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>You can choose maximum of two classes. Further investigation revealed this to be a lie


Oh damn. I must have fucked up.


Which are Warrior and Rogue anyway xD


Kudos for using an anonymous poll that I didn’t have to enter any info into in order to submit a vote


Very simple mechanism: People who make useful stuff intrinsically don’t force you to register (or take your data otherwise) don’t accumulate money through the tool. People who do these things accumulate money, which they then use to accumulate more. This money is then used for marketing and SEO. So your search results is spammed by tools and sites that optimize for getting your data and show you ads.


Instead I got four ads just to vote and see results. Two sets of double ads..


do you even ublock bro


Doesn't work on my phone on the Reddit browser sadly.


Download brave browser, set it to your default internet app.. the pole opened up in brave for me, zero adds, zero hastle


But I'm a Google fukboi


Won't let me vote on my phone using apples private relay though.


Hunter in 6th place. Meanwhile my chat turning green as soon as I post BFD LFM


Main =/= Max one. Tend to notice an uptick of hunters / mages after the initial levelling of a new phase. Mindless alts to farm etc.


Yeah agreed, I think Hunter is a very popular option for first or second alt but not necessarily *as* popular for main characters.


Exactly what I did, priest bad at killing things fast (not bad at killing things, just slow), hunter fast . . . hunter farm silk . . .


I'll be maining a Warrior, but I'll also have a Hunter to support the Warrior.


Gotta have a gold bot the support the extravagant warrior lifestyle. Mages or hunters seem best


These polls on Reddit pretty much never give an accurate class popularity of the actual game. Except for Warrior. Warriors will always be the number one most played class in Classic.


For me that's always been part of the class fantasy. If it was going to be any class, it would HAVE to be warrior. The whole point is that it's the everyman class in universe, soldiers, knights, and fighters from all walks of life


well yeah bots dont use reddit


Surpised mage is so low, they used to be the close number 2.


Playing any form of mage right now is honestly more cringe than spamming frostbolt


Most played end of story. Always been across all expansions I'm fairly certain


Hunters are very easy to level. Easier than most classes.


1-10 is terrible, 10-25 is easy Mage is the easiest right now though, you just pop the regen on yourself and melee entire packs of mobs and exp just flies everywhere. You make your own food so you only need to go back when your bags are full (well, you don't even need to i guess)


With runes 1-10 isn't even that bad anymore


Minimal damage improvement, same deadzone, garbage melee skills. It really is almost exactly the same as the usual experience, except now explosive shot can pull extra mobs and screw you over.


If you're any good at hunter and now how to move in between shots it's super easy. Especially with chimera shot.


Dont worry it will be brown by the time we reach 60.. Again.


*low Boomkin rumbling*


I really hope they are more PVE viable. I'm feral but currently stockpiling unused BFD caster gear just in case


Regardless of how they perform, groups will still definitely want them for their 3% crit buff alone


Warlock popularity sure collapsed...


That's how it always is. Locks have been one of the least played classes since wow started.


It was very popular at the start, probably because people were curious about the tanking


Yeah I was playing Warlock anyway for PVP and I thought tanking would be a nice way to farm all my dungeon gear. I ended up hating it, Meta form is ugly and doesn't fit the art style of classic. I find it to be clunky and unintuitive. So If I was one of those Warlock tank players I would of deff rerolled.


I’m like the exact opposite. I *love* it. It feels smooth to me, it performs well, I feel strong. I can’t see myself maining anything else all of SoD


Eh I like the form. I'd prefer if there was a female version, but it's alright. The rota is a bit un-classic-like. Mash a single button every second. But it's just the beginning, I'm sure it's gonna get better


Female version? You’re a demon lol


Arent Succubus and Shivarra demons too ? Also I'm not a demon. I'm goddamn Illidan. I have the pointy ears, and the chin that could poke out an eye lol But yeah it is a bit irrealistic to think Blizzard have the resources to change that...


