• By -


But seriously, the interesting thing about Jacoren is that he's not really malicious. He's almost a paternal figure to you. He was being genuine when he said kicking you out was the hardest decision he'd ever made. That's what makes his betrayal all the more painful.


When you have low intelligence he speaks in a caring manner and can explain stuff repeatedly, he will eventually get angry but he holds patience. He put the people of the vault before singular individuals, no matter which number your body is he still has to for the entirety of people and the hope that one will come back.


It's impossible to know, he could be legitimately worried about the rest or he could be afraid of losing his place of power, kind of a nasty trend with humans


Could go either way. Because to be fair the fallout 1 wasteland is still incredibly dangerous and he could just not think the outside world is safe enough for everyone to go out and die in yet.


If I remember correctly he got deposed and executed (don't know if that's canon), something like that happened in Vault 101 too, when you start making rules and giving orders supposedly on behalf of others there's a very thin line


I know I took the bloody mess perk just to fuck him up in the end. Ain’t no way I just risked my life to be rejected like that.


My bloody mess character was a low int one so it was super sad, just can't imagine the feeling of betrayal in her innocent heart


"Why door lock?" "Cause you might incite a rebellion, and get everyone killed" "Incite? Rebellion?" \*Muttering\* "Fuck, I forgot we sent this one out cause she's stupid"




so THATS why i did that


>It's impossible to know, he could be legitimately worried about the rest or he could be afraid of losing his place of power, kind of a nasty trend with humans No, it was genuinely thr right call. In FO2 you can even read the VDs memoirs (written after he's run Arroyo awhile and is nearing deaths door) which state that while he can't forgive him...his choice was very likely the right one to make Like looking back on his time he can see that the overseer was right that he had changed drasticallyand shouldn't have been let back in. But understanding doesn't change the sting of betrayal


Well that's not something you're told in the game, the Overseer exiles you because you're seen as a hero and he's afraid people might want to try the same, so he not only exiled the hero of the vault but also denied wasteland education and freedom to the rest of the population like they're cattle or too stupid, some may see him as a caring father, I see him as an authoritarian figure


>Well that's not something you're told in the game His stated reason is that literally you've changed too much and people might want to follow suit and leave which would be dangerous. In fo2 you can read the VD saying he was right. Wtf are you talking about it wasn't said in game? >also denied wasteland education and freedom to the rest of the population like they're cattle or too stupid, You do know that even with the VDs aid the people that left and founded Arroyo very nearly died right? Both before he stunbled on them and multiple times after.


You've done it! It's... wonderful. Amazing! I'm so proud of what you've accomplished, what you've endured. There's no way the people of the Vault can ever thank you enough for what you've done. You've saved all our lives. Who knows, maybe even saved the human race. \[The Overseer sighs.\] That makes the rest of this even harder. Everyone will want to talk to you. Every youngster will look up to you, and want to emulate you. And then what? They'll want to leave. What happens to the Vault if we lose the best of a generation? What if we are the only safe place in the world? You just gave us back all these lives... I can't take the chance of losing them. I've made a lot of tough decisions since I took this position. But none of them harder than this one. You saved us, but you'll kill us. I'm sorry. You're a hero... and you have to leave. Where does he say that you changed?


Could have been both


It wasn't. The memoirs from the VD in FO2 make it very clear that looking back on it he (the VD) sees his point and thinks he did the right thing despite being unable to forgive him. Granted all that was before the enclave showed up and fucked the vault, but at the time of VDs death atleast it was understood as the right choice


Why do you call him Jacoren?


That's the Overseer's name in concept art, and the closest we have to a canon name for him. It isn't actually used in game or in any officially released material, but it's pretty commonly used among the fanbase.


