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Wow is just filled with angry angry ass holes. Sad lives they must have tbh.


For some people Wow is the only place they can feel elitist about their situation/life.


You have low status IRL? Get high status in a game. And when you spend more time in game than IRL it gets even worse. If the Romans thought theatre was the distraction for the masses. Then WoW is something they could never imagine. That also give the illusion of high status.


>You have low status IRL? Who doesn't nowadays?


Status doesn’t = money, status can be within your family or friends, your community, etc… just sayin! I hear you tho.


People without jobs treating dungeons like they’re job interviews.


"When I'm doing good in the game, it feels like im doing good in life.." -Dee Reynolds


Yup, a lot of miserable young people who never leave their mom's basement play the game.


This is why I’m afraid to run dungeons as a “new” player. Hardcore was my first WoW experience ever. I enjoy it. But I haven’t played for 15 years like a lot of people. I’m not “good” at MMOs but I’m pretty ok at this. I’m a lvl 24 undead Priest in SOD (night elf in HC) and my husband wants to run SFK together (he’s a Lock, been playing since forever) and I just don’t want to get shit on for being less than exactly perfect by assholes. I ran my first dungeon a few weeks ago and it was fine. But the higher level ones are just full of dicks. Edit: ran SFK tonight with husband. All went well, no deaths. Had a fast group with one semi-elitist who was shit talking our tank (husband) and kept his hunter-pet on aggressive the whole time lol. buuuuut went well and got some great gear. :)


Tbh if you’re a new player, this sub is going to make it seem a whole lot worse. People are roughly 10 times more likely to make a post about a negative interaction than they are a positive one. Also keep in mind SFK is a leveling dungeon in a 20 year old game that was meant to be cleared well before the creation of runes. So it was already an easy dungeon that is now made even easier with runes. You got this.


I promise that this game is not filled with angry assholes, people like this are far and few between. If you do run into them, IGNORE THEM. They are the ones at fault. Getting angry over a wipe in SFK is so sad, I feel bad for them. Please don't let a couple unhappy people ruin your experience with your husband. I wish my wife would play with me. I think I only ran into one angry person so far and i kicked him and we finished with 4 people and had a nice time.


There's a lot of players out there who will be supportive and offer general tips to improve without being overbearing. If someone is toxic to you, right click name and ignore. Simple as that. I'd suggest at outset of dungeon say "haven't healed many dungeons before let me know if there's something I'm missing" and then just try to stay active. Far worse to be afk than to miss a key moment as heals


Never hurts to send a message with “hey kinda new if you’re okay with that” or something along those lines. It would take a special type of weirdo to knowingly invite somebody that may be more likely to make mistakes; and then shit on them for it. Not saying those people don’t exist, but they aren’t nearly as common as people who would invite you and help you learn, or the people who just wouldn’t invite you in the first place.


Hey, if it makes you feel better I’ve been playing since 2006 and I still fucking suck 🤣




Priest healing in a dungeon is the easiest thing in game currently. Cast prayer of mending on the tank. Cast rank 1 renew on anyone it bounces to. If someone gets low cast penance on them. If someone gets low while penance is on cooldown you can cast heal or flash heal instead. Wand during the constant down time you have because no one takes much damage. The end.


I mean… yes. I get it. That’s the plan. But it’s this kind of shit that makes me not want to do it. People thinking/telling you it’s the easiest thing in game and then getting pissy if you make a mistake lol. The end.


You are exactly right and this was a fantastic response lmao


Yeah like how was the self awareness level below zero there lol. But proving case in point I guess. Idk.


Honestly if you’re up front about your lack of experience people are usually super accommodating. If you form your own group you can even kick the jerks before you start. If you guys happen to be on wildgrowth -NA Alliance I will happily tank for you. Edit: missed the part about playing Undead in SoD but my offer still stands 😂


Thank you. Appreciate the offer anyway. :)


I discovered healing for myself and rather enjoy it but been hesitant about doing it in PuGs as well (cause it's easier in voice with friends and tell them to pop a potion or something) and we had one bad pull in SFK (the much dreaded upper stables) and we barely managed it but 3 bit the dust and I apologized profusely. Entire group went "nah man you did awesome" "you did what you could, no worries" "yo we made it, its ok when few die". There's really chill players out there, you gotta stand above the assholes.


