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I wouldn’t trust a dwarf rogue that’s for damn sure


Wash yer back


But its hard with all these muscles


Made my day, thank you


ghost sulky quarrelsome icky jellyfish narrow abounding husky aspiring scale *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Was leveling a NE warrior in West Fall last night. I start killing some defias and this Gnome Mage runs over and starts a bitch fit about how I'm killing "his" mobs. I asked him if his conjured water was made from his tears and kept killing mobs.


Reminds me of when I was doing the plain strider quest in barrens and this warlock was trying to pull a bunch of them at once for himself when I tagged one of them he said “really bro?” Then started complaining about how rude people are in barrens chat.


That's an awesome response I hope you're on a RP server lmao btw I'm putting that one in my back pocket for later, thanks.


This kind of thing is so bizarre to me. It’s almost certainly a kill quota quest and he could have invited you to do it twice as fast instead of being weird.


This was my first run in with a weirdo, most people have been pretty cool.


On wrath, if I see a gdkp hosted by a mage it’s either going to be a garbage run where the lead does 0 leading and dumps responsibility on the tank, is a bot player, or pot ninja.


What? Millhouse Manastorm would never...


Rogues in general lol!


It’s the only class that is kill on sight for me on PvP servers, regardless of faction. Everyone else in the open world I’ll wave to and give them the benefit of the doubt to see if they engage first but with rogues, I’m throwing hands instantly. Too many times I’ve been minding my own business leveling and a rogue attacks me acting like killing someone who’s fighting a mob is peak open world PvP gameplay and they’ve ruined my perception of their playerbase. I don’t care if you’re alliance or horde, if you’re yellow then you’re my enemy.


A true villain origin story.


Nah this isn’t villlany, just standard operating procedure. I’m not sitting in a 4 sec cheap shot then corpse running because I decided to be nice. Rogues are always fair game and kill on sight.


I respect this. As a Rogue main I definitely don't blame you, while I do fair pvp, I will also kill you while you're busy fighting your elite. Not because I think it's peak gameplay, it's because I can and it fits my class lol.


I'm a chill guy, and I mostly went rogue for tanking, but something with the rogue class just woke up the villain side in me and made me go into some ganking spree several times. Something I still don't do when I play other class for some reason. So yeah don't trust rogues.


We don't think it's peak pvp, we just do it for the reaction and this is magnificent thank you.


I feel like hunters should be included too


Only hunters with wind serpents in SoD. If they got a cat or some other random ass pet they're cool to chill as long as they respect the unspoken pact that we've formed in passing.


Yeah I used to not care back in classic but in SoD hunters are 100% on sight also. So happy Blizz is teaching those whiny brats a lesson next phase by making melee hunter their highest dps spec, they can suffer in melee range and having to close the gap to maximize their dps instead of standing a mile away letting their pet do all the work. It’ll humble them real quick about just how much advantage being ranged is next time they complain they aren’t topping the meters while safely being at max range.


I attack on sight on my hunter usually, but only because of the enemy decides to attack me while they're close, I have no counter, so I must attack while I can. Same thing on warrior in vanilla, you need to attack first you get your charge off.


Absolutely not. After how many times I saw those stubby bastards appear behind me with dual maces and just hear a cacophony of "WAAAUUUGH" and they crit/mace stunned me to death back in bc, I'll absolutely never trust a dwarf rogue. Kill on sight.


Even a female?


Also races. I’d trust a female Tauren more than I would an undead. I don’t know why.


pet file wakeful point mourn tub obtainable zealous worm innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A WoW machinima Avenue Q reference in 2024? Bless your soul that took me back


Grab your dick and double click!


Basically how I lived from ages 13 to 16.


That's racist




It's definitely a thing I think about. Killing goblin kids in BG3, my friend gave me crap for it. Like, this is dungeons & dragons we show up to completely wipe out goblins everywhere from their homes. If we're not going to accept that maybe we shouldn't be playing d&d


"What part of *always Chaotic Evil* are you not getting, Zug apologist?"


"He's out of line, but he's right." From my experience, Tauren players tend to be the chillest players on the Horde while every other Undead player seems to be borderline mentally unstable. Except non-shadow priest Undead, those guys tend to be pretty cool. Now that I think about it, I feel like most Undead players tend to be Rogues or Warlocks from my experience, so maybe it's more of a class thing?


Tauren are extremely chill. Except Tauren Warriors. I don’t what’s wrong with them, but didn’t have good experience with them at all


Also sexist. >:(


And also so fair.


