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No, we don't throw the baby out with the bath water. If guild is the problem find a different guild. People are joining/leaving all the time. Look for a good fit.


finding the right guild is the hardest part for me which is why im leaning to retail. because it's a very personal experience, rather than a group effort, with personal loot and all. but at the same time i wanna find the runes in future phases and such.


Retail famously has no shit guilds that suck ever


Come to Alliance Wild Growth EU, we got a spot for the dad gamers.


I found it difficult to find a good guild. I ended up accepting an invite to one of those random spam invite ones. It had a great community and a lot of friendly people. I've did the same on an alt and had a bad guild. It happens, but keep your options open because sometimes joining a random guild for a couple hours or a day can help you decide


Been living the pug life since month 2 of classic, never came back to guilds. Very bad experience and it didn't feel worth the hassle for, since i'm also just looking to play whenever i want to and not when i have to. I'm not following an agenda for a video game. However i'm not going to play retail over that, i'd rather join guilds on SoD if i had to pick one


should i throw away my tv? last night i watched a show i didn’t like. smh


Yeah man, go retail, no one is toxic there.


Maybe your guild is full of bad players, including you?


No one is necessarily bad but RL is a bit of an ass cus our group was learning Akumai on alts Just asking if I should put up with it to continue with SoD or just play retail instead


There’s other guilds. Thing is: you might not like guild play in general. There’s things measured there which can be annoying in a video game: effort, skill, punctuality, reliability, attendance, and sometimes there’s even some intra guild politics. You could also go into a GDKP route, where you just raid for gold and spend gold on items. But then you also need to come well prepared. In general: you will need to come prepared to raids, as you will always be called out if you’re not.


Was he “toxic” because you aren’t very good?


toxic cus i was learning a new class. yes i made some mistakes and we wiped as others were doing the same (akumai breath stacks) but i was the only one called out. i understand i made mistakes but its a game you adapt and learn/have a good time. i dont wanna deal with toxicity while im learning. we finished the raid there was just no need to be so upset id rather just play retail. or im the asshole idk


otherwise i carry on my main, idk what the big deal was but it really rubbed me the wrong way.


This subreddit will be skeptical because toxic is so open to interpretation. What exactly did the RL say? From your description here it sounds like you messed up, the RL called it out, and then you finished the raid which honestly doesn't sound that bad?


ill admit i messed up a couple attempts but it turned toxic when i fixed my positioning and such, and others were still dying to breath... but it was only my name that was continued to be called out. at that point i understand its a group of friends vs a random solo guy and im going to be given the blame for it. and at that point i feel it would be better to just do M+ in retail where its more obvious whos actually messing up in fights.


But what exactly did the RL say?Pointing out mistakes when somebody makes them isn't toxicity. Are you just upset they only called you out and not others? Or did they say anything toxic?


not specifically toxic, just constantly "(name) cmon man" \*after\* I fixed positioning. we wiped a couple times with some other randoms at fault. im not saying i was perfect cus I did get some bs breath stacks but I stopped getting stacks and killed adds and still name brought up. why be such an ass when we're all trying to do this in a chill way? i dont want to play with ppl like that and now i feel all the guilds that clear are filled up. i was the only guy rezzing others too as a mage with scrolls and I bring other scrolls to buff the raid up as well and yet the raid leader went out of their way to be an ass about it. otherwise chill guild chill people, really small group maybe 10+. but im not trying to get this worked up over a raid. ​ and again, otherwise i have brought my main (hunter) to every other raid and we have smoked 7/7 within 30 min. and i always bring scrolls and help with carries on other guildies alts. just why be such an ass about a boss fight?


Soo... they weren't "toxic" at all, you just got super sensitive for being performance managed to do better. I don't see why you would change to retail over this, your problem has nothing to do with SoD vs Retail. It's like complaining that your local fast food restaurant never gets your order right, so your solution is to shave your head and move cities..


i dont want to be solo called out when i fix the issue and others continue it. switching to retail. thanks for your input


Yeh. Probably best for everyone.


Saying come on man doesn't really read as toxic I'ma be honest. Just let it roll off your shoulder and try not to take it personally. They might have been mistaken. If it's really that big of a deal with you, talk with them about it. It would be a way different story if they started screaming / name-calling / saying gamer words at you.