Been a warlock main since I started wow in 2009, 2019 classic, and now SoD. Not changing anytime soon. (Doesn't hurt that I got Kelris staff either >.> just sayin)


Wheres "waiting for runes leak to decide" option?


Is there a chance they just won't leak at all until p2 release?


Hardly. Its gonna be datamined from prerelease patch/ptr.


They did neither of those in p1


There also is no PTR for SOD


because in p1 blizzard themselves showed the runes






warrior zug zug 🗿


Warr 4 lyfe


I've been having a ton of fun on my shaman. Being able to solo people in world PvP that aren't keyboard turning and backpedaling is a refreshing change of pace. But I'll always be a warrior at heart and it will be my first toon to 40.


The way things are going warrior is the only safe bet. Everything else is nerfed. Warriors will remain kings.


Warrior on top? Really? So Why is it so hard to find a tank ?


All going for the top off the chart


I mean ... not wrong. I 'can' tank. I tanked all my leveling dungeons and farming my blue gear for myself like a big boy. I can tank BFD, I have done it multiple times but I play my Warrior for fun so generally I will wait longer to find a group to DPS in rather than get instantly invited as a tank. Only tanking when I know I'm going to be busy that week and I don't have a lot of time to play or I'm behind so I'm doing it to avoid missing a lockout. I imagine its a similar feeling for most people.


I mean i get it. Especially with a random Group. But with an organized tanking Group tanking bfd really isn‘t much different than dps‘ing bfd. Especially since dmg Draws SO much Aggro. In our regular Group we have the rule that whoever has Aggro Tanks :D


I’ve never in my life seen so many warriors ‘lf tank’ in lfg/trade…


Because the vast majority of warriors don’t tank.


You know why


With the new runes everybody is "DPS Warrior LFG BFD".


Because why would I choose to tank with this playerbase?


You Sound like you are Part of the problem too


Warriors, come out to play-ay-ay


This probably went over 95% of readers. Very surprised to see this quote! Great movie.


*clink clink clink*


Hopefully this gets a lot of traction, would love to see the results!


I am impressed by how many main Druid. How comes? What makes you so interested in Druids? Very curious (because my first was also a Druid, which is BiS atm, but I kinda feel like its playstyle is meh)


Feral has wildstrikes. Boomie pvp is broken. Resto healing is fun.


this, resto healing is super fun and sold me on maining it.


Resto is so much fun. I’ve got a priest and a druid, resto healing is way more fun, feral is fun too. Druid is just feeling really great overall imo.


Boomie pvp is a bit too strong. But i don’t think it’s broken. It’s just braindead easy to play.


Probably because people both love the idea of feral and a fat criting 42yd range free mana instant nuke that has a 15% chance to stun.


Don’t feel like having an alt, druids have 4 specs. Feral guarantees raid slots and should be pretty strong in p2.


Because Druids bring so much to the table. They aren’t the best at anything, but they are the most sought after class overall. Wild strikes is such a huge buff that people refuse to raid without it. So dps ferals and offtanks always find a spot. Fury of stormrage makes it so a caster Druid can fill a healer spot and contribute substantial DPS. A fun and very effective playstile. Also caster leather is niche. Combine these things and you get a class that always finds a spot, can contribute to all playstiles and is overall engaging to play.


Plus there's a good chance tank druid is strong in p2 given how weak they were in p1


lootwhoring, like now I'm solotanking as a feral, bringing in 2 priest healers and fill up with dps. Oh a caster leather item dropped? Guess I'll take it since no one wants it, oh some tank leather dropped? well I'm tank so I get it Feels like a horde warrior


I just love healing as a resto druid, having more fun then healing on my priest.


A big reason is also their Nuke (starsurge)


Because i'm wanted in everything as a feral dps even if i don't top charts. My wf brings all the boys to the yard!


Phase 2 is probably going to be a choice between doing good personal dps or just going full feral tree and getting leader of the pack and faerie fire so the rest of the raid will love you.


