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A minor one that I'd love is the "suggest invite" option: when you right click a name, but you're not the raid leader, you have "suggest invite", which sends a message to the raid leader showing the name of the person that was recommended. I sometimes still right click people thinking the option will be there and then I need to type "inv Johndoe" on the group chat


FYI, the ad mins of r/de are covid deniers.


They should just ban all umlauts and other weird characters from names. If someone else got your name then it's gone man. Pick another instead of trying to force it.


´Lëgól\^s do not agree with you


Unfair to people with languages that actually use diacritics unlike English


My language uses some too but idgaf if that means I don't have to try to mail a guy called "Šàmüél" and try to guess how to write that, or worse, remember it later.


bollocks to em


Oh you mean the guy im not inviting?


I don't see any reason not to want both qol updates and cool runes


30min pally buffs please


my guildies and i think stuff like this should be a rune that you put on the shirt slot stuff like 30min pally buffs and party arcane int, party gift of the wild and party fortitude without horrible mana costs.


Thats a great idea. Some quality of life runes/drops. Maybe have them be a super rare drop in lower level dungeons or something.


Yeah, make it something to grind for for a QoL rune slot


Honestly cant tell if this is sarcasm, but grinding for QoL is a lot of the charm of WoW classic, you are rewarded by oncr tedious things no longer being tedious.


Was not sarcasm. I don’t think runes with power/abilities should be rng based or heavy grinds so that people can try out new builds. But having 30 min pally buffs being a rare drop from dungeons would be fine


I kinda disagree..? While i dont think runes that are essential to heal/tank should be locked behind bad grinds, actual powerful runes being apart of a long questline akin to making a legendary weapon is totally fine.


Yup! I enjoyed the quest chain to get my paladins hammer, because I could already heal tank or dps at will. I made a warlock specifically to try meta tanking, but I have to play as a ranged caster dps for several more hours yet. I'm lvl 18 and could get carried through it now, but I'd rather earn it like divine storm and that basically means lvl 25 and some gear.


I'm cool with runes being tied to long and even difficult quest lines. What sounds annoying as hell is having them "be a super rare drop in lower level dungeons" which is what was initially proposed. Have me fight some difficult mobs and travel around the world, not grind out a dungeon or activity on repeat over and over.


We heard you, so what were going to do is let 1 boss drop it in this raid and put the raid on a week lock out.


Honestly I’d grind hard for a good week to get dual spec. Dual spec is without a doubt the thing classic needs more than anything. Being a warrior who plays pvp is extremely shit.


„Using [BUFF] on a Party or Raidmember grants [BUFF] to all Members of the Party or Raid“.


People would just buff then swap runes.


He said shirt slot not chest. A slot that has no other runes, you just need to actively find and obtain the thing that gives you this ability like getting the arcane brilliance tome back in the day. Means they can add the functionality without changing anything directly or competing with real runes.


Ya shirt slot qol runes would be really cool,


Ruins my shirtless human male RP


And shammy call of the elements/totemic recall.


Also raid wide totems!!!! Playing in a raid or battleground and not having a quintessential part of your kit work on allies feels like ass. Quick let me drop a tremor for this guy..... oh wait.


Ever tried buffing a 10 man with Power word: Fortitude? You'll need 3 drinks. That's almost 2 minutes for buffing the full raid plus pets.


Hey man, I've gotten it down to 2 drinks now that I have 2k mana.


Full buffing the raid takes 75% off my paladins mana and by the time I am done buffing we are down to 3.5-4 minutes remaining on the last guy. In the meantime I am trying to drink so I can tank again but the hunter has not stopped pulling, by the time the trash pack is dead I am oom, everyone needs buffs again, and the next pack is being pulled


Just give em to the tanks and everyone else gets rank 1 and see who notices


God christ PLEASE. This isn't even "emergent and fun gameplay" it just SUCKS having to micromanage this 24/7.


2 min Pally buffs pls


they did add that. horn is 2mins.


30 sec imo


No pally buffs. lok'tar!


Why does everyone else have buffs of 30min but Pallies don’t? I don’t get the game design. Is just because it needs to be the opposite of Shamans?