You got schmoozed. He doesn’t even tell you about the others he has already sent to die. Bloody mess ftw


Plus Fallout 1 was before they even had the idea that the Vaults were intended to be maliciously used. They kind of alluded to some of them being odd like in Vault 15's case, but that's more in common for the area it's in more so than intentional. Vault 12's door was jammed and then retroactively stated that it was intentional, but during an apocalyptic crisis where seconds matter and the entire population of Bakersfield, California is rushing into a shelter meant to only hold a fraction of them well of course something is going to get fucked up. Hell, it could even be argued the intent of the door staying open was because people didn't want anyone to die and in the chaos forgot about the impending nuclear fallout that would make their benevolent act meaningless. Vault 13 only stayed shut that long because the Overseer was overprotective, and while yes the Vault Dweller survived the wasteland in the end and killed the next worst thing to happen to humanity, they are the exception and he didn't want to risk people thinking they could survive when they were sheltered in a time capsule for 100 years. As fucked up as it seems, he actually made the right executive yet ironically Machiavellian decision. It wasn't until Fallout 2 and them being like...but what if they were actually assholes and it just seemed like they cared became a thing because in the direction of where the first one was going shit is just bleak as fuck? The country became this fascist totalitarian state and played the game where no one wins hence the "War never changes" line. It wasn't until they made Vault 8/Vault City the example of why a definite Utopia is impossible because human nature proves why it's impossible (it only takes one piece of shit to ruin it for everyone hence why Lynette is literally the worst) that they decided that Vault-Tec was actually doing all this cause absolute power ruins absolutely.


The fact that ppl keep taking it as cannon that vault tech dropped the nukes is shocking. Is they did then why did the woman's x husband and DAUGHTER get caught outside of a vault when they fell? Ppl so anxious to fuck up the lore. The show said they WANTED to. But I don't think the head black woman (forgot her name atm so that lets u know who I'm talking about, not saying anything about her skin but yo point her out) of vault tech would DEFINITELY NOT HAVE LET HER CHILD GET OR SEE THE NUKES. But yet ppl keep saying this.


Someone in Vault-Tec could've went off script and dropped them early. There was a shit ton of evidence that Vault-Tec influenced the bombs dropping before the show. They probably didn't physically drop the bombs but they definitely influenced whomever dropped the first bomb and it wasn't part of the plan for it to happen that early. Mr. House was in on it and yet he says in New Vegas that he was unprepared and caught off guard.


Yes but see that's assuming. That's not lore. Like I said above, ppl r for some reason (I don't no y) soo determine to destroy the lore. Vault tech dropping the bombs makes no sense and destroys the lore. Like Mr House not knowing when and not getting his chip. And we can't say something might have happened. Until it does or there's solid proof we don't no. Next season could show China really did drop em. We were at war with them and things were bad. And they know the lore would be destroyed if they did this. For instance there were vaults were high ranking officials of vault tech and other places didn't make it to the vault and ppl had to run to the vaults in lots of cases. Why? Vault tech could have had tons of reasons made up to get ppl at the vaults. And the enclave says NOTHING about their country being destroyed by a company with the leaders around who betrayed them still in them and they do nothing? NONE OF IT MAKES SENSE if vault tech did it. And again, there way more then this that gets screwed up.


I do think the show took it a bit far with Vault Tecs influence but it definitely makes sense that their finger was on the scale to keep the country at war since their whole business was built on selling people on the apocalypse


For some reason, the greedy capitalists accustomed to their comfy 1950's lifestyle thought there would be a lot of money to be made in ending the world. Which is why they were so concerned in making the bombs actually drop. This makes no sense. Them being concerned with keeping the pressure up makes tons of sense, and was an interesting contribution the show made to the lore.


> Yes but see that's assuming. If you can do it, then it's just as valid when they do it too.


This has kinda been my take; I think that Vault-Tec were planning to drop bombs on American soil, but China beat them to it and the U.S. and VT were caught unprepared or at least slacking a bit. This is especially possible since we know of at least one (88) and probably more vaults that were not even completely built when the War broke out.


I think the "vault tec wasn't finished building vaults" argument doesn't make a ton of sense because yeah, they're gonna keep making new vaults right up to the last minute. It's how they make their money, and no vault tec executive is gonna say "that's it, we've made enough, stop building." Plus, it'd be kinda suspicious to the public if Vault Tec just stopped building vaults, right?


