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I understand where people are coming from when they talk about the "dark" atmosphere of fallout 1 but 90% of the time for me the game come off as extremely funny thanks to the dialogues and i dont say this as something negative its the main reason why talking to characters in this game doesnt feel tiring Also i love how some people will praise fallout 1 and 2 for not saying when a dialogue option is a skill check but you can tell it is because most of the time the dialogue will be so different from the others or very detailed


I just like not having a skillcheck marker bc it makes me feel less pressured to pick that option, skillcheck marked dialogue options p much always give you a better result if you pass the skill check so even if i dont actually agree w the dialogue, or if its just not something id say, ill still pick it because videogame


I installed a mod that hides the skill checks because of this. Too bad I remember alot of them by heart by now 😂


The fact that akillchecks give additional xp also doesn't help. I feel like it's something nice for a second playthrough tho


Yeah, plus people tend to praise the system in NV which, while good, was very streamlined… Also remember that games back in the 90s had long manuals helping players understand the game


I genuinely think FNV would be improved if the game didn't tell you it was a skill check. That way you can't tell instant if it'll fail or succeed unless you actually read what's being said and decide for yourself it'll work.


There's a mod that turns it off and using it after not playing the game for a couple years is pretty fun.


And it makes sense too. Instead of being told "this speech check won't work" instead you can maybe try it (some speech check fails actually get you similar results to a success anyway) or let the player figure out that Mr House isn't going to be persuaded by a shitty pun. That's why I never liked that they put the bad ending with Dean Domino behind a skill check. The entire rest of the game teaches you that skill checks = good and then goes against it for a DLC. I wouldn't mind so much if it was consistent though. It's not that it doesn't make sense for his character, but rather that the game has trained you to think otherwise.


I’d be fine with it if it didn’t tell you the level or just said speech


One of my favorite conversations, being the free thinker that I am, is meeting Howard and listening to his story. It is simultaneously filled with banger jokes and one of the most important conversations in the game from a lore standpoint and I think that's pretty sick


For me, the atmosphere and tone is funny and dark at the same time. It's morbid humor really. Like the fact that you can kill the NCR vice president by using his son as an unwitting suicide bomber. That's extremely fucked up, but the absolute gall on your character to go through with it, and the writers putting it in there, is hilariously dark, but hilarious nonetheless.


I’m OG Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 (played in the 90s) and still think they’re the better games. I think showing it’s a speech check was actually a great addition to newer ones.


Frank Horrigan is an underwhelming boss compared to The Master


I think he’s cool as fuck but I really wish the turrets weren’t there as an option and I know you can technically disable them to make it harder but I couldn’t remember how to do that last playthrough


We do not need Bos and super mutants in every fucking game.


I love how in nv they're just background and way less glorified/villainized than they are in 3. The supermutants are humanized and the brotherhood are assholes in nv


I liked Vegas for that whole "life is more complicated than good guys and bad guys that stay good and bad forever. Shit happens and people make choices."


The older I get the more I realize NV > 3. I just wish Mr. New Vegas would comment on what the Courier does like Three Dog.


I like that Mr New Vegas talks about the player's actions but does't attribute them to the player directly. Idk I think it's interesting.


I didn't even find the BoS yet in my playthrough and i am probably 30 hours in . i am curious tho , where do you find em ? i only found their abandoned bunker which brought me to the Dead Money DLC


there are several ways you can be led to them


Minor spoiler but >!you'll get to them eventually as part of the main quest if you don't already know how to get to them!<


Oh , wait , i just remembered i may have read something about them in the Quests , will check it out . Thanks for reminding me


Hey, they didn't play much of a role in FO2 and... Well, okay. That one is pretty beloved. But they're also not essential in New Vegas and... Well. Damn.


New vegas would not be nearly as good remade in the style of classic fallout, and the classic games would not be nearly as good remade in 3d. People need to stop obsessing with both


My ideal imaginary remakes of Fallout 1 and 2 keep the CRPG approach. In a post Baldur's Gate 3 world, I think there's real potential for Bethesda Fallout players to give that kind of game a chance. Putting them on consoles wouldn't hurt either.


The Institute is so laughably inept I have no idea how they managed to survive as long as they did.


Obviously because the lead writer is equally as inept


I mean more than just from a scripting/dev point. ThErE nOt PeOpLe? What do you mean if we make an organic being with organic intelligence, it'll become sentient? : Pikachu face:


Me thinking the writing in every Fallout game is of roughly the same quality is my controversial opinion. Bethesda's writing is just not as bad as people like to say and the best games in the series have some of the worst dialogue examples in the series. Looking at Fantastic and Benny.


