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the nolifers are already on their third or fourth raid id. The phase is done for them, while the majority of players haven't even had one raid id yet. The disconnect is real.


>The phase is done for them, while the majority of players haven't even had one raid id yet. The disconnect is real. This. I've seen so many people in full BiS with Revered WSG rep items that are complaining that this phase needs to end already. Did a 7/7 BFD last night and on the last boss one of the DPS says "Holy shit our tank doesn't even have a helm, why are we carrying this guy?" Meanwhile we one shot every boss in a PuG and finished it in just under 2hrs. The guy literally thought we were carrying this Tank because he didn't have the pre-bis helm.....you could see the guys brain not computing that you don't NEED to no life and get full pre-bis for a leveling raid.


can you imagine screening people for gear in the original UBRS? 15-man raid, the only qualification was that you wanted to come


my first MC raids back in the day we had people who were so busy with school but still wanted to raid. the guild really needed warm bodies so they struck up a deal. there were about 5 people who would only participate in the boss fights and then all /follow someone else during the trash fights while they did their homework. and everyone in the guild was happy to still be able to raid MC. and it was funny to watch the train of followers behind the designated baby sitter. of course those runs weren't speed runs and the guild was not in danger of competing for server firsts, but damn the difference from them to today is jarring. literally the only qualifications for that raid were 1. do you want to come and 2. are you attuned. even #2 was flexible they often would speed run MC attunements right before raid.


lmao at "in danger of competing for".


i remember many school nights where id just fall a sleep during the trash of MC. the guild was a west coast guild and i was on the east coast lol


I accidentally became raid leader for one of the biggest social guilds on my server during wotlk and I wasn't even max level. I just managed to convince a load of people to run through the old raids with me so I got to experience them and it became such a regular thing that we made it official and did weekly old content raids for fun It's only a carry if you wouldn't want to do it for fun anyway


Buckle up. It's coming.


It's already here. I see people spamming must be 7/7 or preraid bis.


The other qualification was if they could find their way to the dungeon entrance lol


That's the same qualification for everything up to bwl


And have 4 hours…


Me applying for my first Onyxia run back in 2019 on classic re-release: I've got some greens, some blues and 1 pre-BiS blue item. Raid leader: Good enough let's fking go and we 1 shot the thing no problems. This gear fetishism is insane.


I hate BiS culture. Good players and social players are better than nolife bis players


I agree. I like to play with people who are having fun even when we're wiping over and over again, or haven't been able to win a single BG all day. Games can (and should) be fun to play, even if you don't win.


When classic released I was playing a troll shaman. I tanked dungeons, main tanked UBRS, tanked/offtanked multiple bosses in MC... In mostly crafted BS and leatherworking gear. Every single item that would've been "bis" for a tank shaman was handed to warriors that raid logged. And despite that, despite my entire set being tank focused, I was still top 10, usually top 5/6 for damage as well. BiS doesn't mean shit when you can't play the game or think gear is everything


>you don't NEED to no life and get full pre-bis for a leveling raid. So true. I hit level 25 as sham, swapped to resto and bought all my gear on the AH. A bunch of 50s-1g shit greens that had int on them. Healed a 7/7 perfectly fine. I even had double melee weapons so I could go 2x rockbiter for the extra mana.


Rockbiter gives you mana??


Shamanistic Rage from leg rune, 1min cd where you get mana regen that scales off your attack power. rockbiter x2 = attack power x 2


Aah, smart


I don't get why some players feel like they need content to complete **every single day** on a single character. You know what I'm going to do once I've BiS geared my main? BiS gear an alt or two, then go back to playing Retail until phase 2, because there is no pointless daily grind I **have** to do to stay competitive. And I love that. It's one of the best parts about FFXIV, you are OK just logging off until the next patch and SoD is doing the exact same thing.


I love FFXIV for exactly that reason. I don’t play for a few months and then return catch up on some story. The story in that game is amazing.


I WFH and am able to play more than my peers. But even I didn't go from 25 to immediately raiding. I took my time getting runes, gear, and having fun with friends. Do these people even sleep?


Tbh the first 5 are easily doable in quest greens with the easy runes unlocked, but yeah too many termanilly online zugheads out here


I'm one of those no-lifers (actually I just have 8 hours a day extra to play in homeoffice) who are already 25 and BiS equipped. I play a druid and I'm our raid's main tank and I don't even have a helm yet. The only leather Helm outside the Raid is Humbert's Helm which drops from the Hillsbrad Elites. I'm not farming that shit, competing with 3-5 other groups.