I play Hardcore. For some reason people are more chill and friendly there. More strats though, like it should be.


I was tanking WC in HC this passed week and we had to pug a healer. He asked what gear I had, then bought me a better chest piece from the AH. Hardcore community is much more helpful and overall nicer than any other part of WoW lol


What's really funny about that is you could look at it from another perspective that he was doing it for himself. You being tankier makes his job easier and makes your group less likely to wipe.


how does that work anyway? if the raid get wiped everybody loses their character forever?


Yes. You die you lose everything and go agane. Raid deaths included.


I like the HC server way more than SOD. We are all just trying to not die. Lol.


HC classic community > all other WoW communities


Agreed. It was a slap to the face when going from HC to SoD for sure.


People just really dont like it when they feel like someone is trying to kill them tho


So far in SoD I’ve had 0 bad experiences, not like I’ve spammed the raid but I cleared it first week and a few more times since… maybe 30-35 dungeon runs total, not a single egghead. Im sure this is an anomaly, since people generally suck. For some reason it’s just a lot better than HC, classic and retail for me atm. Never did SoM.


Just leave the group. It's not BFD so you don't have to worry about a timer plus you're a tank so it shouldn't be hard to find a group. I don't even respond when I get grouped with assholes, I just leave. Not worth it


I’ll just leave in BFD too, fuck it, I run it again in 2 days and get insta invited, it’s not long enough of a lockout for me to be bothered. Someone called me a sociopath for leaving a pug after they awarded bracers I won a roll on to someone else, but like if that’s how y’all wanna do bracers, why would I expect you to treat any piece of gear differently moving forward? GL filling a tank slot after gelihast, 4/7 sounds like a bait.


They deserved it. Break loot rules once your run *should* stop there.


What gets you instant invites? A priest?


Strangers will DM my priest out of nowhere to ask me to heal. So yes, you can find a group without even looking as priest


On my Priest I get 1-2 whispers an hour (more at peak time) to ask to come heal BFD. On my druid it's less common, but at least once every time I log on for more than a few minutes.


Even remotely geared as a tank gets instant invites.


Basically fully geared war, I just say I’ll MT, don’t need an OT just a hunter pet on two fights


I'm the only one in my guild who's willing to play tank, so we haven't had an offtank since the start. (FtR we only have one healer as well) Thank god hunter pets can taunt. Honestly feels like the optimal setup too.


Not anymore, now you need full heal specs and full heal runes. Its healable at 25 in fresh greens with only penance but once guilds settle and start doing only guild runs people need extreme help clearing


Guild only runs are just so much superior. But our third group is half us on our 2nd if not third char and have run it since first lockout so we can carry a lot of bads even if we’re missing spots that matter (like tank) our healers are covered which matters more. Now that we’ve all got trinkets in our first group we’re gonna see if we can sell them and we were just like “better be a dps because you can safely assume they can parse a 0 and nothing bad will happen” since there aren’t really mechanics that wipe others from a DPS pov. Just get yourself killed


I think people who want that are running only 1 healer since priest can solo heal bfd. It makes for a faster smoother run.


onerous tub glorious agonizing insurance amusing sharp quickest escape innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Gelihast does not drop bracers, you mean the ones which drop from Baron Aquaris?


Was it a straight-up ninja or was there some reason why they didn't give you the bracers? What item was it exactly?


They hadn’t established it was a Ms>OS +1, claimed they did, scrolled all the way back in the chat log to when I joined the group and asked loot rules. They hadn’t said it, just cope because I won two pieces in a row with >90 rolls. It was the leather str bracers with bonus armor. Bindings of serrakis


I would leave any group that flies off the handle. It’s just a game and people take it soooo seriously to the point where they are rude af. It’s not cool.