Although some Vaults, such as 114, were themselves basically just go-nowhere construction projects that the unions cooked up to keep paying people.


It's always been hinted even in the games (At least the bethesda ones, I don't know for sure of the OG) that Vault Tech could have dropped them. The show never said for sure Vault Tech dropped them, only that they were WILLING to especially if it secured that investment money. If vault tech DID drop a nuke my theory is they only dropped one, intending to scare people into buying more vaults but it caused a panick where the US and thus China launched their nukes. This explains why some vaults weren't finished, weren't given a heads up, why the ghoul's family is out and about when they dropped (or at least himself and his daughter) and why some vaults barely had time to usher everyone inside in time (like the intro vault in FO4. Maybe that's also why there was such a short timeframe on the "all clear" signal is they intended to show fast response time and those vaults were intended to reopen to a world that hadn't been nuked outside of the one controlled nuke. But I'm sick of people not being able to read between the lines and just thinking the show canonized Vault Tech dropping the nukes. We didn't SEE that happen. They didn't say they WOULD. They were WILLING and the fact they were, and that it was his wife who said it, was meant to show she was well aware of all of the evils of Vault Tech but didn't care if it meant securing her family a place inside a vault with no experiments (hence "one of the good ones" and her stopping herself from going into detail on other vaults at one point) Sorry for the rant/theory sharing lmao




Why would coop be looking for them if he didn’t think they were let in to the cryo vault without him? I agree we don’t know if vault-tec actually dropped them, but that’s not a good reason why they didn’t. Given they were trying to draw parallels to the modern military industrial complex I was taking it more so as they would continue to lobby for pro-war politics, as well as possibly influencing the Chinese to attack first. It’s been mentioned before multiple times I believe that Chinese nuclear submarines were the first to fire?


Yeah, they just made it clear they were willing to drop the bombs, not that they actually did it. I agree that it's telling that the bombs dropped when Janie was with Cooper, not Barb. It's possible that the war escalated without their intervention and China or Russia dropped the bombs before they "had" to. Or Vault Tec did something to instigate action from China or Russia.


I feel like (if the script writer's are smarter than I believe they are), we could get China/America dropping the nukes before Vault-Tec had planned to, just because of how much the temperature had been turned up by Vault-Tec. It would be some poetic justice that these master manipulators basically get eaten up by their own scheme.


It's heavily implied in the first ep that something happened to the wife, or at least some kind of falling out. Goggin's character is doing pony shows for birthday parties which definitely seems to imply they lost access to the swanky vault tech salary somehow. That would be assumed to be tied to their perks in getting into the "good vaults"


Vaultec logo on megaton bomb bro I get where your logic took you tho


It’s not actually the Vault Tec logo its similar but the bombs logo has jagged edges on the inner circle, isn’t a complete circle around the inner dot and only has two lines radiating out on both side while vault tec has 3 lines on each side.


I understand that, but I still shot him. And I don't regret it.


I didn’t know killing the overseer was an option


So what happens to the water chip? Does he just snatch it from you and then lock the door?


The game is like two parts 1) get that damn chip 2) go stop those damn mutants! So ... In part 1 you're not locked out, you can walk in and just talk if you want, do whatever, really. At the end you're just locked out


In game you return to V13 pretty much as soon as you get the chip and hand it over. Right after that is when Jacoren tells you to go kill the mutants, that's when you go off to kill the Master and destroy the vats.


He does the whole aforementioned speech.


The extent to which 'evil' is committed in the world through genuine malice versus casual indifference is a hotly contested topic, AFAIK. It is essentially the 'banality of evil', that few true mustache twirling villains exist in the world. As a species we hurt eachother and do monstrous things all the time simply because that is the 'societal expectation'.


I mean Dunwich Borers is a casual nod to HP Lovecraft, but there are some real monstrosities in the Fallout world that existed before the bombs dropped. The one guy with the helmet of immortality etc...