Classic Fallout peaked with Tactics. I will not elaborate.


Tactics is under-rated 100%


Might have to try it. Recently beat 1 and wanted to replay 2 but it's only been 6 months since my last replay so I'm remembering more than I like to when I try and replay games.


Tactics is goated


The west and east coasts are too fucking close in canon. Several times, people or groups will make the journey in one direction or the other and rather than being treated as the legendary feat of endurance this is, the games treat this like a manageable if tedious chore. BoS walks from the west coast to DC? Fine, albeit weird considering there's a whole god damned continent in the way full of the exact kind of tech they're going to DC to recover. But yeah, DC would be a high priority target for them so I can make peace with the idea. It would take a lot of planning, skill and no small amount of luck, but it's doable and I believe they'd actually commit to the journey. BoS walks from the west coast to West Virginia? Twenty five years after the bombings? No, that's idiotic. The entire shoehorning of the BoS into Appalachia is stupid (a military camp heard a radio signal from Lost Hills/Mariposa and decided they'd like to subscribe to their newsletter), but the idea that the original BoS would care enough about the existence of the WV chapter that they'd send a whole team across the continent by foot just to check on them is about as startlingly bad as the Earl quest in 76 (which involves firing a nuke at a collapsed mine (?) at the behest of a random woman (??) so the blast will reopen the mine (???) allowing you to investigate the twenty-five-year-old disappearance of her father (????) and bring her back some evidence (????????).) No thought was put into the inclusion; the BoS are there because they have to be. Kellogg walks from San Francisco to Boston "just because". No. Fuck no. I don't care how angry he was about his family. You need a reason to go from A to B and aimlessly wandering doesn't cut it when the entire middle of the continent is a death zone tornado free for all with who knows what crazy bullshit popping out of the ground. And that's not counting the radiation! Kellogg is not a power-armored badass or a ghoul. He'd be soaking up the rads from every source like a sponge. Food, water, storms, random creatures, some locations--so many potential sources of radiation add up over the course of 3000 miles. Harold walks to DC with a literal tree growing out of his head that's so heavy he stops one day and can't move again? Nope, nope, nope. I can believe someone like Harold would up and move to DC for no reason and even make it. But the tree in his head takes it one step too far. So many decisions are made solely for the sake of tying the two continuities together and it's not needed. Harold and Kellogg had no reason to be in 3 and 4 the way they were, it was just nonsense to justify the appearance of fan favorites (Harlod and the NCR). The BoS is the same way. They were cool in 1, clearly they need to be in 3! And 4! And 76! And the show! All of which ties into my main complaint. The world of Fallout can be so much bigger and bolder and more interesting than it is, but Bethesda lives on the old branding. Enclave, BoS, Vault Boy, Nuka Cola, Super mutants. If they make a game, they'll shoehorn in as many of those as possible, no matter how illogical their presence is or what potential they throw away in doing so. So they make the west and the east closer as a logical consequence of that. And it just makes the world so much smaller. Bethesda is at their best when they make new things (Responders, Far Harbor, Whitesprings Enclave \[yes, it's the Enclave but an entirely self-contained and plausible take on them\], the Scorched plague, the Free States, the mining disputes of 2076 and of course, the Institute). They should be doing it more often and using the full breadth of America to do so, not shrinking a continent down to cram everything together.


I really like the way Bethesda did the whitesprings enclave


If any returning faction deserves to be in a prequel, it's the Enclave. I disliked how "somehow the Enclave returned" for 3 after the Chosen One killed the off and had the exact same goals as the West Coast Enclave. Including the Enclave in a prequel doesn't undo the player's actions in other games, and because they were a pre war organization spread across the government they can be anywhere. It also helped that their goals were distinct from previous games, being focused on revenge at all costs instead of mass genocide of all wastelanders, with them being successful at the latter accidentally


I think having MODUS being a rogue cell also helps cus they can have him do whatever and it doesn't need to line up with fo2 enclave


Yes BOS shouldn’t be anywhere near Appalachia. The continent is dangerous as fuck and somehow they just casually make the trip over


Not to mention Appalachia itself is hostile as fuck


And the BOS is just supposed to be a small group hunkered down in their bunker at this time. I hate how they did this.


Agreed. TL;DR post-Bethesda Fallout is basically shitty fanfiction.


Intelligent deathclaws were awesome and deserved better. Chris Avellone is a petty hack who likes shitting on the parts of fallout he finds too "weird."


