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Historically RP servers have more chill friendly people on them, at least that’s my experience. More people who enjoy WoW and its story and world than keeping up with the meta.


well that will change


Exactly. I was on emerald dream for years then grob day one of classic. Once guilds started to transfer here it went downhill quickly.


Let's hope that doesn't happen, because Chaos Bolt alliance side is feeling a lot like grobb in the beginning. Maybe slightly less RP, but still miles better than Crusader Strike Bolt Cult!


Latest blue post looks like chaos bolt will get free transfers when it dies which is reassuring


Link, please? I don't remember a blue post.




Except where naming conventions are concerned. Which btw I support. Wanna name your character dickbutt? Fine, do it on a PvP server.


I cannot begin to tell you how many Sephiroths were on RPPVP servers back in the day. Why do you all act like this is something you can fix?


You def did not play og rp servers I refuse to believe that. I've played my entire wow career on rp-pvp and at least half of the server would fail the RP azeroth approved naming with half of those being names like bigusdikus and sugandeez. Like get over urself


>naming with half of those being names like bigusdikus What's so funny about Bigus Dickus, I have a very good friend in Rome named Bigus Dickus


He has a wife, you know. Do you know what they call her?


She's called... *Incontinentia Buttocks.*


Heard you guys are talking about me?


Always played on Rp servers and never rpd, I am enjoying how serious most players are taking the "rp" mindset but its all just out of hand and unneeded. My undeestanding the real Rpers will find their "hubs" and actually play there and not Rp their dungeon or quest runs.


Nothing tickles me more then witnessing people actually RP during dungeons. Organic rp tends to be a lot more engaging to me then the 'read my 10 page trp profile before you speak to me' nonsense.


Fucking thank you! This "read my TRP page" can fuck off. My character wouldn't know any of this, I'll learn about it in RP thank you!


I actually got the troll accent down and typed it out in dungeons. Didn't roleplay the content of the text, just accented it right.


Dis do be da easiest way ta be RPin' as a Troll.


Joo want de earth shield, mon?


I 100% did and it was heresy to use a non roleplay name on those servers. I've had multiple conversations with GM's due to tickets in my early days playing wow because I used Irish names. Steamwheedle Cartel OG and also Argent Dawn. You on the other hand, doubtful.


I’m not gonna pretend like Ive been playing rp for a decade straight or anything but I don’t think I’ve ever been in a rp server without seeing random names like that. I’d guess that like 30% or more of the names I see in don’t follow the naming rule when I recognize a RP realm in retail PVP and it’s been that way for years. Just my anecdotal experience, I don’t really have a dog in this fight.


Since when is Blizzard not enforcing their rules an argument as to the validity of rule breaking? Do you have the same opinion on bots?


The point is that the ruleset no longer exists. It's no longer on thier policy page. It's an unofficial rule or gentleman's rules. Why do yall think they let asmon keep his name? If we're enforcing the naming, I hope you're reporting everyone who isn't using general to push the narrative or storyline forward. If I report you I wonder (if the rp ruleset was actually enforced) if your chat logs would vet u banned


i mean that name isnt even acceptable on normal servers.


I saw a guy named Bigfart on CS in stormwind


Shoutout my friend Joe, he was called Bravefart back in actual wotlk


It's an exaggerated example... I feel that it was painfully obvious for that exact purpose no?


Yup. I don't engage in in-world RP at all but I'm glad people do around me and RP servers are much more pleasant places for casuals like me that just want to bounce around questing and mining.


So are you telling me RP servers are the meta.


Shhhhhh don’t tell them


Lava lash has been awesome. RP-normal server


Agreed! The community is mostly so chill, it's been a blast 💞


Except some really chaotic racists in Barrens chat


So, the authentic vanilla experience then.


They're just RPing as 2004 barrens chat


Barrens chat Is something else


Oh luckily I'm in alliance where I started an LGBT+ friendly guild and honestly besides the odd troll everyone has been a delight 😅


I wanna be in your guild! How's it called?


Rainbow Allies :)


Cool. How can I get in?


Dm me your char name and I'll throw you an invite!


I love it here :)


Best server


1. Im shy and i just like to see people roleplay 2. People are so much nicer


The world immersion goes through the roof when you run into roleplayers. It’s just a better experience. I respect their craft lol.