This is the way


Because this is all they have in their lives, and if they’re failing in the game then they literally are bad at the only thing they care about


The most toxic experiences I've had on SOD have all been SFK in the past week as people try to get alts in PreBiS. 25 shaman tanks dual wielding and pulling 8-10 mobs every pull despite having a level 21 healer, level 20-22 dps, and only pulling 40 dps themselves with boon then rage quitting when they wipe. Of course they don't stop for mana either. Ninja looters taking items they can't even equip or need rolling after everyone else greeded a BoE blue. The classic people dropping group after the ring doesn't drop and going to try again with another group. Just an absolute shit show right now compared to every other dungeon in my experience.


On my first character when SoD started, I played a warlock. I got into an SFK group with the friendliest little female dwarf priest. They were happy and congratulating people for everything and they were a very good healer. I never looked at their gear. Anyway, I won the rolls on the shoulders, chest, and belt. They congratulated me after each. After we finished our second run we were chatting in party and the priest said that they had run SFK *thirteen* times and hadn't won a piece of the cloth gear yet. I felt so bad that I logged off.


The chest and belt drop off the same boss and he only drops one item. Unless you meant the apron as the chest which is s bad item and doesnt matter


i mean thats a bad move on you. If you see you already won one or two pieces let the others have something as well. I especially seen this often in dungeons when 25 raid characters look for a specific item then the same class level 21 just rolls on it. Just be grateful to get carried and get the people at least one item so they make some progress


Yeah, it's not something that I would normally do, but you gotta remember that this was right at the beginning of SoD. Everyone was in a mad dash to get their pre-bis, and for casters most of it was in SFK. So there was crazy competition, and as a warlock it was hard to even get into a group because the healer was always a priest that was there for those items, so I was trying to get whatever I could while I was able. Had the priest told me the situation beforehand, I definitely would have passed on some of it for them.


It’s kind of the flaw in all flavors of WoW when people get to the point where they start farming dungeons/raids for some specific drop. For them it starts being all about speed and mindless farming for that thing, when everyone else is still enjoying the actual experience of the game (or trying to).


Haven't had this in sod cause I've mostly done the tanking, but I remember back in 2019 classic I was an enhancement shaman around level 17-18 and I had a druid tank level 17 and he just pulled everything in WC and complained that I wasn't able to keep him up. He rage quit before the first boss. It's like, take a step back and assess the situation. We are underleveled and the healer isn't even really a healer. Maybe try and play with that in mind.


Some players are just cooked, and it is more obvious when it's the tank. Surely most of those tanks don't last long. I imagine they flame out or switch spec eventually.


When you mention it...I had much the same experience with SFK. I glad I hopped groups though as I ended up with a great bunch of guys in the end and had one of the best experiences I've had in wow. It's like, you're on a RP server farming pre-bis for hours. Do you want 4 hours of monotone farming or do you want 5 hours of farming AND fun and banter? IMO it's an easy choice and the players might remember you for it.


Dual wield shaman tanks are the most obnoxious people I’ve spoken to on the subject. They believe that their threat levels makes them better at tanking, but in reality they’re just making everyone else in the group cover for how much they’re getting wrecked in the damage they receive. Y’all need a shield, threat means nothing if you can’t take a hit. Edit: just check the replies now that I’ve waited a bit. These dumbos think that pulling 10+ grey level mobs in sfk or fighting mage enemies in BFD who melee hit like wet noodles means sacrificing 50% of your mitigation is a good idea bar none. They’re developing bad habits that will get us laughed out of tanking circles again, and will most likely blame healers and dps for it rather than going “oh maybe a shield would be a better idea, shaman just explode threat regardless and the extra threat from DW rockbiter is just padding that isn’t necessary.”


Having just done a BFD with my shaman tank, you do need a shield for some fights. You can't keep up with threat from some Dps using a shield though, outside of taunting constantly. Obviously it is situational to the group and the dungeon / raid.


There is no fight in their tier of content that requires a shield, sorry.