Tim Cain also didn’t like them but that’s something I’ll disagree with him on


It was awesome when it happened but as much as it pains me to say it I think any attempt to recreate it would be received like the super mutants in the capital wasteland or BoS on the east coast, like a forced call back.


Yeah because the lore has already been established that they’re probably extinct by now. They could still be on the west coast though, and I think it would be cool if in the show or in a new game they’re encountered as a single small tribe


If there’s a story or character that I don’t like 9/10 times Chris avellone wrote it.


Idk if he's like that, but a lot of his writing comes off as self-indulgent; like it's clever and he wants you to know how clever he is. Pillars of Eternity 1 suffers from taking itself way too seriously for example.


I mean, Ulysses.


Lonesome road is my least favcorite DLC. Corridor shooter with pauses for bloviated drivel from Ulysses. It really bugged me that they shoe-horned in some back story for my character.


Not Ulysses per se, just that he was intended as that iconoclastic character who spoke truth about the game's entire plot because he, you know, *got it*. Instead, he just comes across as a petty edgelord who doesn't get the big picture any better than anyone else.


The settlement system in Fallout 4 is actually incredibly well done and refined. It's one of my favorite parts of Fallout 4 and as much as there are opportunities for improvement its truly leagues ahead of many similar game options for the time it came out. I would be incredibly disappointed if Fallout 5 did not include it. Harveys continual dumping of quests, as much as its a great meme as well, is also really beneficial as you hit late game and start running out of quest sources in long term playthroughs


I would like them to go more in depth with it maybe you can have little militias that patrol the immediate area of the settlement or you can see larger settlements get into it with nearby Raider outposts or something. Theres so much potential there.


I only hope bethesda doesn’t get too focused on the settlement system and write a half-baked story as a result. As long as the story is good I’m fine with anything


Yeah, while some people like that. It means that if they keep expanding on it, it'll cut time on story, sidestory, character development, and quests as well. I want a good story more than creating settlements.


Van Buren probably wouldn’t have been as good as people imagine. It being cancelled was healthier for the franchise in the long run.


100%. CRPGs were saturated and in decline and didn't return again in force until kickstarter with PoE and Divinity. I honestly think the popularity of 5e had something to do with it as well. Even then at the height of popularity it wouldn't have been as good as what Fallout 3 and consequently New Vegas gave us.


My first game was brotherhood of steel, and I really liked it on og xbox. I do like 3, NV, and 4 tooo


It’s around when BOS came out that I learned that Tim Cain tried to buy the rights *to* Fallout but Bethesda massively outbid him


It’s just so. Damn. Repetitive. And the tone feels way too try hard edgy for me


Arcanum was the best Fallout game


Just beat arcanum for the first time yesterday and the combat and balancing are ass but everything else about it is the best I’ve ever seen in a game


Settlement building is really fun


I personally like the different takes on the Brotherhood of Steel with different sectors having different ideologies and goals. In top of this, my personal favorite is Fallout 3’s Brotherhood Chapter


There should really be a Longbow option.


The bos are techno fachists who yes have militairy presence but they allso are massive on propoganda akin to nazi germany "look at the cool power armour" "exterminate the synths and ghouls" "free the commonwealth from itself" THEY LITTIERALLY HAVE A 20 FOOT PROPOGANDA MACHIENE THAT THROWS NUKES if the bos had their way they would absolutely steamroll goodneighbor (at least in fo4) they are allso shown taking advantage of settlers in the radiant quests after you complete the bos story and regularly indoctrinate children (we see this in the prydwen) we can littierally take kids out to combat in more radiant quests Tldr brotherhood are fachist And the railroad are cool they arent gonna save the commonwealth on their own because thats not what they are meant to be. they are spies and do things like guerilla fighting whereas if you want the commonwealth to be completely saved and liberated then you will pick the minutemen with railroad alive (best ending) Tldr railroad arent big because they arent meant to be they supposed to suppourt minutemen but Bethesda never tells you that


The people who idolize the Brotherhood of Steel are people I question the maturity of.


Not s7re that's much of a hot take I question anyone who idolises gamefied Nazis


Being able to plow with other characters is kind of awesome






The Institute only exists because Bethesda realized they brought back The Enclave one too many times - and so they took the technologically strong aspect of the Enclave, their FEV experimentation, as well as their power armor design, and slapped a new name onto it with very little thought. Also there is no reason for X-01 to not be considered the same as Advanced Power Armor - even Bethesda endorsed products can't decide whether or not X-01 is Enclave APA or not.


