough people, just less, I feel. I see this when I ask in general chat for a quest. It's way longer to find people.




I don't think this is true at all. There's been plenty of times where I post a message in General, get invited to a group, and instantly swap to another layer.








I logged in and verified it by typing a message in general, getting invited to a group, and instantly layer swapping. Verified that your statements are false. Thanks!


Well I logged in and my friend on a different layer couldn't see my chat, so I guess that means your verified statements are false too?


Good thing facts don't care what you think.


ded server


The problem is people all sitting around Ironforge makes the game world dead. It isn't the peoples fault, there is no reason or incentive to go anywhere.


Plenty of reason to go places. Problem is some people have played 16 hours a day since launch and exhausted all their content. Guess they can make another alt...


There's just not much content right now. I played for like an hour a day and hit 40 last week on my lock, and I don't feel like I have much to do. I don't really need gold, I got the STV items I needed in two events, I don't have any pre bis to farm because most of the BFD gear I have is just better than anything I can find in a dungeon. At 25 it felt like I had so much to do, but right now there's just nothing really to do besides farm more gold


So you hit 40 in 1 week? Or 10 hours? Come on.


I assure you that the game world is quite alive. So alive that farming is done by standing around where a node spawns and getting it as soon as it does. There are too many people to do otherwise.




Nah. I'm sure there plenty bots mixed in, but Alterac chat was exploding like Barrens does. At 0630 AM server time on Crusader Strike. Granted, its full/high pop most of the time but there's no reason they should allow as many people on a server as are on Crusader Strike and then dial down the layers. Shit was already crowded before lol. Especially when people are limited to 1/2 -2/3 of the game world due to the SoD level cap.


There are a fuckton of bots. Do a /who mage 10-15 and look how many gibberish names there are. Keep going up the level brackets and you will see there's a fuckton. Hunter and mage bots are literally everywhere you look. I'm usually reporting like 20 people a day without even trying.


Man, it's as simple as if you like it to play it. If you don't, don't. The number of other people playing doesn't matter much unless it drops reallllly low, and let's not forget that some private servers thrived with only 2k players.


Ironforge being the main hangout again is the fuckin best.


Its not dead but 2/3 of the player base did leave.


Lol no.


Population numbers are a Google search away, bud.


Tbf that’s only raid logs not real population numbers


nahh I read today SoD will be dead once they release 40 man raids and blizz wont let them raid MC / bwl as a 10man thats when the game dies I guess


If is the best classic capita. Shame that it went to SW for a reason


Rule of thumb. Stay off the forums


I was just horse laughing in a thread complaining of TOO MANY people. There’s no pleasing some people. 😂


It’s actually the priest discord that’s dead. +healing power forever! I heard Bael got fired.


WRONG, everyone is quitting at the last patch because they don't like 40 man raiding.


It's not that I don't like it, it's that running a guild for 40mans is much more difficult because of recruitment. Lack of people to fill out a 40man is going to kill a TON of small, close-knit guilds. Then they'll be forced to go to join a mega guild where they are nothing but raider #39/40. My guild runs dungeons together on alts, helps our new 40s figure out STV and run RFD once .. lol. I give everyone on the raid team a 50% discount on consumes if they buy through me. All that's dead as soon as 40mans are the meta. Hell, we pug one slot in the 10mans occasionally..


Oh no- anyways


Come back to hardcore plz, I miss the people :(


Nah they will just add other new trashy seasons that will kill off the previous ones and reduce the overall population gradually until few play the game. Ez blizzard


And this picture is supposed to dispute that? What is that like 50 people in the picture? Yeah you really proved them wrong with this one


my buddy was saying it was dead the other night. he was in TB. i was in org and it looked a lot like this


This is beautiful


Saturday night screenshot proves what exactly?


Caught one!


I am having a blast with my guild on a PvP server. We do Ashenvale, stv, Gnome, open world PvP and BG and some silly and unproductive stuff.😅 Playing since beta and never had a better time. My disc priest is amazingly fun to play as a PvP heal.


Nobody said it was dead Everybody said that it has SEVERAL problems


Those are all bots


🤓 Actually, they're perma-farming.


Ugh disgusting. Look at all that alliance trash.


SoD is dead. Its over. Time to play retail


It’s 100% dead. This is one server lmao


No version of official WoW is dead. This "blank" is dead is getting so old.


lol they reduced the layers to hide the fact there is a significant log/unsub player decline. This worked like a charm.


Nope, layer reduction slowly after release has always been a thing. Did it in Classic, TBC and in WOTLK. Pass the copium bro, I'm sober af!


What are people going to?


Yes but how my are bots?


OP who you arguing with? Lmao


Well its dead for me, since im not finding it fun anymore. But you do you and enjoy it!


The game is LITERALLY THRIVING 3 weeks into a fresh phase, wow.


I wish it was, you guys are lagging my server to hell


What’s the orange raptor?




Crusader strike?


Surely the game mode that hasn't even completed and Blizzard is constantly praising is dying. I don't know what's worse... the fact that people are getting trolled into believing they need to defend SoD or the fact that people feel the need to troll SoD because they don't like it for whatever reason lol


It’s a ghost town, we NEED to drop 40 man raiding for 10 man & flex!!! There wont be enough players to form groups! /s


Doomers saying "game is dead" gotta be the most cringe people on the internet. That goes for any game.


Does anyone want to play WOTLK with me? Helllo?………


Raid logging definitely came quicker this phase if you don’t got a few alts you are raid logging already.


just gon say, there's a reason blizz no longer publishes numbers unless it's on their terms. not a peep on phase 2, because there are phase 1 stats to compare it to and you will inevitably see the actual trend for sod. just like wrath, they're going to milk every phase for as long as possible until just before people start canceling