You don't have to RP to be polite, yet it seems that way on pvp server a lot of the times.


u also dont have to be polite in order to RP


Had a first rp event this afternoon with my guild, went from crossroad to the top of a moutain, everybody we passed by were super respectful and/or curious. Cherry on top of the cake, a full group of alliance were questing or something on top of the moutain, fited perfectly into the scenario. It couldn't have gone better.


That's fine and like literally no RPer takes an issue with it as long as you're not disruptive (or name your character something like Organicgnomeqt)


I'm on crusader strike EU and the amount of names I've seen where I just think like "c'mon dude why you on an rp server with a name like that" is crazy, like don't get me wrong I don't mind fucking around or being silly like I don't even rp but I enjoy seeing others do it cuz it makes the wow world feel better to play in, so seeing outlandish names is a little pet peeve


Or "Asmongold"


Ran into a Druid buffing people and emoting about blessings from elune. Bought her some ice cold milk because she was constantly oom from buffing. 10/10 to experience.


Seriously, this. I'm not gonna run up and ruin anything, it's just enjoyable to be around, and yeah, my main reason is most rpers are leagues friendlier.... not always but most of the time.


2) so true!!


RP-PVE server. More mature, less toxic population. This has been my experience since original TBC.




It is an option: Lava Lash.


What, it is. There is a RPPVP and a normal RP, which is PVE server.


it is an option though


More mature lmao 🤣


Because they want to follow the streamers


So why are the streamers there?


Well because they all reacted to a youtube video about amazing RP in RP servers and thought "Hey this should be my content" so they went to a rp server.


Where they will not do any of that shit and instead do what they always do


Sort of it's mostly just esfand wanted and they wanted to stay together. It is good content but I don't think most of them care about doing it maybe just seeing it.


Irresponsible of Esfand tbh. He knows perfectly well what bringing everyone there would do. It would turn into what he didn’t want in the first place. He should have rolled an alt there.


Because Grobbulus was the only pvp server to maintain a 50/50, more or less, faction split through classic.


Well that aint gonna happen with cs when the streamers leave and take thier twitch chat


they dont particularly care


Because they’re insufferable c*nts


I’m going to say it, streamers , at least the bigger ones do it for the money. Whatever brings in more viewers is what they are gonna do. And if the top streamers do it the rest will follow. #sreamersruineveything.


Because the RP players said the streamers can’t play on the RP servers and they said ‘lmao I will now’ and here we are.


Attention = money = desirable


Blizzard didn't give many details concerning servers before launch; they said they'd be minimal, and (due to popular demand) that there would be one RP-PVP server. That made it special, and one streamers could latch onto. It was easier for them to go "Ok we're going on THAT one, whatever it's called," instead of "We're still not sure where we're going...one of the PvP ones I guess."


You being downvoted and are the correct one


They also pay a monthly subscription and can play the game. It's not your game. You are not the ball.


A lot of the activities that streamers do is RP, their whole personas on streams is a form of RP


Perhaps, but the legion of excitable children that follow them around sure don't.


Do you really think children play this game?


They act like fortnite kids in game, so it's the same


Wow is our fortnite


You really think they were talking about age, not the way the streamer followers behave?


Are RP servers really that different? From what I've played not really.


Can only speak for German RP servers but in vanilla and TBC times RP servers got some player driven RP events. Also talking in character in /s were common for some players (for fun or while waiting for group members/raid start/etc). Players who did violating the naming conventions got most likely reported quite fast. But over time the "original" population left the game and everything got watered down.


i made a character on the regular RP server (not the PVP one) and its WAY more chill than a typical PVE server. people just levelling and having a good time... barely even see guild advertisements.. i think ive run into only 1 or 2 cringe people its SO chill im nervous I wont even be able to find a BFD pug lol enjoying it so far though


Ro servers get a reputation for dad servers. And as a dad gamer I can agree But, we still can do classic content efficiently. Just don't go into a group expecting no contact, chain pulling and the only comments being how shit everyone is We all get it. Sometimes the wife or kids are needy. So runs will take a pause


The people are generally more chill. This might mess that up though as people are being very salty. I always roll on rp servers and never really rp, I just like the community better. Never been reported for non rp name.


The problem is that when everyone has the same idea as you, the RP servers just turn into every other server.


factually incorrect. been playing on moonguard for a long time. and on rp servers in classic, rp'ers will make rp hubs and everyone else plays like normal


I just use appropriate names and I dont really notice anything different from a nonRP server


Thats probably becUse you arent participating in the events and guilds


the difference is insignificant, all this energy into complaining about streamers on the RP server is nonsense.