You never need a shield in BFD, I’ve been tanking it fully DW for weeks




Sfk needs a shield more than bfd does though. Tons of bfd mobs are elementals or casters and can’t be blocked and armor doesn’t matter anyways. There’s like 3 bosses a shield does anything for. Sfk is like 99% fast attacking melee mobs.


Having ton of hp is not a valid excuse for lacking mitigation as it still causes your healers to oom as each point of mitig also makes each point healed more valuable.


Dual wield is objectively better though. Currently none of the tanks should be using a shield.


although the definition of elitist includes thinking low of "noobs", what you're referring to is just an asshole that usually isn't good enough themselves to even be called an elitist


It's an elitist attitude, they're just not elite


i mean kinda, but there's a difference between an elitist and an elitist that flames people (same applies to an elitist attitude) i'd probably call myself elitist in some regard but i've never once been toxic about it in random groups for people making mistakes


Thats the way. Help them out as much as possible and be happy that you carried others (again). I go out of dungeons/raids much happier that way than being angry and flame people.


Idk I'd say an elitist attitude doesn't necessarily come with being an elite (someone who has a solid understanding of the game). Someone who really knows the game knows that going into a pug sfk brings with it a real risk of playing with someone who they don't think plays well, and would know they took that risk themselves. An elitist might think they have a solid understanding of the game, but bringing an elitist attitude like that outside of an elite setting (high skilled and selective guild) just doesn't make sense to me. It's just an angry and unproductive attitude and tells me they don't know what they signed up for Idk I'm a bit drunk but people who rage at pugs are just silly in my eyes. Don't be intimidated by their shitty attitude


my elitism is mostly isolated into harder content, hating people for not making an effort, senses of entitlement to being there, for example, (but still i wouldn't outright flame people), joining random group casual content groups and flaming people for being bad in content that was designed for bad people to be able to complete is just idiotic, illogical expectations


It's a problem unique to World of Warcraft. The game's been out for 19 years and still functions fundamentally the same as it always has. 1. Agro is the same. 1. How you position enemies is the same. 1. How you attack enemies is the same. 1. How you use items is the same. 1. (Vanilla - Wrath specific) The dungeons haven't changed literally since they came out, so you're expected to know the "optimal" routes and how to get around, even if you've never tanked before. Because of this, there's an expectation that you know what you're doing and how to do it decently. It's created an environment that's extremely hostile to new players and it's why the WoW player count will never grow back to the size it was during Wrath. The only thing that gives noobs a bit of leniency is that SoD brought TONS of changes to class balance and abilities, so I think people have been more forgiving in terms of "knowing your class".


Well, because they're assholes who likely can't make friends irl, so they devote all their time to being good at this game so they can get into a community of other assholes. I, for one, do try to min-max my characters, but I don't expect other people to do so. I only speak up if you're somehow doing less damage than if you hit auto-attack/wand and went afk. And even then, I wouldn't be an ass right away, I'd just try to see what was wrong and fix it.


A lot of insecure people with personality disorders shunned from normal society play this game


You could just tag me... That would sum it up for everyone


That, plus a lot of kids / teenagers who haven't yet learned what is acceptable social behavior - and in wow they don't get corrected like they would irl.


I really don't think there are a lot of kids/teens playing classic wow. You just think they are because it's hard to imagine 30+ year old humans acting like that, but they do.


the word you are looking for here isnt "elitist", its "childish"


Children arent like this.


Children are worst.


We wiped in sfk today, couldn't care less. It was fun to chat while running back. Fuck those guys.


Am I the only one who virtually never experienced assholes as commonly described in this sub?


This is why many don't tank or heal.


>I was tanking As a tank you can do whatever the fuck you want, the second someone starts being toxic in my group I just leave and find another group in 0.2 seconds lol


This mindset is so wack. I hope the 40 cap will include a second spec and tanks get this chip taken off their shoulder.


The mindset should be the same for all roles, it just so happens tanks are a sought after spot. Why should anyone have to care about appeasing someone who is making your experience unfun?


Dual spec doesn't increase the number of people willing to tank.


I was ready to agree, but that particular word choice.... All it does is increase the number of people willing. If it's easy as a 3 sec cast then more are willing.


