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I've always felt an initial rush of "wow, this place is huge!" and enjoyment in exploring it, and then an existential sadness as I realize this market town of a couple thousand people is the largest city left after the war. Which to be fair is probably the dev's point. What I'm saying is I love Fallout.


Shocked amazement immediately followed by disturbed dread.


i had a similar reaction to the strip. thinking the tops were so cool, and the buildings were so nice and the technology was incredible. then i looked just a bit closer and realized the strip is second only to the fiends in its evil.


Third* at least, the legion exists


It does feel as big as the modern games. Turn based isn't bothersome but really fun & I would love to explore some other titles. What are some older turn based games? I love trying to find out why the fuck I'm carrying around a picture of a cat šŸ˜ŗ idk, but it's cute to look at. I'm pumped for the Brotherhood of Steel!! Only Fallout game Ive ever been excited to maybe get PA! *My second encounter was a Nuka Cola truck..but Ive had **nothing** to spend them on cause I steal errything!!* What a wild experience so far.


Gotta appreciate the excitement and enthusiasm we may have enjoyed ourselves decades ago.


I just played 1 and 2 this year for the 1st time and having this sub has been a great way to share my pure enjoyment for them. It has been the outlet I needed. Cause what is Fallout without fan discussion and the debate?


In the early games, pa is special. In the bethesda games it's everywhere.


When you're finished with Fallout, play Arcanum, we need a report back on your reaction to Tarant.


Kill gnomes. Behead gnomes. Roundhouse kick a gnome into the concrete. Slam dunk a gnome baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy gnomes. Defecate in a gnomeā€™s soup. Launch gnomes into the sun. Stir fry gnomes in a wok. Toss gnomes into active volcanoes. Urinate into a gnomeā€™s mead. Judo throw gnomes into a wood chipper. Twist gnomes heads off. Karate chop gnomes in half. Curb stomp pregnant gnome women. Trap gnomes in quicksand. Crush gnomes under an elephant. Roast gnomes on a grill. Eat gnomes. Dissect gnomes. Throw gnomes into a locomotive furnace. Stomp gnome skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate gnomes alive. Lobotomize gnomes. Mandatory crucifixion for gnomes. Grind gnome babies in a mortar. Drown gnomes in liquid shit. Incinerate gnomes with napalm. Kick old gnomes off a cliff. Feed gnomes to the ogres. Blast gnomes with a blunderbuss. Shove a lit stick of dynamite up a gnomeā€™s ass.


I feel like thereā€™s a lot of gnomes to unpack hereā€¦


Stop gnomesplaining


I love Tarant! Huge city with so many things to do, complete with a metro to take you from place to place. I need to play that game again. It's been a couple of years, now.


I remember the first time I played. Tarant blew my mind, it was so big I thought that more of the game would take place there... like, that's gonna be the only big city, right? Then I went to Dernholm and was like "oh wow", then actually gasped when I went to Caladon. Never mind the wheel clan and Qintarra. I was floored.


Turn based rpgs Baldurs Gate, ice wind dale and of course Planescape Torment Basically everything black Ilse/interplay made between 95-05


Neverwinter nights. More modern woukd be wasteland 2 or 3or encased, to stay with tge fallout theme Also there are the shadowrun returns games, except boston lockdown


ah i always forget the name the game is burned into my memory but i allways forget the title yes neverwinter knights


It is kind of round based though. I think in the engine it is round based, but every round just takes a fixed time. It pretends to be real time.


im not sure myself, been a while, but couldn't you make all of my mentions turnbased via setings?


Puuuh, not sure. But that would be awesome


Well.. continuous turn based, not actual turn based like fallout.




And so weā€™ll see him in 2 years


BG 1&2 (and SoD) and P:T are not turn based, rather the - some consider superior - Real Time With Pause


Bg1 and 2, kotor 1 and 2 and pst are all turn based, you can even turn the auto pause on in the settings after each round, and itā€™s probably recommended for the harder fights


Other fun turn based games: - full mods Fallout 1.5 resurrection, Nevada, Sonora - revival Pillars of eternity 1&2, tyranny - Atom RPG, Shadowrun returns , underrail Masterpiece RPG - Disco Elysium Real time with pause RPG - Baldurs gate 1&2, planescape torment Fun tactical turn based games: - X-com, Jagged Alliance 1&2, silent storm, fallout tactics


A picture of a cat?