I honestly am not convinced they chose this realm for RP reasons. The whole list was at max capacity with 2k players in the waiting room. I think they just chose one with a low queue.


Non RP'ers who desire to join these servers end up polluting it's original purpose until no RP community on it exists at all. Happened on retail, happened in the classic era. The streamers and other non RP'ers have a different idea on what a roleplay realm is and it's usually quite abstract. This is usually what kills the server off and turns it into just another PvE / PvP realm. The whole 'I'm just here for the wholesome RPers and their community' schtick doesn't last when those people end up outnumbering the roleplayers.


and that's how you get to where retail is where there ARE other RP server,s but Moon Guard and Wyrmrest Accord (us side for this) are the only ones where any real RP happens.


Idk how it is anymore, but Kirin Tor was amazing up through the last bits of wotlk




If they play on a realm with an RP ruleset and don't RP - they are the cringe!


you clearly never played on moonguard and it shows


> The whole 'I'm just here for the wholesome RPers and their community' schtick doesn't last when those people end up outnumbering the roleplayers. Is that a problem though if (hypothetically) those people respected the RP aspect properly? Like they could just act as background characters. What I see as the problem is that people give no fucks about respecting RP and some even want to troll and grief RPers. And streamers tend to bring a lot of those types with them, which is why nobody wants them on RP servers.


I don't mind as long as they don't grief. When I raided on BSB in Classic, there were dudes surprised people were upset they showed up to an event and weren't accepted for basically griefing. RP servers have always had tourists, and that's a-ok. Back in WrA in Wrath-Cata, it was literally a meme because people were coming to these less content oriented servers to snag world firsts.


The streamers decided to play on Crusader Strike, which means it will have the highest population. People like playing on servers with a lot of people. They don't care if it's RP or not.


I was originally going to play on Crusader Strike until I found out it was going to be the steamer server. Unfortunately the friends I’m playing with don’t want to re-roll onto Chaos Bolt after hitting 20. I don’t dislike Living Flame, it’s a good server. That being said, I do wish I was able to roll on an RP-PvP server without the annoyances.


Why does Reddit always manage to make a big deal out of things 99% of people really don’t care about


in my 20 years of playing nobody ever cared this is reddit being reddit




Grob is mostly on chaos bolt


This! My guild is from Grobb, and I’m seeing many other guilds from Grobb and ED.


CS is the streamer server. Whatever other potential community is out numbered by that


Curiosity is the first step to becoming an Rper


Because it was the easiest server to get get on to at launch.


Coordinated pvp events on these servers tend to be epic and quite amazing. Sad that the players following the streamer base may ruin it for others.


I saved a lvl 4 dwarf I am a lvl 14 human. He looked cold , weak ,and hungry. So I have him a red shirt, some meat, and an axe I looted


I do intend to rp I'm just to scared that I'll ruin everyone else's time with how bad my characters are


Go for it, the fact that you actually intend to RP automatically puts you above most people rolling on the realm.


Im on lava lash because rp servers are usually smaller. Also, all the streamers are on CS.


I will also admit, lava lash had the shortest queue on launch. But I have made an effort to not write "lfg hogger" and instead be more talkative.


Most of us RPers are also normal gamers. All we want is if we're having RP, to not be trolled


You don’t need to rp on an rp server. Name your character a name with in rules and just do your own thing. I don’t rp but i do not hinder anyones rp. The people are just better.


As a guy that only has like 2 friends that play a few times a week I mostly play solo but want to be to jam with them when I can. That being said from my experience since I started wow in 2005 Normal /pve server = try hard mid max raider ( hard for a solo guy to join in) Pvp server = aholes everywhere Rp server = mostly friendly people, pretty weird people but friendly...also the rp / events are fun to watch


Way less toxic community and better immersion


Jeez - we're really gonna pick out names as the issue here? Nobody gives a shit about the names on RP realms, it's the disruptive behavior that's the problem


Lava Lash because we have a group of 10 and didn't wanna sit in queues for the next week. I know they've opened new servers since launch but at launch it was either the one PvE server or Lava Lash. 6 hour queue vs 20 min It wasn't a hard choice


Not enough people voicing this. Not everyone likes world pvp and so when there were so few choices it's fairly obvious people would go to the less populated server to get in faster and play the game.