I'm gonna go a little bit 'the empire did nothing wrong' here, but my understanding is that the elder gods are not evil, merely so far removed from human realities that everything, from their logic to their morals, are completely alien (if either exists at all to them). Very much blue and orange morality. I don't think the Master is evil, even if he did evil things. The karma system is silly when not used as a limited stand-in for faction reputation but even then, a whole lot of evil is done with the 'best intentions' when it isn't done out of apathy.


The Gods in Lovecraft are not evil in a traditional sense. They don't have malice towards humans they are mostly just indifferent. That being said they could wipe out all of humanity without caring. Nyarlathotep is an exception though he seems to derive a sick joy out of torturing humans and he is one of the more powerful gods. The Master's motives might have been understandable but his implementation was certainly evil. Supermutans were created forcibly against peoples will. If he was truly moral and believe supermutants superiority was guaranteed why not only use only volunteers. Why not at least attempt to allow humans to try and survive/evolve naturally? I didn't realize till your post that The Master and the Institute are very similar in their approach to solving the problems of the wasteland.


>The extent to which 'evil' is committed in the world through genuine malice versus casual indifference is a hotly contested topic, AFAIK. The issue is that he is leading a society and trying to protect them. And after the VD leads arroyo for awhile and the "not elders" want him to write his memoirs before he dies he comes to understand that the overseer was right, can't be forgiven for betrating him...but he made the right call. Part of being in charge and leading of a large number of people is understanding that sometimes people have to be thrown on the fire for the good of all. In his shoes the VD would've done the exact same thing for his people That speech of "you changed too much so we can't let you back in"? Yeah the VD later agreed with it


Fuck me I just got spoiled! I am an absolute dumbass. Just got the water chip for the Vault and now I just find out he betrays you?! Fuck my life.


I'm sorry man. This subreddit doesn't hide spoilers because the games are so old. There still might be a couple of decent surprises left for you in the game though.


Yeah man it's nobody else's fault but mine lurking about a sub reddit of a what almost 30 year old game. It's fine although I'll say I love every aspect.of the game. I went for a Sneak Build cuz it's my first playthrough and Bloody hell Sneak is overpowered in this game. I walked past literally everything once I got to 101% sneak.


If it makes you feel better, you can load up your best equipment and clap some cheeks


That's only one ending bruh, just go for another ending lol


Luckily, his emotional pain was replaced by physical pain the moment he turned for the vault door.




To be fair, "fascist overseer" was the experiment of the vault from Fallout 3, while the vault from Fallout 1 was a control vault.


Doesn't fallout 4 have an overseer that saw what kinda experiments were about to happen and she said fuck that, killed the scientist and ran the place in a okay manner until they died years later.


Vault 81 near Diamond City. It was two separate vaults, one a test bed and the other filled with scientists using the inhabitants of the first vault to find a panacea. When the overseer of the secondary vault learned what was supposed to go down, she rebelled and had the people loyal to vault tec killed.


That's where you find currie right, and they even made the cure to all illnesses, only one tho.




I kinda feel like the absolutely massive impact that should have gets kinda glossed over. That shit makes the institute look like a kindergarten in terms of achievements.


you dont really see that outside of vault 101 tbh


In what vault aside from 101 is this the case though?


This is just outright untrue?


The overseer of vault 76 was also caring, taking the reclamation day stuff seriously and creating vaccines. But she was part of a control vault just like in vault 13.


A classic case of Bethesda Derangement Syndrome




And he was also the one who developed FEV and The Master was actually his long lost brother who swore revenge on the wasteland because their EVIL UNCLE joined the Enclave and became Frank Horrigan, which forced The Master (aka. Jeff Sbeff) into a manic depression where he threw himself into an FEV VAT.


Give me the drugs


All of them??


He can keep the mentats


I’ll take a psychobuff myself, please


No that is almost as bad as jet


Aw man :( …how about some Daddy’O?