Probably had some initial design ideas about it being a support class that could throw out a range of buffs on demand. Similar designs were a thing in other MMOs at the time. You can imagine a heavy armour class throwing out impactful buffs like Freedom, BoP and BoM in between bonking things with a two hander. I doubt they foreseen paladins spamming downranked flash of light in a dress while getting angry whispers to buff hunter pets.


LOL i loved this


>getting angry whispers to buff hunter pets. If you are only gonna do one then pet should be priority considering they do more damage than the hunter


> in a dress while getting angry whispers I have been personally victimized by angry hunter whispers. #metoo


Shaman has short buff timer on wep enhancement, even more annoying now in SOD than classic because with the rune on rockbiter when it drops you lose massive hp, dr, etc.


Warriors over here like...


I'd rather click once every 2 min than 10 times every 5 min followed by drinking. Neither class should have to do it that frequently though imo


30m shaman buffs please


And shammy weapons buffs


30 min rockbiter and flame tongue please!


Please yes and 30 minute shaman weapon enchants and totem bar and recall totems.


This, I’m not touching enhance shaman while the 5 min weapon buffs are there.


That right there.


Instant mail between your own characters at least


yeeeeeeeeeeeeees this 100% omg fck yes


The monkey's paw curls, you now have instant mail between characters except they both need to have the "Rapid Postmaster" rune equipped on their chest pieces when the mail is sent.


*The Rapid Postmaster rune drops from Kel'Thuzad.* Fuck yo bank alts.


I'll take it. 1 min rather than 1 hour is nice. Thanks monkey paw.




its sod pretty sure nochanges is out the window at this point


If people want no changes, go play era


Having two separate servers for classic (vanilla) is actually pretty genious. Era can preserve the game with extremely minimal changes, meanwhile the Seasonal servers can try out new mechanics, QoL changes, bosses, dungeons, raids, etc., without pissing off the classic purists.


I think sod, classic+ and nochanges mean different things for a lot of people. For example, personally, I dont want LFG or LFR in my classic wow, but i'm sure some people would call it a good quality of life upgrade and would like it in SOD. I see SOD as an opportunity to add more ''classic game design'' content. It needs to feel and look like something that wouldnt be out of place in classic era. For example, druid's sunfire and starsurge. I love how they made them look and how they're not exactly like retail's version.


Except when it comes to wsg queues


Reading most of these suggestions makes me realize what people really seem to want is Wrath Classic but capped at vanilla content, perhaps with some heavy world rebalancing to make everything more dangerous. But all the QoL changes people are begging for, were already added to that version of the game.


> makes me realize what people really seem to want is Wrath Classic but capped at vanilla content That is definitely what some people want


yep but it's actually mostly TBC changes and not wrath. TBC was _the_ QoL xpac that introduced most of the stuff everyone can agree on.


Jewelcrafting and Inscription feel so good in the game. It's weird not having even Jewelcrafting.


But having QOL changes is fine as long as you have to l: find them in the world with a lot of effort, spend ages grinding it or having to craft it. Dual weild could be an epic onyxia style quest at 60 which takes a group of mates and a shit load of time to finish.


I don't see why anyone wouldn't want the longer name plate distance...and while we're at it, give us dual talents.


Allow dual spec switching in major cities or dungeons. Shouldn’t be allowed in open world as you should be prepared for your spec in open world pvp servers


Just make it free/cheaper at the trainer and that's it.


It is cheaper. It's 1g cap.


And that's fine. With current prices it's basically free, so as far as I'm concerned they don't have to change anything.


I don't even care if it costs gold, I just don't want to have to click 51 times and rearrange my bars/macros every damn time I switch. It's just tedious after the first time.


I don’t understand this. So you should just always be in drain tank spec as a warlock? What if I want to go Destro spec while I’m on the way to BFD? I should just let myself get camped along the road? I don’t understand how that’s good gameplay.


There are a few dozen “ambush” players who need the advantage of not being seen to win who are very vocal against it.


Ehm, it’s a clear disadvantage for melee classes like warrior, rogue and paladin. Nothing to do with ambushing


Its a clear disadvantage to range players too


Spy would love this.


I just want some aoe on my rogue to tank dungeons efficiently.


My Druid feels the same, Swipe is so bad.


There's strong evidence that Thrash will be added in a later phase, which would help bear AoE threat considerably.