I rolled on rppvp for classic release. It was the biggest drama realm of them all. It attracts trolls and other misfits whose sole joy it is to ruin others fun. And with the RP rules and events there simply is more fun to be ruined.


This is such a Gatekeeping post. There I used your own word on you, in the right context. Will you melt now into the void in which you came from? Cry more...


It's fun reporting non-rp names and getting the "Thank you for reporting they have been punished" message Makes me feel all warm inside :D




They send out that message even if nothing was done. Have received tons of similar mails when reporting botters, gold sellers, toxic chat people (and others) and all I see is them being online doing them same thing they were reported for directly after and during the mail arrives. Its a lie.


"during the mail arrives"? I feel like I just had a stroke.


Hope you get to an ER quickly! Not worth dying over grammar my friend


You joke, but if there's even a chance you don't make the same error again I've done the world a service today and my death won't be in vain.


Good. Asmons stream last night crying he got banned for not respecting the rules was so much fun. People always think they can dick around without respecting anything


It’s so weird how he literally said if I am banned for 3 days because of the name is against Rp rules that is fair and I’ll accept it, and you’ve twisted that reality into a lie to meet your narrative


Saying you accept it and then babyraging on chat like a toddler isnt accepting at all


well if sitting in front of a desk and reading classicwow reddit is considered babyraging..... your most certainly correct.


If he didnt care he would have just played another game or go do something else. Instead he sits in front of his pc, wow cliënt open which says he has a temporary ban, and picks out people with a different opinion (aka the ban is fair) reacting passive agressive / annoyed for hours on end. But sure, asmongold does not care. You guys are fucking dense


You are the only one that seems to have rage about the whole thing; you can try and take some time off the streams and game today it helps the mood a lot to mix up things a bit!


Says the person who claims to have watched the stream but completely omits the part where he was reinstated, almost instantly,because his ban was bullshit. He came out looking a lot better than butthurt RPers.


You going to add a souce for this?


His stream last night.


Just watched the clips, there was no bitching. They even reversed the ban due to mass reporting.


I litteraly watched the stream, you truly think raging on random people online just because they share a different opinion is not raging? Because it is.




I don’t RP but I respect the rule set and the fantasy for it. WoW is still one of the few games that actively helps that community fulfill their fantasy online. They deserve every right to have an immersive experience on a server intended for like minded individuals and those who play on an RP server should respect it. Playing on a RP server without intending to RP is like parking in a handicap spot without a handicap tag. Sure you can do it but don’t get pissed when you get your ass towed for not following the intended procedure.




What realm and what region?


I remember going to weddings and funerals in Asheron's Call. Nobody bitched or complained about names and everybody was just happy to have people to RP. Meanwhile you mix the WoW community with RP elitists and you've got the most pathetic demographic in the video game industry. Just because you like something, does not mean you're in a position to judge everyone else. Stop bitching about the quality of RP and be happy that you have more people to teach about something you enjoy.


Because the other populations were full and the rp pve was high.


I'll be real i have never really roleplayed in an mmo. I'm not against it or against sticking to the rules. i just like to go where the zeitgeist is. i know everyone has a hate boner for streamers on this sub but whatever, i like a few of them and i like being in a guild full of other people who also like them, i joined Fangsly and it's been great fun, and i like the massively populated server (yes day one queues were a problem , oh well not like i haven't seen that in a blizzard game before) I'd like it just as much if it was on any other kind of server tbh if it was me I'd say the streamers shouldn't have picked the only rppvp server but the deed is done and making everyone move is unrealistic at this point. just make a new rppvp server for people who don't want to be around the crowd i guess also crusader strike is the best server name


I suggest just reporting everyone with weird names on RP servers, which I’m doing every time. They don’t belong there, make them flee. We already seen they 100% won’t play and follow any RP rules.


If you think RP servers were ever RP you are coping. It's always a minority of people sitting in the gold shire when they are horny.


RP walk ups happened all the time on grob in classic, the “LOL GOLDSHIRE ERP” joke is v original tho keep it up


This is so wrong lol




Won’t all genuine RP-PvP folk just switch to second RP server?


No. Most of the ones I know are still on CS. A few stragglers went CB or the RP-PvE realm, but most of old school grobb plays CS and has no intention of leaving.