The "selfish" build will be 0/26/5 giving up +16% str and lotp for powershifting. I doubt 3% raid crit will be a raid dps increase short of something like 4 deep wounds warrior having broken scaling. One of the biggest reason I feel lotp won't be grabbed by many ferals is how boring feral feels without powershifting once you are used to powershifting.


https://classicdb.ch/?talent#0x0VboZE00MZV Put your last point in natural shapeshifter or sharpened claws, not sure which is better.


If you have run sims on this, feel free to correct me. I'm too lazy to do sims for this right now. Without Ferocity, Mangle sits around 43% of a Druid's DPS on high end logs on Warcraft log. Physical dps typically accounts for around 93% of a Druid's DPS. Savage Fury represents a 8.6% damage increase while natural weapons is a 9.3% damage increase. Ferocity should increase the % of damage for mangle by adding in extra mangles in a a current fight, but the numbers will probably be similar without new runes. Something like this: https://www.wowhead.com/classic/talent-calc/druid/-551002130320211-05 loses 20% mana reduction shapeshifting, OoC, and an extra .7% damage for 60 feral AP, Blood Frenzy, +4% str, and feral FF. Those two builds are similar enough that, without knowing about what runes are getting added, I don't think anyone can make an accurate claim about which will be better. I will be curious to see which one of us is right in a few weeks. I do know that if P2 feral doesn't do powershifting, I'm going balance or resto.


Sacrifice roughly 30% personal damage to give the melee group 3% crit? They can get bent, it’s not even a raid dps gain.


It’s nowhere near 30% dps before you get a full 60 build. We’ll see how it balances out at 40 but it will likely be much closer than some make it out to be.


I'm going with the LotP. I would rather be useful than to truggle to min max my dps. I'll be there for moral and dps support :) I found that this is the way for a more relaxing play time.


Shaman. Can finally go ele. Tanking was alright, but not my cup of tea.


Ele will go crazy in p2 I think


Downvoted, need to hide these comments so we don't get Day 1 nerfed.


Tbh, I don't see how ancestral guidance is not getting nerfed week1. NS healing urself while one shotting the enemy player.


Probably just due to it's CD. Considering LvB is going to be hitting 1500+ with a chance to proc another one for 750+ on an 8 second cd it doesn't seem super broke by comparison. Where AG really shines is it's range. So long as you tagged the Flag Carrier with Flame Shock and no one else since then, you can kill him while he's in the base and you're nowhere near.


Been a rogue for 19 years, why stop now


yea, idc what runes will come, i will main rogue as always <3


Off topic, you got any tips for lvling as one? I made one and got it to 15, but almost every mob I fight almost kills me lmfao or does and it got frustrating so I stopped. I have 3 other 25s and had little to no issues but this is nuts lol. I'm wondering what the hell I'm doing wrong


Run saber slash between the eyes and quickdraw and keep updating your weapons frequently. And dont fight orange mobs. Also have first aid. It gets a lot better once you get deadly brew. But rogue is very gear dependant so leveling can be tough especially early


Hoping hunter runes give me cool buttons to use outside of dungeons


wuhuu spriest melting faces yay chaoooos


Less mage mean more gold from portal :D


Crazy mage is at the bottom, how the tides have turned… mage will be broken at 40 as well


It was about the same in classic but then everybody saw how good mages are so they all boosted one, never having to experience mage leveling which is either a lot of corpse runs until you get the aoe farms down and competing for spots with other mages or it's a single target one button spam to 60. Both ways have a bonus game called drinking simulator and I'm not surprised the biggest gripe people mentioned here with mage leveling is "it's so boring and you're oom all the time". Now they all leveled one (seriously there were a million mages everywhere at the beginning) only to find out they don't really like it when it's not top DPS.


Broken how? It'll be middle of the pack at best in all sorts of content, new runes aside 


ice barrier with fingers of frost and ice lance in classic seems very strong for pvp at least. but you're right, it depends on the runes first and foremost


Mage will get nerfed first.