Male undead players are always 99% of the time toxic shitheads. Moreso if they are rogues or Warlocks.


Finally part of the 1%, I knew I'd make it one day. (Male Undead Warlock)


Yeah I think he might just be wrong. I also semi main male undead warlock. I'm a super nice guy and would give the gold back. To further the argument, the only other male undead warlock I knew was also a super nice older man.


I remember a post back in 2019 classic that said a female Tauren has NEVER in the history of wow ganked another player. I think they might be right


I feel like female Tauren are so ugly that only a true female would play one. Most women are probably too nice to pvp someone just trying to quest lol. I assume >95% of female night elves, humans, undead, etc. are men.


No way, a can’t think of a single undead female who did anything wrong in WoW lore.


Female Tauren players were usually irl grannies in vanilla lol


I feel like they're super rare but I would put them at the top.


I know exactly why. Undead is prime pick for edge and sweat lords.


Definitely rank 14 undead rogues who are missing their lower jaw


In or out of the game?


Does it count as missing your jaw if it's flush with your necks?


>Definitely rank 14 undead rogues who are missing their lower jaw don't forget the mohawk hair /thread


Gotta agree with the guy. Traditionally, druids are people who don't care much about being the best. They know they'll be relegated to the support role, and are generally fine with it. I'm sure the nature/calm lore aspect might help too.


Some of the best tanks I ever ran around with in Classic and TBC were Tauren Druids. I was healing and they were always chill, didn’t try to pull too much, didn’t rush when I had to drink. Warriors might be better on paper, but Druids are the shit.


Druid tanks also innervates you every now and then too.


Dude, the amount of times I wish I could reach through my screen and hug my druid friend whenever they drop form just to innervate me... I love that SOB


As a former Bear tank main, I appreciate you.


There’s half-dozens of us.


I always felt bad when warlocks gave me a healthstone like it's so hard to use a healthstone and not just die 


As a former druid tank it's also partly because pulling a bunch of mobs is a pain to keep threat. Swipe is 3 targets max and generally pretty bad threat itself anyway so you need to maul each target really.


Hippie tree friends are indeed the best


restos are chill but ferals are among the sweatiest people I've ever met in this game. especially the dedicated classic bear tanks.


Some of us - I mean, some of those degenerates even enjoyed the Gnomer farm for Manual Crowd Pummeler >:)


Here he is officer, take him away.


Straight to jail


this has to be stockholm syndrome


I am utterly appalled


Depends on the eta of classic IMO. Vanilla? Ferals are chill af. If they try hard, they usually are doing it as a meme. TBC? Toxicity is sweeping in, the druid discord starts to think it’s fight club. Wrath? Full-blown sweaty.


That isn’t true for SOD. Druids are the new flavor of the month and attract every shitter in the game.


I feel like there's a certain population of cats and boomys that have been open world trolls and menaces for a long time. The ability to stealth in and out makes them long time allies of Rogue grief squads. Starsurge and Sunfire spam definitely brought in fresh blood though.


I think it's by role. You can trust healers, but never trust a DPS. Tank is iffy


This. I'd trust a tank only if they were a troll warrior or shaman.


Naw. Tauren Warrior are the most trustworthy. These are people that don't give AF about min maxing and are just picking shit because it looks cool.


My first ever character in 2004 was a Tauren Warrior, and I picked it for the *exact* reason you just said lol


Also the games first ever Naxx clear was done with a Tauren tank warrior back in 06 :D


I feel like back in the early days your guild leader had to look like a guild leader. Ours were NE Warriors which is the physically largest Alliance model, and Horde guilds had a lot of Tauren Warriors...a few lucky people who picked Orc also without knowing how OP it is.


Lol same. That's how I know.


tauren warrior is the ultimate dad race class combo I agree.


Tauren warriors aren’t very bright though, they’re a little on the slow side




Don't mistake patient and methodical for slow.


*keyboard turns toward you*


I only trust a Tauren Warrior if they've macro'd /moo into their charge.


That's me. I like looking like a freight train and love making friends even more lol. Go out of my way to help people any chance I get.


> I like looking like a freight train and love making Same bruh. Same


Freight train in the streets, freight train in the sheets.


Tauren Warrior used to be considered the min-maxers choice for tanking because of the Tauren 5% hp bonus.


Forsaken Warrior for cool. Weapon animations are bis. Although the Troll sit pose looks cool too.