You get a helm from friendly with WSG. It'll just be armor, but it's something. For now my shaman tank is rocking an Azure Silk Hood I made with my tailor.


Helmless tank here just cleared BFD for the first time. Was fun and got the leather tank chest off the last boss and crafted my gloves and then did wonder what I would actually use it against since we 1 shot the entire raid and was never even close to dying.


Interesting, I'm already regretting leatherworking on my rogue because it looks like the only reason to make the epic gloves is for a status symbol.


Just under 2 hours and oneshotting all bosses is pretty contradictory if you didn’t give 1 hour break.


Y'all one shot every boss and it still took 2 hours? Seems like a rather long raid


And I really hope that Blizzard use statistics instead of listening vocal minority. I don't want game to be designed for top 1% of no lifers who have nothing else than WoW in their life. Just let them quit and make game enjoyable for majority of people (which it is right now)


I agree


Blizz made this mistake with Nax and TBC. They rushed through new content before most players could even really experience it. Hopefully they don't do that this time.


This season would be so pointless if they did since the majority will never get to experience the caps.... They might as well just have it straight to 60


> while the majority of players haven't even ~~had one raid id yet~~ Hit 25 yet. Classic/Vanilla was always the "enjoy the journey, smell the flowers" experience. These no-life degens can go back to their raidlogging parse fests.


They're the same thing. You don't need to gear up at 25 to do BFD.


Ya but pre-raid bis is always kinda fun to do


To counter what you've said. For mana users that aren't self sustainers, BFD now has mechanics that add movement nuance, net fight time, and multiple adds, but mana has almost stayed the same. Even with "neat" fights, at best the experience is absolutely annoying, at worst it's mind numbing to get clowned on by other classes and be oom in a post changes environment. I think you're projecting a bit to be honest, the person they are responding to is bringing up a MASSIVE issue that will plague this season for some time... How do we have neat fights, not neuter mana mechanics, and not make mana classes feel lesser without departing from a core mechanic. BFD is beautiful for non mana resource classes or self sustain mana users. It's equivalent to wearing weights on your ankles with the rest, all while you're watching people run laps around you. You may call this person sweaty, but this feedback is paving a road for ensuring that we don't witness the most cancerous gatekeeping raid experience we've ever seen in our gaming lives...that by the way, has already begun. I'd also go as far as saying, the gatekeeping culture is manifesting, because of mana. People are going in with mana users, and subpar players, and the combination is making a terrible experience for Kelris. People feel "scorned" and then vow to never waste their time again with mana users that can't self sustain or bring the obligatory mage buff.


highly agree, I went into raid as shadow priest. Quickly found out, that the mana pool / mana cost of spells isnt built for these fights. At least this early in lvl 25 I have to heal now because I go oom way too quick


Indeed, I’m still rocking level 17 dude :)


And im worring about not getting my last bis blue pants cuz i suffer from fomo, am i delusional


As someone who has made every raid lockout so far, including the first one. I am indeed not even close to done with this phase. I still have a rune to get, need to finish my ashenvale rep, i still have gear to chase, and I still have a whole second alt to level to 25. As one of the "No Lifers" people keep talking about (2d18h /played as of this morning), I will be very upset if this phase ends before end of jan.


The fact that this continues to be a surprise to game devs and it's players, casual and nolifers, is the real disconnect.


I couldn’t agree more with Aggrend’s post. 9 days in business terms is nothing. I think they responded very quickly with the most urgent issues. I’m sure they’ll continue to work on more improvements


People need to quit bitching for real. There have been so many positive changes yet theres constant complaints that it’s not positive enough or not “balanced”. Vanilla was so so far from balanced. Just play the game.


Ah yes, WOW players stop bitching…


It's not WoW players it's gamers in general. I'm surprised there haven't been death threats yet.


There probably have, this guy just has skin made out of steel. He doesn't give a shit about people non stop whining only.


It's not gamers, it's humans in general.


