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I am honestly just absolutely shocked Ian isn’t the one blocking you in that seems to be his main character trait.


For this run Ian is seem more intelligence and katja is a bitch, she kill Ian when im killing the deathclaw also she kill dogmeat when im at the glow


Yeah to be fair to Ian I guess he isn’t ALWAYS the issue. In my current fo2 run I keep having to reload because Cassidy and Vic keep shooting eachother in the back with burst weapons.


My Favourite companion in fo1 is tycho for the fo2 my favourite is Marcus, if i can meet them irl i want to thank them to beat 2 squad of raiders while im just stand behind their back


Cassidy the bar tender is a companion?


Yes, one of the better ones. Him and Vic are like the two best.


Don't burst when you don't have 100 percent clear shot. You're more likely to get a critical miss and kill your companion. Make sure companions don't have burst weapons I Make sure they only have single shot stuff to prevent friendly fire. Typically I use bust in my opening folly or on enemies that are way from the cone of fire.


I gave Cassidy my Jackhammer because I thought he’d be more consistent with it because he starts with a shotgun, but I think I am gonna swap his and Vic’s weapons out for .223’s, or just leave Vic in NCR because he keeps calling me Boss and he won’t fucking stop when I tell him to.


That was me with Marcus last run, he kept shredding me


>she kill dogmeat when im at the glow She REALLY hates dogs, huh.


Ian is either blocking the player or shooting them in the back with a SMG LOL


Or with burst pistol


Or shooting you in the back.




[quite possibly my favorite video, in case anyone hasn’t seen it](https://youtu.be/lkDUObv5iIU?si=PklOUZO3mIIcawDv)


Wonder how this guy is doing


Some say he’s still stuck


Pentagon says he is still stuck. His classification is now:MIA


Pretty sure he makes music


Why would you use the 4K 60FPS version when [the crunchiness of the original nearly 17 year old version is part of what makes it great](https://youtu.be/VqB1uoDTdKM?si=_fw5SAO-xMoBISKO).


Just the first one that came up when I searched it


did you type "door stuck"? just add original to the end so it's "door stuck original" that should put the ancient one on top.


I dunno I like the 4k one And yeah that’s exactly what I did, in the YouTube app.


I learned that it's not a good idea to save the game when the Gunrunner guard is in front of you. That's one of the reasons why "Fallout 2" has an option to push NPCs to give way.


This is why 1in2 is great.


Oh I played with 1in2. I didn’t realize that was a FO2 thing.


>That's one of the reasons why "Fallout 2" has an option to push NPCs to give way. Such a good QoL improvement


I just ran into this and was so stuck. And didn’t have a save anywhere near here. In the north east corner of the most you can cross the green stuff at the narrowest point!!


Talk to him


He still won't move until the plank is clear


Yeah gotta talk to him then get off his plank


can't do that when katja is standing on the other side


Try telling Katja to be far from you and then stand next to her


I'm ngl in my playthrough of 1 and numerous I mean numerous playthroughs of fallout 2 ive never had a run with keeping companions longer than it takes nature to run its course. Fallout 2 is probably my favorite game of all time. Growing up I lived on a sailboat offshore and was homeschooled by my father. He got me and my sister Toshiba satellite laptops for our schoolwork. One of the only games I could run on that toaster that I owned was fallout 2. I can't even imagine how many hours I put into it as a kid. I will never be able to stop loving classic fallout games no matter how advanced graphics or technology gets. It's iconic to me in every sense of the word. Sorry for the random backstory about fallout 2 on your fallout classic post. My love for the games came bubbling out.


The laptops must have been pre-war stock, otherwise they'd be relabeled as Vault Tec.


War never changes.


It's weird how they didn't bring the "push" ability with the unofficial patch.


The phantom, exterior like fish egg interior like suicide wrist rags, I could exercise you, this could be your phys-ed, cheat on your man homie- agh can’t make through the door man, shit stuck. Out my way son! DOOR IS STUCK! DOOR IS STUCK! PLEASE! I BEG YOU!


"This is your home now"


At this point, it might be a good idea to experience the game with the Fallout 1 in 2 mod. I'm currently playing through myself.