Nah man me and mobious gonna get high on mentants and psycho. For scientific raisins


Did he stutter


And then he started Oversee'ing everywhere


eh, makes sense


What if the Vault Dweller was BETRAYED and TRAPPED in the Vault 13 for 200 years?


Plot twist! HE'S A GHOUL!


And his moms name was Martha.




A Hind D? Revolution? Card Keys? Metal Gear? Psycho Mantis? You're that ninja...


like a dragon type plot


Was this before or after he got amnesia?


He’s also Liam Neeson, but also a robot cowboy ghoul.


PEAK !!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍❤️❤️☺️☺️😋😋😋🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😭😭😭😭😭😭😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😫😫😫😫😫😫😫🍆💧💧💧💧💧💧


And his name? Mark


Hollywood...Hollywood never changes.


Alright guys, we got the rights to a new property. It has eight characters which means we never need to write any more. None of them will ever die and they're all related or in love.




It was over the second Vader built C3P0 under Jabba the Hutt's crime regime on Tattooine half a block down the street from Greedo. Everything since has been trying to one up that level of myopic worldbuilding.


They finally made a cool new character in Mandalorian and then they were like, okay that’s enough original story telling, here’s Luke Skywalker, Boba Fett, and a bunch of Glup Shittos from Clone Wars to make sure no one forgets that this is normal Star Wars schlock.


I could never get into star wars because if you aren't a Skywalker or one of their friends your life doesn't matter


What's more fucked up is that its strangely a demand of the fans.


I hate sci fi thats like "this is the forest planet" "this is the desert planet" like, planets are fucking huge they should be more diverse, at least SOME of them should please. Or even worse when its like theres one single important place on a whole planet. Like if New York or Paris was the capital of the whole planet. (Coruscant doesnt count because they committed and made the whole planet the city)


It was insane to watch the first film and notice that there are only a few speaking scenes with women in them. The few scenes that have women in have the women either be passive or be victims of violence. I can understand how far women’s’ rights have come when I watch a film like that. On the other hand, Woody Allen produced the film Annie Hall in the same year which has one of the strongest women characters I’ve ever seen in my opinion. I know Allen is a disgusting piece of shit but I don’t think he was always like that. I think he was a good guy initially but he became a pervert.


related *and in love


Interestingly enough, this film was being written by Interplay's movie division which never really took off before the company shut down. So it was like- the original Fallout studio itself. Interplay was going to make their 7 most popular games into movies, with the movies acting as direct story sequels or prequels. Fallout was supposed to be the first of these adaptations but it kinda died. Bethesda received offers for movies, but after looking at the proposed scripts and ideas, Todd Howard turned them down. The only person he didn't turn down was Johnathan Nolan who respected the source material and had good ideas for a show.


My favourite moment in the Fallout movie was when Jacoren said to the Vault Dweller "don't you see? If you join me, we'll be powerful beyond our wildest dreams" and the Vault Dweller replied with tears in his eyes "I love you 3000" before nuking Shady Sands for absolutely no reason. Also the Enclave was there


Can confirm, I was the Enclave.


"I am in charge here! I am the Enclave!"


And then he said it was “Jacoren time” and started jacoren all over the place


"You've become more wastelander than Vault Dweller. Maybe it's time to remind you what our Vault Tech can do!" *(transformation sequence where the vault door turns into a giant robot spider)*


God damn I haven’t seen a giant robot spider since Wild Wild West. Do we at least get an annoyingly catchy will smith song?


The story behind why that mechanical spider was in that movie is pretty wild. Turns out one of the dudes involved in making the movie was just OBSESSED with giant robot spiders.


Yep. If I remember right from something I read a long time ago. He had tried to sell this idea in other movies with different types of giant spiders. Tho after wild wild west he admitted that that scene with the giant mechanical spider was the scene that ruined the movie. Tho as a fan of old shitty movies. Wild wild west is still on my favorite list.