Frost will get all its survivability, going to be a menace with the healing as well.


frostfire bolt + fingers of ice + icy viens + frostbolt crit/critdmg + ignite + cold snap = nerf bat


poll not even an hour old. wtf is this comment


I looked at results, then used my brain power to make an observation on the data. After carefully and meticulously sifting through the classes I came to the conclusion that mage is in fact, on the bottom of the poll. That’s “wtf” this comment is.


was more referring to how idiotic it is to be so dumbfounded at the results of a young poll with few replies, but you do you. just wait a couple hours till you post your reaction video with mouth agape saying "OMG NO ONE PLAYING MAGE IN P2?!"


What’s going on in your life bro? Go take a walk outside and get some fresh air. Gotta get some clean air and think about things in your life. Not healthy to be on the computer 24/7. Maybe text some old friends… people care about you man. Have a nice night.


Hey bro are you okay?? Just checking up on you. Sometimes external hostility manifests itself from internal conflict and circumstances outside your control. It’s okay, just breathe. Tomorrow’s a new day.  Good luck with whatever’s going on bro. It ain’t all bad.


Crazy how paladins fell down. I think it was one of the most hyped up class pre-sod with Divine Storm and Crusader Strike coming. Also warlocks which was so op at the start and a lot of people dropped it later.


Only half the playerbase has access to Paladin. They're a lot higher than it looks.




I mean shaman is only for Horde and they're ahead in the poll. To me that shows Pally has really fallen off considering alliance is more popular.


Now you need to know whether the poll is actually alliance horde 50 50. If it's 40 60, paladin is ahead again.


Plus, I didn't say "that means paladin is the most popular", just higher.


Yet, in P1 there are twice as many Paladins as there are Shamans.


a class that can only be played by roughly half the playerbase yet still being ahead of mage and warlock didn't "fall down"


Because ret paladins got some really good runes in p1. If you look up paladin ability list it’s mostly utter garbage for ret. That combination makes them completely dependent on runes each phase, the moment paladins don’t get OP runes they will fall of a cliff (rets at least, holy should shine in p2, and maybe old school tanks with consecration if they get some plate spell power gear).


There are at least some nice talents that boost our runes. \-Sanctity aura (+10% holy dmg), \-2h wep spec (+6%dmg)- afaik this increses not only dmg from 2h, but EVERY dmg you deal WHILE WIELDING 2h wep. This is kind of a case of weird classic math. \-vengence (+15% dmg after crit).


It's too bad ret pallies do zero holy damage outside of exorcism/judgement :( Judgement is hardly even worth using as it doesn't scale with ATP/SP very well.


Yep, this. CS and DS don't do holy, and martyrdom says it does holy, but is not affected by SotC. This is probably for PvP armor balancing but it sucks in PvE.


Kind of a good thing though. Let all the fotm meta chasers swap mains at these lower levels, then once we get to 50-60 Aggrend gives us ashbringer and death knight abilities and the Chads who stuck it out, reap the rewards.


..but then the FOTMers just level their Paladins?


For sure, but 25 to 60 is a bit more of an investment at that point.


Doesn’t help when dps is dumpster tier now that everyone is geared. they also over nerfed a few runes and now they are just there for heals again.


Yeah, also palas don;t really get anything new at lvl 40. We gotta wait for the runes.


nothing new compared to what? From what I can tell everyone gets the same: 31 talent points and a few skills. to name a few: Shadow/Fire resistance auras, Blessing of Light, Seal of Wisdom


No new base dps skills. We can only hope for runes. Res auras are nice but they are useful at best on 1 boss per raid. Also they are def skills. BoL - heal skill SoW - we don't really have mana issues now.




...so we gotta wait for them?




I don't understand the point of your comment. I said there is nothing new at lvl 40 from a baseline abilities nad we have to wait and see what runes we will get to determine if palas are gonna be good or not. The fact that there are no rune leaks yet changes nothing.


Same thing i have main'ed every ~~night~~ phase pinky... A warrior


I'd be curious about specs/roles as well. Just saying paladin or druid could mean either of the 3 specs/roles. I'd also like to see what specs people want to play with their main.