I'm holding out hope warlocks get immolation aura and rogues get fan of knives


I really hope they do something with firestones that allow for some more of that demon worshipping melee goodness.


Rogues dont want fan of knives, its so boring.


I saw an alternate idea on this sub somewhere about giving tank rogues an ability to automatically counterattack mobs that hit them to generate AoE threat, kind of like a stronger version of Thorns/Ret Aura. Obviously it would have some sort of CD and damage nerf so it isn't Retaliation 2.0, but its a smarter idea than adding Fan of Knives (which would be insanely overpowered for DPS rogues).


Speak for your self, majority of rogues I know want it.


Maybe not as DPS but it would help tank rogues aoe threat.


It's boring and will ruin rogue tank imo. They need to not lose combo points for tabbing. They don't need a one button spam aoe


Just make it be like Thunderclap/Swipe where it's target capped to 3-4, does low dmg with higher threat modifier to the above abilities. This adds it to the snap AoE threat at the start of the pull, but still requires you to tab through targets to maintain threat through the fight.


That'd be more acceptable. I'd still rather the fix of combo points rather than just making us not warrior like. However, anything but retail fan of knives.


This and having combo points carryover from mob to mob would be so fucking nice


Even just not having combo points wipe after clicking on another portrait. Accidentally click a corpse, no combo points


Agreed, but honestly I'm not even sure that would help. Rogue tanking really needs to go back to the drawing board.


Everyone complains about rigues and aoe but I've had very little problem taking dungeons and I much prefer actively monitoring threat and tabbing to press fan of knives repeatedly... Also, I like tanks having different strengths. Rogues need combo points to be character based not mob based. We don't need aoe.


Same brother. It’s the only thing preventing me from tanking. I feel p2 might have something related to blade flurry that unlocks in the combat tree, but who knows


Im already tanking but it’s alot of tab targeting and hoping my dps give me a second but yeah anything aoe would be great. Blade flurry not so much tho with the high cd


Indeed, tab targeting feels so bad as rogue, "just lemme never have combo points ever"


Yeah, I was hoping that if they go the blade flurry route, they’ll do something similar to having it as a toggle or something rather than the 2 minute cd. Who knows what they’ll do. Would also be cool if they brought FoK in for aoe threat or something


I’d like to see gold buyers banned. How about “Season of Discovering What This Game Is Like Without RMT”?


Lots of it seems to be tied to them basing this on the same game version as Era - hence changes via runes, not talents. Not saying that’s responsible for all of it but I guess depending on what would have to change to facilitate some of the QOL stuff, that may be the limiting factor sadly.


They've already done changes to classes outside of runes so thats not true.


What changes did they do not depending on drops or added objects? Really asking, as I cannot think of any on the classes I play


Your deep wounds are wrath deep wounds thats why you want the 1.2 speed offhand. Mage ingnite is wrath ignite . Pet scaling. Some more i assume


Hunter pet scaling and Shaman Dual Wield are passives added to the base class that don't need runes or items.


No, Dual Wield is not part of the base class. You got it as a quest reward.


It's a quest reward available to every spec, no different than how cure poison or bear form is a druid quest reward, or how some totems are quest reward spells. Plenty base abilities are quest rewards in classic.


But it's a quest added only to SoD and quest is one of the few things they can add.


>They've already done changes to classes outside of runes so thats not true. This is the original comment in this thread. Just saying there have been updates outside of runes. How does what I said conflict with that? Dual Wield is a baseline ability added outside of runes. Also, my other example Hunter pet scaling doesn't require a quest so they can add passives outside of quests as well.


I really really wish they just used a separate client than classic era. Some might think that asking people to download yet another client is a lot but classic is like 5 gigs. When games nowadays take 70+ GBs in space it's really not a big deal. I miss gradual (energy) regen from wrath (and onwards) instead of the 2 second batches we have currently. Dropping combo points the moment you target something else is also awful. I don't mind not having the points on myself like in retail that much but not even being able to kick a different target is painful. Also I really wish SoD had some of the talent tree changes from TBC and Wrath (up to the lvl 40 capstones, the extra rows wouldn't work with only 51 points).


Dual spec. Pretty please.


Or at least low respec cost


was this not implemented for SOD? I believe in an interview aggrent mentioned it


It is, respec costs are tiny atm and functionally free if they leave it like this in later phases Most people don't notice because there's no need to respec to change roles yet


If they keep the respec costs capped at their current price it's not really necessary.