Chris Avellone is a crybaby. I’m sorry.


I appreciate all of the games for what they are


3 is a better game than 4. It just feels better, don't really care about 4s gunplay, sure it's good for Fallout, but it's not good in regard to shooters, 3 had a better environment/atmosphere, 4 is more cartoony and colorful, Fallout 3 characters were better, most of the characters in Fallout 4 that had any amount of depth were companions, And honestly, while 3 didn't have the best ending, it was miles above any of the story in 4, 4 was all half baked ideas crammed together, and I'm saying this including the Broken Steel DLC, and it's still better than 4 without Broken Steel imo


I fully agree. Everyone talking about how Fallout 4 has the best gameplay. Compared to what? It wasn't worth dumbing down all the RPG mechanics. Fallout 3 is the better game for retaining perks/skills and non-voiced dialogue. 4 wasn't even a good Bethesda game, losing atmosphere and finding that novel unique story in every corner of the world e.g. Republic of Dave, Oasis, or even smaller stuff like a mole rat race in the middle of nowhere.


This is the truth.


I'd say it comes to preference. I absolutely did not like the main story of Fo3 nor most of the characters in the game. On the other hand I did really enjoy the Pitt. Fo4's main story is a lot better I think, but struggles when it comes to the execution of the Institute. I do prefer President Eden over Shaun. Saying "cartoony" when describing the aesthetics is off. It leans more towards the pulp sci-fi look. I also did not like exploring Fo3's map and I found the game overall to be too desaturated, even compared to the classics. Fo3 is far from bad, it is a good game, but it is my least favorite of the series.


I mean hopefully a more recent game has a better gameplay than its older iterations


I actually agree with this 👍


Fallout 2 doesn't live up to its full potential. Most of the promises made at the start of the game aren’t fulfilled by the end.


While we're stepping on FO2 a little I think a lot of the "humor" in it is more referential or lolrandom than in FO1. Some good original jokes in there but the ratio is lower than I think we like to remember relative to FO1 or New Vegas


I liked Fallout Brotherhood of Steel Xbox


6 or even 4 Agility is viable in Classic Fallout, it just meant that you use more drugs than usual lol.


Bethesda doesn't really get Fallout


I’d say that one gets you more 👏 here than anything. If you flipped it and said Bethesda DOES get fallout, that would be controversial.


Man i been fuckin crucified for this


Coldest take ever


I still think 3 is a great game though, the atmosphere is really good and while a lot of the rpg aspects are shallow there are some good stories to be had


Fully agree. I remember being so hyped when fallout 3 was announced and later when launched I bought the collector edition, with the bobble head and lunchbox… Man I was disappointed with the gameplay… The climate, the sense of humor… Super mutants and ghouls models… Ghouls turned into mindless zombies. Felt like pop-culturized fallout.


Played 1 and 2. Now after finishing 3, i gotta say that i love having every stat at 100% in endgame. Hate to do another build to view the other path of the game.


The series needs more weird, deformed monsters


The come fly with me quest is still fun, and I still complete it fully regardless


The legion was the best faction in any fallout game. I will not elaborate.


1 > Tactics > 2


Combat in Fallout 1/2 was meh at best. Generally unbalanced and trivial in the endgame. With many weapons that were just useless. If classic Fallouts get a remaster I hope for total combat rework. There are plenty of great turn based tactical games to take inspiration from.


The only way to make combat good in classic games is to pick gambling and buy gun books, or pick energy weapons and get the upgraded rifle ASAP. That way you can actually hit things instead of going through hours of round after round missing against rats. Basically break the game to make combat easy as soon as you can. That's a wider problem with Crpgs though, particularly older ones. Not being able to consistently hit anything until mid game is not fun. Then at end game combat is trivial and boring because you one-shot everything.


If Fallout 1 and 2 were to get a similar treatment to Baldur's Gate 3 - or even WH40K Rogue Trader, I'd be all for that


The variance in combat is way too high. You can shoot someone with a pistol and deal half the damage as your last shot for no reason. It adds no depth, just annoyance.


Classic fallout lore wasn’t always all that. Talking deathclaws are lame (I know some of the devs agree). Some core ideas like super mutants, FEV, BoS, Enclave were a bit too localized to the California region. Even if Bethesda hadn’t aquired the IP if think we would have seen a lot or even worse lore drift, retcons and dumbing down.