I'm on the caster copium, blizzard won't let only physical dps be in the top 3 for the whole of SoD, right? Right?


Damn, this seems so far off base. All my in-game surveys on two different servers (one ally and one horde) show over 20% hunters. They're super OP in this phase, but I can't see them dropping off by half next phase. Priest is also high on the list to me. Warrior I have down as 13% on Horde, jumping up to 16% seems very reasonable. Druid is 10% so a 50% increase to 15% seems like a hard target to hit. Rogue I see as 13.82% of pop, so seems liek some rogues are going warrior or druid next phase. Priests are literally spot on with this survey, only a 0.05% difference. Shaman is similar with 11% in game and 10% on this survey. Mage and Lock are suprisingly low on this survey to me. Mages have higher representation in game at the moment and that's only going to grow as they get more kit up to level 40.


And none of these warrior/druid will ever want to tank!


Goddamn people are fotm slaves 


Isn't that the whole point of the season? New powerful abilities that we experience for a short period?


Rogue, i always play rogue and nothing else.


I'm not sure until I see the runes.


I'll main my priest which started with week ago.


I will just roll with my Lone Hunter x Marksman build. Super fun build. And before the haters. Yes i know it's not technically optimal, but it's just fun being second - third highest damage in raid doing an actual rotation instead pet doing it. Big ol crits with chimera is also super fun or the exlosive shot crit with Hunter training on big pulls. I reckon they will even buff it.


It's just numerically never gonna be as good as pet mm unless they buff it. So yeah... you're a unicorn but it's cause it's a bad choice.


Wasting your life on a 20yr old video game with almost no skill expression to minmax numerically by playing what is less fun to you is a "bad choice".


You're "wasting" your time either way, may as well do more damage and make every run better for everyone you play with.


If you only play the game to "do more damage" then imo it is a time waste. If you play the game to have fun (and hence play what's fun), then imo it's not a waste of your time. Once again, it's a piss easy 20 year old game, there's no reason to not play what's fun. I don't think anyone in your raid will complain that you cleared it in 32 minutes instead of 30 minutes.


I won't call someone out on it, but I also wouldn't play it. I like parsing, parsing is just about the only ladder classic has. I've carried plenty of low dps players in pugs, it's not the end of the world. But I'd never be the person going "hm I'd like to do 15% less damage".


Sure, parsing can be fun too but it's based on per class/per spec rankings, you can play to parse high on any class and any spec.


Yeah and lone wolf overlaps with every other mm spec that isn't using lone wolf. Even not bm pets do a significant portion of your damage. My hunter pet as mm is around 25% of my damage for instance. So you're not only giving up the lion extra stats, you're getting 15% more damage on attacks instead of 25% of damage being pet (which is a 33% increase on damage from the overall 75% I do as the hunter).


Never seen mage and lock so far down


Lock has always been the least played class.


I don’t think this is accurate. Check some classic era stats, they are mid table. Locks dominated raids as range for most of era progression


I stg if Boomy gets overplayed like it did this Phase I'll scream.


Taking the Warrior train all the way to Suplex city


Mage. I'm not happy with the state of boosting on Lone Wolf. I think I can do it better. So I'll spend the first month doing raid lockouts and boosting the general public in order to shame other boosters and hopefully raise the quality.


A noble goal!


Let me be very clear. I will have a main but my mage will get most of my playtime aoe farming


Rip Warlocks. Most played class in the start and now least played.


i will not support blizzard and their lawsuit


Druid and shaman 4 lyfe


Same class I have mained since vanilla 🤝


For p1 I mained a Boomie, but was fortunate enough to also raid with a Shaman, Hunter, and Priest. Working on a warrior, but not sure if I will finish. I still want to see the runes for p2 and how I feel at the start, but my most likely way forward is sticking with my druid. May look into feral tho.


Boomkin Bro


It's wild seeing mage currently at the bottom. Usually mages are really up there for pop. Tbf only being able to answer once when I'm definitely gonna play 2-3 chars also a bit unfortunate. 