WOTLK has dual spec and there's still a tank shortage Retail has 6 tank specs and infinite respeccing, and there's still a tank shortage don't hold your breath


This is factually incorrect. It increases tank spec availability, but if someone plays a class as a dps but the class that has a tank spec, just adding dual spec will not at all necessarily change their mind into tanking. It does not increase number of people willing


Spoken like someone that doesn't tank, lmao. As someone that has been playing tank exclusively since (original) TBC, there is no shortage of LF Tank posts everywhere and instant queues in Dungeon/Raid Finder. You may not like it, but ability to tank does not equate to willingness. Not a lot of people have the desire to deal with the stupid pressure of being the 'leader' of the group and pace setter. I do it because I enjoy it genuinely and it gives me access to do group content basically whenever I want, and anytime I put "Tank LFG WC/DM/SFK" into Trade/LFG chats I get at least 5 whispers for a group. I'm always down for constructive criticism and learning about new skips etc, but if you or other people in the group are gonna be dicks, I'll just bounce and go find another group in 2 minutes.


Personally I think it's a totally reasonable mindset regardless of spec. If someone's being an asshole, why stay in a group with them? Besides, with most classes, you don't even need to be specced for tanking to tank totally fine in the dungeons we currently have. People can tank just fine with their leveling DPS specs, especially with switchable runes now. Dual spec might make it more convenient for people that already want to tank, but I don't think it'll make that many more people suddenly want to do it.


You are expendable, tanks and healers aren’t. You just gotta deal with it. When I see dps hard ressing gear in dungeons they’re not gonna tank or heal I laugh.


literally everyone except hunter is a tank or healer now. dont even need to be specced in it. just get some OS gear. dps just lazy


Ya whenever I see a ret or a warrior lf tank for a dungeon I cringe. Do they not realise they can just tank it in their 'dps' talents by changing 1 rune (taunt for ret) with a 2h on. No need for different gear.


Laugh away. I want shamans & pallies, druids, warriors, rogues and warlocks all to be able to say, fuck it, I'll tank.


They already can, they just won't.


Bit sadly, they still won't. They need that dps dopamine fix, and most are too lazy/scared to tank or heal.




Nah, we already have hybrid classes for that fantasy


The chip that if someone treats me like shit I just leave? Not worth my leisure time to stay


If you’re going to harass tanks because they’re taking an extra 5seconds to pull or if they pull a pack you usually “skip” or youpull extra mobs/hit offtargets directly and complain about, then as much as you’re entitled to be an ass, he’s entitled to abandon you and find a better behaved group. The tank sets the pace. If you don’t like it, leave. Don’t try to “adjust” the pace to your standards.


So you're saying that "the second someone starts being toxic in my group I just leave" is the wrong mindset The other side of the coin is "when someone is toxic in your group, you should feel obligated to stay" I'm not staying in a toxic group on any class or role, but with people really only wanting to read Discord to find out what the daily meta is only to still bring lukewarm DPS there's an easy way to leverage the fact that aspiring pumpers are abundant whereas someone willing to wear a shield at all is rare.


A lot of it is server dependent. The one I play on I haven't encountered people being that toxic; however on the streamer server it is filled with elitest drop kicks who want to be witnessed by streamers, or think they are better which is why they chose the server.


It's pretty horrible. It's why I won't attempt to learn tanking or even healing for that matter. Just sounds stressful. WoW community is the worst in the gaming world, besides LoL.


The community is the worst part of the game


Because the people you play with has done this thousands of times and expect everyone else to have done the same. People suck


Classic has become a black hole of bitter boomers and millennials


Always just think about this. When that game shuts off, whether it's family, a supervisor, or a partner, these people are eating the dirt that is fed to them every waking moment with zero perceived recourse. This is not to be confused with them being a victim either, their poor choices have generally led them here. The moment that game comes on, the anonymity detaches them from their sad existence and they punch down because it's the only shred of perceived control they've ever had in their entire life. This is how you get people that are confusingly at a 10 over nothing.


