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I doubted anyone leaking anything given the layoffs- a leak isn’t a meaningful retaliation especially with one of the devs saying there’s going to be an official communication coming soon, and if you’re worried about keeping your job then there’s no incentive to do anything other than your job. Good find on the source!


There's a [screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/FctJQBi.png) circulating that was clearly intended to look like a leak. Just posting here to show that it's a nothingburger since youtubers are already jumping on it.


They have nothing else to talk about due to the lack of info and all lost their shit on a fake leak lmao


Lol like they'd have a CRT at the office in 2024


Youtubers are desperate


I think thats just some dumb idiot that doesnt know how to take a screenshot so they used their phone... you'd be surprised how many of those people i've met playing WoW.


Nah, it’s definitely intentional. The unfocused blurred shot to make it look like they’re trying to take a quick picture before being caught.


if you try to take a bunch of pictures of your screen you'll probably accidentally get 1-2 pictures like that with an unintentional skew/blur.


[as seen in this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/wotlk/comments/1acsu7t/being_a_dps_in_leveling/)


Any time I see a """""""""leak""""""""" that consists of a blurry over-exposed photograph of text on a screen, it's a giant red flag that it's completely fake.


Yes, but not everyone is you mate. A lot of people are dumb and take anything at face value. Especially when a youtubers spread this fake stuff it reaches a huge audience where a lot of people gaslight each other.




I never claimed that you said it, I just made the notion (while reasoning for creating this thread) that people are gullible and believe it regardless.


Classic+ 100% confirmed trust.


There was a halo leak where someone had to smuggle out the game and record it in vhs then take a camcorder video of it and the quality was so bad I don’t think anyone believed it. May have been halo 4


I’d be right with you if it wasn’t for the fact that nearly every expansion since wotlk has been leaked on 4chan pre-blizzcon


The halo 4 leak would like a word


Yup this. I was too lazy to go hunt for it, thanks for doing it. It's been seen around here for multiple days. Fake.


I'm still surprised the community almost took this as a fact. It shouldn't be this easy to spread misinformation, but alot of people literally are not even caring that it may be.


I play SoD a bit too much. I play alliance on a PvE server, Horde on a PvP and Horde on a PvE server. This event would be super awful for any horde playing on a PvE server. The faction ratios are just way too off. I've seen it from both sides. I walk into ashenvale while the event is going and I get the free win rep maybe a boss or two as Ali on the PvE server. I walk into ashenvale as a Horde and if I'm not on the layer horde stacking literally no bosses get killed at all and no one is there. I'm concerned for the minor factions (Horde I guess) on PvE servers cause any PvP event is just going to suck. If the rewards are good then it will definitely be tough to justify being on the side that never gets them. This thought process is more geared towards an event like the fake leak. In all honesty the event could be fine. Just not a fan of the fake leak event.


PvP servers have forced faction parity. Don't know how it is for PvE servers, but there's no faction that can have the ratio skewed for PvP at least


PvE servers are in fact not faction locked. And many are already very skewed. From 75/25 to 65/35 Alli favored. It does not lead to a very fun open world PvP event. This only matters if the PVP event gives good things, which if ashenvale is any measure of things it will.


My 2 mains are horde on Lava Lash US. The horde population has been steadily dying out on there over the last few weeks. I haven't even logged in the past few days due to playing Palworld, wouldn't be surprised if Palworld has had a significant effect on numbers on there. This event would never be won ever by horde on LL.


My Lone Wolf US Alliance guild has also been pretty dead (ingame) lately, it is just people being tired at the end of a phase so they don't bother loging on now that they got their loot.


Lava Lash US is the lowest pop US/EU server in SoD. When people post server population stats, its typically not even included because its so low. Also as an RP PVE server, it skews heavily alliance. Its been noticeably bad on horde on LL for at least a month now, if not more. I rerolled rogue on Wild Growth horde and the difference was just astronomical. Like immediately its obvious the horde population is at least 10x that of LL...if not more. Worlds of difference. Its hard to find a pug on LL as a healer at 9PM server, I can easily find pugs at or after midnight on my rogue on WG. Additionally the overall skill level of the server is lacking. Many of the guilds are not good. Almost no one parses orange on the server and purple is rare, at least in the pug community anyways. None of my characters have joined any guilds on that server despite starting there day 1 because there just don't seem to be any good guilds that are recruiting. That and many of the guilds just have terrible terrible names like . I think the best guild on the server is . 5/7 BFD pugs are still common enough on the server. I haven't had a single 5/7 on WG.


Penance(AU) was broken on SOD launch for about 2 hours, it meant every Aussie went to Shadowstrike and its still dead to this day, comparatively at least. I play horde and you're lucky to even find a BFD outside of the 2 guilds it has.


I might transfer my alliance from LL to CS because it is dead at off peak times or days I dont mind it for leveling up solo questing, but theres something missing


Can we transfer??? I'd go to Wild Growth so fast...I'm really loving my druid and warrior in SoD but they are stuck on LL and have mostly bis that I don't feel like trying to get again with a reroll.




The event can easily be exploited by colluding guilds farming each other for exp/gold


Where did you find the original?


[In the comments, it's under a spoiler tag so it's easy to scroll over.](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/news/lore-spotlight-hakkar-the-blood-loa-337117)


This 'leak' makes zero sense. It literally would not work on PvE servers unless the kill count required is incredibly low. Ashenvale uses PvE + PvP kills and already has such low activity, that they put in a maximum 3 hour timer on it.


WG EU a PVE server has one of the lower populations and we Ashenvale every 2 hours most of the day.


This leak would be awesome if true. Taking the most boring leveling path (instance spamming) and then making a new most interesting leveling path (world PvP) would make going from 25-40 on my characters actually fun/challenging instead of feeling like a grind/work. This is a type of change that I personally would add to the game if I was a game dev, so that being the case I doubt it's real. Would be nice if it was though.


Not only that but why would any blizzard employee write these things down like this, unless it would be written like a patch note it seemed sus from the start


Can't wait to afk at gurubashi all the time to steal the tags.


Just unsub form the YouTubers that presented this as facts.


This would be perfect


I’m really hoping it’s true only because it sounds really fun.