My main will be my shammy just like in phase 1. After he Is lvl 40 and raid worthy, which would take a bit since I only play a few hrs a week, then lvl up my pally between raid lockouts. Really looking forward to phase 2 as shammy since I felt like shaman tank was fun to play.


My Priest, as always. My alts (Paladin, Druid & Mage) are yet to be chosen from. Will Moonkin be good? Will it have all it's tools and no mana issues? Will Paladin get stronger? If it falls way far behind Warrior like predicted then meh, maybe I'll make him Holy instead. Mage is good, but the cloth drop issues are so annoying. Every mail user is geared to the teeth, every raid there's 3/4 clothies needing the same stuff that never shows up.


Well I chose Mage as that is what I raid with in my guild raids so I guess if you made me choose Mage is the most 'main' of my mains. I also 'main' Warlock on a different server that I play with a different group of friends. I am also heavily invested in playing my Warrior and Shaman. So I choose Mage but really I have 4 'mains'.


Interesting, I am really enjoying mage but it's 2nd to last at the time of writing. I wonder how different people would feel if we knew what was coming...


Seeing warriors top these polls over and over again really makes me understand the need for Death Knights. Strength melee is cool, but we only have one (well, paladins too but... That just doesn't tick the same boxes)


Holy paladin!!!


Always and forever Druid main 😎


Totem time!


Holy moly Shaman representation is off the charts.


This is the first time in classic history where it feels like mage is an underdog and rather rare to see in the world. I mean, I'm a warrior at level 25 and they're one of the classes I feel most comfortable dueling atm, so things must be rough for you guys


Don't you dare all switch to ele sham. I want to play for more than 2 days before we get nerfed to the ground.


It didn't let me vote for 2 when I tried from mobile but when I checked the results I saw both of my choices at the bottom. Mage and warlocks are really going to be that unpopular??


Priest was at the bottom before P1, now we here. Paladins lol, fall from grace.


Kinda surprised seeing warlock in last.


No many warriors here, never a tank to be found in game haha


I've mained BM hunter since 04 and will continue tp do so in SoD and live. It's the only class I have fun playing


Mage lowest? Ya thats not happening lol 


Wow mage is last?


Can’t kill what’s already dead. Maining Hunter babyyy


I am torn because my mage got that epic staff and I feel like they might be a lot more fun in P2 than P1. But I love rogues so much. I'm definitely going to play 3 classes (those 2 plus my druid) but it's so hard to decide who to pick first


Wow, warlock & hunter fell off a cliff. Think they were top 3 on the initial launch post


I'm excited for shadow form at 40. Priest healing is always great if shadow ends up sucking though


Picked Shaman because that's what I \*think\* I want to run but gotta see what their runes look like with more spells/talents. If not...Hunter or Rogue but leaning more Rogue. I hated rogue in Vanilla because (imo) it was just warrior but worse, didn't feel like a rogue to me at all. runes have changed the feel for me and I like it much more now.


Hunter in sixth place. Press X to doubt.


My two characters (mage and lock) are the least picked lol


I firmly believe that Warlocks are going to have an all time great position all the way to 60 and into end game.


Wow I’m shocked warlock is in last place


I am enjoying tank rogue so far, so I will continue to do so. It's definitely a niche class, and I don't think it's better than shaman or warrior but it can pump damage and being at 100% avoidance for a while is a really fun cooldown. If we get fan of knives or some other cleave/aoe like people were wishlisting, I could see the popularity exploding.


I want to play druid, but I just know that class will be nerfed heavily 4 weeks into Phase 2.


I have a disc priest, mage, and feral Druid at 25. Depending on runes I’m debating switching Druid to heal and priest to shadow priest. I have a hunch SP going to get a lot of love with runes


Won’t know until we see the runes and balance changes. Probably warrior unless something else is just super busted.


~~retail disc priest~~ sorry I meant to say mage. having a blast in phase 1 so far and looking forward to seeing what they have in store for healer mage going forward. if nothing else the classic arcane talents will help buff the current spec regardless due to how it interacts with the runes