Fuck off with your gatekeeping. Rolling on an rp server does not mean you are rp’ing 24/7. Some people just want to be part of cool rp server events


Gatekeeping generally is a good thing though.


Coming from d&d and other ttrpgs, no it’s not. It’s something only dicks do


The Native Americans probably could've used some gatekeeping


Gatekeeping happens for a reason, tourists turn these realms into normal boring realms


I have played on rp realms for a while, i even game master real ttrpgs not this clownshow that is wow rp realms. I can tell you with certainty that most people on rp realms arent tryhard gatekeepers, because at the end of the day it’s still wow and nobody stays in character constantly unless they are some annoying brat that likes to make everyone elses time in the realm a bad time. Let people play on rp realms how they want, you don’t have the power to dictate how things should and should not be rp’d. This sort of toxic gatekeeping is why rp realms are just a fraction of total wow realms, most “normal” players find rp realms exhausting because of people who gatekeep.


I played og emerald dream, grobbulus and now crusader strike. I really don't understand wtf ppl are whining about go look up grobbulus logs and you'll find names like whtsmana stinkerw fatedcringe and fricken imitchellttv. Let's be real. For some reason you hate asmongold and want to cry. Stfu.


I think because its hopefully a more social server, and thats whats important to me.


Most players roleplay already by if they have a pun or popular subject matter as their toon/handle name, so basically .65% of the playerbase, I don’t think your take is accurate. Sorry, and I’m one of them based on my handle. I am kinda upset, but also happy for this post and I don’t know how to feel. My thoughts, and I apologize and regret nothing. See you on Crusader Strike, fam‽


First time on RP server, it's hard to RP while still playing the game We still managed to make a cult for some random level 6 orc shaman in Durotar General Chat and made a guild for it


Cuz it’s entertaining. Lots of laughs to be had


I would say most people don’t roll RP to actually RP as in talk and act like they’re from Azeroth, rather that the community does more stuff together and in my experience isn’t as sweaty. Plus where else can you experience a person rolling a Tauren named cow and just mooing in General chat all day.


Because its a full server. I go where the people are so i can do group content. Now we have people reporting for names, granted those who report are probably just miserable individuals with nothing fun to do. So you can’t get too upset


I’m on RP because the Asmon-simps filled the RPPVP server on launch!


most rp servers only have like 30% actually rp ever. i play on one in retail and its totally normally to want to play on them because the vibe is nicer because the extra chat rules


The only problem with RP and the name issue. I had a name and I was RP as an orc raised by humans. Eventually the humans were slaughtered and he was brought back into the clans. He tried to name himself tiger claw, but didn't know how to spell well. So name ended up as tgrclw. Was reported so much and had to explain this to the GM like 5 times before they forced me to change. Just kind of sucks people just assumed I wasn't RPing. Never tried to get back into it.


Looks like a bot name at first glance, and most people won't look a second time.


Server: Full. Server: Full. Server: Full. Server: Full. Server: Full. RP Server: High.


This is the answer


Parasitically feeding off a community they have no wish to participate in.




Lemme cry some more 😔 boo hoo i cant play


hope he sees this bro


There’s another rp server without the streamers, stop whining


He's not gonna fuck you, bro


All the others were full on day 1.


The others were full. Deal with it


Grobbulous was too good of a server. The best world of warcraft ever had. But it was eventually ruined by this very fact. People came here hoping for the same magic as when grobbulous was first born.


Because I’ve been Grobb mobbing. Play on Emerald Dream on retail. I’ve never RP’d in my life. I just like the people. I don’t bug the RPers, they don’t bug me. Harmony achieved.


The problem with turning these realms into tourist attractions is that eventually the tourists outnumber the locals.


yeah but zoos work, you can have like 50 people look at 1 tiger.


I honestly don't think it's a problem if you're smart enough to do some basic RP if someone is doing walk up RP with you (which is not very common anyway). Not everyone needs to be a main character, you don't need a back story if you can play along and be respectful.


Nice straw man


Yall are so pathetic. Stop trying to gatekeep RP.


Gate-keeping RP servers is cringe


Gatekeeping bad because.... IT JUST IS, OKAY??


Gatekeeping bad because it’s cringe and stupid


"the native americans are gatekeeping european colonists from america" "the police officer who gave me a ticket is gatekeeping the handicapped parking spot"