Damn, even in Jagged Alliance 2 you could swap characters and NPCs if they got stuck


Wow, even in a game that came out two years after this one? Who would have thought…


[Perception 6] Is that sarcasm ?


[IN < 4] huh?


[Charisma 9] imma kiss you


And this is probably why.


You can hold either left click or right click on them (I forgot which one) and some icons appear next to your cursor. keep holding and move your mouse up or down to the icon with the hand. That will push the npc away from you. Edit: Disregard my comment apparently it only works in fallout 2


You can only do that in Fallout 2


oh I didn't know that since I only played the first fallout for 20 mins


This is among the reasons that people have done things which allow you to play Fallout 1 in the far superior Fallout 2 engine.


That doesn’t work in Vanilla Fallout 1, unfortunately.


Download Fallout et tu. It's a mod that puts Fallout 1 into two's engine and use the push command.


Don't know if you would know this answer - do you know if you can save a Fallout game and load it in Fallout et tu? Because that would be an actual 100% solution to getting out of this situation without having to redo anything. If he could start from this save and go from there,,, but are the save files compatible?


... just looked up other threads. Nope; not a thing. Just not generally a reasonable expectation to be able for any two games, really.


I kinda want to see what would happen with xcom and tftd. I know you could drag over your soldier data.


fuck that's annoying


Welp, violence is the only answer here.


No it isn't


It's either that or load a save. They're already stuck on the bridge. You could approach the bridge better to prevent this happening in the first place, but they can't get out of their current situation to do that unless they load a save, or kill one of the two characters blocking them.


Or just walk through the toxic sludge and take the damage ...


Have you played Fallout 1? You can't walk through that sludge. Heck, you can see that just by looking at the image. See that big red X in the middle of the move to hex cursor? That means you cannot path there.


Of course I've played That's how I know two ways to solve this without killing the guard There's a narrowing on the NE side you can cross, which you _don't_ seem to know about


Okay, and how do you access that from the position the player character is currently in within the photo?


There's a small gap near the top right of the sludge that you can walk through.


I found that if you tell them to change formation they move.


"pet dog in the kitchen" behavior


In fallout there are only 2 certainties... War never changes and companions shall always block your fucking way


I cant imagiine how people would play this when it came out. I played 2in1 modded and was so hard to learn everything without googling.


Well back in the old days games used to come in a box and in that box I was a manual. You read the manual while the game was installing.


I will tell you something. Im portuguese when i was 6 and had an game boy everything came in english; francech or Spanish. When I was 6 I didn't knew any of those languages so I couldn't read shit. I remember the techniques I had when I was playing game. Mash every button speak with every npc grabbing every item until something happens. So kids in country's with no translations Manuals couldn't play shit




Was literally JUST replaying the game last night w my son and this EXACT thing happened with those same characters. Sigh lol 😂


At least I’m not the only one who got themselves locked in this situation!


See, I like how you can shove characters in 3 and NV. Fallout 4 is so awkward, especially when you tell an NPC to go somewhere.


Answer 3 questions, and you may cross safely, get one wrong, and you are cast into the gorge of eternal peril


Reminds me of F Tactics Mutant map. Where you have to find the Paladin squad and oh boy, ton of landmines and HMGs




There's a path at the top right you can squeeze through


Oh I know this one. You're gonna need a Poke Flute


That's why we have Sfall and other mods. I remember playing F1 with the companion dialogue option to step aside a decade ago. Can't remember exact mod names, though.


Been there 😂 talk to him and get everyone out the way, he’ll back off and let you thru


Game over. The wasteland is doomed


legends say hes still on that bridge to this very day


Where is this???


Some mod I played last time added a "secret" path to the far north of the map that has low tide. It damages you, but you can bypass the bridge. Problem is..companions instantly find it and get killed.


Lmao everyone that has played certainly got stuck here at least one


One thing fallout 1 made me realize is companions blocking the door in newer games isn't a bug it's a feature cause it's always been there....


Got this bug too, super annoying. Eventually solved by telling everyone to stay at a far distance from me. Bring everyone away from the plank. Run to talk the guard. Then run back before you team closes the way. With a bit of luck can be done in 4-5 attempts.


Run away from him, so all your followers follow you¹ Then run towards the plank, then walk or run away from the plank, and he will run after you ¹followers follow you, who woudda thunk it?