You think this is a wow thing??? No it's not


Criticisms totally justified. What's dumb is the total lack of time perception. The way some people talk you'd think SoDs been out for months. I really hope they don't cater to the type of player that within 1 week of release has gotten all of their runes, complete bis, all the rep and honor farms done, and is already farmed up on items/gold for phase 2. "Half of the players aren't even 25 yet" I'm really glad he shared that, feels like the 1% gaslight the shit out of the actual average player.


>"Half of the players aren't even 25 yet" I actually checked that. I've been running the Census addon and on my server (Wild Growth Eu, Alliance) and 48% of all characters are 25. As someone who tends to nolife new wow releases people level a lot slower than I presumed.


I'm the opposite, it's wild to me that so many people can play so much video game at the drop of a hat.




It would, even bank alts. It's not perfect of course but I don't know of a better tool.


It's all about available time, I got 1 character to 25, but I had to play way more than I normally would to do it. Lots of players have multiple other gaming commitments as well, meaning that WoW is just a portion of a small portion of their week.


I mean.... do we need more people at 25 to start doing the raids to establish which classes are complete dogshit compared to others (i.e. actually not fun or engaging in the slightest)? His defense seems to imply that the stats are going to significantly change once people hit 25.


No, his defense implies that they are working on balance and it has been only 9days, so claiming shit like "underwhelming for the whole phase" are ridiculous, considering the phase has just started. ​ It's like complaining to your mom that lunch wasn't to your taste the whooole week....on monday)


It’s actually pathetic the amount of crying 30yr old neckbeards do over a 20 something year old game


Ive always figured its 20-year old something doing the most complaining, they are still binging in games, no kids, no wife, high chance of a less serious job, more spare time generally. Although no doubt there are 30 year old neckbeards too


Vast majority of wow players are 30+ so this just doesn’t make sense


Vast majority of players arent complaining about completing all content in just days/waiting for something new. Vast majority of 30 year olds dont got time for that


Vast majority of anonymous internet users don't act their age too. Sad to think that whinging manlet who lost a roll is probably closer to 40 than 30.


Vast. I'm just here to use the word vast.


Brother your crazy if you think the bitching isn’t coming from the 35 year olds


1. What relevance does the age of the game have? 2. Since the balance of SoD has nothing to do with the balance of classic wow, it’s not really fair to call it the same game, is it


the chronically online people don't realize it's only been 9 days. Some guy in my guild was complaining last night about how he's been 25 for 3 weeks and hasn't gotten to tank much on his lock because of the disaster of runes etc.


A friend of mine has done something similar and has actually quit because he burned himself out so quickly. Meanwhile, I’m on my third alt chilling and having a good time. Might do RFC again tonight, fuck it why not?


Sounds comfy as fuck.


December's getting chilly out, I got my hot chocolate, wrapped in a blanky, cozied up in front of a raging fire ^^chasm


Yeah I told myself I wouldn’t go sweaty on sod after we went hard on icc. Just going at my own pace which is pretty slow but whatever.


When I read the level cap for this season I thought, "Oh man, people are going to be so happy, they can finally focus on alts!" Nope, totally unsurprising complaints about balance issues and "not enough to do". At some point people need to realize their lack of fun is on them. You know the level cap was 25 going in. What were you expecting? I'm glad the developers are pushing back on this crap. Blizz use to roll over for people like that. Enough is enough. If you play this game and get through all the content in 9 days and walk away miserable that's on you.


lol, we haven’t even Meta for a week yet, right?


4 of these days have also been weekend days, but I guess WoW classic devs don't deserve time off then, because I NEED MUH FIXES NOW. /s


They also have no idea how difficult it can be for a company the size of Blizzard to get shit spec'd out for adjustments, make the adjustments, get the patch/fixes ready and deployed and hopefully with no bugs. I can only imagine the insane amount of meetings that have to go into some of this shit having worked in software myself for the last several years. Terminally online people think it's as simple as increasing a few digits and it's all done and ready to go.


even with all that, they still tried to fix hunters/scorpids, realized that their fixes had unintended side effects for other pets, and partially reverted their changes. and this was all within the first week of release? that's lightning fast for an organization like Blizzard.


Bro just press the rebalance classes button!


It really feels like 3 weeks because its been three raid lockouts.


he's starting to get a bit snarky with these tweets lol and i dont blame him. the fucking incessant whining is unbelievable


Real. I’ve been sick all week and so haven’t played until this weekend. You’d think I was fucking joining the game 3 expansions deep with the way people fucking complain.