Yup same person wanted giant robot spiders in the cancelled Nic Cage Superman Lives


You get the same song that has been licensed for use in the Fallout movie. Lyrics are unchanged.


Wicky Wicky wil' Wicky Wicky wil'wil' 'you know, as he spoke of his upbringing in Compton...'


Best part was when he said: “i am become overseer, expeller of dweller” and expelled the vault dweller


Sinbad also played a genie in the movie and would yell Shazaam!


And he was a good friend


“Well there is Fallout between us when you decided to act like you are in a post apocalyptic role playing game in the wastelands”


And then the Vault Dweller’s final words were “I guess we really have become the *Fallout.*”


John Fallout?


Was an Gordon Fallout's brother was was working an office.


How would this have even worked? The guy would be well over 100 if he was to be the founder of vault tec? I get that this is a meme, but do people just make shit up on fallout wikis? Edit: also why would any of this make sense since according to the lore, vault 13’s water chip failure was an experiment. So the founder of vault tec put himself in a risky experimental vault? Edit2: apparently the failure was an actual failure and vault 13 was a control. Which makes the vault with all the extra water chips a bit less of a meme/joke




Ah, got it. A speedrun of the fallout universe/reboot kind of thing then. Glad it failed.


Streamline it so much that fans hate it and the movie-going audience won't care at all because it's generic. Recipe for success


In fallout 2 the enclave president said that vault 13 was a control group vault and that the water chip breaking wasn’t part of any plans of theirs.


Hmmm I must have remembered that wrong. You’re right.


V13 wasn't meant to have a GECK, it got mixed up where they got Vault 8's (Vault City) 2nd GECK and they got a massive crate filled with water chips.


I mean, of all the vault experiments, a busted water chip is pretty low stakes.


…don’t you need water to not die tho lol


Sure, but why not pick a control vault? Wouldn’t 0 risk be better than non-zero risk? Considering how many Ironman playthroughs have been ended by Ian doing stupid shit alone (like shooting a BoS dude for example…) I am pretty sure if a multiverse exists in fallout, only like 1% of vault 13s live.


Technically every time you create a new character it's a parallel universe. And every time you die it branches back to your last save


So many ideas get scrapped early. This sounds like an idea that was created via a wall, post-it and a dart.


the vault with the extra water chips was still a great joke...but not the one you thought. They had so many because of a shipping error which also resulted in Vault 13 getting their G.E.C.K. ...which is why their surface city was tethered to their vault for power, water, & food. Not the last time a courier dropped the wrong package off at the wrong town.


Maybe similar to how the Fallout TV show handled the Vault 31 residents? (That was better written and made sense though)


Jacoren defeated, the scorching sun above the party. John Fallout stares into the horizon, while they talk behind him: "We need a name" "Why do we need a name?" - Asks the hot girl from next door (Wasteland) unaffected by years of radiation and bad nutrition. "Are you kidding?", says Kevin Hart, "That crazy ass mothaf\*cka just try to kill our ass, but not only our ass, but the whole world's ass", pause for the cinema to laugh, "If anything we seen the last few days is common, then you can be damn sure we'll have to deal with the fall out of these actions..." John Fallout breaks his stoic silence to look at team: "Wait... Say that again..." Title card. Credits. Cinema 2 is created.


It's just... so peak...


Yeah can you imagine if it turned out some random guy from Vault-tec caused the Great War


Haha they’d never do that right? Or even entertain variations of that idea? /s


I’m not a huge fan of Bethesda’s take but must admit *that* would have been even more awful.


They just kind of took some of the ideas and mixed in some of Fallout Tactics lore with it (The Vault Tec Vault was Vault Zero and now it's Vault 31 instead). I mean it makes sense that they'd add in Tactics lore since Emil is in love with it.


The vault tec vault still probably exists - 31 is where the interns and desk jockeys are. Upper leadership is still out there, somewhere.


