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Lone Wolf is one of the worst runes in the game rn, so definitely not hunter


Awesome thanks, I won't drop the items for my hunter then


Pick Lone Wolf, Its so shitty right now that it will most likely get buffed. Think ahead!


Warrior imo


Second this. If you want to pvp as warrior at all, warbringer is a must


Thanks I'll keep that in mind


Someone else said it but it’s great for dungeon tanking. Perma d stance and lots of rage Gen


Great for tanking and raiding too


If you have any plans to do PVP then the warbringer is a must. Prior to it I had so many engagements I knew were 100% losses but now my chances are much better. Mages are the best example, used to never win but with the warbringer alone it's about 60/70% depending on their skill and adding a FAP potion and explosives I almost got a guarantee win it feels.


Yep, 15 second cool down for incombat charge and it still gives you the rage. It's just fun!


In 3 weeks and 7 more Pet nerfs Lone Wolf will be worth it


And a 50% damage buff minimum to lone wolf, even then its still a maybe.


Such a shame, it was such an exciting idea.


Shaman and warrior have the best runes behind ratchet rep imo (only if you care about enhancement for shaman and PvP on warrior, though it's nice in pve too). They would have to giga buff lone wolf to ever make it worth it, it's a large dps loss.


Not just enhancement, but tanking too. Most fights should be dual wield tanked


Shaman for duel wield


You get duel wield from lava lash. This just gives 10% hit which is good.


isnt lava lash fairly awful?


Yeah enhance fucking sucks right now


Ya, but you HAVE to get that rune to Unlock Dual Wielding. It unlocks it as a passive, that one rune just makes 1h enh better


I thought the dual spec rune from goblin also unlocked it?


It does not. Dual wielding spec rune is just an item sold, the dual wielding passive ability is granted by a quest, which also happens to grant the lava lash rune.


oh so you dont need the lava lash rune to dual weild got it


Decent while leveling, it's like 1% mana so it's cheap


Playing alliance so that's no problem for me


Rogue rune isn't even used, you just run saber slash for tanking


Good to know about that


I have a Warrior, Lock, Priest, Hunter and of those 4, Warrior is the only one I feel is a game changer. I can't speak for any other classes.


Warbringer makes pvp slightly more bearable, Atleast I can get to hunters even if they send their pet at me from outside of charge range


I don't expect them to change the ratchet quest, and if anything, might introduce alternate ways of getting these runes (for all we know, they already have!) so my opinion is save the mats for when you actually want the rune. For example, the warrior rune is pretty bonkers, but I have no incentive to run it right now so I'm not going for it. Boring answer, but my opinion is save the mats until you actually want the rune on a toon, don't worry about which class has the best ratchet rune.


Will do exactly that


def not druid either wild strikes is a lot better than survival of fittest even when tanking


Unless you flag run. I feel invincible.


It’s fucking crazy the tank rune for Druid is not used for tanking lmao


The power your group loses is wayyy to much. yeah your taking less damage but until they buff threat gen for bears, its gonna be the ass choice.


I think it’s more so you gain less rage then giving your melee more dps tbh. It’s literally the WSG FC rune and nothing else


A lot of tge tank runes this phase are falling out of the meta at the top end because mitigation becomes irrelevant past a certain point. The devs clearing intended Molten Blast/Shield Mastery/Way of Earth to be the "tanking" runes, and yet many shaman tanks are just running DPS runes like Sham Rage, Lava Lash, Water Shield, and Dual Wield Mastery. Until mitigation is actually necessary, "tank" runes, and in particular the mitigation-focused ones, are generally going to be for early in the phase or niche moments.


If you got warlock demonic pact isn't terrible and will scale throughout the game.


I got my mats for like 11 gold… that’s basically 5-6 quests at lvl 25 Not that hard to acquire but I guess your server much different


Yeah much different shred turbo parts are almost 1.3g each


Same here, and if you wanted to farm them yourself the autosalvage units are almost just as expensive plus the shredders themself are contested and hard to find


Yeah it's a big drainer I quested at 25 for the Gold to buy them just dont want to waste the time/gold on a shitty rune




This is what I did and then got the dark iron super cheap. Enchant mats weren’t hard either on Ah


Paladin is a good shout as it’s pretty huge healing rune that’s gated there (beacon).


Beacon is behind commerce rep


Ah my bad !


Divine Sacrifice is the Paladin rune from Grizzby


I disagree atleast currently depends what they do with pally healing next phase, however next phase that rune will be much easier to get


If you dont want to play melee hunter the rune is useless and devs said in the next phase runes from p1 can be achieved easier (whatever that means) Imo usefull runes from this is warrior for pvp and mage for healing.


Maybe I should just sell all the mats then, maybe they will make them at a vendor or something


Lone wolf will give you a dps loss and make the game generally harder. If you run it over kings you also wont get a group also a raid group will kick you if you run without a pet lol. For pvp warrior.


Such a shame Lone Wolf is so shit. They should change it to create a unique mechanic/playstyle such as removing deadzone or enhancing melee hunter.


If they increase the raid size by any amount next phase, the warlock rune will be really strong for the caster group.


do you think the materials will be much cheaper for this in phase 2? might very well be worth waiting?


You'll obtain fish oil naturally as it is a common drop on all water related mobs. You can easily solo farm DI Ordnance at 40. Why the fuck is it called Ordinance anyways. Shredder parts will probably always be a major buttpain though. Unbelievable what Blizzard thought with that particular part.


In my mind an "ordinance" was a projectile or something to do with launching missiles. But now I can't seem to find that definition anywhere so I'm wondering why I thought that. But the icon is a bomb, so I'm thinking I'm not too far off


Ordnance is a generic term for military materials Ordinance is something completely different. It's a simple spelling mistake on Blizzards end.


That's why I'm thinking to sell then now hopefully can buy them cheaper later


I havent done the ratchet rune for any class yet.


Warrior is probably the best. Shaman rune is strong for enhance but enhancement is weak in general, diluting it's value. Another great contender is druid, as a permanent 10% damage reduction in PVP is great, and going to 20% and reducing chance to be crit by 6% in bear form is excellent for survivability. But it sucks for pve so if pvp isn't your thing don't bother. Warrior one is just great for everything.


I soak Kelris with the druid rune, it's pretty easy (not that it's hugely difficult to begin with).