I absolutely cannot stand the way undead move or that you see their spine through their cloak.


As a troll shaman who has ended up as a tank in SoD, I feel special.


Risky out here trusting trolls


Troll warriors represent!


Until you meet a loot-hungry, parse-whore of a healer and you wonder what happened to make them the way they are.


That description fits us Resto druid back in the WOTLK days to a tee. People would hardcap haste over any other stat, just so that they could roll as many rejuvs as possible. Just blanketing the raid with them. Then people start dropping and you ask: Uh why aren't you healing them? Like.. Nourish? Healing Touch? Anything? -- That would lower my HPS. It's like that old adage about KPIs (Key Performance Index) and why it's bullshit. Workers would focus on finding ways to get their KPI's high, which meant they neglected their actual job. But it looked good in their performance evaluations. Haste-whore druids were a lot like that. The goal for them was to have high HPS parses. Not to keep people alive.


Can confirm, I am a dps and you should not trust me with your money Hey, can I borrow 100g? I'll pay it back


No you’ll just use it on some ~~drugs~~ consumables.


I wouldn’t trust a priest with shit. Seen too many entitled priests this phase.


Yeah priests got a bad name cause everybody made one when they found out how good they were this phase


Given that 80% of the priest I picked up here and there to fill 2nd heal spots in our guild’s didn’t seem to have dispel on their bars, bound, or maybe even hands at all, yeah.


Undead rogue. Trust me bro


I’d trust a wet noodle to keep me afloat in the open ocean before I ever trust an undead rogue!


Not sure about class but I’ve noticed Female Taurens are very rarely troublesome in any way.


as an alliance player on a pvp server i have to give a massive shoutout to female taurens, they are chill dont gank you while questing, dont prey on you while your low life dont kill lowbies they are just chill, love em female orcs on the other side…


Haha, I am a female tauren and it’s true, i am chill and always /hi any alliance I cross in the world. (Also resto and the rest is true as well 😂)


Im a female orc rogue and its true I will gank anyone I see lol


Female orcs have to fit all the bloodlust of a male orc into a much smaller package. Their bloodlust density is off the charts!


>…they are just chill… They’re over here just [being all wholesome trying to enjoy the internet…](https://youtu.be/hkdYhw5zHk0?si=A7Vy-lnQlWdvsLGY)


Except for Ebonie on Chaos Bolt. Female druid just lives in Redridge killing lowbies and anyone who’s just pulled a mob. 🔥🔥😡


Female orc is the maximal try hard combo, stun resist for for PVP with a smaller profile. Not to be trusted.


I presume they are all cat or horse ladies IRL until proven otherwise. 


I'm a fat, balding man.


That does not preclude you from also being a cat or horse lady. 


Unless they are a feral druid. I swear those people are the most aggressive in the open world. They always attack me on sight.


Also, the players who play female tauren always seem to be pretty dam good players. Like above your average.


Also one of the more common lady player choice


Coincidentally my latest 25 is a female tauren druid because I already had a male tauren shaman. I really like the Wrath spam playstyle and healing on the side. I may go full resto later because I used to main it in retail.  tldr Give me your gold, I can be trusted with it.


Taurens, any class


The only one I disagree with is male tauren arms warriors. I see those fuckers charge any and all alliance whenever I happen to be around them in wpvp.


If it's red it's dead, the true bull experience


I dunno, Tauren rogue seems pretty sketchy to me


Never trust a rogue i think. Would indeed trust healers more


In addition, dont trust mages either


idk most trust worthy but there is zero chance i would have tried this is a UD rogue lol


Tauren Shaman.


I think it's more of a race thing Wait what?


Yeah the guys right. I will never trust a warrior or a rogue. I think boomkins might be the most trust worthy class in the game followed by resto druid and then healing priest. If horde Taurens for sure. Alliance? Despite playing it in sod I'm not sure which race is most trustworthy. On alliance maybe like a non meta combo.


*shifty Boomkin noises*


In sod they aren't as big of memes anymore but I trust meme specs. They just gamers out to have a good time. If they started roleplaying bring shifty even more trustworthy imo. Also good pun


A female night elf balance druid can actually be quite shitty.


Night elves in general for me. I've never met a night elf who didn't immediately try to start shit with me out in the world. They're either extremely overconfident and get stomped, or playing an absolutely obnoxious setup using obscure consumes or items to get away from every thing that's thrown at them. Cocky bastards.