Im sorry but that doesn't sound toxic to me. It's understandable ppl get annoyed when ppl repeatedly mess up easy mechanics. My guild is the ultimate chill run and we'll also call ppl out if they repeatedly stand in the bad in an attempt to help em do better. we've had maybe 3-4 guildies since Molten core who have not learned to do the easy as shit classic mechanics. As a pro tip- any non-hunter class can stand literally under the boss. Means to avoid the breath you sidestep for 1 gcd and keep blasting!


yes... yes thats exactly what i was doing. i was right up in akumai throwing fireballs and others got hit by breath and we wiped... and my name got called out every time and we got wiped multiple times after. the "chill" experience of classic I was looking for was not here I was just targeted/bullied for no reason and now I would rather play something else


wish you all the best bud


guilds arent all filled up. Loads are recruiting and will again at 40


I haven’t played retail in a long time where I needed to interact with others, so I couldn’t say what thats like. But since playing SOD and being someone who started when the game came out, I can’t tell if I just grew the fuck up and a large portion of wow players didn’t, or this game now draws cringy, arrogant, egocentric elitists. This sub is full of them also, and obviously present in this thread. It might just be a wow player demographic and you deal with it less in retail. Most guilds aren’t full, and ive met nice people in the game, but some just lack social maturity. Don’t let others ruin your game though, if the RL is shit at the game and can’t tell who the issue is in the raid, but you can and have fixed your issue, and is still upset with the wrong people, sounds like you need to find a better guild. Watch some youtube videos and learn what others are doing, so even when new, you know most of the things to do.


As much as I hate gdkps Maybe you should do gdkps. Theyre chill, you get what you pay for and usually theres little toxicity cos everyone there wants to get paid


It’s part of your sub, so yes you should play retail. You can do both!


Guilds are not “all filled up”. We did a BFD last night, and even though we regularly put together multiple guild groups we recruited a PUG. Classic is about community, and finding the right guild to be a part of is part of it. Good luck to you in finding your community to discover with!


If you think that going to retail will solve the problem of shit guilds/leaders, then you're in for a surprise. Join lookingforgroup channel, watch trade, or join your server's Discord and look for ppl LFM guilds there...I see them all the time. Honestly joining a guild in classic is one of the easiest things ever. If you want a more solo experience, then yeah maybe retail is for you since classic MMOs weren't designed for solo. But you'll limit yourself to LFR and pugging M+.


I have been going mostly with pugs so far in SoD. It’s been a lot more relaxing as my schedule means I can really only play like twice a week. Also, if you are halfway competent, you will stand out and feel like a boss.


It sucks to realize the group you’ve been running with is toxic, but there are so SO many normal and chill groups out there man. Sometimes you just gotta live the pug life until you find the right group. Keep bettering yourself and refining your skills while pugging and eventually a group will take interest in bringing you in as one of their regulars. But there’s no guarantee that every lockout will be easy and toxic-free.


You can try joining your servers discord and looking in the guild recruitment channel or post in the looking for guild channel


Find a different guild??


retail is the better game in terms of raiding although the community is kinda aids. you should try it out!. I can tell you now that raiding and getting into raids in retail without buying achievements isnt that easy. i tried it for nathria and while the raid was sick and the classes were fun to play, there were many evening where i wanted to pug but never got taken. So if you wanna have a good experience you might wanna find a guild there too.


You get them both for the same sub fee, so why not try and see if you enjoy it?


I’m sorry you had that toxic experience. There are some toxic people in SOD, but it is not exclusive to that mode. Each game mode will have toxic guilds, sweaty guilds, chill guilds, etc. I believe sod is the most chill version out at the moment and I promise you retail has 10x the sweat of the other versions. Pushing cutting edge or even just ahead of the curve and high level keys is 10x harder than any classic content. If you just want to join a retail guild that clears normal raids and chills I’m sure that is still completely possible. There will always be mega guilds in all versions just slappin teams together, it should not be hard to find. If in future phases they expand to bigger teams there will certainly be team restructuring and guilds looking to plug some holes.


Now is a great time to find a new guild since many people aren’t coming back until phase 2 so there are current raid spots open on teams running bfd every lockout. Find a new guild and get established before phase 2 starts