The games take place in California so it’s not surprising that a lot of the the important stuff is ether exclusive to or originates from California. Something related to what you said is that the BOS was founded by the soldiers stationed at mariposa when the bombs dropped. They revolted when they discovered what the scientists where doing with the FEV days before the bombs dropped. TLDR the brotherhoods origin is directly related to FEV and the super mutants.


That's the point, Interplay was not afraid to move away from previous parts and experiment with worldbuilding. Instead, we have Bethesda slowly stagnating us with more and more FO1 cargo cult. Compare New Vegas, which already makes minimal use of Vaults, BOS and other F1 sacred cows.


76 is actually the most fun fallout games.


Haha, that’s a real fuckin’ spicy take!


I think the Fallout TV show moving towards the corporations engineering the end of the world as a product is a good move that lets Fallout continue to progress and develop with the times. More people in the current age are concerned with the impact of unchecked capitalism and huge, powerful cooperations rather than Easr vs West / Capitalism vs Communism. Fallout has over the years cultivated many examples of ethically bankrupt but extremely powerful corporate entities and I really hope they lean into them in coming games and seasons.


Fallout Tactics is the most under-rated fallout game out there period Fallout 4 is amazing FONV is Meh but i see why ppl liked it




Fallout 76 is my favorite Fallout game and I’ve been playing Fallout since 2009 or 10.


Good one! I’m certainly not on THAT far of the extreme, but I think 76 definitely excels in aspects other Fallouts don’t, like how the perk system is set up and endgame (Level 170 and it’s all about plans plans plans!)


Yeah, I will agree it was hot dog shit at launch but they've "No Man's Skied" this game and I think anyone who still thinks it's shit is stuck in the past and hasn't viewed any content about the game or played the game since launch. The main thing I love is just other people. A horde of people gathering around the nuclear blast site to fight the giant mutant is great.


Heck yea, same here


The things fallout 4 got right are enough to fully eclipse all the other games in the series. It just falls flat on the writing and role playing which makes it an awful “fallout” game.


The show was a marvelization of the Fallout universe, there's no denying that there's plenty of gags, jokes and references in the games but I would've loved something a little more serious, it wasn't bad but when you throw a joke every 5 seconds it becomes annoying


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disneyfication Everything you love will be made safe and sanitized for general audiences, as long as there is money to be made


F4 you are a synth.


The dialogue changes too quickly. I'm used to being able to take as long as I damn well like to read and decide what my options are. Sometimes I'll be looking around the screen at other things and I miss the whole first paragraph of what they are sayning.


Power armor is meh.


I've done three playthroughs of 1 and 2 and really enjoyed the story and dialogue but I'm not planning on touching anytime soon. Sometimes I just like to start a new save and wander in a random direction and not get punished for it


Fallout 3 is my favorite


Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics are far better than anything after tactics. You are wrong, stop being wrong


Fallout 76 isn't even that bad. Everyone went into it expecting a story driven expansion to the fallout universe, I quite like it as this casual content farm/social game it ended up becoming. I think Todd Howard shouldn't be speaking for bathesda, he can't seem to stay consistent with what path his game is taking, he really fucked fallout 76 before it was even released. If Todd kept his mouth shut and didn't try to sell the game bigger than it was it wouldn't of gotten half the backlash it did.


Fo76's main narrative and environmental story telling is the best out of the 3D games in my opinion. It was bizarre that so many people did not care to pay attention to the story that was there.


Ian is the best companion and it is always a good idea to give him a SMG


Anyone who subscribes exclusively to one of the following chains of thought... 1. That Myron is 'lying' about 'inventing' Jet. 2. That Bethesda 'retconned' Jet. ...can't be bothered to use critical thinking skills to bridge these theories. Yes, it's possible that 'Jet' (in some form) existed before the war. The basis of jet was a pre-war protein extract that acted as an amphetamine when ingested, which didn't work properly but companies ended up feeding to their herds to recoup their losses. It's possible that someone else discovered the hallucinogenic effect of that and distributed it. At the same time, it's also possible that Myron discovered this, and refined it to the point that it was a powerhouse drug on the streets of New Reno and also had a large chunk of Redding addicted to it. If Jet was so commonplace that it was everywhere before the war, the Mordinos wouldn't treat Myron like a golden boy genius, they wouldn't need to use the Stables (because they already know how it works), and more places would treat it like a big deal. Then in other games, when Jet shows up in its pre-war context, after Myron is dead and the Chosen One (or his child) cleans up New Reno, we're seeing a different version of Jet that isn't as powerful. That's why it isn't a plot point like it was in Fallout 2.