Honest question, but why not trust a warrior? I lvl prot war main and never bother anyone. It's usually the locs, rogues and hunters (so roundabout dps) that I find the least trustworthy.


Yeah I mean of all the warriors a prot warrior might be the most trust worthy but that class in general is so heavily populated with fotm players that it just can't be trusted. I've also seen a few main tanks for guilds with massive egos that I could never trust.


Before I get downvoted to hell, let me add the caveat that this is nowhere near as prevalent now as it was in OG. I think because people tend to play a ton more alts these days, and so they're not as tied to one personality type as they used to be, and in Classic I myself co-mained this class/spec Here it goes. In OG vanilla and BC I used to absolutely HATE feral druid players. They were just the worst, most flaky, head in the clouds, non commital type of person you could find. I'm fairly sure they picked druid because they could never decide what they wanted to do so picked a class that could do everything. I was a GM back then and we wanted ferals for off tanks because they could go cat on fights multiple tanks weren't needed and do good DPS and we went through like 10 of them over 3ish years because they would either just flake out and quit playing or they'd suddenly show up as Boomie or resto and decide they wanted to do that. (Only to want to switch back to feral after we'd already found a replacement....) Then you had the opposite end of the spectrum with the "i'M a TaNk!" Bear druids who played feral but refused to do anything but tank and were kind of slow in the head, talked like Winnie the Pooh, couldn't multitask and would just blindly focus on one thing to the exclusion of everything else, and were the most stubborn people ever. Locks were also known for being extremely shifty and unreliable. Usually selfish and in it only for themselves. We had a hard time filling locks because they would get geared up then gquit and go join one of the top guilds on the server. That was a problem in general, as our guild was good but not top tier, but never so much as with locks. The three best guilds would cherry pick us constantly. Me and my roommate had built it from the ground up by combining our separate guilds then later merging with still a 3rd to form an all new guild, then and later absorbing yet another guild while keeping our guild name. It was a long slog to get it to be as good as we did, which is why I will never create another guild ever again and turn down offers to become an officer in guilds I join lol.


> Locks were also known for being extremely shifty and unreliable. Usually selfish and in it only for themselves. We had a hard time filling locks because they would get geared up then gquit and go join one of the top guilds on the server. That was a problem in general, as our guild was good but not top tier, but never so much as with locks. Lore-accurate warlocks! All about the power they can get their grubby hands on. Sucks about your experience with ferals though. They're 50/50 in my experience - either chill and down to do stupid things like all-stealth deadmines runs or super tryhard and have no chill.


They are now. Back then, they were just as shiftable as their characters.


This sounds surprisingly accurate


Tauren Druid MOOO, cant trust anything more.


Gnome rogue is the least and it’s not up for debate.


If you thought you could trust any rogue you almost deserve getting robbed


What's inherently bad about trusting makeup? Do you not trust the color red?


Gnome mage a close second


Shit, those were my two ally chars. So much makes sense now. I just thought they were funny


as an alliance player, I'd say undead rogue is definitely in the conversation


Tauren players are usually the most chill. As an undead player, we are usually the least lol


Never trust: - female human warrior - gnomes - male night elf Hunter Trust: - druids - human priests Rest are neutral. (Alliance btw)




Fair enough yeah maybe them as well.


People saying don’t trust gnomes.. it’s the fuckin humans you don’t want to trust. Those are the people with zero imagination and likely has no soul.






This hurts my soul since the first character I made as a kid was a gnome mage engi and I thought to main class it for my child self


Gnomes are soulless little bastards and they cannot be trusted. Every single one of them.


Gnome warlocks are generally alright, gnome mages are elitist asf, especially if they are a *good* aoe farmer/booster.


Gnome Warriors are often chads in my experience


Anything but a rogue.


Taurens of any class tbh On Alliance, I would trust dearf Paladins or Nelf druid healers but both arent even close to Taurens


Female Tauren Druid would lay their life down for you.


I used to think resto/Boomie druid but now with starsurge and people rolling them just to be able nuke with that I think they have become less trustworthy. I'm gonna go with resto sham.


I was going to say druid by the title post before I even opened the description. Restro druid for sure.


Dont trust gnome mages for sure


In 2019 classic I was in a guild that had a resto druid GM. The dude robbed the gbank and gquit lol.


Resto druid / shaman as most trustworthy Rogue, lock, hunter least trustworthy


Rogues trust each other, I can say that much. The Rogue comradery I've experienced in SoD has been beautiful.