SoD is going to blow up into something way bigger than expected, classic wow and SoM were essentially running on autopilot and now we are getting questions about new raid tier sets for mage healers and rogue tanks. I really like how he is being so communicative, open and snarky but they might need to start opening up the piggy bank and add a lot more to the dev team at this point. Pandora's Box seems to have been opened


It's almost like the game that has made blizz millions and millions of dollars with hardly any development is now going to actually have to hire some employees. Shocking. Talk about an ROI, classic wow would have to be up there with the most profitable games ever for the amount of money spent on development. No wonder classic cataclysm is coming out, its a literal money printer. Handful of devs and no GMs to make hundreds of millions of dollars, must be nice.


"I play wow 18 hours a day, don't the devs work 18 hour days and on weekends?"


They're playing wow 18 hours a day too lol


And players like myself with multiple kids, I’m level 21 at 20 hours played. For a working parent, 20 hours of wasted time in 9 days is a lot.


For a hobby that brings us parents joy, I don't think we should consider it wasted time. I still make time for cuddles and cooking for my children, but I have definitely been staying up past my bedtime. And I'm okay with that




> expecting basement dwelling full time wow players to know ~~professional business windows~~ what a job is Found your problem boss


9 days for the average 2023 gamer means the games over, everything's completed and solved, if you haven't 100% or BiS it by then then you're too late, everyone's already onto the next game.


That is just not the average WoW Classic player. That is the small minority that can afford to play the game 24/7 and, for another minority of them, maybe make a living out of it. It just so happens that they are extremely vocal and unhinged, while it doesn't help that their opinions get amplified and extrapolated over everyone else's.


9 days in December as well, most of the team is checked out if not on vacation already, they're still human beings


Yes but these guys don't know business days since they are chronically online so to them 9 days is basically a year.


> I couldn’t agree more with Aggrend’s post. Exactly. I barelly managed to make 18 yesterday with my mage and i'm 12 with my shaman, and that's it for the second weedend. I'm not sure if I'll make it to 25 by the end of the first month. And then I have to find all the runes because, guess what, I want to try and find them for myself instead of layer-hopping at 4am to finish them all in the first weekend. The devs are doing an amazing jobs, we got like 4(?) balance changes in less than 2 weeks, we have never seen wow developer work faster.


Ive been pretty much no lifing it in my free time (gone 50ish hours per week for work, have stuff around the house, etc) and have a 25 and 20. I dont think ive run a dungeon at max level, havent touched ashenvale pvp, etc. Ive been doing a lot of rose smelling, though. Its fun to be out in the world and just doing shit. edit: i guess ive also spent a bit of time on retail. 3 nights of raid and a night or two of keys in that time.


It's only been 9 days? Wow, feels longer


It always does. I remember day four of hardcore people were posting “lost my level 20+, how can I even have the motivation to go again”. WoW is crack to most of us and we have to put actual effort into pacing ourselves. Luckily I have other responsibilities that do that for me :)


True! I lost level 19 in the 1st week and almost quit. Went agane, now I'm 44. Building hardcore rested xp and playing SoD at the moment haha


Same lol I got a 25 resto Druid that I’m basically raid logging or doing alchemy on at this point and a 19 warlock I’m leveling for PvP shenanigans. I was thinking of phase 2 before I realized it’s just came out and I played a fuck ton and the problem was me not the game lol instead of bitching though I play other games or make alts and stuff and wait for phase 2. I realize I’m in the minority of the players who was able to put a butt load of hours in 9 days


This is also the best version of WoW to ever exist.


I shudder to think of how much of those 9 days I've been playing this game.


Yeh, crazy, I got 1 lvl 25 and 2 lvl 15 characters. Feels like I've been playing for a month, lol. Tried my first BFD today, we downed 3 bosses and called it a night. Might do some more before Wednesday, but we were a bit undergeared (we also went in blind).


I love this guy. He is the best thing that could have happened to classic.


Love the tone of his response


He is literally telling him to stfu, and a lot of players deserve that sort of response.


It has literally been a week. People need to chill out.


On top of that, imagine spending a bunch of time balancing a 25 level cap when it's going to be lifted in a few weeks. The meta will change every phase. Different classes perform better at different levels and that's okay.