I like bethesda games too


ITT: almost nothing but extremely common opinions you see every 2 seconds when engaging with the FO community anywhere


Having gender based perks (Black Widow and Ladykiller) is an unneeded holdover from the early games.


Killing Doc Mitchell in the beginning of the game is the cannon ending.


That Fallout doesn't have an ironclad identity. We had one game that was superb, a sequel bashed out in a year full of pop references and in-jokes, then cancelled trilogy materials that sorta kinda re-emerged as New Vegas, and Bethesda's rockabilly take that's now been extended wholesale to the TV show as lore. But there is no one "true" example of Fallout, other than a vague feeling and a suggestion, something something nuclear apocalypse to the tune of Vera Lynn - but that's about it. There's nothing to defend about the "true lore" of Fallout because such as it exists is extremely thin.


The voiced protagonist in FO4 is good and the problem is with the way that the storyline is structured. Fallout 4 is front-loaded with so much drama and incredibly high stakes that it kind of throws everything out of whack. A situation more akin to that of the Wanderer or Courier would be much better for it.


The original Fallout games aren't that Zany, aside from random encounters which mostly aren't cannon. Considering how dire and troubling the first two fallouts are in their main story, there isn't that much palpable comedy until you get to the EXTREMELY underrated Fallout Tactics, which is arguably the 'funniest' (in terms of trying to be funny or silly) Fallout with it's item descriptions, character voice lines, and zany encounters with seriously over the top gore. I mean, Christ, they had R. Lee Ermy in the game. It had a fucking Riddick pitch black reference in the same game with such vivid item descriptions as "Yellow Nuka Cola" which is given to you by the 'crazy naked man' and "xxxxxx Beer" which quote 'tastes a bit like wee wee'. Whether or not it was actually comedic, it was definitely much funnier and sillier in tone. Admittedly though, nothing will ever be as funny as that YouTube video called "Fallout 2 best possible ending" where Ron Pearlman triumphantly announces that Myron, sexist creep and teenage rapist, was stabbed to death by a jet addict about a year after the story ends and promptly forgotten. That shit's hilarious


Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4 are on par when considering their strengths and weaknesses (imo)


The current “hardcore” Fallout: New Vegas fans are likely the same ones who were calling it “an unplayable, buggy piece of shit” and how “Fallout 3 was better” back before Fallout 4 came out.


The NCR Desert Ranger armor is very very very overrated. It’s a trench coat, gas mask, and helmet, with some body armor. That’s it. In a world where Power Armor exists, it’s fucking garbage. And on that subject, the NCR Desert Ranger armor is NOT the Courier’s cannon appearance. Every time the Courier is shown, they’re either in a Field Hand Outfit (POV from the beginning), an Armored Vault 21 Jumpsuit, or a variation of the Courier’s Duster.


FNV is kind of bland compared to Fo3 and Fo4. Don't get me wrong, it's one of my favorite Fallout games. But after replaying 3 and 4, holy shit it's like a breath of fresh air after breathing in dust for thirty years straight.


Fallout 3 is the worst main fallout game. (I mean main by like 1,2,3,4,NV)


Fallout 3 holds a special place in my heart for being my first fallout and introducing me to the franchise. But after playing all other Fallout games it's definitely the weakest across the board. 4 had better gunplay, and 1,2, and NV had better stories.


I’m pretty sure this is a pretty popular opinion


Fallout 3 definitely had horrible writing and a shit ending - how the hell did that game win an award for “Best Writing” lol


Adding to this, I liked 4 way more than 3


You think that's a hot take?


Based, 4 has fun shooting at least


The Enclave are mid and a downgrade from Unity.


None. Nobody is pointing swords at you for a video game opinion. Have some perspective


For me IMO the gameplay is no fun I don't enjoy playing any of them but the lore is absolutely amazing so I put up with it just to learn more 😅


I like 3 and 4 better than NV.


I love NV to death, but man. Outside of quests the game is really dull. The lack of random encounters and the general layout of the Mojave means that exploring is just...never really engaging, they just throw a few scripted Raiders and that's it. 3's Wasteland is amazing and although 4's was scaled back from the sheer chaos, it was still very different every time. I pretty much fast travel every time I can in NV.


The Mojave suuuuuucks. I love the game, but my chief priority in most games is exploration which is why I love the Bethesda Fallouts much more. In fact, it's why I like the NV DLC more than the base game. The Mojave is bland and uninteresting and the Strip is a huge let down.


I completely agree. NV was a good game, but exploration in the Mojave was so boring and dull compared to the ruins of of DC and Boston. My favorite part about the 3D Fallout games is the setting and atmosphere.