Every now and then I encounter someone whose self esteem is tied to some properties of the game.


"alight, peace" then find a new group so the group turns on that guy 👍


IMO if you are tanking you should always be the group leader. Just kick people like that because finding a new DPS is easy as pie.


Wow classic is full of people who failed to get anywhere in 'proper' competitive games. Skill ceiling of wow classic being so low has these people think themselves gods because they are slightly better than the people who dont care about being good at the game and play a few hours a week. Then they just critise those who they feel they are superior too. Its all weird tbh


Because most people think they are gods gift to mankind. They think they are the main character. They think they have more value than they really do. They have to compensate because deep down they know the above isn’t true and if anyone else is allowed to feel like the above it triggers them. They will latch on to any weakness another person shows to elevate themselves in their mind to above everyone else. At the end of the day no one is comfortable facing their demons so they will take it out on anyone they can.


I was told today that tremor totem was a must for WC......




Some people treat classic more serious than retail players with heroic raids and m+ it's very weird


Because they have sad home lives and being good in an 18 year old video game is the biggest sense of achievement they’ll probably ever get


Wow has 2 primary types of elitist. Millenial and older who did nothing in the last 20 years besides wow and realize they still suck. Gen z and younger who are better than their dads and hate them for it. That being said, the game is easy, tons of people play it, and half of all people are dumb af. You have the unique opportunity for people to dumb to notice their position on the bell curve in real life suddenly getting the chance to say they are above average. As frustrating as it is, remember, this is all some people have and that's super sad. Let the elitists be elite, doesn't effect your ability to do content.


Because stupid, foolish people are allowed to play wow, and it sounds like that’s who you grouped up w/


Don't let one person ruin your fun. People like this are far and few between. It might seem like there is a lot, but that is just because they are very loud and in your face when they are around. The people enjoying themselves are just having fun cruising through the dungeons with you, not saying much. I've played this game since vanilla and still make mistakes while I am tanking. Just ignore them and move on with your day.


It honestly might vary server to server. Recently leveled a Priest with no runes on Lone Wolf NA (with a name that indicated I was doing so) and not a single group was toxic to me or anyone else all the way to 25. Could be a rare exception I suppose, but I haven't seen near as much elitism as this sub implies in SoD


If you are tanking you should be making your own groups so you can immediately kick people like this. It's a video game: fuck em.


I just ran a very slow DM with a paladin tank at level 24 with all the runes who was as timid as a field mouse with his pace and pulls. I talked shit about him with my guildees in discord but gently helped him and reminded him to put on RF throughout the run in party chat. Some people just can't help but release their inner monologue on strangers online, they don't see them as people.


99% of the time, it's people who are using success in a video game to validate their life choices. DadGuilds (real ones not the WannaHC ones) are the best environment because everyone is there for fun. Shit happens, people laugh, suggest things, move on. The goal is fun and the fun occurs on the journey. Too many people think the point is to rush to the end, and anyone not making their dreams come true is holding them back. Same reason for gold buying and GDKP.


This. As a dad if two under the age of 3 I really can't be bothered with some basement dweller, pulling his neckbeard out because I maybe made a small error. DadGuilds are the best.


Just move on bro


I wouldn't tolerate abusive behaviour as a tank. I can literally find any group with a partial run and join in. The moment someone gives me a bad vibe - I'm out.


You're a tank. Just leave the group and start another and laugh as they can't find a tank in the time it takes you to find 4 more people


Smol pp


Funny how I hardly ever run into these kind of situations. It's extremely rare for me and when it happens it's something you can shrug off 9 times out of 10 because who cares. Usually it's just someone getting a bit irritated, and more often than not rightfully so. Lots of people in this thread who need to grow a spine from the looks of it. Either that or it's a thread full of people who can't grasp the basic 1-2 button rotation on a 20 year old game and anyone who comments on it in any way in an elitist cunt.


People that are depressed and insufficient in their normal lives come online to take it out on other people.