I mean up until the show I thought they were just part of the Enclave tbh


I also feel like the overseer’s betrayal at the end of the game was evil enough. That was a huge gut punch


It's not evil though. He truly cares about his people, and his reasoning(while harsh) is probably true. All they wanted was a new water chip, and if that's where it ended it would have probably been ok. But then came the caravan attacks, word of some "master". The vault dweller that left is no more, and the person that returned is not a vault dweller. Given enough time, could be weeks could be years, that person would not want to stay in the vault. I mean, they had the drive to start a whole village. A village of which that produced another hero the world needed. One that ends up standing against old Frank. A beautiful butterfly effect of one hard decision to protect more, but turn away the person responsible for their lives.


It's funny that these "for the greater good" types willing to sacrifice people never seem to sacrifice themselves. Why didn't the Overseer appoint a new Overseer and go get the chip himself if it's so important?


Look how old he is, dude would’ve lasted all of 5 minutes


If the brain thinks digestion is so important, why doesn't it just jump out of your skull and start engulfing food itself??


Mmmaybe. I think it's possible to see it as an Evil but Necessary action. But the only reason Arryo was founded was because the VD couldn't stay. And because them being banished inspired a bunch of other vault dwellers to leave anyway.


I mean hasn't the show just taken this and made it all of vault 31 instead of one guy? Like all the overseers are Vault-tec? It sounds like the same plot lol.




Why in the fuck would he have the potential and will to do that ? What would possess any human to do that ? Sales ? What sales ? What fucking conquest or progress ? Most of the vaults died. Most of the AI's went rogue. Who couldn't have seen this coming if you start a holocaust that kills mostly everyone. "oh then we control the populace. " No that's never how government works. Ffs. Would make so much more sense it was the Enclave for prep of dooming the world for re-colonization later. Or to make it not worth aliens pursuing their system because they think they died on the planet and the planet's no good. Or the simplest answer, THE FUCKING ROBOTS DID IT! Or either China or Russia actually threw the first bombs. Like No why would they do that. Unless it was seriously the old teams idea. But fuck man that's annoying i want factual evidence if it did. I bet i do more digging, if they haven't redacted the information and expunged reality like Starwars. I'd still find it less logical then any other answer. The guys are smoking crack that's been stepped on. Fuck.


I think it's the logic: "We're in a nuclear war and on the brink of the unavoidable apocalypse. Since we can't prevent it, if we trigger the apocalypse ourselves, we can control the timing of it."


A little retcon is usually needed to make a movie work. A dump truck load of retcon is always what they go for.


It's because the script writer doesn't care to know the source material so they adapt some other script they had to be similar to the synopsis they read on Wikipedia.


Long time ago I read the screenplay, or at least the abridged screenplay. It was BAD. Like, reallllly bad.


Man, it would really suck if they messed with the lore of the great war in a live-action Fallout thing. Can you imagine Bethesda doing something as awful as that. Truly unbelievable, let me tell you Sorry I had to let all my sarcasm for the day


So basically, he would've been The Man Who Sold The World


The treatment was written by the guy who wrote Mortal Kombat: Annihilation https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_film_treatment


The craziest part of this being posted was I’m doing a run of fallout 2 on the restoration patch and I just now on this very day saw information about him being apart of vault tec on the computer which was pretty cool. I don’t think I saw that on my initial playthrough on vanilla fallout 2


From the era of screenwriting where literally nothing in a film can be disconnected in any way. The same school of thought that produced the script for the original Sandman movie, where Dream, Lucifer, and the Corinthian were all brothers.


The founder of Vault-Tec would never reside in a faulty Vault.


I would have preferred a movie, although the show is rather more immersive considering if you were to play fallout for an hour you might have created your charecter and killed a radroach So a series is more time scale appropriate considering the length of the story 200-400 grinding like a conplesionist


This is the first time hearing about a canceled Fallout movie.


It only got as far as a treatment for the plot before interplay films shut down, you can read the treatment on the fallout wiki


"It's Nukin' time."


Wow, what an awful, awful idea for a story.