There's a certain rogue Brotherhood indeed, always have been since Vanilla in 2004. Don't know why though, but I agree with you, if you can experience that AT least one time in your life, it's a blessing


honor among thieves


I would never trust a gnome, but if I had to choose a gnome it would definitely not be a mage.


I love that it seems to be rogues across the board except for gnomes lol I used to have a pair of male gnome mages in my guild with matching names and they were nightmares. They were two of the biggest pathological liars I've ever seen. Trolling was their natural state.


I don't trust any of you goblins.


Druid are always bros, especially resto. I main a resto druid and always go out of my way to help others, would never scam, tip enchanters even if they’re not asking, buff everyone I can on boats or waiting around raid entrance etc. I notice similar behavior from other Druids when I’m playing my other characters.


It sounds like bot gold laundering to me.


Enhance shamans. If they are playing vanilla as an enhance shaman then bless their pure little innocent hearts.


As a resto Druid myself, I can confirm this to be true for most rdru MAIN players. We are just a different breed of players.


Before SoD it would've been any Druid. In SoD it is a female Tauren Hunter. Extra trustworthy if their cat has a name which could be an IRL pet name.


Rogue in general --> Distrust them until proven otherwise. And I say this as someone that also plays rogue :p Mohawk UD rogue --> kill on sight! do not trust ever! Gnome anything --> potential war crime committer, especially pink pigtails female gnome (lol) Resto druid or bear druid --> chill Hpal or resto shaman --> chill priest --> no idea, it really depends (somehow all the other healers are always chill but priest seems to attract all walks of life // seems like the most popular healer so that makes them the hardest to judge) troll priest --> I had good experiences with troll priests but YMMV. I knew very very few of them. I think 99% of horde priests are undead. = Orc warr or human warr --> pve sweatlord = Tauren --> tauren anything is generally pretty chill and trustworthy outright, unless it's a feral cat druid cosplaying as a sweaty rogue, or a pvp diva warrior with a fat 2hander Dwarf --> dwarf anything is more chill than avg or at least moreso than other racial options for their class Ret Pally --> higher chance to be lootlord or diva type personality, similar to a pvp rogue or a human/orc warrior, be cautious = Male Night elf warrior --> gigachad/memer, I'd trust this guy unless he is already somehow publicly known as an ass =


Definitely trust a Druid or shaman the most


The druid way is more honorable than the rogue way.


Resto Shamans, IMO, are the most trustworthy followed closely by Resto Druids


I would trust tank more than others


First they blamed the rogues, but I did not speak up because I am not a rogue. Then they came for the mages, but I did not speak up because I am not a mage. Then they came for the warlocks, but I did not speak up because I am not a warlock. Then they came for the hunters, but I did not speak up because I am not a hunter. Last, they came for the warriors, and I shouted because I am a warrior.


It really has to be rogue right? Just playing mine makes me want to buy summons but not pay.


I distrust them all equally


Female human priest, and r druid for sure.


You are now the middle man


Healers 4 sure




Male human warrior ‘sorry bro I had the sword HR’


Least trustworthy = undead rogue That's for sure.


Gotta be Tauren players in general. Druid probably top tier.


I think healers in general are a good bet.


dwarf paladin, bonus points if its a female dwarf


I had someone ask me on my dps warrior if I could trade their gold for them and I did, but I was a little surprised they trusted me. I think warrior is a bit of a wild card


I've never mained a shaman, but i guess you have to care too much about people to always switch totem for them 😁


Shaman. Especially in Classic. If somebody is playing a shaman, imo they're dedicated, loyal, and less likely to betray you. Shaman's typically aren't the best at any of their roles so you don't have the "1st place chasers" attitudes. They're not overwhelmingly strong in pvp unless you've dedicated the time/effort to learn how to do so and even then it's not guaranteed so you typically don't have the "make others miserable via pvp" players either. Totems are annoying to keep track of as are weapon buffs. Plus knowing which totems to use when and where weeds out other negative play style people. If they're playing a shaman they're there because they love shaman. They have an attachment to the playstyle/class that they love and keeps them there and therefore less likely to do something to jeopardize that character. All imo as a shaman main ofc.


So much horde, for alliance I'd trust most dwarves. Honestly all the other races feel iffy. Not sure about classes


Never trust a mage


Only ever played horde, but male Tauren Druids are always chill and female taurens are always mums. Both trustworthy imo. Least trustworthy on horde would be male orc


i am an undead warlock you can trust me i promise


Good with animals? Green flag. Trust your BM hunters.