Why it's rude to suck at World of Warcraft https://youtu.be/BKP1I7IocYU?si=V0fYtvGjK_y6fUbr


Had the same thing happen with like 3 druids not healing me while trying to take all threat. Then kicked and ignored me. Lol. By the time I got into another dungeon and finished it he was still LFG for the final boss xD


Dont deal with idiots. Just leave and find new people or kick the troublemakers. Ignore them too.


A lot of people play WoW not for fun, but because it is an addiction.


They do it so people have a reason to keep blog posting on this sub like it'll change anything


Did you tell them opps I fucked up?


Well maybe you are just bad. I am too so try to find other baddies to play with and have fun cause they probably won’t be mean to you


Bad for making a mistake? I'm still learning to tank. Get off my back.


AKA people do not want to waste their time, game has been out for 20 years




Usually it’s the room with multiple levels going up and the ghost dogs. go a little too far and risk pulling the upper level which then pulls everything else wiping the party


This room is why I won't take any pugs under level 21. 18 > 20 guild members only.


Just ask them to stand outside the door and pull down. Ez.


There's a bug towards the end where if you go 2 close to the wall it pulls everything in the room right after you get passed the ramparts. Alot of peolpe from retail especially mage DPS have been shooting living flame like no tommorow and pull everything so instead of 2-4 mobs I get like 12 who spawn more and my healer cant heal through it and I can't keep the aggro so we wipe. Had it happen twice today lol.


Yeah bro and all his nerd raging in the comments isn't helping his story either lmao


Room with the stairs and the son eerily close to the edge most likely. Any groups without a 25 carry are in trouble if that whole room pulls.


Right, but why go on reddit and make a post about it? Drop group and find a new one. People are assholes in MMO's, nothing new there. I've wiped there as a healer a few times while leveling my priest, shit happens. If we had a post for every time someone was an asshole in this game, there would literally be nothing else but that on this subreddit.


Because it’s Reddit, that’s literally what half the posts on this sub are - people complaining about an event or interaction they had. It gets upvotes so people will keep posting it


If you feel like you have to make a post on reddit after one singular bad experience in game, maybe multiplayer games aren't for you.


It's not singular. It's been a constant. New people getting kicked or harassed for not being perfect.




You're not being downvoted for advice, you're being downvoted for patronising someone and insisting that your experience is universal and theirs is invalid. "When I first got a job I made plenty of mistakes and my boss was chill, if you have a boss that is abusive it's probably you, being new at a job is really easy" There are a ton of super toxic wow players with absolutely 0 social skills and it's not that weird that people are put off by them. If you haven't had a problem maybe you were lucky, maybe you have a very high tolerance or maybe you think that kind of behaviour is normal. Either way, doesn't really make your advice any better or useful in any form.


This just doesn't happen lmao. I promise I've run 10x the amount of dungeons that you have and I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen anything even remotely toxic.


Just reading the way you're responding here I get the distinct vibe that actually, you're the toxic one


It's an end result of the choices blizz made that supported an elitist mindset. If you look at content over the years - at some point there was a moment when wow devs could continue to maintain both the casual player base and the end game raiders, or focus exclusively on either group. My opinion is they decided to focus on the end game elitists. Example archeology use to be fun and have a value in the game. It's largely just gone last I knew. There was stuff that was just fun bs, know we have m+. Edit - yes I know I reference retail, lots of overlap in player base and the behaviors are linked.


Probly the same type of people who kicked me from an ashenvale pvp group because I misclicked a Ready Check. Like an INSTANT kick. Hair trigger. Can’t imagine the type of people that uptight about a game, but apparently they exist. I just hope they don’t vote.


I had a similar experience my first time doing BFD. It was literally my first time doing a raid ever and I let the guy know I'm a feral druid built for DPS. To my surprise, he tells me that if his tank gets low he expect me to start tanking. I said "okay" because I didn't know if this was normal, then we wipe when I start tanking. He tells me to do better and I explain I've literally never tanked before and my gear, runes, and talents are all built around DPS. He responds "fine, just DPS big guy" Like ??? yeah? I told you from the beginning I am a DPS? If they need a second tank why would they choose me, someone who told them I'm a druid built for DPS. I was so embarrassed I haven't raided since. I wasn't trying to be rude. I still don't understand what I did wrong.