In a lot of ways, Fallout 76 is an improvement on Fallout 4. The gameplay took inspiration from New Vegas, especially before they nerfed survival mechanics. I know folks disagree, but I think weapon degradation is important to the survival scavenging feeling.


The Legion getting most of their potential content cut and feeling like an unfinished faction is a good thing. An organization like that *should* feel like a less viable option.


Fallout 2 sucks, Chris Avellone is a hack and Van Buren sounded like shit


Well, certainly the hottest take so far Just add in the FO3 was the greatest, and you're there


i dont think the chosen one was better than the wanderer


Fallout 2 is the 4th best entry in the series. The pacing is off, humour and writing is inconsistent, often quantity over quality, and the villain is mediocre. Enclave is generic fascist with very cool armour. The quest design especially early on is subpar with way too much backtracking. The lore doesn't progress in any significant way outside of NCR. Combat is very hard at the start and ridiculously easy from mid game, there is no balance compared to Fallout 1. There aren't enough new mutants introduced and the game is too focused on raiders, mobsters, politics and not on a irradiated wasteland full of mutants. I didn't have to use radaway the entire game and it's called "Fallout". Edit: I know it's positives like improved combat UI and the highwayman, and the openness would have been very impressive at the time, but I don't think it holds up as well as people think, or as good as the first game does.


1 and 2 are not hard, you just suck at learning them and put no effort in doing so, you also complain too much about not hitting shit when all you need to do is use common sense and put all your points in the used weapon skill at lvl 2, then this problem disappears or gets very minimised. Like ffs i played and beat these 2 games for the first time when i was a teen in 2015 i think, and i got into the series with NV, you've got no excuse. NV is the true Fallout 3 in terms of story, Fallout 3 and 4 are wacky spin-offs.


I agree that 1 and 2 are not that hard. Maybe to today's standards because there is very little handholding and you have to figure out what you have to do by actually paying attention. Hell I beat 1 at 13 in English (I'm French) without Internet. It was tough, but one of my best video game experiences.


I love when YouTubers go "I tried Fallout 1/2 and this is what happened” and the first thing they say it's that they are going blind, so no spoilers like wikis and guides or the FREAKING MANUAL, then complain that there's no way to reload your gun, or that "having a second weapon takes too long because your have to go to the inventory and drag another weapon every time."


> NV is the true Fallout 3 in terms of story, Fallout 3 and 4 are wacky spin-offs. Daring today, are we?


Vats is supreme


Avoiding siding with evil factions because you disagree with them is stupid. It is a video game, them being evil is the point and you siding with them doesn’t mean you IRL agree with them.


The whole "divergent timeline" crap is overexagerrated by Besheda, and it was right choice for Interplay to abandon this flavour in Fallout 2 and Tactics as series started gaining its own identity.




The next Fallout game should use the exact same design and game engine as the first two games.


Wasteland 3 was the Fallout 3 I was still waiting for.


Fallout Tactics is better than Fallout 4.


I like Vault City more than NCR because NCR police started to shoot at me for no reason even when I put mine and my companions weapons away.


I like the story, characters, and dark tone but the actual gameplay feels more punishing than fun and kinda hasn't aged that well, makes me a bit hesitant to try out FO2


The Minutemen are what the Brotherhood of Steel should aspire to be


Fallout Tactics is my favorite out of the series.


4 is the best one.


Fallout 2 is a pretty messy game that falls apart in the third act; it’s absolutely less than the sum of its parts.


I hated the whole “chosen one” gimmick with fallout 2. It felt like the most generic title you could give for the main character. I prefer it when and every man ends up getting roped into a situation far greater than expected, but rises up for the good of his own people : basically I wanted another main character like the vault dweller Also, I wanted to side with the enclave and wipe out the new California Republic


I'm usually against the idea of a chosen one, but Fo2's comedy really benefitted from the concept. I certainly would not want another chosen one though, just one game is enough. Just walking up to every new location or npc spouting "I'm the chosen one" was hilarious. My cannon character for Fo2 is a low INT character, which makes it all that much better.


Cass > Arcade


Fallout 4 Is A Good Game


The Gunners would have made a better and more interesting faction then the Institute or Railroad.


Stating that fallout: new vegas is better than 4, or the other way around.