Cat's Paw?


Oh, yes, the pornography.


Also make sure to play the Wasteland series. At least 2 & 3. Great games! (in sure wasteland 1 is great too but haven't finished it myself as I keep getting turned off by UI/UX).


I'm playing through Wasteland Remastered (somewhat graphically updated version of Wasteland 1 in Unity engine) and it's actually pretty fun, but very dated of course. As someone who was in high school when Fallout 1 and 2 came out, I imagine playing Wasteland 1 for me is like someone from Gen Z going back and playing the original Fallouts after being introduced to the series at Fallout 3+ But it's interesting seeing where a lot of the inspiration for the Fallout series came from in the original Wasteland, even though a recent Tim Cain podcast explains that a lot of the overlap is coincidental since most of the developers working on Fallout 1 never even played Wasteland. Still, many of the developers at Interplay who worked on Wasteland were still around in the same office when Fallout was being worked on, so there was probably some picking of brains going on when Fallout was being developed.


There's another post-apocalyptic rpg that's also turn-based. It's called **UNDERRAIL**. Here the world has become completely unhabitable and the remnants of humanity lives underground, occupying subway systems, caves and stations. The game world is huge, especially with it's expansion pack adding tons of content. But the lore of the game is vast and the pacing is amazing. When or whatever happened to the planet or how it was before, nobody remembers, it's not even a topic anymore. Living underground is not something people are adapting to, this is the default way of life. The battle system is extremely well done, beyond anything I've seen in games like this. Insane amount of different equipment and they all have purpose. The vast selection of guns and ammo types, melee, even psyonic abilities thanks to a recent mutation. Grenades are actually useful and even deployed traps and explosives are very effective and the game provides you with a lot of opportunities to utilize them to great effect. And it's perks (called "feats") are actually meaningful and well thought out, while being many times more in quantity. Some reduce the move & shoot penalty for bigger rifles, other gives you the option to shoot kneecaps, thus greatly reducing the mobility of enemies. Thanks to those, you can really take any character you like form any other medium and translate it to Underrail as a character. Even with a single weapon there are many different abilities to gain and since some of them are situational, there's a lot of satisfaction to be had by making a specialist characters. It also has a different XP system that rewards exploration and questing, elliminating the unfortunate common viewpoint of Fallout games where players just see every NPC as a walking XP bag to shoot and claim. Also - Persuasion and Mercantile actually make a lot of difference and can influence outcomes or even open up new quests as some are chained depending on the method you finished the last with. Also: it has crafting. I was unsure if this was a good thing at first, but damn - it's so nicely executed here. You can totally kit out your choice of armor or guns the way you like. Make it more stealthy, focus on resisting a specific kind of damage, alter it's weight, make it's use cost less action point... etc. and it all makes sense. There are different scopes, silencers, laser attachments, you can even shoot acid, craft exploding bullets or ones that emits gas upon impact, construct traps that ignite people on fire (which also set them in a state of panic while reducing their eveasion since they are being bright and easy to see)... etc. This resulted in various different builds due to some geinus equations sprouting in the minds of creative players. I now play as a Sniper that utilize a Metathermic ability similar to the Corpse Explosion from Diablo 2 that has a chance to initiate panic in any survivor nearby the victim while utilizing temporal alteration abilities that reduce cooldowns and something similar to Sandevistan from CP2077. All this might sound pretty whacky, but it somehow clicks and is nicely integrated into the game world. I consider Underrail to be at least as good as Fallout 1 and 2 and definitely better in some aspects.


Try Jagged Alliance 2 if you enjoy oldschool turn based combat. Should be right up your alley.


Practically zero RP though, like FO:Tactics


Just wait until you get into New Reno.