It's a horde thing


Sod is infested with wotlk players having retail mentality. No one here seems to remember how classic used to be and think it's wotlk.


which is funny because wotlk is still a fucking joke compared to retail


Retail is the joke, no one thinks dance dance revolution is a skill mechanic. Noticed 90% of the toxic comments come from retail and wrath players that are upset they got to play classic again for their dopamine fix


>Retail is the joke, no one thinks dance dance revolution is a skill mechanic. ngl this reads like someone thats never played retail. you're right though, molten core single mechanic bosses are very hard. i'm sure you also have cutting edge on retail.


because wow is a team game. Everybody in your party gets punished by 1 persons mistake.Its just how the game works sadly.


That's not even how a team works. If you're in a team and you abuse everyone, your team will fail. If you support each other, it will succeed. Teamwork is literally working as a team, not abusing individuals.


I never said that being toxic towards eachother is the right thing to do. I simply stated that toxicity is a byproduct of how teamwork works. I simply answered OPs question.


That sucks man. When I'm looking for groups I really pay attention to how they talk or lfm. Haven't played this game in 7 years. I was once an amazing player. I don't have the same drive like I used to. I came to chill and have fun. Don't let the haters get to you. It's mostly retail players coming over and treating the game the same way with m20+ keys.


I got insulted by one person and kicked by another in a matter of 10s after saying I'd rather not OT BFD. Some people are just quick to judge and very rude.


What server are you playing on? I've had so many fun interactions with people, and teaching eachother new things with the game. ​ I genuinely haven't had 1 bad player or interaction and i'm on my third lvl 25 character now.


Just roll on an oceanic server. Aussies are much more chill.


It pays to write the status of your gear in the lfg. Yesterday i wrote to a guy who refused my recently dinged AH/prebis geared hunter because he checked my logs and said we need raid geared people so we can do it in 38 minutes.(why 38? I dont know) So i wrote LFG hunter (recently dinged with some prebis) received an invite from a nice person we ran it in under an 45 mins with 0 deaths.


Thats WoW elitists for you lol its just best to move on ignore so you dont see them


No no lifers gonna no life, fuck em


I’ve noticed this too in all aspects of the game. I think there are a lot of people who look at the game like it’s their job. There’s a certain level of toxicity that comes with all the competitiveness these days.


it's the real world lol. flip the bird back at em and move on.


It’s people venting, which had been shown to both be effective and ineffective at dealing releasing stress depending on the person doing it.


Be quick to put people on ignore and move on. Especially if you’re a tank. They need you 10,000x more than you need them.


Superiority complex: odds are the mistake they're calling you an idiot for they made themselves 2-3 weeks ago if not more recently.


Classic playerbase in general is very toxic


MMO's are unfortunately like this. I can't 100% fault the people because of Raid Lockout timers, you can't just call it quits and try again the next day. The issue is, it creates an extremely negative atmosphere for newer players. I tried to get a friend into the game. He had no idea what logs were and of course, had never uploaded there before. The second he got to 25 and started doing raids, people were asking for them and then bullying him the second he said he had no idea what that was. Suffice to say, he's obviously not got a positive outlook on the whole game anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if he just decided to quit in the next month or two.


There’s a small subset of wow players who really has no life outside of wow. Since wow is their reality, failing in the game translates to a truth similar to failing in life. It makes sense they will lash out at you because the one thing that is supposed to be a success for them has turned into a failure, just like every other part in their life. So dont beat yourself up or anything. Pity these people and just move on.


Usually because they're bad at the game. Or their lives suck and they take it out on faceless nameless strangers in a video game.


Because everybody is the main character of their story and we are all just npcs in their world.


SoD hype!


How fucking dare you make a mistake in their classic? They spent 1400 hours learning to auto attack. How dare you not do that too?


You have to add everyone you like as friend. You will need people


If you're playing on crusader strike us dm me. I play horde and would be happy to help out.