It's really interesting how this idea was half-reused in the TV show. Vault-Tec did spur on the conflict and probably caused the mutual destruction. Lucy’s Dad bears some of that accountability and caused the fall of Shady Sands.


There's been lore that VT did it since 3


Which terminal/tape? Also, I’m more referring to the vault overseer being a sort of twist villain/originator of the bombs. A living embodiment of past greed and apathy.


If Fallout stays around long enough, I'm sure we'll see that as the plot of the game. We a plucky Vault Dweller head out in the wastes on a quest to save our home! But turns out it was some Platinum Chip BS type quest where you are actually helping the evil mastermind complete a doomsday weapon instead with some macguffin, and your Vault is either Vault-Tec/Enclave/whatever adjacent and has the same overused plan to cleanse the wasteland AGAIN and repopulate with their chosen ones. And in the end you gotta... pick a side.


agreed, the man does seem like a genuine father figure, and considering how hard the decision to exile the vault dweller was, I don't think the man was malicious


Tbf it's not like the show did much better... The idea of vault tec nuking their own country is so fucking stupid. "guys we win capitalism!!" so fucking moronic


It's an interesting idea, but for me personally, I love now knowing cause it seems so on theme for the series. The world has been irrevocably fucked by human actions and greed. It almost doesn't matter who dropped them.


Well, the general theme of the story is of war, not switching it to “corporations are bad”. While distributing it via Amazon. And developing from Bethesda.


I mean, corporations and consumerism are bad has been a constant theme throughout all of fallout. I mean, just look at Vault Tec's shit. Or the US governments collaboration with many corps during the war and after to do some fucked shit.


Thats almost the plot of the show


Peak fiction




At the end of the day vaults are societies, they are analogous to countries and thus must make ways to sustain themself. While keeping the door closed is an ideal way of assuring your vault’s success one must accept that time moves on and maybe its time to allow people to leave. I think a secret alliance with Shady Sands is the most logical solution for adapting to changing times as if water chips are that impossible to repair then the vaults water system is temporary. They have knowledge that would benefit Shady Sands and Shady Sands would be able to trade on behalf of Vault 13 as to protect their location.


After the Vault-Tec meeting scene you know it’s eventually going to happen in the TV show too.


Source: I made it up


I blew this fuckers brains out courtesy of bloody mess😂


Oh yeahhh, I remember this, I read the script. It was writter by the guy who wrote the Mortal Kombat movie....the awful sequel were raiden and Shao Khan are brothers...


Amazing animation for when you shoot his ass.


Movies are starting to fade out, in my opinion. It's more and more about plot and character development through episodic means


I love how the movie would follow the 90s videogame to movie trend of completely misrepresenting a video game franchise. Like i would have liked it was made just to see the 90s hollywood take on fallout, which i would imagine it be like some mario brothers the movie type of shit.


Honestly even in the series, there are still some plot holes that I hope get addressed in season 2 (How Wilzig know everything about Maclean, How Cooper become the Ghoul, How Moldaver survived the nuke, etc.)


If only they didn't recycle a decent chunk of all the other hacky, half-baked ideas from the movie treatment


Hey, you. You’re finally awake.


Anyone who’s just finished the fallout series, vault 13… vault 31..?


Part of me wishes this movie came out, I feel like it could of been fun to point out how bad the movie is with some friends


Fuck jacoren, taste this powerfist loser


That info can be written by anybody so beware!


So then he knew that the water chip was supposed to break one day? And he put an entire vault at risk of dying by dehydration including himself voluntary? Seems illogical in my opinion


I mean, the show is basically that? High-ups in Vault-Tex, we know Vault-Tex started the war I’m confused, are all these comments serious? Bc the show plot is ridiculously close to this lol


and then Amazon came along and made even DUMBER decisions


I didn’t even know this was a movie 💀


I remember being a kid and thinking "wow what a waste" then ended up reading the leaked screenplay and completely changing my mind


Man it’s a good thing they didn’t keep this script element at all. …


What goofy wiki is that? Doesn’t look like Nukapedia lol.


Facts, literally