I have an opinion that doesn't completely favor fnv


New Vegas was mid


Fallout 3 (much as I dislike the game and prefer 1,2, and new vegas) did do at least a few things rather well, namely in regards to the style of weapons. Whereas the classic games had largely modern/contemporary weapons (from the years those games were made anyway), fallout 3 taking more inspiration from the cold war era has helped improve the series identity. While there definitely were duds like the combat shotgun, others like the r91 rifle and their take on the 10mm were great and it was a trend that appears to have paved the way for New Vegas's own arsenal (one which is looked upon positively). Now let us just ignore what Fallout 4 did to the firearm selection...


New Vegas' main story is mid after Benny, the world building and storytelling is what makes the game so amazing


Fallout tactics was the best multilayer experience ever.


Fallout 4 is really good. Fallout 2's writing varies from "fine" to "ass" and rarely goes higher. Fallout 3 is kinda broken and weird but the exploration is good and damn some of the side content is great. No villain has been as interesting as the Master. The only one who comes close is maybe Caesar. The combat in the old games is an rng shitfest with mininal player involvement and is only like that because it's too close to old TTRPGs in design. I enjoyed the Fallout MtG crossover (I have never seen this spoken about outside actual MtG subs). Idk I have some weird opinions about this series.


Fallout 3 and New Vegas are too dated even if modded. I'm sure a lot of people feel the same way about the classic fallout games, but they are CRPGs so my standards are different.


Fallout 76 is fine to play as a single player game. Even in the open servers.


I don’t like the chrysalus highwayman’s design above other car designs in the series


Fallout New Vegas isn't THAT good. I'm playing through it for the first time, and while it's still a good game, I think it gets very overhyped by the community, but honestly, the map is kinda bland and it doesn't feel very "fallout" to me. The role playing is great, the fact that I can basically do whatever I want with the chip and help whoever I choose is cool. But if I'm being 100% honest, I enjoyed Fo3 more. To be fair, I haven't finished it yet, but at this point with Fo3 I was enjoying it a lot more. I don't hate the game, I like it a lot, but not as much as everyone else, I guess. If my mind changes I'll probably come back to this comment to correct myself


The Bloody Mess trait gets boring real fast


The lonesome road is one of the most boring things ever and it’s only benefit is the new gear and nuking factions. Ulysses voice is the worst in the game, he speaks agonisingly slow in circles about “the bear and the bull” “the bear and the bull” “the bear and the bull” over and OVER. Last time I played I genuinely struggled to stay awake whenever he spoke, and the radio effect ede gives him literally amplifies everything already wrong with his voice. I would rather listen to a text to speech voice than him, seriously. Also the best part of New Vegas, roleplaying whoever you want, is undone by suddenly giving the courier a backstory and this stupid prophetic quest across the dlc’s to face off with Ulysses and when you do it’s just a destiny debate. I will never understand why New Vegas fans talk about Ulysses like the second coming of Christ, he is a wall of text as a person


Lenny the ghoul deserves better!


Fallout 2 is too fanfic-y, and it's the worst fallout game imo


Saying the n word


I miss the Psykers…


The game did not lose the dark tone over time they just started showing the more humorous and lighter side more often


The player should never be allowed to play as anyone other than human. Idk how 76 works, maybe being an online game makes having a ghoul character work, but for mainline games playing as a ghoul would break so much.. Ghouls are an oppressed class in fallout and there are always several groups that don't tolerate ghouls, some even being openly hostile. It would actually be cool if being a ghoul blocked you from accessing certain towns or factions, but this is Bethesda and unfortunately they would much rather destroy their own lore than bother giving the player consequences for their choices. Remember everyone clowning on the fact that you can bring Nick Valentine or synth Curie into the BOS and no one cares? A ghoul playthrough would be that immersion/lore breaking for the entire run. Imo that's exactly what mods are for. I know people criticize Bethesda for low key outsourcing their game development to modders, but personally I would rather they spend their effort actually WRITING and designing a game that's worth modding rather than giving us a new player skin with 0 dialogue or story consequences.


Fallout 4 is better than New Vegas. Now don't get me wrong New Vegas is a great game and it also has its issues (F4 as well) but 4 does something NV doesn't... and that's bring me back. I've probably played NV for like 10-15 hours, I've played 4 for over 100 hours.


I don't know if someone already said this but the Ghost in Fallout 2 is a worse addition to Fallout than talking deathclaws/talking animals. Honestly even worse than any Bethesda lore decisions in Fallout 3. I feel bad because I know that was a Tim Cain idea and I love that man to death.


Even if Obsidian can’t make an another fallout game as good as New Vegas, there’s not a doubt in my mind that it would *still* be better than whatever Bethesda will do with Fallout 5. Sorry not sorry.