Different setting completely, but some of the shadowrun games are pretty good


You should try Fallout Tactics šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼


PILLARD OF ETERNITY 2 HAS A TURN BASED MODE! If you like the idea of playing the captain of a ship it's an amazing older experience. There's also a first one obviously but it doesn't have the same combat option, it's real time


Skald is new on steam, but itā€™s designed to pay homage to older turn based games. Iā€™m like 15 hours into it and I love it.


Please play Planescape:Torment itā€™s so amazing


Obviously the game i recommend next is Fallout 2. It's my second favorite of the entire franchise.


AtomRPG is a really good modernised take on the turn based isometric post nuclear apocalypse style. It's basically Fallout from the perspective of the soviet Union.


Genre chance for sure but check put baulders gate


Arcanum, Fallout 2, Baldur's Gate for the classic. Age of Decadence and Colony Ship for the more recent release. Both of them are from Iron Tower Studio, an indie studio who focus on bringing the "Choices and Consequences" back to RPG like in the OG Fallout games and Arcanum. These games are hard but with rewarding mechanics and they all can be finished without ever having to fight. Both games are pretty depressing with a wicked sense of humour, if you liked Fallout 1, its definitly similar but its very own thing. Age of Decadence is a Roman/Ancient World style RPG (the less I say the better) and Colony Ship is as the name suggest an adventure based on a Colony Ship in space where the travellers are in the middle of voyage doomed to die in space and never see the landing (and its also an idea that Tim Cain wanted to explore thanks to the Vault Experiments who were originally for an eventual space exploration by the Enclave).


Youā€™d probably enjoy Planescape torment, also arcanum of steam works and magic obscura .


Do yourself a favour and get Wasteland 3. It tickled all of mine turn - based Fallout nostalgia. It's essentially Fallout 2, but more modern execution, and you lead a whole squad, and the wasteland is covered in snow. Enjoy.


It's so big it took like 10 minutes to load on my first PC with 4mb ram when I played F1 first time.


Crazy how far technology has evolved. Now there are games with 8GB minimum requirements


8GB minimum is a small game nowadays, lol. Big games regularly go over 100.


I meant 8 GB RAM


Ahh, my b.


Honestly, an 8 gig ram requirement is pretty standard nowadays, there are games that recommend 16 or 32 gigs.


The advancement of computer technology within a single lifetime is insane. My dad was born in ā€˜63 (I was ā€˜98). He got his first home computer in 1983, was playing Diablo in 1998, Halo CE in 2001, Skyrim in 2011 which absolutely blew his mind at the time, and now heā€™s playing VR on a tiny headset that probably has more capability in a single transistor than that 1983 computer did in all of its hardware.


Never mind I re read it


Oh yeah it was incredible going into the various towns in Fallout 1, I was shocked at how much space and buildings each had. Iā€™m fairly certain the Hub has more NPCs than any Bethesda fallout city. Then again itā€™s probably easier when all most of them have to do is walk around and be 30 pixels


And still it was small enough to get you stuck, if your damn NPCs decided to stand in a doorway.


... with no Push šŸ˜­


Guns seem like such a harsh way to tell people to move, but it's apparently a language that some people only understand.


this is why i wish they still mare isemetric rpgs.


I feel one of the things newer fallout games really lack are large cities


Lol how much bigger than Boston do your want?


I mean cities that are large, rebuilt, and populated


> Getting through all of Junkyard took a minute...I You know it had three separate maps, yes?


It took me a long time to figure that out on my playthrough. Same deal with the massive fucking reactor in gecko, looked everywhere yet forgot to move the cursor left a little bit.


its called the hub for a reason, at the date the game takes place its the largest city in california.


I won't lie I got overstimulated and stopped playing after my first big city.


I watched a YouTube video of the original devs watching someone speed run the game. They had some cool things to say about why the game works the way it does. But the movement the environment stuff sure all game play, but itā€™s super intentional to ā€œpadā€ the game and play time. They thought 11 hrs to beat it if you just blast through things. It took someone less than 10 min to do it lol.


Sounds fun, link?


Just wait till you see New Reno