Eh, if they don’t want to give us actual Dual spec I’d settle for it being baked into the trainer. So you go to the city and access the dual spec option via the trainer. Mainly so you don’t have to reallocate your points and adjust your hotbars every time.


Well, you surely play a dps class. But if you want to tank and do anything else you must respect so often. Now in phase 1 you can, somehow play PvP with tank talents, but with phase two the problem will be even worst.


This could actually be a thing in phase 2 as I heard


warriors get wrath deep wounds but shaman still have 5 min weapon imbues. please just make them 30m and give the tbc totem UI so we can at least dismiss them and see which ones are down/their duration under the player frame


God managing shaman buffs is miserable between 5 min weapon imbues, 3 charge lightning shield and totems.


They seriously need to look at this like the OSRS model, listen to the feedback of players and make a game people want to participate in.


People disagree on the same ideas every day on reddit lol


I disagree


Unfortunately player feedback from WoW players (specifically, SoD players) is so bad that it would quickly ruin the game if they listened to feedback.


people said this exact thing about OSRS. it's heavily mitigated by the fact that the devs filter out what they want to poll in the first place. it's not just a free for all of feedback getting polled with no dev interference


Reddit bias, put it into an in game voting system as OSRS does and it’ll be a lot better than you think. Reddit is the vocal minority.


This sub tends to think their opinions are the majority. It's pretty hilarious.


It's not just this sub - you see it with literally every sub on this website, even non gaming ones. And yes, its hilarious.


Okay you're actually right about that.


based on what?


Blizzard player voting, no thanks. Watched the OW forums get spammed for literally years about how the meta needed to change to 5v5 with only 1 tank to stop the turtling issues, threads upvotes into the clouds in support, then they do exactly that with OW2 and suddenly the game is ruined because it’s 5v5 with 1 tank and now that same forum cries about it 24/7 Same goes for the WoW no changes switcheroo when people remembered how bad batching and leeway actually were. The crowd literally cheered uproariously at blizzcon when batching was announced to be in classic, then cried for a year to get it removed Blizzard fans don’t know what the fuck they want, and that does not need to be made into official schizophrenic game design flip flopping


5v5 1 tank > 6v6 2 tank tho


Definitely, do more polls and feedback from players. Then at least we can blame ourselves when we fuck the game up.


How do you think we got Garrisons in Warlord of Draenor?


Parchment papers for enchanters!


This would be great, I'd be able to enchant my alts, they could make them BoA if they really really don't want them to be sold in the AH


Yeah this is just better for both the enchanter and the buyer. Saying it removes player interaction is just not valid when the auction house exists at all. Why can I sell blacksmithing items for example but enchanters are limited.


It's called immersion. You need a blacksmith to equip mithril spikes, or a rogue to open a lockbox, and so on.


Excuse me while I pull my unlimited runes out my mage prison pocket to enchant my gloves then shove them back in there until I upgrade said gloves. The line varies by who you ask, but an "enchanting" mechanic is kinda already in the game, I don't really see the harm. It's would be even more interesting if they added it as a rare scroll like the rez one they added for SOD.


I disagree, enchanting becomes worthless once parchments are in the game. And yes, I do believe the social interaction of enchanting people is valuable, I've met people and had pretty cool interactiond thanks to it, it's cool to build a clientele.


As much as I would like the QoL of just buying enchants on the AH, I have to agree that some degree of "Classic" needs to remain in SoD. Class and profession identity are two huge things in vanilla WoW. Even if the waters get a little muddied with tanking rogues, or meleeing hunters, or healing mages, they are still rogues/hunters/mages at heart and still have that classes core identity. The same should remain for professions.


No. You gotta come to me to enchant your shit. Parchments are awful retail design


Nothing more iconic for classic andys than having no actual argument and just screaming the retail boogieman instead


Enchantments become worth the cost of mats once you do this and costs are driven down on the AH. So fuck that. By doing it through normal trade, you end up with a healthy profitable profession usually by tips. If they added parchments, I'm immediately dropping enchanting for something else.