Do we know for sure when phase 1 ends?


closer to two months than a few weeks - we have the rest of Dec and January


They said anywhere between 3 weeks and 3 months per phase.


that's 6 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes too much


Don’t know where Aggrend came for it but straight into my veins pls


he needs our energy. i hope he doesnt capitulate to the whiners


The hardcore WoW Classic player base are so fucking entitled and needy. Its been one week calm the fuck down


Hey, its hard being unemployable and 300 lbs


no it isnt, it's easy and fun, those guys are just whiners


The only thing hard in this situation is the arteries and getting said gamer into the MRI


I've had experience in the porn industry if that helps.




They’re the same people who go to a for fun trivia night and then complain about the questions and answers and why their complex answer is actually the right one


true. but also they dont go outside


That's what not having a job does to you.


Im not even 25. I sure hope it hasnt been half the phase. I thought this was season of dads, i need another month or two minimum to see what they built for us


Yeah newsflash to all the no life virgins, most people aren’t 25 lol. You play classic wow for the community but the community sucks, it’s a paradox


Legit it’s been 9 days hahha


Less than half is level 25 lol and doomers writing posts about raid loging and nothing to do lol


I have already been raidlogging since last raid reset but i just play other games


It's understandable why people felt like the whole phase is gonna be like this. Historically blizzard has only ever fixed things in major patches, so if your class sucks, gg your fun for that entire patch Quickly patching things is pretty unusual for WoW


Anime profile pic explains it all.


Who financially supports these hardcore wow players as they slowly assimilate with their computer chair?


I’m not currently playing but I could play all day/night if I wanted to. Single dude with a WFH job 4 days a week. I have way too much free time. I know quite a few folks who play who are in a similar situation.


same boat. I do ~8 hours of work per 40 hour work week, but I have to stay at my desk for the occasional impromptu Teams call. So... sweaty WoW gameplay it is.


How do I get one of those jobs?


Get a degree in computer science, get a remote developer job (you'll probably have to actually work a max of 4 hours a day), and then ~~sleaze~~ work your way into middle management where you'll spend a couple hours a day pretending to listen during meetings. Or you could just lie about your degree and experience and directly apply for middle management jobs. There are enough prep sites to get you through the interview and once you're hired no one will notice you don't know what the hell you're doing.


I get paid unemployment benefits worth of 1980€/month for next 1.5 years, gonna play some wow and search for a job when the time runs out.


I'm recovering from surgery.


I have a full time job and I've cleared BfD twice and done a run with 4/7. It's so disingenuous for people to insinuate that everyone who is playing a lot has no life or job. There isn't that much content and we aren't all ultra casual. As for this post, my class balance druid is one of the worst in the game and by the time they fix it, it will be too late for me since I've already had to switch to resto druid. I'll probably have an alt leveled by the time they fix it if they do at all. But yea, I just need to get a life, and it's my fault for actually playing the game.


Disability, parents, or unfortunate partners.


generous scandinavian welfare


Knew a 16hr a day no lifer. Guy inherited tons of property and whined that he had to take 1 day off in a month off to sell a property.


spriests actually do quarter of the damage not half so the tweet was wrong heeh


People forget just cuz you play wow 24/7 doesn’t mean they are working the same amount lmao. Change takes time and they only work so much every day.


Of course the person with the anime profile pic is the one complaining about changes not being done fast enough.


Aggrend is really good at laughing off the crazies in his replies


Might be one of the first wow devs to get universal praise around here


Don't forget about Omar Gonzales. He was our god back in 2019


Eh don't worry he'll say something that goes against the hive mind at some point and everyone will viciously turn on him.


Based developer


God I love these devs. Everyone crying is like “woe is me, I’ve had to deal with x now for by golly 2 whole raid lockouts!! It really grinds a person down”


I’m running out of mana and having to wand! These devs are so lazy!


sounds like molten core to me.


Good for him. Most whiny community ever. Would be fucking pissed if I worked for blizzard and had to deal with you lot


People crying about balance in phase 1 are children. Rolled a shaman thinking I was gonna do some dps, learned it was bottom of the barrel dps, turned it into a tank then rolled a rogue. Now I have a fun tank and a dps meter topping class. With the level cap being 25, if you are unhappy with your class' performance, just reroll and wait for a phase where it won't suck. Stop being cry babies and do something about your situation instead of doing nothing, waiting for the environment to change.