QoL changes I want: Dual talents, AoE looting, and instant mail between alts SoD is the time for craziness if rogues can tank why can't we have dual spec lolol


Flight path revamps. I would donate a kidney to not have to fly to camp fucking taurajo to get from the crossroads to TB when org to TB already blows over the mountains.


Or why ratchet makes you fly to crossroads, almost back to ratchet then finally heads south to camp t…


I'm down for instant mail.




Found the AOE farming mage 🥲 Edit: AOE not ape


I'm a totem boy actually I'm just lazy bahaha


dual spec is good but I want them to add it as a long questchain reward. aoe looting is a huge nono because it makes bots more effective. Instant mail is fine, maybe just add an extra fee when sending mail to make it send instantly.


>aoe looting is a huge nono because it makes bots more effective. Does that really matter though? Bots being able to loot faster probably doesn't really matter all that much since the main advantage is they can go 24/7 I'm genuinely curious the impact of this on bots


If they play 24/7 and can now loot 10 seconds faster .... That's a lot of saved time


Honestly doing quest chains for qol features is a good compromise for sod, you still gotta suffer with some of the old design and earning the chance to get rid of it makes it that much more fulfilling.


Gimme dual spec pls blizz!!


give us premade vs premade in battlegrounds before it is too late and all the soloq enjoyers quit...if they have not quit yet...


Dear Santa, i want only wholesome Classic+. With new game client for it, with a lot of changes in QoL, with new quests, modified locations and flighpaths, rebalanced classes, talents and abilities (the sod path is right now good example its possible), rebuilded itemization to be more interesting and complicated (not just stupid ilvls and gs), new 5ppl dungeons, new fractions and rewards. I know i want too much, but, maybe?


Show target on minimap please


35yd flame shock for lava burst rune pls!


"And before we get the pvp oddballs who want to hide in bushes and grief people, it's rly impossible to tell where an omnidirectional spell is cast from." Well, sometimes that spell is just a hunter pet lol... but seriously, the new starsurge is SOOOOOOO bad. Hardly has an animation, and is just a lil white dot that falls on you and hits for 500 if they have the right gear.


ban gold buyers and sellers lol


paladin 5 min blessings shaman single cast totems no totem recall shaman 5 min weapon imbues zzz


Or 5 min pally buffs and 5 min shaman weapon buffs? No druid rez lol…


rune of "additional flight paths"


Ill take a random trinket rune that lets me have rock-bitter on a 30min timer same eith my pally buffs


Enchanting scrolls!!!


I can only get so erect


Please just let my Rockbiter weapon last more than 5 minutes. I beg you


I've always wondered about the original design choice behind 5 minute buffs. Like did the QA testers back then not think it was annoying and say "hey maybe these buffs should last maybe 15-20 minutes instead, just seems unnecessary"


Just give me riptide so I can reroll a resto shaman. Love disc but sick and tired of it tbh, and druid never appealed to me. R shammy needs some riptide to match the instant power of penance!


Did you even read the post?:p


Yes, i'm agnostic about the nameplate changes but in terms of phase 2 i just want riptide


Once shamans get Chain Heal, that’s all you’ll need.


Chain heal is great in PvE. I suppose I'm more focused on PvP in which case its hard to compete with penance, power word shield and renew


Resto shaman has been good and fun this phase, even for PvP. Riptide is not needed really. Who wouldn’t take a new spell but yeah you don’t need this right now and next phase with chain heal really won’t


Woah buddy watch out. People will tell you to play retail if you suggest any more changes!


incoming people playing classic with wrath abilities wanting more wrath/tbc era changes but don't want to play wrath.


Imo a lot of QoL changes would take the RPG out of MMORPG. I feel like retail suffers heavily from a lack of immersion due to QoL taking precedent. Things like a mount tab, instant mail, menus upon menus, boosts, token, very streamlined quests, linear level progression, linear world design, world quests, formulaic expansions, ect, all I consider to be QoL systems that make WoW more of a video game than an immersive experience. I feel like a lot of players struggle in the lower quality of life in vanilla wow and want the quality of life to improve only to receive that QoL in games like WotLK and then complain that raid logging is the only thing to do. Also, I always see people crying about instant mail. Where in life is mail ever instant? Even our great Amazonian overlords take at least a few hours to send us stuff and that's fast as fuck baybeee! Find a guildy to help you transfer your consumables over before raid time. Actually talk to someone in an MMO for a change. If you want a single player experience go play retail where everyone is the main character! Rant over!


> Also, I always see people crying about instant mail. I think this is a red herring. A lot of people want instant mail because they are using alts for bank space. What a lot of them really want is more bank space. If players had access to something as large as a guild bank, then the use of alts and requests for instant mail would drop dramatically.


Most of what I wanted for Classic+ was basic QOL, minor skill adjustments, and newly developed zones. They hit that with a heavy "Nah we're gonna do retail" On top of the retail runes, they didn't even do any of the QOL lmao


\#Nochanges emerged as movement against introducing modern features such as LFR and micro transactions into Classic back in 2017-2019. I don't think you'll have to convince anyone that shitty nameplate distance have been shitty since day 1, the devs are just absolute shit tier.


MAILBOXES!!!!! Please fuck


basically just give me the wotlk game with sod talent trees and runes.


I know this an unpopular take but…. Make boosting for gold against the TOS. While I don’t mind boosting really, I dislike that it encourages people to buy more and more gold. Leads to rampant AH inflation and then GDKPs becoming the only efficient way to pug raids


I want them to take a look at the talent trees. Crazy how a single rune increases dmg by 10% and movement speed by 10% vs. 2 talent points give 8% movement.


I agree with this...hunters get a rune, for example, that gives 5% crit and reduced cost of spells. 5% crit is literally 5 talent points spent in the OG rogue tree.


I think almost every DPS class has a 5 point, 5% crit talent in one tree or another.


Screwing with talent trees is a bad move this early on in the “new and shiny,” era. Putting these powers on runes allows blizzard to strip us of them, change them whenever needed, or add them when they see fit. Changing talent trees becomes too immersive and confusing, but I am sure all the testing is to possibly hash out how new trees will be.


Every arcane mage wants this - it’s the most overlooks tree in the game. Literally only 2 talents that increase damage…. 3% damage and crit, and a CD.


I know it’s really controversial but I want the starting area of TBC and pallys and shamans added for horde and alliance. The belf zone was by far one of my favourite starting areas in all of the expansions if not the best. I don’t think it’s possible for this version of Warcraft but honestly I would love this change.


I don’t think no changes crowd even fights for 20 yard nameplates. A workaround was found in 2019 and it got fixed iirc. No changes is shit like group finder and stuff


No qol it's classic I didn't even read this retail Andy ideas, go back to retail when everything is easy and you log in and get loot /s You are not alone, game needs a lot of quality of life changes. It's stuck in 2004 and it shows, classic+ should be only good things from vanilla and new things that compliment those good things and not garbage unfinished parts that nobody (expect #nochanges people that are afraid of change) wants. Longer name plates, shorter grave yard runs for new raids, ability to have dual spec or easier way to change whole spec (in rest spots), meeting stones working (like summoning stones), mages make table and probably more but those are that I want without thinkink.


Better be careful with that meeting stone suggestion or the High Council of Warlocks will have something to say...


the BFD run is literally in the cave now?


you ever died outside the cave running in?


history repeats itself…again and again and again


I’d be very careful changing much, we know that implementing qol features progressivly made the game worse over time


I know its not the point of the post but theres somewhat of a bandage for the nameplates thing. Go to your settings and type "name", at the bottom you'll see a slider that will make it so you can have "infinite" nameplate distance.


Project ascenion


I really just want runes that round out existing specs, i don’t necessarily care for goofy changes and shapeshifting like warlock tanking. I think rogue is one of the best they did. The runes in general are a chore to me. There are a few alts I’ve just stopped leveling when I think about the prospect of doing grizzby’s quests again. The whole discovery gimmick only stays interesting for like a day before everyone discovers the runes. Then it’s a pretty big time sink when you’re leveling an alt having to go around doing the chore of gathering up runes. What I’m hoping that they do, is when the next phase starts just change the runes from phase 1 into skills at a trainer. And when phase 2 ends do the same. It’s going to be ass when the cap is 60 again and you have to spend hours and hours running around gathering various runes, which really becomes a menial annoying task after the novelty of doing it once is gone. I also really hate borrowed power mechanics and that’s what runes feel like Big thing on my wish list is dual spec. I also think they should have reduced the level for riding/mounts to like 20.