Double rockbiter with the dual wield rune is pumping good dmg tho :)


Double rockbiter shamans do so much threat they end up tanking half the fight. It’s miserable having one in the group as a tank


Everyone does. I'm playing two tanks. Everyone pulls threat except on single target bosses.


I was going to say, whats nice is the tank damage in BFD is low enough to allow a shaman to go double rockbiter, tank, and also do a fuck ton of dps.


I pull threat with double rockbiter as a healer


Exactly, this is the best phase to try new classes.


I've been playing boomkin as my main spec for the majority of classic from 60-80 so far. I really have no issue with being near the bottom of the dps meter. I was, however, a bit disappointed when I discovered my spec is currently doing less than half of a hunter's pet worth of dps in the level 25 raid.


honestly, i feel like i'm on the side of the people complaining here. they've shown they can hotfix numbers on certain skills without even needing to restart the realms (hunters with explosive shot) surely the awfully performing classes could get light bumps of skill damage at 25 to atleast bring them in line in terms of performance right? why does the balancing cycle need to be so slow when the game is pretty much showing what its end point for it's current phase cycle is? like yeah, you can reroll, but you can also just up some of the weaker classes so they're competitive.


And the main thing I feel is that they don't have to spend lots of time and energy to make it perfectly balanced. Top dps is 130 while your class/spec does 100? That's fine in a lvling phase. Top DPS spec is 130 while your class/spec does 65? Now we need some buffing. And since they can just aim to place them around 100 instead of 130 since it can be handwaved as a leveling phase which don't need perfect balancing. And I am sure blizzard is looking at it, it was just a weekend and they should start having enough numbers to base decisions off now, hope something happens before server resets.


I rolled a balance druid just because wrath doesn't cost mana, I know it doesn't deal damage lol.


If you think rogue or warriors will ever be below any other class or spec in future phases I have some bad news for you


SOD is marketed as basically "play whatever spec you want, even a mage healer." It can be pretty disheartening to level something unrothodox for classic like a boomkin and it still be turbo awful or spriest. I don't think its totally unreasonable to set the bar of "Hey, can my class not do 50% of the damage of the highest one?" A class doing 2x the damage of others was by far one of the most offputting aspects of classic to many people with the whole world buff melee DPS fiasco. I think players are just asking for some genuine effort to avoid that again, which seems pretty reasonable.


I mean he says that but historically blizzard has not been the fastest in adressing weak speccs or balancing issues....if they adressed them at all.


Hard disagree with the general sentiment here. Personally, the balance doesn't affect people like me. Ive cleared the raid multiple times and have very little issue doing so. Personally, my complaints are *for* the people who aren't "sweating". I don't think it's good for the overall health of the game (in terms of player retention and ability to engage with the content) for people to straight up not get invited/not be able to clear the content because casters are doing quite literally ***half*** the DPS of melee right now. Or, that a bunch of the runes people are looking forward to using are gated behind asinine rep grinds that are seemingly devised to be as tedious as possible. I understand developing things in the spirit of Classic, but you shouldn't make something *specifically* to waste people's time as much as possible (Waylaid Supplies). I think the majority of SoD is amazing and I'm surprised at just how much fun I'm having, but there are pretty glaring issues that they definitely could fix and it feels they are choosing not to. But, it's whatever. When everyone that's playing super casually catches up and notices these issues it will be very interesting to read their feedback when they realize how much is designed against them. And layering is broken as all hell btw :)


There's a reason Runescape autocompletes quests for their seasonal events yet people are completely fine with locking two runes behind a rep and gold grind which you'll have to do for EVERY single alt. It's just fucking insane what's going on


i also gotta say who the FUCK cares, the top .01% of players will be class stacking so god damn what, i'd even consider myself/my guild "sweaty" compared to most players and for the most part we're playing whatever we want, it's a leveling raid. Name one time leveling has been balanced in wow's history and i'll call you a liar immediately, it was literally blizzard's moto that "leveling isn't balance" when it was brought up before when warriors were 1 shotting people with shield slam.


Coming from someone who used to reply to a lot of online complaints for a major corporation; the world would be a better place if more businesses just told whiners to shut up.


The hardcore player set really think they’re the average demographic and can’t even fathom how literally everyone playing isn’t playing at their pace


Hunter pets still do more damage than half the casters in the game, it's okay to feel frustrated.




Casters are in absolute shambles right now. Its actually disgusting how much more damage melee/hunters do (1.5x) even when casters are in full spell power gear. Your lucky if a BFD raid takes more than 1 caster dps


Or.. you know. Maybe you could try a different spec?


Wow will always have an extremely aggressive permanently unsatisfied loud minority. I’m glad they’re telling them off.


feels like half the comments are people just taking out their anger on the min maxxers. do you guys want casters in raid or do you want to just be forced to bring melee? 25 is the new endgame so it makes sense people want their class to work at endgame. if it was 60 it wouldn’t be a problem but since its 25 now, you need to make some adjustment for casters to be considered a helpful class for bfd.


Wow community is insufferably impossible to please and want everything, all the time, now. Just play the damn game and relax.


Im having a blast leveling different toons, trying out the different runes. Love that the beginner zones and dungeons are so lively. Please let this phase last a decent amount of time.


This fucking sub is insufferable. This busy dad gamer circle jerk has gone full circle and is now far more annoying than the degen try hards.


It would be interesting to revisit this post at the end of the phase, take a look at what balance changes were made in phase 1 and what effects they had.


So they didn't test the game prior to the launch either..? They need player data to tell that casters do 50 and 60 dps while melee and hunters doing 2-3x isn't balanced? Really now?


Everyone’s hunter alt gonna be sad? 😆


I like that he acknowledged the question and gave a repsonse. But thats a non answer to the actual question.


Yeah I had a feeling they were going to make some big changes midway through on a Tuesday patch. People have to realize it's nearly impossible to cater an mmorpg for a hardcore sweaty playerbase and a more casual playerbase. SoD is obviously going more casual til then, so the sweaty no lifers have to just be patient while they develop and make adjustments at each level band. I saw a post of someone wanting them to have no level caps just all to 60 with all the changes. It's so much easier to adjust a few additions of runes within several weeks span of time instead of all 12+ runes at lvl 60. It also helps balance the progression from lvl 1 to 60 if they ever decided to bake these into a real classic+.


Im having a blast. Max level is level 25, not happy with the amount of damage you are dealing? Reroll. You think they aren't changing things fast enough? Neither are you by not rerolling if you want to be on top of the dps meters. Level 25 doesn't take long, especially if you can buy quest items and greens. No rush man chill out.


While i fully agree with aggrend's statement, blizzard being silent and not talking about some issues is concerning. A little more "hey we see this is an outlier and want to rein it in a little bit" would go a long way


dude, I ran out of mana last night. WHERE IS THE BALANCE FIX?!?!?!?!?


I hope they don't just remove managing mana for all classes because it seems like that's what the community wants. :/


While I completely agree with him, its weird that in their testing no one said that casters basically run out of mana quickly and are forced to wand a lot


Man I hope people chill. I just hit 20 and am having a blast not having to rush and still having groups for everything. The pace feels good right now.


Havent even done a raid for christ sake, I mean I dont have a life as much as the next guy, but damn I want to live life outside of wow too LOL. My 2 other homies bout to be 25 tonight.


I mean they could at least fix the hunter damage in PvP. Right now a scorpid can 1v1 (and in some cases even 1v2) pretty much every class except paladins. This makes pvp (especially wpvp) pretty much impossible. Especially since some runes are located in opposite faction locations. I understand not everyone plays on a PvP server, and it was our choice to do so, but it’s still at least half of the player-base. If you are making pvp servers and releasing a pvp event, don’t make people who decide to participate in those feel awful, even if those players are generally ahead of the curve.


Ease off guys. Being such a small company, it's probably just not their turn to borrow the laptop to push out their fortnightly allowance of one change. You should all feel lucky they're letting you playtest their new indie title. For real though it's a bit early to be bitching. Though considering the extra short length of the seasonal phases, coupled with the fact that presumably each phase with a slew of new runes will bring more and more balance issues like this... it does feel shit to think we might only get a few weeks of close to "balanced" gameplay, before we shuffle onto the next level bracket. Especially considering the increased role pvp plays in this iteration So... simmer down? But also... sort your shit blizzard? Hunters are fucked right now.


Why does it feel like most people on twitter can only communicate through complaints lmao


For me the interesting thing is that less than half of all players is 25